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Mekakucity actors 2

I enjoy this. I think I just love this style of show. The writing makes me laugh and it is pretty to watch all the Shaft isms thrown at your face. The actual plot part is confusing but I could find myself liking these characters... Be it generic tropes or not.
Mekakucity Actors 02


SHAFT continues to never stop impressing.

It's like Shin Oonuma is back at Shaft.

Just for you, I replaced the remaining TV screenshot in that post with an closer comparison from Rebuild.

You're welcome.

You missed the Gendo pose.


Setec Astronomer
What's the best order for me (and my friends) to watch the Happy Science movies? Since we're marathoning, we'll probably only watch four of them, so should we start with the oldest one and watch them in order, or skip some of them?
Hmm.... normally the order we've liked is:

Laws of Eternity
Rebirth of Buddha
Golden Laws
Laws of the Sun
Hermes: Winds of Love
Mystical Laws

However... if you really had to cut two out...

I'd say skip Hermes, and skip Golden Laws.


Maturity, bitches.
I dunno, I kind of feel that the stuff that seems entirely against the grain of the main story, as it were, is kind of the point of Shingu - that it doesn't really matter that aliens are attacking because the goddamn school festival needs to be prepared for. My overwhelming lasting impression of that show (which, honestly, I think is one of the great overlooked series of the era) is that it somewhat deliberately inverted the way it portrayed the importance of what other shows would consider the A and the B plots without necessarily drawing too much attention to it. It's rather charming in it's own way.
Well I think it also helps to emphasise 1. just how calm society is about the whole thing 2. That it is so behind the scenes that wider society carries on oblivious to it. But on top of that it's nice to see the alien visitors just enjoying life with the natives. It is a welcome break from the usual bombastic stories we usually have when it comes to alien invaders. So yeah, I did say from a story perspective if it were to focus solely on the main part it could have been shorter but I don't feel it was at all padded out by the additional parts. In fact they helped flesh out characters some of whom needed it for some reveals to have an even more meaningful impact.


Hmm.... normally the order we've liked is:

Laws of Eternity
Rebirth of Buddha
Golden Laws
Laws of the Sun
Hermes: Winds of Love
Mystical Laws

However... if you really had to cut two out...

I'd say skip Hermes, and skip Golden Laws.

Thanks, we'll probably watch them in that order and finish some other time.


Just out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about images like these? I've never looked at a dark-skin recoloring and thought, "That person is racist!" so I'm really surprised that people think that way for a light-skin recoloring. I'm fine with admitting that I'm not the most racially sensitive person, though, so that's why I'm curious regarding what you think about it.

Second one is kinda NSFW. It's just Lan from Rinne no Lagrange, but her outfit is kinda NSFW anyway so just a warning.

In an idealized world with little to no racism, I'd agree that this would be an equivalent action. However we don't live in that world and it is because of this context that I can say that they aren't equivalent actions. As I've said before, and I hope you aren't denying this, lighter skin is deemed beautiful relative to darker skin in pretty much every Western culture and most cultures that have had significant interaction/influence by Western Media (which at this point is most of the world). As a personal anecdote, an Indian girl I asked out in college straight up told me she couldn't date me because I was too dark-skinnned and her conservative parents back in India would disown her if she did :/

Regarding women specially, Black girls are CONSTANTLY told (via ads and representation) to look more like White girls but the reverse is never true. Black girls are constantly told to straighten their hair and bleach their skin and hairstyles that are comfortable/healthy for Black people in general, like dreads, tend to be demonized. Remember that story in OT a while back where a little Black girl was suspended from school when she wouldn't wear her hair a certain way (a certain way of course being a hair-style best suited for White hair)? How often have you heard someone say "I don't find Black women attractive" or "The only Black women I find attractive are X" where X is always the few who've been propped up in the media that almost always have straight hair, a light complexion, small/narrow noses, etc.? Because I've heard that shit way too often IRL and often times from OTHER BLACK PEOPLE. I wonder what could have shaped those preferences........ I'm sure you seen the occasional OKCupid (or other online dating site) statistics thread that pops up in OT. How do Black women tend to fair (Spoiler: they always come in dead last!)? I wonder why.........

This is not even touching upon issues of representation (which have less to do with fan art but more about general media). In America, I believe those of direct/near direct African descent make up about 12% of the population. Ideally, we would then expect them to represent 12% of all protagonists/antagonists/etc. and could be deemed fit to fill any role. I shouldn't have to tell you how we are both underrepresented and typecast (and hell as bad is it is for us, I think there's a good argument that those of East Asian descent having it even worse!). Why do you think Tyler Perry movies do so well? It's rarely because they are good but mostly because Black people, like EVERYBODY, like seeing themselves represented and he's one of the few directors in Hollywood to do that consistently. Issues of representation are why people tend to get very upset when a White actor if often given a "Black role" but the only (or loudest at least) people upset when a Black actor is given a "White role" tend to be supremacists or skinheads (see the controversy when Idris Elba was cast in Thor). I admit I was initially taken aback when a Black actor was cast as the new Johnny Storm but that would not be the same as if a White guy was cast as Luke Cage or Black Panther. I know Felicia Day wrote about something similar in a recent blog post if you want to hear about this issue from another perspective :)

I want to be clear these issues aren't exclusively a Black issue - other darker skinned individuals and other minorities - period - run into these problems. I just feel most comfortable talking about it from the Black perspective.

Also is not to say one can never re-imagine or reboot characters - I'm just telling you why the directions aren't equivalent and why it can sometimes rub people the wrong way. As such, given this all this context, whenever I see characters bleached (this Captain Earth example isn't even like a re-imagining or a new take on a character just a straight up bleaching) I always get very suspicious about the intentions. I admit I'm making assumptions about the intentions and feelings of the photoshopper and I'm willing to eat crow if they ever stepped forward and were truthful in that there were other intentions. Without that though I feel I more likely than not have the correct read on the situation. I'm not like livid or furious or anything - it is just a singular image about some niche anime and what not but I recognize what's going on and its not a good feeling.

Because it does little harm. OceanBlue here even just confirmed my suspicions that skin recoloring isn't uncommon. Am I missing something? Did the author say something like "much better!" or "I would've preferred it like this"? If not it's a leap to instantly assume racism.

Read the long post I did in reply to OceanBlue (i.e. look above) for my perspective.

Different styles I'd say. If we look at hair color alone, and I have no data to back me up so don't quote me on it, most eastern people have black/darker toned hair and that tends to be how they're depicted (at least with natural color hair). It'd be easier for an artist to distinguish their characters with a wide range of hair colors, eyes and faces. Probably harder to distinguish them otherwise. When an artist attempts to do it though I applaud them.

It's not the hair colors that puzzle me (I agree when they aren't technicolor rainbow-esque they tend to be realistic) but rather the facial structures.Obviously animation is going to be heavily stylized and what not (Caucasian people in the Simpsons are fucking neon yellow for example) so I don't expect faithfulness to be the norm but it seems to be such a small part of the broader art-form of Japanese entertainment media. Maybe I'm just not seeing the right stuff and what I'm exposed to is coloring my perceptions?


Poet Centuriate
Yami 2

Gonna bust out an ice heal for that Pokemon.

Wait so many questions: where are we? who are you people?! how did she get the fake money? why is she not freaking out about where she is? WHAT IS GOING ON?

A cheongsam...my kryptonite...

Everyone's dead so of course the most fitting music is
a happy accordion piece, dummy!



OKAY good we're back. This spy bit kinda reminds me of Night Raid 1931, only actually better.

Okay, two things. One: WHY HAVE YOU BEEN CARRYING THAT SWORD AROUND. Two: lol I've never seen skirt physics like that.

So it's a show about world hoping? Probably through
books given the titled and preview bits
. Why is Hadzuki not freaked out about any of this is my big question, jesus.
Tbh I don't care enough or feel like doing the research on the topic to continue the discussion as it seems it'll be going into fact checking territory. And I'm working on so much other stuff at the moment.
Haikyuu!! 3

I'm falling in love with the OST. So many great tunes that perfectly fit the anime.
Pretty unenventful episode but the good production values made it worth watching.
Tanaka's song was really funny.

Totally. The last 5 minutes or so was really nice.


In an idealized world with little to no racism, I'd agree that this would be an equivalent action. However we don't live in that world and it is because of this context that I can say that they aren't equivalent actions.

Good post.

Because they are racist (be it consciously or subconsciously)?

Internalized racism. We're conditioned to believe (no mater our ethnicity) that white is beautiful and black is not - this is backed up by multiple experiments and we see it in action all the time. Whether the recolor was done with malicious intentions or not*, we're still seeing an artifact of that coming into play and that's why it's problematic.

*admittedly, this was probably a joke recolor from some random anon
Captain Earth 3
Glad that glasses guy is getting shut down with his attempts at controlling.
And Teppei saving the day was pretty cool and a tad unexpected. Good that there's another robot though it doesn't look like much help considering the preview
Irregular at Magic High School 3

Jeebus can the MC and his sister just fuck already god damn this is some top tier thirst

Other then that our MC continues to be the mostly hilariously OP gary stu I think I've ever seen, virtually every girl to some degree wants his D along with clearly a few of the guy characters.
Good post.

Internalized racism. We're conditioned to believe (no mater our ethnicity) that white is beautiful and black is not - this is backed up by multiple experiments and we see it in action all the time. Whether the recolor was done with malicious intentions or not*, we're still seeing an artifact of that coming into play and that's why it's problematic.

*admittedly, this was probably a joke recolor from some random anon

that's the thing with your spoiler. These are anime fans who do shit like this all the time. I can't in good conscience call it malicious. The same way that when my friends do hispanic jokes against me, or we do asian/hindu jokes towards our friends, we don't do them for malicious intents but for humor. Is it racist to the outside party? Probably.


that's the thing with your spoiler. These are anime fans who do shit like this all the time. I can't in good conscience call it malicious. The same way that when my friends do hispanic jokes against me, or we do asian/hindu jokes towards our friends, we don't do them for malicious intents but for humor. Is it racist to the outside party? Probably.

Well, that's why it's internalized, man. It being malicious or not has no bearing on how it reflects our cultural attitudes and shit. And it's why - assuming you're a man or woman of color - it sticks out sometimes. Because we face this stuff everyday.


Nisekoi 15

Goddamn Marika is so hnnnng. An incredibly worthy second-best girl.

Well, second best until
Haru shows up
, anyway, but the anime isn't going to get there. Let's start the second season begging already.


that's the thing with your spoiler. These are anime fans who do shit like this all the time. I can't in good conscience call it malicious. The same way that when my friends do hispanic jokes against me, or we do asian/hindu jokes towards our friends, we don't do them for malicious intents but for humor. Is it racist to the outside party? Probably.

That came from 4chan. Are your friends on the level a regular anon?


that's the thing with your spoiler. These are anime fans who do shit like this all the time. I can't in good conscience call it malicious. The same way that when my friends do hispanic jokes against me, or we do asian/hindu jokes towards our friends, we don't do them for malicious intents but for humor. Is it racist to the outside party? Probably.

Yeah, I wouldn't read too much into it. "Recoloring" anime characters is something pretty common that people do for harmless fun, not just skin but also hairs. And not just dark skin-->fair skin but also the other way around.
Well, that's why it's internalized, man. It being malicious or not has no bearing on how it reflects our cultural attitudes and shit. And it's why - assuming you're a man or woman of color - it sticks out sometimes. Because we face this stuff everyday.

I guess that personally I don't face it that much since I am hispanic but technically race-wise I'm white (ethnicity vs race and all) and all my friends always say they wouldn't mind dating a hispanic woman.
that's the thing with your spoiler. These are anime fans who do shit like this all the time. I can't in good conscience call it malicious. The same way that when my friends do hispanic jokes against me, or we do asian/hindu jokes towards our friends, we don't do them for malicious intents but for humor. Is it racist to the outside party? Probably.

Whether it was malicious or not isn't really relevant, because of the culture and history surrounding the idea. Ultimately, even if the person wasn't intending to push for an agenda of 'white is beautiful', there is a history surrounding that idea, and it needs to be called out.

There's also a huge difference between something like this versus making jokes amongst friends. With your friends, you understand where the lines are, and you know each other well enough that you can appreciate that it's all being done as a joke. The line for something done anonymously on the internet is a lot different.

Part of the reason why something like this needs to be called out is because there are people who don't really understand how damaging it can be. The concept of 'white beauty' and of portraying a standard movie/TV beauty look (basically skinny white girls) has damaged a lot of people in terms of causing millions of people to hate themselves, trying to change their look, etc. Not to mention the pervasiveness in causing men to view that as the only standard of beauty and look down on anyone who doesn't fit it.

I doubt anyone is going to be crying themselves to sleep because of that recolor job, but it's just another example of a very disturbing trend in contemporary western society, regardless of what the intent was on the part of the person who did it. Speaking out about it in a forum like this can at least lead to some people who had never really thought about the issue before giving it some more thought and maybe considering this in their future interactions with people, how they judge other people, etc.


Sorry this is pretty much an "about me" post. I asked those questions for my personal understanding, and at this point I don't feel comfortable making declarations or arguments until I've thought about it some more, but I feel that it's a post that's worth responding to.

In an idealized world with little to no racism, I'd agree that this would be an equivalent action. However we don't live in that world and it is because of this context that I can say that they aren't equivalent actions. As I've said before, and I hope you aren't denying this, lighter skin is deemed beautiful relative to darker skin in pretty much every Western culture and most cultures that have had significant interaction/influence by Western Media (which at this point is most of the world).

I don't deny it at all. This is definitely a topic for which I have to do more introspection, because I know I'm guilty of seeing this part of a larger issue--racism against black people in general--which concerns other people (particularly white and black people) without thinking of how I've been socially conditioned.

Also is not to say one can never re-imagine or reboot characters - I'm just telling you why the directions aren't equivalent and why it can sometimes rub people the wrong way. As such, given this all this context, whenever I see characters bleached (this Captain Earth example isn't even like a re-imagining or a new take on a character just a straight up bleaching) I always get very suspicious about the intentions.

I think this goes to the root of what I was curious about, and really helps me put some things together. My knee-jerk reaction to this was, "Well, people want to see characters in skin tones they like. That's why people recolored the girl in Captain Earth and why people recolored the characters in my example," but reading over your post again and sitting on it a little made me realize that I was completely missing your point and that my knee-jerk reaction is probably symptomatic of the problem.

The tough part for me to deal with is that it seems so tied to my way of thinking that I can't imagine not being a subconscious racist even though it isn't something I want to be. Thanks for the insightful post. I can't say I've completely internalized it or that I can completely empathize. Even worse, I've heard similar perspectives on NPR and other talk shows, but I've never really thought about how I was involved until now. I'll try to be more conscientious of how my socialization affects how I see things and hopefully it'll sink in eventually. :<


Thinking about it again. I don't think Yen Press licensing Index is a good idea. There are 33 volumes to start with not to mention the 34th volume is coming out next month and going by their 3 or 4 month releases, they will never catch up considering Kamachi put out like 3 or 4 volumes in a year. By the time Yen Press reach up to the 32th volume, 8 years would have pass by and Kamachi would have probably out out another 30 more volumes if Kamachi decided he wanted to drag Index out.

I can't imagine fans in their 40/50s still buying LN lol.

Well I wonder how long it takes to do a non rushed professional translation.


Maturity, bitches.
Not to stir the pot, but isn't the aim of tanning to be seen as more beautiful? Well at least in the UK it seems to be. A good tan is seen as healthy (of course being orange from overuse of the instant tan isn't) whereas in places like India it's the opposite and they have whitening cream.


Mekakucity Actors 2

I think I actually enjoyed that one more than the first episode. A really simple but nice "standalone" episode introducing the character of Momo and why we should care about her. Aside from "because she's really cute". Which she is.

Really liked the dynamic between her and the teacher, and the episode did a good job of getting me invested in her story. Also the use of the original song as an insert was nice.
Not to stir the pot, but isn't the aim of tanning to be seen as more beautiful? Well at least in the UK it seems to be. A good tan is seen as healthy (of course being orange from overuse of the instant tan isn't) whereas in places like India it's the opposite and they have whitening cream.

Isn't that more due to England never seeing the sun and a lot of folks being that paled white color ala Harry Potter? I mean outside of the minority population I mean.

Also could we please not bring ponies into this thread? I hate ponies. So very very much.
Mekakucity Actors 2

I think I actually enjoyed that one more than the first episode. A really simple but nice "standalone" episode introducing the character of Momo and why we should care about her. Aside from "because she's really cute". Which she is.

Really liked the dynamic between her and the teacher, and the episode did a good job of getting me invested in her story. Also the use of the original song as an insert was nice.

What did you think of the Ending song, because I thought it was so good and soothing.


Not to stir the pot, but isn't the aim of tanning to be seen as more beautiful? Well at least in the UK it seems to be. A good tan is seen as healthy (of course being orange from overuse of the instant tan isn't) whereas in places like India it's the opposite and they have whitening cream.

It's more of a cultural thing. I live in Brazil, and the majority of people are tanned, or at least has a natural skin color close to it. It's so common to me that I don't think it's that beautiful. And at least from the people I know, the majority prefers "whiter" people.


Subete no aware
It's more of a cultural thing. I live in Brazil, and the majority of people are tanned, or at least ha a natural skin color close to it. It's so common to me that I don't think it's that beautiful. And at least from the people I know, the majority prefers "whiter" people.
It's culturally relative. In Asia, people bleach their skin the same way that people bleach their hair. There are also many skin-lightening cosmetics. Just look at the majority of Asian female idols - they do their best to appear to have as light skin as possible.

I think light skin and tanned skin are also tied into notions of class - in Asia, especially if you are from a colonized country, having light skin represented a specific class of people - if not Europeans themselves. In Western countries, you have people going to tanning salons with ski masks on so that they can pretend that they had a ski vacation. lol
It's more of a cultural thing. I live in Brazil, and the majority of people are tanned, or at least has a natural skin color close to it. It's so common to me that I don't think it's that beautiful. And at least from the people I know, the majority prefers "whiter" people.

Well, being tanned in Northern/Middle Europe means you're rich enough for long holidays in more sunny countries - there is a reason why tanning beds are popular here.

Meanwhile not being tanned or bw more light skinned in sunny countries mean you're rich enough that you don't need to work under the hot sun.
Phi Brain S3 E12

Why bother bringing back Hebert to basically recycle his exact same plot line from S2? Same twist, same shtick, but a worse puzzle. Huge disappointment

Phi Brain S3 E13

Mostly set up for next episode which should be pretty hype
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