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Mekakucity Actors Episode 2: Kisaragi Attention

Amazing episode, we got tons of Hibiya moments and then even hearing the flustered Hibiya voice as Momo dragged him away. I just love his voice here and then that moment was way too good. Perfect.

Really leading the way in being one of the most interesting stories to follow and they make you really care for the characters beyond what 95% of anime does. Even Kisaragi was one that we actually cared about and felt connected to on some levels the whole scene and backstory moments along with the visual genjutsus with the people in the classroom, the objects, the shadows, and potentially even the skis above to help set the stage and provide deep insights into her character and the world that revolved around her due to the unfortunate things about herself that she could only barely or potentially not even begin explain.

ED was pretty good and potentially emotional.
The World Is Still Beautiful 3

All that diabeetus from the manga, now in anime form. They have great chemistry together, just like the two in Baby Steps. This is a great romance story.

Link Man

I basically skipped throughout this episode, I really didn't give a crap about the idol

Also way too much talking about random crap I don't care about, I don't care how your exams are going.

Well, that "random crap" they're talking about is character development for the idol, so it would make sense that you don't give a crap about her if you skipped around the episode, not investing yourself in it.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Akuma no Riddle - 03

How can you be so dumb Haru?! I could understand if you were still in the dark about
everyone in the class wanting to kill you
, but the beans were spilled which should've made you suspicious of every person there. And step up your protecting game Tokaku
you almost lost your waifu to the first challenger!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ashley is a good name for a boy, and I don't really get how someone could find The Sacred Star of Milos "ugly". There's just gads of really cool animation and some neat set pieces. That's pretty much all that's holding the movie up. The scope of the action sequences on top of some really interesting backgrounds is super impressive.
Aquarion EVOL - 10

Ooh, things are finally starting to get really interesting. Though they're probably gonna do the clichéd
"Liar Revealed"
trope, I'm actually really interested in seeing where this goes. This romance is a much more interesting one than Amata and Mikono that's for sure.
Captain Earth 3

People who love brown waifus are gonna get a little treat in this episode. Anyways the visuals are done great and the music that was sung during the battle was soothing and nice, gotta say though Daichi is a pretty good MC so far and I really love Akinari since she's the character that makes everything lively and interesting. My complaint so far is mumble jumble vocabulary that is thrown in this anime, it's like the people working on this anime threw these words in their just for the sake of complexity and the lame secret gov agent, they need to get out. Can't wait till next week.


Kokoro Connect

Ended up watching the whole thing lol, what a ride.. goddamn this is like ideal romcom for cosmic, although he will like it much better if what happened in eps 5 played differently, maybe he even will proclaim is as one of GOAT if that happened.

Anyway, damn.. I can't describe how crazy the melodrama in this show is, thing keep escalating on breakneck speed.. the scenario is exciting, but the narrative and dialogue is pretty stupid in many spot, but in same time there some good material in there, and the awkward horror element in this somehow make it compelling watch despite questionable narrative, make the show have some "Game of Death" vibe that hilariously mixing well.

What a bizarre experience in overall, its a strange mix of rom com and game of death type of story. I don't even know how much I like it but its sure one hell of marathon..

So does the LN still continuing?
Kokoro Connect

Ended up watching the whole thing lol, what a ride.. goddamn this is like ideal romcom for cosmic, although he will like it much better if what happened in eps 5 played differently, maybe he even will proclaim is as one of GOAT if that happened.

Anyway, damn.. I can't describe how crazy the melodrama in this show is, thing keep escalating on breakneck speed.. the scenario is exciting, but the narrative and dialogue is pretty stupid in many spot, but in same time there some good material in there, and the awkward horror element in this somehow make it compelling watch despite questionable narrative, make the show have some "Game of Death" vibe that hilariously mixing well.

What a bizarre experience in overall, its a strange mix of rom com and game of death type of story. I don't even know how much I like it but its sure one hell of marathon..

So does the LN still continuing?

Just to confirm did you watch the 3-4 OVA's that continue the story? There should be a total of 17 or so episodes with the OVA's. As to the LN as far as I here, yes it's continuing.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Akuma no Riddle - 03

How can you be so dumb Haru?! I could understand if you were still in the dark about
everyone in the class wanting to kill you
, but the beans were spilled which should've made you suspicious of every person there. And step up your protecting game Tokaku
you almost lost your waifu to the first challenger!

Seriously the characters in this show are just ridiculously stupid across the board.


People say incest is the end of anime watches JoJo. But joking aside most/some Anime's do have incest vibes or a better word for it Brother complex or the other way around, and you just got to deal with it since it's just fiction or ignore it. I mean I know a lot of people who watch Games of Thrones and we all know it has real incest, but like I said it's just fiction and people watch it for entertainment and not for realism. And I for one am against incest in real life. But in the end we are all just hypocrites.

There is GoT, Carnivalè and Utena incest and then there is "I Want To Fuck My Little Sister And I Can't Believe My Parents Are Ok With It!?" (Coming up next season, watch it!)

Guess in which category most (recent) anime fall in?


Captain Earth 3

Aaaaaand dropped. I was expecting Mahouka or No Game No Life to be the first thing I dropped but I just couldn't take the horrible technobabble. The action scene wasn't even that interesting either.


Just to confirm did you watch the 3-4 OVA's that continue the story? There should be a total of 17 or so episodes with the OVA's. As to the LN as far as I here, yes it's continuing.

Oh don't worry I finish at eps 17.

Shit the LN still continue, what insanity again to told? what DRAMA? lol
Captain Earth 3

Aaaaaand dropped. I was expecting Mahouka or No Game No Life to be the first thing I dropped but I just couldn't take the horrible technobabble. The action scene wasn't even that interesting either.

I don't see any technobabble in eps 3 tbh
Future card Buddyfight!! Episode 16: Mystique Explosion! The Great Katana World Battle! (engDub)

Typically never get tired of two characters in card anime using the same decks against each other and here Zanya Kisaragi v Jin Magatsu and their Katana world against each other wasnt dull.
outcome was baffling since Jin had the upperhand and seemed to be fated to duel Gao again since Gao is his sun
. Best move was the summoning of Extermination Ninja, Slashing Asura equipped with Ninja Blade, Kurogachi.
Nisekoi 15
Thoughts during episode:

- So basically the dad is the antagonist of this show.
- This harem is getting out of hand. Onodera you can't lose.
- I loved the last OP. So liking this new one when I really liked the last one feels weird. I like this one just not as much as the last one. Kind of late for a second OP though.... Aren't there only like 5 episodes left? Both songs in both OP's are really nice though.
- Of course it was ten years ago. I bet there's a forth girl that will come out of nowhere.
- Just forget about the promise dude. In this circumstance, just chose the one you like.
- Aww the back story is sweet.
- Lol. That glimmer in Mari's eye when she was young when her father suggested to have Raku marry her.
- Raku is kind of a jerk huh?
- She dangerous dude. Freakin run Raku! Run! Run into Onodera's angelic arms.
- Yup she is trouble.
- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!
- Onodera. Lol. Don't give up!
- No!!!! Don't
friendzone yourself Onodera. Stop being so noble
. Be a little selfish.
- She is quite pushy this one.
- Oh Chitoge you can't fool us.
- Mari is such a little liar. He's terrifying. He's the scariest looking dude of the show.
- Hahaha. Raku you are so screwed right now.
- Mari why are you doing this to him?
- Raku you got balls of steel.
- At least he finally spit it out.
- Awww she is kinda cute.... No no no. She's dangerous. It's about Onodera!
- And some Chitoge fan service right at the end.
- You can see some of the old OP in some parts of the ED. The new ED is alright.


Another great episode full of laughs. New OP is pretty good but I still really liked the old OP. New ED is okay. This episode in some parts reaffirmed that Onodera might just be the one to win out despite all these new ladies. Raku is still gaga over her but she is doing no favors for herself at this point. Chitoge is still tsundere as all heck and Mari is cute when she's just herself and not stirring up trouble.


3SHAFT5ME Episode 2

I still have no idea what's going on, but I like the show and the song at the end was nice. I really like the ending storybook thing.
Ping Pong the Animation

Someone recommended it to me. Let me tell you something when I have to rewatch scenes/pause them to notice visuals cues something right is being done.

I'm going off the first to 2 eps but so far, the direction, use of dialogue, and juxtaposition of colors & the seemingly bland "Smile" is fantastic.

I maybe inclined to call this s@#$ right here the truth. Thus I dub thee spring show 4 I must follow


Love Getchu 22-25 + Final Thoughts

I'm satisfied with the ending arc. I'm not sure if there's been an anime show where the personality of the character for all future scripts was decided by who was cast, but Yuumi's hyper dramatic Ai and Momoko's ditzy magical girl types both have their appeal. The six months later epilogue was also well done, nicely following up on what everyone was doing and providing closure to the Atari storyline. The special episodes both felt like variations of the same idea - just with a different minor character in each case - but I like when a show takes a break to do something different with itself.

While the art was always mid-level and the love triangle overtook the second half of the show a little too much, as a romantic comedy and an anime that looks into the anime industry itself, I'm satisfied with it. The veil of rarity has been lifted and replaced with the experience of a good time. There's a lot of 2+ cour series in my backlog, and having more episodes does allow more time for the characters to grow. The animators, the directors, and the voice actresses themselves all got their due. My favorite batch of episodes was 10-12, but the back half of the show wasn't too bad, especially once the events of the second half started bookending the first. The love triangle lasted an episode or two longer than I would've preferred. I am thankful Minato was kept out of it, because there didn't need to be more angles in that thing. He worked better as Momoko's mentor than as a love interest.

Opening was catchy (I've been listening to it for years without actually watching the show), and the ED's not bad - an early work by May'n before she worked under that name. I don't know what made the back half never released on DVD in Japan, but I'm glad I watched it. The picture of anime isn't just its best or its worst - everything in between can have gems of its own. That's why I like curios so much. Especially when they focus on what anime itself means.

Next in the backlog is C - Control.


Date a Live II 1

Shido seemed particularly dumb in this episode. Answering Origami's call right there in front of her and calling her by name and asking her where she wanted to meet was, like, alarmingly stupid. Tohka's levels had just stabilized, and then he's all "Hur Origami where you wanna meet hurr?" Dude's gotta get his act together.

Kurumi tease at the end though was good. Been way too long since she's been doing evil shit.

harem protags are typicallly dense and stupid so that is par for the course.

Scrapped Princess: Series Review

I checked this out over the weekend since it was pointed out that Chaika was from the same author, and both are done by BONES.

The Premise:
The show is set in a fantasy world where magic and magical creatures exist, but later on there are hints of more.The premise of the show deals with the prophecy by a religious figure about how the world will end when a certain princess turns 16. So she has to be killed, and while most people thought she had been in reality she was thrown away from the royal family as one would do to scraps. A Scrapped Princess. And now people are trying to kill her as her two adoptive siblings (and others) protect her. But there is more to this tale than what meets the eye. Just like Transformers. Not the movies, as those are pretty easy to grasp on an elementary school level.

The Characters:
The characters of the show were by far the highlight and the reason to watch it. I'll first be discussing the leads. Starting off let's go with our titular character, Pacifica. Her character basically revolves around hypocrisy, but the good kind. Throughout the show she sees all of the actions and events centered around her and what people must go through, which causes her to consider whether the world would be a happier place if she died. Her character was interesting, but it seems that she wasn't the focus of the trio throughout the majority of the show. Second we have Raquel, the older sister type. That's literally who she is. Her character is the least developed of the three. She's basically a badass combat mage with a lot of power, but she doesn't use her power all that much throughout the show and she takes a backset in development in favor of Pacifica and Shannon.

Which having mentioned him I now need to discuss my favorite character, Shannon. He's the 'middle child' of the family, but his role throughout the show is to be the swordmaster protecting Pacifica, and the older brother. His role as a character, outside of being a badass with a sword, really did focus on his love his little sister. While he doesn't outwardly show it as anime would lead you to believe older brothers are, he loves his sisters more than anything else in the world and would die for them. This shows on his resolution to protect the 'evil that will destroy the world' besides everybody telling him what her being alive means. The two characters with the most interaction and the most feelings towards one another are him and Pacifica. I've mentioned it in the episode comments, but I'm glad that an anime was able to show a relationship between older and younger sibling that didn't turn creepy or incesty. Obvious hints were here and there that Pacifica had feelings for her brother outside of older brother attachment, but they never really expanded on them.

As to the side characters, there's a plethora of them. The most prominent one is by far Leo, the lovable goofball. He starts out as a man who meets the main cast by coincidence and hangs out with them for a while. His mission? To become a royal knight and learn what chivalry and justice is. He goes through inner turmoil and development to the point he almost has as much as one of the main cast. There are other characters that were prominent enough, but none of them went through enough development besides the dragon spirit lady. I won't mention them here but know that most characters, even the villain, have a sense of duty and honor to the point you can't really dislike them.

The Art:

This is an early 2000's BONES show, which meant it has the dreaded vertical black bars. DAT ASPECT RATIO. Besides that, it was very well done. Which is expected of bones. While there weren't enough sword battle scenes, which left me a bit disappointed, I didn't really see a drop in quality. The colors are bright and the character designs are distinctive, as are their wardrobes. The villages and cities never really gave me a sense of wonder as they didn't really focus on them. It was enjoyable enough, but fairly standard quality BONES animation and art style was good just not mind blowing.

Over-all Enjoyment:

I had been looking for an old school fantasy show since I finished Lodoss, and this delivered for the most part. It had a sense of adventure and wonder, and more importantly it had heart. Having said that, I feel the show would've been better if it had been a 13 episode anime, as the second half outside of the last batch of episodes dragged it down a bit. I won't spoil it, but in the second half the setting switches a bit from the fantasy one I was enjoying and attempts to mix stuff from other genres, which for me it didn't really work.

Scrapped Princess is by no means perfect, but the main characters, specifically Shannon and Pacifica, drive the show forward. It could've used less 'random episodic episode where you won't ever really meet these characters again' and more continuous episodes with sweet action scenes, but I won't cry too much about it.

Scrapped Princess gets a 7.5/10

Its about 8.5/10 sort of show for me. I think thats a fair score. It was a lot more good then bad.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Question about an anime trope

What's so delicious about "sacred grounds"? I often hear mostly female characters talk about how they want sacred ground and how good it is? Is it a spiritual thing?
Nisekoi Episode 15: Three Keys

Only real worthwhile scene, otherwise this would have been one of the chapters in the manga that I would have just stopped at panels with Raku in them then skipped on ahead. It dragged for 20 or so minutes to nothingness.


Mahouka 3

Great, just have the sister press her breasts onto her brother after just stripping to her undies in front of him. Oh but it was a "prank", right...

I will say, the action scene was pretty good and the techno track that played during was pretty great too. Just ditch the gross incest teasing.
Nisekoi Episode 15: Three Keys

Only real worthwhile scene, otherwise this would have been one of the chapters in the manga that I would have just stopped at panels with Raku in them then skipped on ahead. It dragged for 20 or so minutes to nothingness.

I think all three girls
finding out about the past and learning they all have keys, bringing all of them up to date
was a pretty worthwhile scene that needed to happen.


Now that I think about it, Raku really is cute. I guess it was the silly hair that made me never notice it before. He's a cool guy too, and his voice is a real husbando voice.

Hot boys are pretty worthwhile.

Especially when their sisters are pressing their breasts onto them.
Mahouka 3

Great, just have the sister press her breasts onto her brother after just stripping to her undies in front of him. Oh but it was a "prank", right...

I will say, the action scene was pretty good and the techno track that played during was pretty great too. Just ditch the gross incest teasing.

As far as the manga has gone, that's as incesty of a scene as it gets. It might get worst in the shit from the LN, but I'd have no idea.
Question about an anime trope

What's so delicious about "sacred grounds"? I often hear mostly female characters talk about how they want sacred ground and how good it is? Is it a spiritual thing?

Sacred Ground is a term used in Shintoism where if you smash your head into the ground right outside a Buddhist temple, you will develop a sixth sense that is actually just a sub-sense of taste, enhancing it to a ludicrous degree.

When female characters display a desire for Sacred Ground, they are almost always specifically talking about being able to make ice cream tastier for themselves.

Mahouka 3

That is the face of a brother who thinks and sees his sister as any other ordinary brother would.

Battle BGM is nice, but I'm not sure I'd like to listen to the song alone.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But a worthwhile scene for DTL = a shot of a cute/hot boy.
Nisekoi is panderbait times a million with its harem antics. Being critical of someone for watching the show to be appealed to in that way is weird.
Especially when their sisters are pressing their breasts onto them.
Could you guys like...be a little less creepy? Even just a little.
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