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Fate/Zero 1
Okay. That was a lot to digest. The only question I really have is why Sakura was sent to the Matoi family when she was already apart of a clan of mages to begin with? Shouldn't her clan protect her? I don't really understand why she was sent to another family.

Other then that the ending itself was pretty epic. It needed to end on that otherwise it would've been a boring first episode. It was a really long episode but I am glad I got through it. Now I feel the story is really going to kick into high gear now. Also this was a very pretty show to watch. I look forward to the rest of it.

I watched this subbed. Man was I really irked that I spent more time reading and trying to understand what's going on then appreciating how beautiful everything was. :/

First ep is somewhat polarizing around here due to the amount of info. Smooths out considerably though.


If you enjoyed those shows, then definitely watch Psycho-Pass after Ergo Proxy. AnimeGAF opinion aside it's actually a really well loved show with good production behind it and an interesting premise.

First ep is somewhat polarizing around here due to the amount of info. Smooths out considerably though.

As far as first episodes go in anime it wasn't that bad. But there is a considerable amount of info to absorb. I can forgive that because like most stories, it's trying to set characters and story up. If this is what the show needs to get the viewer to understand what's going on for the duration of the show then I can't fault it. Could've done it better but I can't fault it.

It's easy to tell early on though that it's setting up a lot of this stuff to make it feel epic. From the ending of the first episode it certainly has a lot of potential and promise.


The violation of the laws of physics represents how the Psycho Pass system bypasses Natural Law and attempts to subvert and tame nature for its own ends as part of its god complex.
Yowapeda 28

This episode did get hit with the shounen pacing stick but it was still hype as fuck. When Onoda
mounted the curb I legit cheered. Also getting to stick it to Luffy was really satisfying


Setec Astronomer
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 24

Goddamn, in case you didn't already know that Ginji was awesome...Also, Washu's entrance this episode was great.

Anyway Sammy is in hell (Juraihelm) now. But Pixy Misa's coming to save the day in a hijacked NASA spaceship. Aw yeah. But it is cool to see how Misao has accepted that she and Pixy Misa are indeed one in the same. It already hinted at this, but now it really shows.

I like how well-prepared Ayeka is for everything. It's how people get shit done. Gotta leave some aside for a rainy day. Doubt she's gonna see Pixy Misa coming though.

That whole opening sequence where Aeka introduces a proverb then expands on it before returning to the original proverb is a parody of Iron Chef, if not something else that shares the same format.
Okay. That was a lot to digest. The only question I really have is why Sakura was sent to the Matoi family when she was already apart of a clan of mages to begin with? Shouldn't her clan protect her? I don't really understand why she was sent to another family.

That question and more are answered as the show goes on so keep watching.

Other then that the ending itself was pretty epic. It needed to end on that otherwise it would've been a boring first episode. It was a really long episode but I am glad I got through it. Now I feel the story is really going to kick into high gear now. Also this was a very pretty show to watch. I look forward to the rest of it.

Yeah Ufotable went all out with this adaptation, but their KnK movies are very pretty to watch as well. But this has better writing and plot to back it up.

I watched this subbed. Man was I really irked that I spent more time reading and trying to understand what's going on then appreciating how beautiful everything was. :/

Yeah that's the complaint of most who watch the show's first episode, there's so much constant talking that you don't have time to appreciate the visuals. It'll turn into regular anime dialogue after this. Coincidentally I think there's only more episode where like 10 minutes of the 20 are spent in a conversation between two characters as they drone on and one and on. Thankfully not much is going on in the show at the time so you can focus on the dialogue. Besides those two instances (and depending on who you are the episode focusing on a certain FSN character) the rest are golden and amazing.

edit: Also I understand you guys have fun with your Psycho Pass memes and jokes, but a drop in quality here and there isn't the end of the world. That'd be like focusing on a show solely on a bad episode and refusing to admit anything else was good.


Yeah that's the complaint of most who watch the show's first episode, there's so much constant talking that you don't have time to appreciate the visuals. It'll turn into regular anime dialogue after this. Coincidentally I think there's only more episode where like 10 minutes of the 20 are spent in a conversation between two characters as they drone on and one and on. Thankfully not much is going on in the show at the time so you can focus on the dialogue. Besides those two instances (and depending on who you are the episode focusing on a certain FSN character) the rest are golden and amazing.

The later scene is better just because it's focused on the characters' views rather than Nasuverse wiki pages.


I actually watched anime this weekend. On the advice of wonzo and a bunch of other jokers I picked up Ping Pong.

The art looks like dogshit. Like, interfering with my ability to enjoy the show level of awful.
See, that's what I thought too after the first episode, but somehow the art in the second episode was a lot easier for me to handle. I'll have to see how things go from here.
Someone braver than me should make a thread in OT for this: http://www.swordart-online.net/SAOA/en/


:bow Aniplex :bow

I figured you guys were probably going to mock them heavily for this once word of it got here. It's just something fun for the fans of the series as part of their hype machine towards SAO II in July. Though I'll agree that stretching the whole voting process across two months is probably overkill.
Also this doesn't seem to stop you from voting multiple times. Well I guess they were asking for this to be spammed with joke votes.
It'll be a battle of whether or not fans of the show or trolls have more time on their hands, I suppose. Not like it really matters for anything.
If an episode of a Cartoon Network cartoon (like, say, Adventure Time) is written, storyboarded, and directed by Masaaki Yuasa, does that make it anime?
Shame I missed this debate. It's an interesting question and there's a lot of other stuff out there you can pose the same question towards (like the newer Thundercats series made by Studio 4C, Animatrix, Halo Legends, and Batman Gotham Knight) for various degrees of "how close is this to anime?" regardless of whatever the fuck MAL thinks.

For this particular example, though, it's an interesting case -- a single episode of a western animation show, normally produced in the U.S., that's being produced entirely in Japan by Yuasa's team with no input from anyone stateside (as far as I know). I can't say for certain how I'd define it.


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 25

So Ayeka and Sasami are sisters in this too, huh? Ginji and Honoka have gotta be from Juraihelm or something. Knew Ginji was too awesome to be human. Or Sasami isn't their daughter. I'm betting first one.

And Pixy Misa does, indeed, save the day.

Final showdown coming.


C - Control 05-07

Feels like a good stopping point. The show continues to be intriguing to watch, with the interplay between the real world and the Financial District. The volunteer guy - Kou - was also a nice antagonist, and, like Mikuni, turned out to be someone who's not really bad, his intentions are as noble as they come in this phantom Wall Street, but he's not exactly on Kimimaro's side either.

The main reason I was watching was Mysu, and that's why episode 7 was both a nice stopping point and my favorite episode so far. The Mikuni half elaborated on his backstory which, while standard, ties into the themes of the show, and explains why Q has the voice of Saori Goto.
If an Asset is someone's future, and his sister is the future he's fighting for, that makes perfect sense.
I'm still not sure why she eats money, but that may be explained later. The Mysu half of the show, and her growing love of instant ramen, is adorable. She may be slightly turning into a love interest, but perhaps there's a version of her in the real world somewhere that she represents, too. The gist of her monologue is that Kimimaro has empathy, and that is worthy of respect.

Seeing this show makes me appreciate something like Wixoss, because although it's not trying to sell something (besides stocks?), it's using the same general framework. A basic story as old as stories themselves, but reinvented in a way where it's its own thing. C has struck the right balance of thoughtful and entertaining thus far, and I look forward to wrapping it up tomorrow.
The later scene is better just because it's focused on the characters' views rather than Nasuverse wiki pages.

I'm not a fan of conversations in a show that take about half of the total length of an episode, particularly more if it's an action show or a one cour series. It's a bit of waste of time if they're discussing philosophy. Sure you learn more about their characters, but a lot of the time it won't add much into the whole show or your opinion on their character. FZ did it a bit better than others since the long conversation actually does have a major consequence that affects the series though.


I'm not a fan of conversations in a show that take about half of the total length of an episode, particularly more if it's an action show or a one cour series. It's a bit of waste of time if they're discussing philosophy. Sure you learn more about their characters, but a lot of the time it won't add much into the whole show or your opinion on their character. FZ did it a bit better than others since the long conversation actually does have a major consequence that affects the series though.

I'm trying to reconcile this post with your love for Psycho Pass.


Just be warned that the quality of the average episode declines considerably from here until the transition away from A/B-part format at the end of the first season. It's all still necessary to watch because it introduces most of the supporting cast and establishes the dynamics between them, but there are a lot of episodes with dull execution, substandard humor, and no resolution. And don't fret when the show introduces
Rei; after a couple of episodes his presence in the show diminishes almost entirely

Glad to see someone else beginning this, though! You'll be rewarded if you make it through the initial batch of episodes.
Noted. Though I just finished Rei's introduction episode and no complaints so far.


Love Live! S2 ep.3

That was really good. I feel bad that I can't say any more since I'm late to the party and it'll just be repeating what everyone else already said, but this episode was great all-around.
I'm trying to reconcile this post with your love for Psycho Pass.

There's one major episode in Psycho-Pass this was an issue in, that doesn't mean I will judge the whole show on it just like I won't judge Fate Zero based on the Rin episode. If this is going to reach 'you like x show? I hate it so let me make fun of it and you' levels then count me out.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Fate/Zero 1

Thoughts during episode:

Okay. That was a lot to digest. The only question I really have is why Sakura was sent to the Matoi family when she was already apart of a clan of mages to begin with? Shouldn't her clan protect her? I don't really understand why she was sent to another family.

Other then that the ending itself was pretty epic. It needed to end on that otherwise it would've been a boring first episode. It was a really long episode but I am glad I got through it. Now I feel the story is really going to kick into high gear now. Also this was a very pretty show to watch. I look forward to the rest of it.

I watched this subbed. Man was I really irked that I spent more time reading and trying to understand what's going on then appreciating how beautiful everything was. :/

That circling around Kirei make me chuckle and appreciate Shaft approach when handling scene with lot of dialogue.

Why Sakura was sent to Matoi Family
Tohsaka family rule is to only teach magic to one children. To avoid competition and jealousy between sibling, Tohsaka family allow Matou family to adopt Sakura, since Matou family mage blood is getting thinner each generation, to the point they can be considered normal human.


M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 1

Ehhhhhhh, this show looks pretty nice and has some fairly interesting concepts going on, but it's hard to feel very enthusiastic about it when they throw a bunch of characters in your face right from the start and none of them seem particularly appealing or interesting.

I'll give it another episode or two, but I'm not really feeling it so far.


See, that's what I thought too after the first episode, but somehow the art in the second episode was a lot easier for me to handle. I'll have to see how things go from here.

I'm not really sure if I have the motivation to start the next episode considering how turned off I was by the art. Its like a nightmare come to life. I'm sure this art design was done on purpose but I can't, for the life of me, figure out why.


I can recommend a good optometrist.

If this is glaucoma, I wish it made all anime look this good. :p Captures the spirit of the original art effortlessly while maintaining a style all its own. Colorful without being busy or frenetic, with good storyboarding and editing, it's visually sophisticated on a level that almost no other show this season can match.


I'm not really sure if I have the motivation to start the next episode considering how turned off I was by the art. Its like a nightmare come to life. I'm sure this art design was done on purpose but I can't, for the life of me, figure out why.

Because it's a pretty good match for the source manga's art.

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