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Of course, he's a protagonist so of course he's not in real danger. This isn't Game of Thrones. Of course even there its fairly clear which characters have plot protection.

I don't necessarily think it's about whether or not the protagonist can die (or lose, or fail at his goal, or whatever). It's about whether the audience can suspend their disbelief enough to at least entertain the possibility.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 3

I had thought I'd find a refuge from incest in Jojo. I thought wrong.


Fucking disgusting.


I'm getting serious Scrapped Princess vibes from Chaika but I guess I'm like 2 weeks late on that sentiment.

I forget where it was in Scrapped that I started to dislike the show. Hopefully Chaika doesn't disappoint.


I'm getting serious Scrapped Princess vibes from Chaika but I guess I'm like 2 weeks late on that sentiment.

I forget where it was in Scrapped that I started to dislike the show. Hopefully Chaika doesn't disappoint.

My takeaway from all these comparison is I should watch Scrapped Princess!


Tohka is just a child in a spirit body .i'm pretty sure she doesn't even realise that she love shido yet .. It's funny because she long for affection but she doesn't even have that concept properly set.
One could argue that tohka argues with origami because of jealousy , but in fact it's not even that tohka is just worried that she would time with shido.( alone )

In short ? she is nothing but a kid. inside.

tohka being like a kid is her charm. Shes an adorable moron and I love her for it.

Well, most anime you can watch after the fact and still be fine (whether or not you want to is a whole other discussion lol). Endless Eight is a product of its time and is of only academic value 5 years after the fact. Much like a 5 year old sportsball game.

in that case perhaps but most shows were a lot more fun to watch as they aired and people were genuinely surprised by the twists. there were no winking recomnendations to give away the secret, everybody raged together.

Doesn't mean you have to be all condescending about it.

There are reasons to wish for something to be faithful, just as there are reasons to wish for something to not be faithful.

i see no reason why an adaptation should stray too far from the source material unless necessary.

Shaft knows what its doing. Youre just seeing version 1.0

Moon Phase 1

Cute OP. The camera loves Sensei a bit too much. Shaky cam in anime? Hazuki is so much :cajun.

Yea she is. Youll like her a lot probably. You might really like another character later on too.


My takeaway from all these comparison is I should watch Scrapped Princess!

Oh it's definitely worth a watch. I remember why I started disliking it (related to the plot) but it may not be a big deal for others. It's certainly not a terrible show.


Overpowered characters are fine as long as they're not overpowered. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but what I mean is that the character can be overpowered compared to a very large percentage of the cast but they still need a foil or someone of equivalent strength to go against, otherwise it becomes boring. The two examples I'm thinking of is Frank Underwood and Walter White. Walter had multiple good rivals along with his own ego tripping him up multiple times. Frank Underwood however really doesn't have any competition and while it's fun to see him curb stomp people, the show does suffer from having a lack of a strong antagonist. It can't be understated how crucial having a strong antagonist is, as they can not only be fun in their own right but also serve to balance out the protagonist.


Overpowered characters are fine as long as they're not overpowered. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but what I mean is that the character can be overpowered compared to a very large percentage of the cast but they still need a foil or someone of equivalent strength to go against, otherwise it becomes boring. The two examples I'm thinking of is Frank Underwood and Walter White. Walter had multiple good rivals along with his own ego tripping him up multiple times. Frank Underwood however really doesn't have any competition and while it's fun to see him curb stomp people, the show does suffer from having a lack of a strong antagonist. It can't be understated how crucial having a strong antagonist is, as they can not only be fun in their own right but also serve to balance out the protagonist.

The possible issue with this is that it can create another Dragon Ball situation. If someone even stronger appears, the protagonist will have to level up to fight them, and the underpowered cast will then become just useless. There will be a bunch of Yamchas rooting for him.

I'd rather have characters that never lose, not because they're so strong that every fight is a one hit KO, but because they come up with ridiculous plans after a lot of struggle that can beat enemies far stronger than they are, like Joseph in Battle Tendency. When the fight starts you're already expecting the "Now you're gonna say" moment, but the fight is still entertaining as hell.

Taking the Mahouka dude as an example, I didn't mind his 2 seconds victory in the last episode because it was just a secondary dude that no one cares and stronger foes will probably appear later on, but it would be more entertaining if he was vastly superior when it comes to tactics and his superhuman hability of reading the magic just looking at the signs, before the enemy even finishes activating it. He wouldn't be able to finish the fight in two seconds, but instead would play around with the guy for a bit longer, denying everything he tried and then finished the fight by attacking through an opening. He would still be ridiculously overpowered compared to that dude, but someone who's just really strong would probably beat his ass anyway. He'd have to come up with plans using other people's strenghts too instead of just relying on his own.


Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matustaro 1-2

Expected much worse given how unlikable everyone said he was but thought it was just a function of how exaggerated everything else had been presented to this point. It was just comical, especially stealing candy from a baby.

Also the OP fucking rocks.


It's not his fault that people are crazy!

do I look crazy to you?

dont tell me thats a real screencap..

Dennou Coil 1

This was the only show on Jexhius' list I'd never heard of before, and I liked the concept so I thought I'd check it out.

Really good first episode. Established all our characters, and brought us into the world without having to dump a bunch of exposition on us. Mystery! Virtual reality! Kids! Lot of interesting things going on, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. Also like the art, and the animation is very good.

Densuke is the best little buddy. Oyaji is also pretty great.

this is like closing your eyes and walking right into a diamond mine. Youre gonna love this.

Chaika 01

Honestly the most fun I've had watching a BONES series in probably years and certainly a better first impression than the other show this season.

Reminds me a bit of Scrapped Princess and DTB S2
(loli with a giant ass fucking magic gun and a bum hobo dude with some funky ass powers and an affinity for daggers - who would also be a total raging alcoholic if he was a few years older)
wrapped into one.

dem eyebrows.

Also that unicorn got fucked. Hard.

Definitely going to check out more of this show. Cautiously optimistic.

Its definitely a great start. If it really is similar to Scrapped Princess then. Weve got potential gold here.


Crunchyroll, if someone's interesting in trying it out:

5QJVFLTU9NT All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid Jul 18, 2014
5R6FNLQXBUK All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid Jun 4, 2014
L38ZR47U546 All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid May 5, 2014


Crunchyroll, if someone's interesting in trying it out:

5QJVFLTU9NT All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid Jul 18, 2014
5R6FNLQXBUK All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid Jun 4, 2014
L38ZR47U546 All-Access Guest Pass - 48 Hours Valid May 5, 2014

Thanks i grabbed L38ZR47U546 now to see if the hd quality is good on cr.
Say "I Love You"

because I was in the mood for some fluffy, decided on a whim to watch this. Was shoujo as fuck, but it was pretty adorable. Mei's awesome. So much drama tho. Then again, it is shoujo.


Daimidaler 03

Jake was barely in this episode! Most of the screentime was taken up by Ritz, and I'm okay with that. She dresses like a magician, speaks half in English and has the vocal power of Aya Suzaki behind her. The climax of this week's fight was just as goofy as everything else the series has thrown so far, and any scene with the Penguin Empire is good for a few laughs.


I like OP character like Jotaro even I know many other people doesn't like it that much, Lead Dog trope like this is very charming to me on its own right. Being strong and charismatic is very natural desire, and I'll not lie Dominant presence like that is pretty cool for me and inspiring as lame that sound, many people said Underdog character is more exciting, and that's true.. their journey feel more satisfying, but the more dominant presence is usually the one that I more admire as character, that's guilty pleasure of mine lol.

OP character but the author somehow want to pretend us they're underdog like Mahouka pull is frigging lame though, I don't buy that shit..its a big BS to see have many monologue being so weak, its the very definition of no balls. Gundam SEED also pull this shit with Kira Yamato.

If you want make an OP Character, at least make them have confidence to their abilities.. untouchable presence, destroying insect like no one else business.. that's boring? yeah, being dominant is boring, like sport superstars that can destroying low-tier team on his own. You're special. There's nothing that more annoying than talented person that have low-esteem and have disbelief on their own selves fuck that. If you're that good, crush those lowly insect with ease, full of confidence and thinking no one else is better, make the average joe admire you while the other saying you're boring because being too good.

Mondaiji had OP characters and I feel like thats how they should be done. They are arrogant and overconfident but seem like they earn the right to be.

Is Now and Then, Here and There any good?

I like it. Opinions are obviously mixed. It goes heavy handed sometimes but Hamdo is legit insane and really makes the show work.

JJ ruined Trek for me. I honestly believe my life was better before I watched Into Darkness.

I see Into Darkness as a new age
wrath of Kahn
i mean thats basically what it is. Nothing wrong with that. It was pretty faithful.


Setec Astronomer
Overpowered characters are fine as long as they're not overpowered. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but what I mean is that the character can be overpowered compared to a very large percentage of the cast but they still need a foil or someone of equivalent strength to go against, otherwise it becomes boring. The two examples I'm thinking of is Frank Underwood and Walter White. Walter had multiple good rivals along with his own ego tripping him up multiple times. Frank Underwood however really doesn't have any competition and while it's fun to see him curb stomp people, the show does suffer from having a lack of a strong antagonist. It can't be understated how crucial having a strong antagonist is, as they can not only be fun in their own right but also serve to balance out the protagonist.
It's also important to remember that there are multiple ways to produce external conflict and internal conflict counts too. For example, many "show of power" moments where the protagonist is wiping the floor with an opponent represent a moment of vindication or catharsis. Maybe after long and arduous training and preparation he was able to achieve what nobody would ever give him credit for, and only in the actual fight is he able to convince people how good he actually is. Other times dominance at something is balanced with vulnerability elsewhere, like personal relationships. Other times the conflict involves the ability to sustain performance, perhaps defying age or increased competition. It's also possible to have a protagonist in a state of dominance but is unfulfilled, and character development revolves around learning to love what is being done, perhaps through watching over the effort of others and finding actual competition (the good parts of Yawara involved this, by the way).

But when you have a character faces no threats of any kind, no meaningful conflict or dispute of any kind with anyone, and nothing left to settle or grow on internally, where do you go from there?
Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matustaro 1-2

Expected much worse given how unlikable everyone said he was but thought it was just a function of how exaggerated everything else had been presented to this point. It was just comical, especially stealing candy from a baby.

Also the OP fucking rocks.

To think that you feel it's funny when a grown ass man steals candy from a baby, you make me sick.
Just Kidding


Can someone clarify a few things for me about Harmonie? I don't think I quite get it.

Did he just get the same dream because he was listening to track 2 while sleeping then? But the fact that she was so happy that she finally had someone to share it and felt like she wasn't a freak for having those dreams, whatever they might be, on top of him already liking her and craving for that relationship stopped him from actually explaining the situation, saying what made him have the dream and say that he only drew that because he damage hers (or maybe she thinks that's her drawing since she doesn't remember it well)?

If so, I guess that makes it a good and closed story with great art and animation, though maybe it would benefit from having Kotonoha no Niwa's duration? I don't know.

Overall I really liked it, but I'm not sure if I got it.


That part was great
You might be kidding, but after reading his post, I already defriended Narag on every service. RIP. :(

I mean Matustaro is one of the most unlikeable piece of shit of a prick, and maybe he might get redemption later on but for me his shittyness will forever be tainted and that it will take a miracle to change my stance on that.


Kokoro Connect - 07

Extreme Situation the anime.. I feel bad for these guy, this is like what happened if God is bored and send the angel to troll the fuck out some high schooler.


I mean Matustaro is one of the most unlikeable piece of shit of a prick, and maybe he might get redemption later on but for me his shittyness will forever be tainted and that it will take a miracle to change my stance on that.

I think I've given up on "redemption" completely, and right now I want to see how much more of a douchebag they can make him out to be in each subsequent episode, since the bar has been raised pretty high!


Dragonar Academy 03

Lots of stuff going on. The show isn't bad, it just feels like it's cramming a lot into a small space. A lot of terminology and history flying about, and now the origin of Ash's Kamen Rider armor is explained. That whole segment in the mindspace just made me think of customizing a video game character, and of course Eco had to give it to him with the most tsundere-like lines one could imagine. And Rebecca has the same mythological power base as F/SN's Lancer, it seems. The ED lyrics are suitably goofy, and I think that covers everything. The earlier, lighter stuff on Saturdays makes a good contrast to the other shows later in the day - and with its Shafitness but still romcom leanings, Nisekoi really is a good transition point.
Space Brothers 92:
So now we also have a cartoonish depiction of a Jamaican guy? For all that Space Brothers is otherwise excellent, I feel like it really makes some missteps when it comes to depictions of race. This isn't as bad as those stupid cartoons at the end of the episode, but it's still something that they deserve to catch heat for.

Moving past that, we have Mutta meeting up his new crew, who seem like a pretty weird bunch. I'm not sure how all of these people are ever going to learn to work together, but at least Mutta and Andy already have a relationship going, so they should be okay. I'll be interested to see who winds up being the last member of the group.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Gundam AGE question

Is the white wolf guy cheating with the wife of the mobile suit factory owner?


Space Brothers 92:
So now we also have a cartoonish depiction of a Jamaican guy? For all that Space Brothers is otherwise excellent, I feel like it really makes some missteps when it comes to depictions of race. This isn't as bad as those stupid cartoons at the end of the episode, but it's still something that they deserve to catch heat for.

Moving past that, we have Mutta meeting up his new crew, who seem like a pretty weird bunch. I'm not sure how all of these people are ever going to learn to work together, but at least Mutta and Andy already have a relationship going, so they should be okay. I'll be interested to see who winds up being the last member of the group.
I still cannot comprehend why they took up all those valuable minutes of airtime through the series for the Mr. Hibbit cartoons.
I still cannot comprehend why they took up all those valuable minutes of airtime through the series for the Mr. Hibbit cartoons.

I assume it was a stall tactic to push off getting caught up with the manga. Something similar to putting longer recaps at the start of the episode, just with it being new material instead.
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