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Golden Time - 1~24

If there's one thing I can say about GT it's that it brings literally all the feels. It's filled with happy moments, sad moments, funny moments, deep moments, and any type of emotion.
And it does that without feeling it's trying a lot of things, it succeeds in mixing all those different feelings in a concise package, like life itself.
The characters are all great and everyone had their share of growth. Especially Kouko who went form a kinda shallow overly attached girl to someone who can enjoy her friends and life by itself.
I liked the music as well, as it complemented a lot of scenes and was really noticeable.
The only thing I didn't like was ghost Banri. It was kinda out of place, especially that scene on the last episode.
What the hell was that? Was he hallucinating with ghost Banri? The Linda that appears, was she the real Linda or a hallucination? And like, she comes saying yes, she loves Banri, hugs the ghost (WTF) than say yes to everything, including his love for Kouko and WAT? And Kouko was right there in front of them, how could she not see/hear them? And the ring magically going back into his pocket? What. The. Hell?

Overall, really enjoyable series. It kinda feels like a more mature Toradora!, which I also love. Would recommend to everybody.

Ugh, the ending sucked so much.

Episodes 22 and 23 made me cry a lot, they were very moving, but what a shitty and undeserved ending.

EDIT: Read your spoiler again and laughed again. That was so stupid.



Because they are racist (be it consciously or subconsciously)? It is a bit hard to pin down her ethnicity given her very anime-esque design but this photoshop was almost certainly done because the person in question thought "hey, she would look better with lighter skin" which just plays in the larger narrative dating from colonial times that denotes lighter skin as beautiful and darker skin as ugly that still afflicts modern society :(
...34 volumes?

Seriously, how long are these light novels each? Are they, what, 50 pages? There is no way that one series should last that long, particularly of light novel cheese like Index.

Hey if One Piece can have 70+ volumes and is still ongoing why can't Index.


...34 volumes?

Seriously, how long are these light novels each? Are they, what, 50 pages? There is no way that one series should last that long, particularly of light novel cheese like Index.

Quick look shows 300-400 pages to be the general average. To be honest I don't see how that's surprising. Just keep adding new groups of antagonists and locations and you will be set for a long time. It's like the equivalent of endless shounen manga.


Urusei Yatsura - Movie 04- Lum The Forever

So... I'm pleasantly surprised by the existence of this movie. Wasn't Movie 2 supposedly hated in Japan because it diverged from the tone of the series, and the backlash against it one of the main motives for Mamoru Oshii's departure from the franchise? So, why does in Movie 4 it seems like they were attempting to produce something in the same vein as Movie 2 even though it's a different staff handling it?


The director and writer were clearly different, and Oshii's visual imagery was superior, but it's really clear they were trying to go for something in the same style here. Not only there's a more somber tone, the movie is focused on a mystery that slowly changes Tomobiki into something else, there's illusions and dream imagery and characters becoming uncharacteristically introspective, no "movie villain" type character... In fact, this movie seemed to be even more serious than movie 2. I'd say that it's even humorless to a point, while I never thought Movie 2 lacked humor while watching it.

Now, in the end, movie 2 seems like a better executed one overall. The visual direction was just much better than in this one. However, I preferred the way this movie handled the explanation for the strange events going on. But still, it's just odd to see something so blatantly inspired by movie 2 considering the controversy surrounding it.

I enjoyed this movie more than the first and third ones, although the second one still is the best. It also gives a good send off for the series, even if it isn't the official finale.
One Week Friends 3

This show continues to be fairly tamed, which is a good side. After the melodrama fest that were shows like Golden Time last season, it's nice to watch a show that even the 'feels' moments are pretty toned down and not exaggerated.

Infinite Stratos sounds like the name of a disease.
A virus that attacks the male's brain and doesn't allow the brain to think logically when it comes to the process of mating and understanding the opposite sex.Symptoms include: being clueless, not understanding women, death


...34 volumes?

Seriously, how long are these light novels each? Are they, what, 50 pages? There is no way that one series should last that long, particularly of light novel cheese like Index.
32 volumes and 2 side stories
Index old Testaments
Volume 1 to 22. Season 1 covered volume 1 to 6. Season 2 covered volume 7 to 13 plus 1 side story which was episode season 2's 23/24.

Index New Testament
Volume '1' to '9'. Volume '10' is next month.

Hence 34 volumes.

Worst part is with all these 34 volumes,not even nearly half a year pass by in the index story timeline lol.


...34 volumes?

Seriously, how long are these light novels each? Are they, what, 50 pages? There is no way that one series should last that long, particularly of light novel cheese like Index.

They'd probably be a little shy of couple of hundred pages a piece when published in English.


I love that Mr. Jeff is associated with IS in your mind now. lol

I know how much he loves the show,haha. ;p

Ah, he actually put out another book? lol

Also, IS would be good if they brought back the original director!

Infinite Stratos directed by SatoJun,haha.

Actually, I forgot he was directing that original show with Mari Okada writing this season. It's called M3. I wonder how that will work out.

Wait, were the quantum panties canonical?!

I thought that episode was dumb even for IS. Laura's "let them wear bloomers" thing was kind of funny though I guess.


I thought that episode was dumb even for IS. Laura's "let them wear bloomers" thing was kind of funny though I guess.

I appreciated the audacity of that episode and the one preceding it. It was like how the Spinal Tap dudes had an amp went to 11 but instead the IS folk could turn the haremshit up that high.


Because they are racist (be it consciously or subconsciously)? It is a bit hard to pin down her ethnicity given her very anime-esque design but this photoshop was almost certainly done because the person in question thought "hey, she would look better with lighter skin" which just plays in the larger narrative dating from colonial times that denotes lighter skin as beautiful and darker skin as ugly that still afflicts modern society :(

There's no subconscious component to it.


Subete no aware
I know how much he loves the show,haha. ;p

Infinite Stratos directed by SatoJun,haha.

Actually, I forgot he was directing that original show with Mari Okada writing this season. It's called M3. I wonder how that will work out.
I assume it'll be terrible. :(

I appreciated the audacity of that episode and the one preceding it. It was like how the Spinal Tap dudes had an amp went to 11 but instead the IS folk could turn the haremshit up that high.
But S1 was just so much more aware with its haremshit hijinks. lol
Haikyuu 3:
This episode was a little slower than the first two, but it did have some important character moments with Hinata and Kageyama getting a little closer, and Hinata's skills progressing quite a bit. Hopefully they can pull through in the practice game and don't have their teamwork immediately falter.
There's no subconscious component to it.

There's always the possibility the guy simply wanted to see what she'd look like with a more standard anime skin tone. I know some would say "why not the other way around then?" and that's because it isn't common in anime to have darker skin people. The darker skinned people you see tend to be those with tans cause they live in the beach area. Chances are it was indeed a racist choice, I'm just being devil's advocate.
Brynhildr in the Darkness 3
I know Kuronekko pretty much exploded, but please don't be dead, please dont be dead, please dont be dead...

...she's dead isn't she :(


Ugh, the ending sucked so much.

Episodes 22 and 23 made me cry a lot, they were very moving, but what a shitty and undeserved ending.

EDIT: Read your spoiler again and laughed again. That was so stupid.

I'm actually okay with
he remembering Kouko especially because in relapses he had, what brought him back was Kouko's name (Or seeing her cry from the taxi), so the feelings for her was so strong that it was what linked him to his post-accident self. But that scene with the ghost was absurd. I couldn't believe it.

It's that menstrual blood?


Poet Centuriate
http://www.penguin-empire.com/ looking at the sorce code almost makes me want to watch daimidaler. lmao


Question is Season One of MushiShi needed to watch season two?

No, but maybe the first episode of the first season. Out of all the episodes it explains the most about what mushi are and the most about the world. Other than that, you can really jump in anywhere. There's a few episodes that also establish the stories of a few recurring characters and some of the tools that Ginko uses, but it's pretty safe to start wherever in Mushishi.

They're obviously a terrorist and hate happiness, that's what.

Infinite Stratos sounds like the name of a disease.

You're...not entirely off the mark...


Macross 7 9

So I feel like I really kinda get what's going on in the show now, with Geppelnitch gathering Spiritia for his still unnamed group and Spiritia being produced by music. I also feel like the show works best for me when I look at it as a story about a band and their troubles and the mecha as only being sorta tacked on. Mostly because as of yet Basara's hijinks in his suit are still his most assholish moments. Otherwise, he and Mylene are sorta slowly getting their shit together and figuring out how to be a band. I appreciate that both characters are at least nuanced enough that neither one is ever completely right in their quarrels (aside from when Basara chose to treat her like shit for making him punch a guy). Honestly my only real complaint with the band dynamic as of this point in the series is that Veffidas sorta doesn't seem to bring much to the table. But with 40 episodes to go, there's time for that to change.


I know some would say "why not the other way around then?" and that's because it isn't common in anime to have darker skin people.

Mmm, it's not like dark-skin recolorings never happen or fanart of characters changed to dark skin don't exist. I've probably seen more dark-skin recoloring than the other way around to be honest. Most examples tend to be NSFW though. :V


There's no subconscious component to it.

I don't mean "subconscious" as a means to excuse it or deem it less bad but there is a difference between someones who revels in their racism and someone is racist but doesn't realize they are being racist ("herp derp its just preference man derp"). Either, its fucking bad and reflects very poorly on the photoshopper.

There's always the possibility the guy simply wanted to see what she'd look like with a more standard anime skin tone. I know some would say "why not the other way around then?" and that's because it isn't common in anime to have darker skin people. The darker skinned people you see tend to be those with tans cause they live in the beach area. Chances are it was indeed a racist choice, I'm just being devil's advocate.

There's no such thing a a common anime skin tone though, its just 99% of characters in anime are Japanese (for obvious reasons) or generic Caucasian - neither of which applies to Hana. If the individual was "just curious", why bother to even save the image to share with people?

I will say, regarding anime/manga, I'll never understand why so many properties have characters who are explicitly pure-blood Japanese or East Asian but so often look Caucasian. The only explanation I can come up with is the the same thing that is at the root of the light/dark skin issue - Western European idolization stemming form the influences of colonialism. Is there something else I'm missing when it comes to that issue?

Oh, and since Nico Robin was just posted in this thread, what was the deal with her? Why the hell did they bleach her skin? Did the anime mess up originally when they introduced her around Alabasta? Was she always supposed to be so pale? Or is something more nefarious at play?


I don't mean "subconscious" as a means to excuse it or deem it less bad but there is a difference between someones who revels in their racism and someone is racist but doesn't realize they are being racist ("herp derp its just preference man derp"). Either, its fucking bad and reflects very poorly on the photoshopper.

If the individual was "just curious", why bother to even save the image to share with people?

Just out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about images like these? I've never looked at a dark-skin recoloring and thought, "That person is racist!" so I'm really surprised that people think that way for a light-skin recoloring. I'm fine with admitting that I'm not the most racially sensitive person, though, so that's why I'm curious regarding what you think about it.

Second one is kinda NSFW. It's just Lan from Rinne no Lagrange, but her outfit is kinda NSFW anyway so just a warning.


Gintama 27

Oh wow. Guys, I'm getting kinda teary-eyed here. This episode wasn't really that funny but BOY did it hit me right in the feels. This is a comedy, right? (I feel like I need to ask this question every 3rd episode or so)



Subete no aware
Gintama 27

Oh wow. Guys, I'm getting kinda teary-eyed here. This episode wasn't really that funny but BOY did it hit me right in the feels. This is a comedy, right? (I feel like I need to ask this question every 3rd episode or so)
Gintama's "secret sauce"
is that it balances comedy and drama so well. Once you start to get tired of jokes, it suddenly becomes serious with very basic but effective "moral" stories.


Gintama 27

Oh wow. Guys, I'm getting kinda teary-eyed here. This episode wasn't really that funny but BOY did it hit me right in the feels. This is a comedy, right? (I feel like I need to ask this question every 3rd episode or so)

Oh, just wait. Just wait!

Gintama's "secret sauce"
is that it balances comedy and drama so well. Once you start to get tired of jokes, it suddenly becomes serious with very basic but effective "moral" stories.

Yeah, the show does a pretty remarkable job of jumping between comedy and drama, sometimes in the same episode, without feeling jarring.
There's no such thing a a common anime skin tone though, its just 99% of characters in anime are Japanese (for obvious reasons) or generic Caucasian - neither of which applies to Hana. If the individual was "just curious", why bother to even save the image to share with people?

Because it does little harm. OceanBlue here even just confirmed my suspicions that skin recoloring isn't uncommon. Am I missing something? Did the author say something like "much better!" or "I would've preferred it like this"? If not it's a leap to instantly assume racism.

I will say, regarding anime/manga, I'll never understand why so many properties have characters who are explicitly pure-blood Japanese or East Asian but so often look Caucasian. The only explanation I can come up with is the the same thing that is at the root of the light/dark skin issue - Western European idolization stemming form the influences of colonialism. Is there something else I'm missing when it comes to that issue?

Different styles I'd say. If we look at hair color alone, and I have no data to back me up so don't quote me on it, most eastern people have black/darker toned hair and that tends to be how they're depicted (at least with natural color hair). It'd be easier for an artist to distinguish their characters with a wide range of hair colors, eyes and faces. Probably harder to distinguish them otherwise. When an artist attempts to do it though I applaud them.


Setec Astronomer
You know what you have to do. Time to buy the HG Beargguy-III! :D
Is that official? The whole time it really seemed like it should have been "Bearguy-san" as in "Mr. Bearguy". She wasn't the type to simply slap on numbers to things like a nerd(which would also require a counter), but rather refer to them formally.


Subete no aware
Yeah, the show does a pretty remarkable job of jumping between comedy and drama, sometimes in the same episode, without feeling jarring.

What's amazing is the later arcs, where an arc can switch between the two within the same 5 or so episodes. It's wonderful to see someone master their craft over time.



I know Dresden and wonzo think this is as good as Ping Pong, but holy shit:

The dude is literally powered by shounen haato. Are you kidding me? lol
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