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People say incest is the end of anime watches JoJo. But joking aside most/some Anime's do have incest vibes or a better word for it Brother complex or the other way around, and you just got to deal with it since it's just fiction or ignore it. I mean I know a lot of people who watch Games of Thrones and we all know it has real incest, but like I said it's just fiction and people watch it for entertainment and not for realism. And I for one am against incest in real life. But in the end we are all just hypocrites.


sealed with a kiss
People say incest is the end of anime watches JoJo. But joking aside most/some Anime's do have incest vibes or a better word for it Brother complex or the other way around, and you just got to deal with it since it's just fiction or ignore it. I mean I know a lot of people who watch Games of Thrones and we all know it has real incest, but like I said it's just fiction and people watch it for entertainment and not for realism. And I for one am against incest in real life. But in the end we are all just hypocrites.

Most anime don't have these "incest vibes" though

my way of dealing with it is not watching the few trashy shows that do have it, and not throwing my hands in the air and saying "well we all hypocrites in the end"
People say incest is the end of anime watches JoJo. But joking aside most/some Anime's do have incest vibes or a better word for it Brother complex or the other way around, and you just got to deal with it since it's just fiction or ignore it. I mean I know a lot of people who watch Games of Thrones and we all know it has real incest, but like I said it's just fiction and people watch it for entertainment and not for realism. And I for one am against incest in real life. But in the end we are all hypocrites.

There's a difference between portraying incest as something which happens, but also showing it as being pretty depraved and depicting it negatively (as Game of Thrones does, and plenty of other works of fiction do), and presenting incest pandering.

People's complaints about incest in anime aren't related to the existence of it (after all, people love Utena); the complaints are centered around the depraved anime which try to glorify incest and pander to weirdoes who have fetishes about it. That's a complete different thing.


The possible issue with this is that it can create another Dragon Ball situation. If someone even stronger appears, the protagonist will have to level up to fight them, and the underpowered cast will then become just useless. There will be a bunch of Yamchas rooting for him.

I'd rather have characters that never lose, not because they're so strong that every fight is a one hit KO, but because they come up with ridiculous plans after a lot of struggle that can beat enemies far stronger than they are, like Joseph in Battle Tendency. When the fight starts you're already expecting the "Now you're gonna say" moment, but the fight is still entertaining as hell.

Taking the Mahouka dude as an example, I didn't mind his 2 seconds victory in the last episode because it was just a secondary dude that no one cares and stronger foes will probably appear later on, but it would be more entertaining if he was vastly superior when it comes to tactics and his superhuman hability of reading the magic just looking at the signs, before the enemy even finishes activating it. He wouldn't be able to finish the fight in two seconds, but instead would play around with the guy for a bit longer, denying everything he tried and then finished the fight by attacking through an opening. He would still be ridiculously overpowered compared to that dude, but someone who's just really strong would probably beat his ass anyway. He'd have to come up with plans using other people's strenghts too instead of just relying on his own.

I would say there are a lot more issues with ensemble casts and there really isn't a way to avoid Yamcha situations when you have firm power rankings.

It's also important to remember that there are multiple ways to produce external conflict and internal conflict counts too. For example, many "show of power" moments where the protagonist is wiping the floor with an opponent represent a moment of vindication or catharsis. Maybe after long and arduous training and preparation he was able to achieve what nobody would ever give him credit for, and only in the actual fight is he able to convince people how good he actually is. Other times dominance at something is balanced with vulnerability elsewhere, like personal relationships. Other times the conflict involves the ability to sustain performance, perhaps defying age or increased competition. It's also possible to have a protagonist in a state of dominance but is unfulfilled, and character development revolves around learning to love what is being done, perhaps through watching over the effort of others and finding actual competition (the good parts of Yawara involved this, by the way).

But when you have a character faces no threats of any kind, no meaningful conflict or dispute of any kind with anyone, and nothing left to settle or grow on internally, where do you go from there?

I think both are really critical but you can get away with one if you have compelling enough material. A good antagonist works not only as external conflict but they also serve to highlight the internal aspects and hopefully amplify those internal issues. The pressure from whatever source needs to really push the character, and not just in the "I can't cast baby spells despite being able to nuke fleets", so that the character has to go beyond their own normal limits. Like if the person is near flawless at work, their family drama better be crippling to the point of affecting the person at their job. This drama has to serve to either further the character development or character understanding on the part of the audience(otherwise it just becomes pointless and a way of spinning the wheels).
I would say there are a lot more issues with ensemble casts and there really isn't a way to avoid Yamcha situations when you have firm power rankings.

I think both are really critical but you can get away with one if you have compelling enough material. A good antagonist works not only as external conflict but they also serve to highlight the internal aspects and hopefully amplify those internal issues. The pressure from whatever source needs to really push the character, and not just in the "I can't cast baby spells despite being able to nuke fleets", so that the character has to go beyond their own normal limits. Like if the person is near flawless at work, their family drama better be crippling to the point of affecting the person at their job. In short, there needs to be some sort of character development or character understanding on the part of the audience.

But who doesn't like nuking fleets in anime or manga.


Nisekoi 15

The era of Asumisu is a great thing to be in. Marika's charming, especially when she reverts to her old accent. And her dad is Fumihiko Tachiki - you can tell because he does the Gendou pose, like half the characters he plays are bound to do. Now that all the girls sort of know what's going on, the sense of competition can surely only improve going forward. I like the new opening - it tells a miniature story of its own, and it uses Shaft visuals to their fullest. The new Tsugumi ED is pretty nice, too.


Nisekoi 15

The era of Asumisu is a great thing to be in. Marika's charming, especially when she reverts to her old accent. And her dad is Fumihiko Tachiki - you can tell because he does the Gendou pose, like half the characters he plays are bound to do. Now that all the girls sort of know what's going on, the sense of competition can surely only improve going forward. I like the new opening - it tells a miniature story of its own, and it uses Shaft visuals to their fullest. The new Tsugumi ED is pretty nice, too.
I'm just going to steal this and use it as my episode impression too, since the bolded are literally the only things I was going to say about the episode.
Except I don't like the new OP quite as much compared to CLICK, even if it is a bit more dynamic visually.

edit: holy shit, I just realized that everything when they first arrived at the apartment building was also a blatant Evangelion reference, what with the keycard, rolling floor number display, and that brief shot of inside the elevator. Sasgua Shaft.


Brynhildr in the Darkness 1

"I'm not your childhood friend."



Subete no aware
It was in the title; what else were you expecting?
Star Trek: Heart of Darkness!

in that case perhaps but most shows were a lot more fun to watch as they aired and people were genuinely surprised by the twists. there were no winking recomnendations to give away the secret, everybody raged together.
School Days is still more fun to watch then, say, any even from the Olympics that just finished a few months ago. lol


I mean Matustaro is one of the most unlikeable piece of shit of a prick, and maybe he might get redemption later on but for me his shittyness will forever be tainted and that it will take a miracle to change my stance on that.

I hope he ends up an OP sumo wrestler and you end up recanting!
Gundam War in the Pocket

Hey, now I can say I watched something Gundam in my life. Pity it was kind of meh.
The idea of a small story (6 eps) about not something big and epic, but a small military plan in a noname neutral space colony seen from the eyes of a civilian, a kid, isn't bad, in fact I like it's that way and not your typical mech story.

Showing it from the perspective of the little guy, the grave consequences that your run of the mill mech fight have for the normal people ("oh, that explosion that you see in the background done by the red shirt?, it actually was a kindergarten. Great job, jackass!") and how both sides are for them bad, etc. I supposed that would be the idea. And it's there, but...

In the end, it doesn't work very well. Most of the time, the series is closer to the range of boring than anything else. There is payoff in the end part, but it isn't like is particularly interesting or insightful or incredibly well executed as to be worthy. There could have been some use of the division of loyalties idea, but it's barely a footnote.
In general, it follows a very predictable course:
the kid is traumatized in the end, and learns that the Federation pilot was the neighbor, the SF group isn't successful, the Gundam pilot wins. and the blond Zaku pilot dies.

The little kid that drives the story is idiot and annoying and obnoxious and ignorant, reminding you why people usually don't like little kids in movies. I so wanted to see his family and friends killed in action so he could understand that no, war isn't a fucking game (Am I a bad person?).
Ironically he is also incredibly resourceful for a little kid, even more than the blond pilot that serves as second protagonist, but that's plot progression for you.

The big onee-sama redhead is one of the strong points of the series. Rawwr!

The very ironic final scene was good, I have to give that.


Nisekoi ep 15
Now I know the real nutjob in the show is Raku's dad. What a real douche.

Can't wait for Marika to go hilarious troll mode which makes her many of mangagaf's favourite girl.

Link Man

Moon Phase 2

Really enjoying the relationship between Kouhei and Hazuki, and that ending on the cliff was straight out of Castlevania.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Did he just get the same dream because he was listening to track 2 while sleeping then? But the fact that she was so happy that she finally had someone to share it and felt like she wasn't a freak for having those dreams, whatever they might be, on top of him already liking her and craving for that relationship stopped him from actually explaining the situation, saying what made him have the dream and say that he only drew that because he damage hers (or maybe she thinks that's her drawing since she doesn't remember it well)?

I think the implication is that they both have an exaggerated form of Synethesia, which is a neurological condition when the brain misinterprets some nerve signals for others. It's rare that two people would have the exact same type of synethesia with the same cause and effects, and the idea that you could embed an entire visual sequence using only sounds is clearly fantastical, but that's the general gist of it.

Anyway, having synethesia can be a little scary, because you don't know whether your subjective experiences are "normal". If you have people around you telling you you're crazy for seeing colors in music, that is a pretty heavy burden for a small child, which is why Juri became withdrawn in junior high school and disliked the idea of standing out. For her, being "different" is a traumatic experience.

The reason she was throwing herself at Akio is that he is literally the only person in the world who can understand her, who perceives the same world of music-colors she does.


I think the implication is that they both have an exaggerated version of Synethesia, which is a neurlogical condition when the brain misinterprets some stimulation signals for others. It's rare that two people would have the exact same type of Synethesia with the same cause and effects, and the idea that you could embed an entire visual sequence using only sounds is clearly fantastical, but that's the general gist of it.

What would be hers?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Chromesthesia or sound-to-color synesthesia is a type of synesthesia in which heard sounds automatically and involuntarily evoke an experience of color.[1]
This also explains Akio's "perfect pitch", because he's not just distinguishing between sounds acoustically, but he's able to "see" them as well, like a Winamp visualizer.


I'm sorry, but I really don't think I get it. I mean, I get the idea and how that could explain his reaction, but I don't get how that relates to her. >_<
There's a 2nd PV out for the newest Date a Live game.

Yeah, gaming side weren't that hyped for some completely unknown reason.

Man, that Date a Live thing has a questionable character design.
You have a questionable character design.

You are questioning the great Tsunako?
My man. Absolutely adore her work and it's entirely possible I wouldn't have paid
much attention to DAL without her.

On a related note, I saw this on the Fairy Fencer F website (she's doing the character art) and thought you might appreciate it.

kurumineko pics needed.
You should check out the CGs for the first game if you haven't already. There's some completely dsfjdskhfkdsjh Kurumi ones to tide you over until Arusu Install's release in June.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm sorry, but I really don't think I get it. I mean, I get the idea and how that could explain his reaction, but I don't get how that relates to her. >_<

People in her childhood tell her she's crazy -> She becomes withdrawn and suppresses her natural urges -> meet someone who is as crazy as her -> realizes she doesn't have to hold back anymore with him.

Oh my god, Harmonie is about CHUUNIBYO.


Mekaku City Actors 02

Almost complete change in perspective here. I like Momo. Even if idols in anime are all too plentiful, her logic in relation to her tests was pretty funny, and her backstory was interesting. Once again, the Shaft presentation means that things are never boring, adding another layer of meaning to the amount of talking going on.


Subete no aware
For some reason I'm reminded of Softenni, the least likely thing that should have had Eva references.
Oh yes, their secret base. lol


I guess after they cast Tachiki they figured "well, might as well go all the way."
Haha, I was wondering if that was straight up Eva.

People in her childhood tell her she's crazy -> She becomes withdrawn and suppresses her natural urges -> meet someone who is as crazy as her -> realizes she doesn't have to hold back anymore with him.

Oh my god, Harmonie is about CHUUNIBYO.
They have sweet
Inception sex



I found this amusing because love here is literally a SRPG battlefield.


Also girl dropping the truth bomb to end all truth bombs.


Dennou Coil 3

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Oyaji!

Well, that's convenient!

This show does a really good job of handling its tone. It's overall light-hearted, but with lots of little hints of mysterious sinister things going on behind the scenes (which will presumably come to the forefront later on). Also sets it apart from the series I automatically compare it to: Lain. That had a very different tone though, and was less character focused. Mostly a superficial resemblance so far.

Really like this show so far. Very well executed on pretty much every front. Looking forward to the slooooow reveal of what is actually going on!


Kokoro Connect - 10

These dialogue are pretty bad, but goddamn.. Inaban..

Inaban da bestttttt

Yeah, gaming side weren't that hyped for some completely unknown reason.

You have a questionable character design.

My man. Absolutely adore her work and it's entirely possible I wouldn't have paid
much attention to DAL without her.

On a related note, I saw this on the Fairy Fencer F website (she's doing the character art) and thought you might appreciate it.

You should check out the CGs for the first game if you haven't already. There's some completely dsfjdskhfkdsjh Kurumi ones to tide you over until Arusu Install's release in June.

Where might I find these CGs? Also thanks for that pic.

Link Man

Mekakucity Actors 2


I can't believe they actually said that.

Especially since this episode was a wonderful marriage of style and substance. And impossible spines.
I was disappointed when I finally sat down to read it. May give it another go but it wasn't something that snared my full attention like Watchmen or Sandman.

I said I liked it, but some people here took it as me saying I thought it was as good as Watchmen or Sandman. I like Y the Last Man and Dark Knight Returns more than V for Vendetta.

JJ ruined Trek for me. I honestly believe my life was better before I watched Into Darkness.
I personally never got into tv Star Trek. So the movies I enjoyed as blockbuster films.


People in her childhood tell her she's crazy -> She becomes withdrawn and suppresses her natural urges -> meet someone who is as crazy as her -> realizes she doesn't have to hold back anymore with him.

Oh my god, Harmonie is about CHUUNIBYO.

Oh, that I get, but
her dream had the music in the first place, it wasn't like she composed the song and then listening to it had this dream.

I don't think it's that complex,
he just had the dream because track 2 detailed it, with colors and everything. That could still mean he has that condition, and his perfect pitch would go well with that, but I don't think it means she does too.


Mahouka 03

That's a lot of magic to go through just for falling. I didn't see anything that would get me angry, but then, what I react to isn't expected to be the same as what others react to. Was it the calibrating thing? Because after seeing all the tentacles on display in Dragonar, that's really nothing.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Redux

Okay so, taking a night to recover. Frankly, this movie was stupid. Who the fuck names a dude Ashley? That was already a tell tale sign that things were dumb. It doesn't really help that there's a large amount of time where I'm thinking "this movie is pretty ugly".

It's weird in that how the movie starts... there's just a lot of shit being flung around for you to process. Whose the Wolf Chimeras? What's the deal with Asshley and Julia? Who are these bats? A lot of things just being thrown about in order to establish something. OH HEY IT'S ROY AND HAWKEYE! WHO APPEARS PERIODICALLY
They do FUCK ALL in this movie. Why are they even here?
. Of course there's also this new Alchemic Circle, WHICH LETS YOU HAVE JEDI BATTLES! FUCKING BEAM FIGHTING! You know what... it's time to...


- This isn't Star wars. In fact, this also isn't like.... DBZ or some shit. I mean... This also isn't Deathly Hallows. And Maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'm forgetting there was some sort of beam fight in Brotherhood (or even 2003)..... yeah right.

- The whole "Sequin Star" or whatever. Holy fuck. Why are everyone a bunch of irresponsible dumbasses? WE MUST WARN THEM! I'M TOO STUBBORN! I mean I find it funny when you consider the Elric Brothers are mainly here to go LETS CRUSH YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS TO PREVENT YOU FROM BEING STUPID! And it did... for a bit, until she got an accessory.

- Fuck Hershey's Kisses

Wait what's that? YOU THOUGHT THAT MASKED DUDE WAS HERSHEY'S KISSES, but it is I! ASSHLEY! Who is still stupid as fuck


- Declaring your love for a ghetto is weird. But back to the "Star" thing.
*Kills one person. FUCK, WE NEED MORE BLOOD! *kills another* GOOD ENOUGH! WHICH SOMEHOW PRODUCES ALL THIS BLOOD, ENOUGH TO SPREAD OUT IN THE CITY VAINS. Bull shit. That's not how blood works you fuck
I seriously think I missed something here, because this made zero sense to me.

I don't recall if Alchemy can actually be used to heal like that, but I don't remember.
. But yeah, a lot of people are pretty fucking stupid.

Also, there was some wonderful animation, but there was still a stretch of ugly every now and again. Like that eyeliner on Julia
after swallowing the "star"


All in all


Link Man

Captain Earth 3

Yeah, this expansion sequence is starting to get old. I realize it's an homage to older anime, but the format has progressed.

Otherwise, another fun episode, and Akari is awesome. Salty Dog guy is a dick.

Edit: Also, it does feel a bit strange to go from something deep like Mekakucity to something straightforward like this. It sorta balances out, though.
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