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Captain Earth 3

Yeah, this expansion sequence is starting to get old. I realize it's an homage to older anime, but the format has progressed.

Otherwise, another fun episode, and Akari is awesome. Salty Dog guy is a dick.

Edit: Also, it does feel a bit strange to go from something deep like Mekakucity to something straightforward like this. It sorta balances out, though.

Well, calling Captain Earth straight forward isn't the right word for it, instead of symbolism the choke us with terminology.

Durarara!! 2

This guy.

I like this guy.

Would rather follow him then the two from last episode.

Andrew J.

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Redux

Okay so, taking a night to recover. Frankly, this movie was stupid. Who the fuck names a dude Ashley? That was already a tell tale sign that things were dumb.

You talkin' shit about Vagrant Story, son?

(Seriously though, "Ashley" was primarily a male name before the 1960s.)


Well, that's enough of that.
Looks like those 2 alien guys will be like Team Rocket or something, but that's not enough to hook me.


Date a Live II 1

Shido seemed particularly dumb in this episode. Answering Origami's call right there in front of her and calling her by name and asking her where she wanted to meet was, like, alarmingly stupid. Tohka's levels had just stabilized, and then he's all "Hur Origami where you wanna meet hurr?" Dude's gotta get his act together.

Kurumi tease at the end though was good. Been way too long since she's been doing evil shit.


A fair point I suppose.

I think one way to put it is that while both Star Driver and Captain Earth show that Enokido and Igarashi can't shake off their more theatrical sense of style when it comes to storytelling (and honestly, as creators they shouldn't try to be something they're not), with Captain Earth it's very clear that they're intentionally attempting a classic mecha sort of story, for better or for worse. Ignoring the bombardment of terminology abuse and mostly pointless allusions so far, I don't think they're doing a bad job of it. The sense of innocence and joy at piloting a giant robot to protect the world is definitely there, and the production values are pretty great.
Captain Planet He's a Hero Gonna Take Aliens Down to Zero 3

Good episode. If there was any doubt this came from Star Driver guy it's gone now, as we have the fantastically fashionable villain, and of course we have the lead girl singing a song to indicate that shit is about go down, and this song becomes the background music for the battle. And it sounds really similar to the songs in Star Driver. Also we have
Teppei showing he can also fight, so Daichi won't be fighting by himself

In this episode we also have the pairs being handed off. Both girls have shown who they're interested on, and DTL will also have his unofficial pairing. Also the commander has marriage issues which chances are will get resolved by the end of the show.

The magical girl will probably keep acting cocky throughout the shows, but chances are she'll have a heartfelt moment with her dad and drop the act.

Again fantastic episode and brought Star Driver memories. I still think that after episode 2 that Chaika is my favorite BONES show, let's see if episode 3 of Chaika will prove me wrong.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm always surprised at the amount of people calling for SHAFT's spontaneous nonexistence.
Captain Earth 3

I think Akari might have saved this show for me. I'll watch it for the kid characters and skip over any scene with sketchy looking adults talking to each other.
Captain Earth 3

I think Akari might have saved this show for me. I'll watch it for the kid characters and skip over any scene with sketchy looking adults talking to each other.

Evil Adult 1: So how can we use the children today?

Evil Adult 2: Obviously we use them. For our own benefits.

Evil Adult 3: Middle Eastern oil, frakking, shady business and a lot of money. All of this is possible by manipulating the children.

*evil laugh*


Honestly the "ominous" scenes in Captain Earth still just come off as really silly to me, especially in this episode with the
magical paper coffee cup phone
or whatever the heck that was.

But all I wanted out of the series was a loud, fun, over-the-top mecha show, and by god that's what I've been getting so far, so I'm quite pleased with it.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V 02


Look at that entrance.

Cool that the protag doesn't know how to special summon the gimmick of the season.

Cool the girl sidekick actually duels (and it's only episode two!)

Even more cool is that I understood the gimmick and saw what he was doing wrong.

Kamigami no Asobi 03


This seems to be the only way he talks to her, lol.

Beach episode (for a bit), so wait for DTL to recover to talk about that.

Chuu2Chuu2 Shiritori Under the Kotatsu

This show is more enjoyable as 5 minutes bites.


I think one way to put it is that while both Star Driver and Captain Earth show that Enokido and Igarashi can't shake off their more theatrical sense of style when it comes to storytelling (and honestly, as creators they shouldn't try to be something they're not), with Captain Earth it's very clear that they're intentionally attempting a classic mecha sort of story, for better or for worse. Ignoring the bombardment of terminology abuse and mostly pointless allusions so far, I don't think they're doing a bad job of it. The sense of innocence and joy at piloting a giant robot to protect the world is definitely there, and the production values are pretty great.

The show really does feel like Enokido firing on all cylinders doing what he does best and worst. The one thing I'm curious about is the actual format of the show in that whether it'll be MOTW or not. So far it isn't and next week seems to continue that trend but I wonder if that'll be the case down the road.


Interesting bit from the Sakuracon Crunchyroll panel Q&A:
15:27:29 <bay|SC14|CR> Q: Offline mode? So for people who don't have access to the internet
15:27:30 <bay|SC14|CR> A: The way the model works, is that it's all streaming, which lets us get what we can... Japanese licensors are afraid of piracy, it's not really within our model to do that, i can understand why people want that...
15:27:30 <bay|SC14|CR> it depends on demands and if our licensors would be okay with that
So, I wonder how Wakanim got permission for their DRM-free downloads then.


Mahouka 3

This show is dumb. This episode was dumber than previous ones; the usual fanservice tropes reared their heads for the first time in a big way, characters stopped making sense, somehow it seems to be a thing that people trying to get you to join their school club is incredibly dangerous, and whatshisname the lead guy is now laughably overpowered already.

It's still dumb fun, rather than just plain dumb, but it's more than a little eyeroll inducing here.

Weirdly, one of the things that's bothering me the most is that they're supposed to be first year high school students - so, what, 15? I know anime doesn't have a great track record for this sort of thing, but no-one either acts or looks their age; it would make more sense if they were in university or similar, particularly in terms of the autonomy they all seem to have. I know, I know, suspension of disbelief etc.
Mahouka 3

We have more scenes of Onii-sama being onii-sama and being praised left and right, at points unknowingly by those doing the praising. We also have more basic level writing racism.

A semi-fight scene at the end with an electro track, which I appreciate. And finally we have a scene the mention-the-incest people are going to have a field day with. Which I need to point out is close to the only lewd scene in the manga (so far)


By the way, for all the Funimation shows that Crunchyroll is doing the non-US streaming for (Ping Pong, Wixoss, etc.), does anyone know how many and which subtitle languages those have on CR?
Not surprised they used that launch sequence again, was probably pretty expensive. That song is still pretty good too.
The transmitter coffee cup was pretty dumb. And they keep beating the enemies, then they just go BLASTING OFF AGAAAIIIN without trying to stop them for real. How much trouble can two enemies really be?
Atleast the new girl is entertaining.
And who the hell names their organization SALTY DOG?

Link Man

The World Is Still Beautiful 3

The beginning of the episode was a bit painful to get through, but I am enjoying how the relationship is unfolding. I do find it strange that the king refers to Nike as his wife, though, as there hasn't been a wedding yet. I think betrothed might be a better term there.
Captain Earth hasn't pushed itself into bad or stupid territory, but it's really teetering that edge. It could go either way now but going by BONES' stupendous track record I'm expecting wonders


Mahouka 3
A semi-fight scene at the end with an electro track, which I appreciate. And finally we have a scene the mention-the-incest people are going to have a field day with. Which I need to point out is close to the only lewd scene in the manga (so far)

What about
kendo girl's shirt falling open and the obligatory baka violence that ensued
? Is that not lewd?

Your comment about music reminds me - there was one bit where the music choice made absolutely no sense to me; something started playing in the background of a fairly tense scene with wordless vocals that reminded me enormously of Green Bird from Cowboy Bebop.
Captain Earth 3

Uh sure. Why did we need to spend 5 minutes on the EXPANDOOO sequence, which was a copy/paste from the first ep? Whatever. I have no idea whats going on in this show but Akari is pretty cool, and there needs to be more mech action.


Mekakucity Actors 2

A rather bland looking episode and what made it even worse is the focus on the idol life. We had enough of those and
the tragic story of the mom's death was contrived and forced, it's really hard to care about what happened to a character I barely know anything about.
Please get back to the loser NEET and his virtual girlfriend.
Scrapped Princess: Series Review

I checked this out over the weekend since it was pointed out that Chaika was from the same author, and both are done by BONES.

The Premise:
The show is set in a fantasy world where magic and magical creatures exist, but later on there are hints of more.The premise of the show deals with the prophecy by a religious figure about how the world will end when a certain princess turns 16. So she has to be killed, and while most people thought she had been in reality she was thrown away from the royal family as one would do to scraps. A Scrapped Princess. And now people are trying to kill her as her two adoptive siblings (and others) protect her. But there is more to this tale than what meets the eye. Just like Transformers. Not the movies, as those are pretty easy to grasp on an elementary school level.

The Characters:
The characters of the show were by far the highlight and the reason to watch it. I'll first be discussing the leads. Starting off let's go with our titular character, Pacifica. Her character basically revolves around hypocrisy, but the good kind. Throughout the show she sees all of the actions and events centered around her and what people must go through, which causes her to consider whether the world would be a happier place if she died. Her character was interesting, but it seems that she wasn't the focus of the trio throughout the majority of the show. Second we have Raquel, the older sister type. That's literally who she is. Her character is the least developed of the three. She's basically a badass combat mage with a lot of power, but she doesn't use her power all that much throughout the show and she takes a backset in development in favor of Pacifica and Shannon.

Which having mentioned him I now need to discuss my favorite character, Shannon. He's the 'middle child' of the family, but his role throughout the show is to be the swordmaster protecting Pacifica, and the older brother. His role as a character, outside of being a badass with a sword, really did focus on his love his little sister. While he doesn't outwardly show it as anime would lead you to believe older brothers are, he loves his sisters more than anything else in the world and would die for them. This shows on his resolution to protect the 'evil that will destroy the world' besides everybody telling him what her being alive means. The two characters with the most interaction and the most feelings towards one another are him and Pacifica. I've mentioned it in the episode comments, but I'm glad that an anime was able to show a relationship between older and younger sibling that didn't turn creepy or incesty. Obvious hints were here and there that Pacifica had feelings for her brother outside of older brother attachment, but they never really expanded on them.

As to the side characters, there's a plethora of them. The most prominent one is by far Leo, the lovable goofball. He starts out as a man who meets the main cast by coincidence and hangs out with them for a while. His mission? To become a royal knight and learn what chivalry and justice is. He goes through inner turmoil and development to the point he almost has as much as one of the main cast. There are other characters that were prominent enough, but none of them went through enough development besides the dragon spirit lady. I won't mention them here but know that most characters, even the villain, have a sense of duty and honor to the point you can't really dislike them.

The Art:

This is an early 2000's BONES show, which meant it has the dreaded vertical black bars. DAT ASPECT RATIO. Besides that, it was very well done. Which is expected of bones. While there weren't enough sword battle scenes, which left me a bit disappointed, I didn't really see a drop in quality. The colors are bright and the character designs are distinctive, as are their wardrobes. The villages and cities never really gave me a sense of wonder as they didn't really focus on them. It was enjoyable enough, but fairly standard quality BONES animation and art style was good just not mind blowing.

Over-all Enjoyment:

I had been looking for an old school fantasy show since I finished Lodoss, and this delivered for the most part. It had a sense of adventure and wonder, and more importantly it had heart. Having said that, I feel the show would've been better if it had been a 13 episode anime, as the second half outside of the last batch of episodes dragged it down a bit. I won't spoil it, but in the second half the setting switches a bit from the fantasy one I was enjoying and attempts to mix stuff from other genres, which for me it didn't really work.

Scrapped Princess is by no means perfect, but the main characters, specifically Shannon and Pacifica, drive the show forward. It could've used less 'random episodic episode where you won't ever really meet these characters again' and more continuous episodes with sweet action scenes, but I won't cry too much about it.

Scrapped Princess gets a 7.5/10
The Irregular at Magic High School Episode 3 &#8211; Enrollment Part III (mahouka)

Calibration for CAD was done in a rather interesting way with the Tatsuya auto skill scene making the scene worth it in the end. Most of the episode felt like a showcase of various types of magic from the psion control enabled via Loop Cast system to the Oscillation Type Close Combat Sonic Blade of the Kenjutsu club.

Animation studio is doing an excellent job in the effects area with the displays and the modern sci fi simulations of the magic for visual explanations to the various particles and coloring employed when magic activated. Its so minor but so impactful for making everything shine in motion.

Oh well finally getting to the decent part of this arc.
Captain Earth 3

No! You were doing so well at the beginning of this episode with the dumb kids hijinks and then you had to ruin it by bringing in more dumb technobabble and generically evil organizations! Its also hard to care about the mech fights in this beyond the superficial nature of them looking nice because we don't yet understand what the stakes are or who the enemy is and what they want.
Also just realized I never posted my thoughts but

Mekaku City Actors 2

I basically skipped throughout this episode, I really didn't give a crap about the idol and I really didn't give a crap about SHAFT circle jerking over how much style they have as they emulate the Persona 5 poster (don't know why I was reminded of persona with all the empty chairs). Also the shaft neck tilt. Also way too much talking about random crap I don't care about, I don't care how your exams are going. Again, first episode I was confused and bored, this episode I was bored squared. Willing to give it 2 more episodes see if it gets to a point I can like it, if not it's going to get dropped.

Durarara!! 2

This guy.

I like this guy.

Would rather follow him then the two from last episode.

Like I said before, Durarara has all these great characters but it decided to focus on the most bland ones.
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V 2

For all criticisms I can give to this show, the weirdest part is how an unknown Summon method can actually exist. How does someone create a card game and doesn't know one of it's most basic rules?

I'm pretty sure everybody knew how to work with Synchro and Xyz when those were introduced. Besides that, an OK show.
The World is Still Beautiful 3:
That was both tender and hilarious at moments. The last scene really made me laugh. I'm surprised at how quickly this relationship is progressing, but in a way that really feels true to the characters. Nike has always had some spunk, but this episode she gets to show a much more tender side to her character, and is able to be supportive of the king to a certain degree. And I love that he gets to open up to Nike some, but also maintains some of his sadistic side, too. That one ambassador who made fun of Nike was a jerk, so I loved seeing him get put in his place.
Mekakucity Actors 2

I got to say the flashiness and animation is so like Monogatari and I love that, and it's keeping it real with the head slant too. I actually
liked Momo due to her failing her test by answering with funny answers. The opening and ending are also great since it's blended with flashy visuals.


Mahouka 3

More of Tatsuya being awesome but that one scene is interesting. Hopefully the action continues
with the fight in the gym.
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