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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Subete no aware
You might have a case if you added in Ami, but otherwise no.
Chibiusa (she's S tier, so it's not really fair) > Uranus > Ami > who cares.

Neither Space Brothers or Mysterious Girlfriend X have impressed me with any particular 'Wow' episode that really knocks my socks off, unlike say, Sankarea but what they've done instead is to be consistently good, which is something a number of shows (I'm looking at you, Fujiko) completely fail to do. It really feels like both shows are being managed well enough to ensure they don't have a really 'off' episode. Maintaining a standard is less exciting then hitting dizzying heights and disappointing lows, but it produces a far better overall experience.
MGX has been pretty flat though. I wonder why they bothered with the drool hook in the first place.
Queen's Blade 1

Is that how it works? Sure, let's go with that.
I have no idea why I put this anime off for so long. Besides Manyuu, this show was tailor made to my tastes. Besides the tits, the fighting was good too. Though I still don't understand the whole acid lactation thing...

Queen's Blade 2
This episode was even better than the last. I'm a huge sucker for traditional Japanese-like settings, so it was a real treat. And the whole fight with the ninjas and giant ninja frog was pretty spectacular too. I look forward to more tits.
MGX has had a few good episodes (this week's was one of the better ones), but the rest have been flat and boring. I wouldn't call it an example of a consistent show.


So they're doing what Fate/Zero did, and going for consistent consistency over pouring all their resources into "key" episodes?

Not really, because Fate/Zero is (for the most part) consistently impressive, where as MGX is fairly average.
Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not)Advance:

I'll say that again: Wow.

I really wasn't expecting that, after the first movie. I had figured they would diverge more, but I wasn't expecting such major things.
I started raging when Asuka went into Unit 03, and I was prepared for the worst.
That a remake of something I had seen before was able to evoke such intense emotions from me says a lot about the production here.

Rather than remaking the show, they remake the feeling of the show. A lot of events transpire differently, but the characters and their actions and emotions feel familiar. It's to the film's credit that in such a short amount of time they could have all of the characters feel so fully formed. The changes from the show are becoming more substantial, and I'm not exactly sure where things will go from here.

What I do know is that they've done a great job at giving me something that feels familiar and new at the same time. This film really blew me away. It looked gorgeous, the music was great, and the pacing and direction were really top notch. I can't wait to see where things go from hero.

Neither Space Brothers or Mysterious Girlfriend X have impressed me with any particular 'Wow' episode that really knocks my socks off, unlike say, Sankarea but what they've done instead is to be consistently good, which is something a number of shows (I'm looking at you, Fujiko) completely fail to do. It really feels like both shows are being managed well enough to ensure they don't have a really 'off' episode. Maintaining a standard is less exciting then hitting dizzying heights and disappointing lows, but it produces a far better overall experience.

Yeah, it might not be as glamorous, but creating a consistent quality is pretty important. I think that both shows have really nailed that element. I never find myself bored or checking the time when I watch Space Brothers. It's just a solid, great show every week. There aren't any dizzying highs, but the quality overall is pretty close to high on every episode.
What was Fujiko's off episode?

3 and 5 were meh, while 4 was pretty bad.

MGX has been pretty flat though. I wonder why they bothered with the drool hook in the first place.

MGX has had a few good episodes (this week's was one of the better ones), but the rest have been flat and boring. I wouldn't call it an example of a consistent show.

I would have to disagree; while some episodes are better than others, MGX has been consistently enjoyable for me. I love the atmosphere it sets up and how it portrays the relationship between Urabe and Tsubaki.

This just illustrates that, of course, no one will ever be able to agree on anything.


I really need to catch up on MGX. Because I pretty much loved the first episode and it felt like something that was made for my tastes. Good to hear it remains consistent!


Subete no aware
Let me ask you this then: Where is Chibichibi on your ranking?
Oh man, totally forgot about her. She's more of a mascot though!

I would have to disagree; while some episodes are better than others, MGX has been consistently enjoyable for me. I love the atmosphere it sets up and how it portrays the relationship between Urabe and Tsubaki.

This just illustrates that, of course, no one will ever be able to agree on anything.
Yeah, I suppose so. For me, the most consistently good show this year is still AnoNatsu. lol


That's why you don't settle for cheap imitation Hisokas.
a cheap imitation hisoka makes perfect sense for a cheap imitation series

I still haven't checked. Rebuild 2.whatever nor the second Gurren Lagann movie. GAINAX/Khara will not desecrate my memories of both shows.
Switch VI and VII around and I would be okay with your list.
but the ending of the 2nd TTGL movie's better than the tv series!


2 = 6 >> 5 >> 1 > 4 >>>>>>>> 3. I think.
How can you rank 5 higher than 1?! at least you could understand what was going on during the action scenes in 1.

Anyway I'm going hold off ranking the episodes till I get around to 6.


How can you rank 5 higher than 1?! at least you could understand what was going on during the action scenes in 1.

Anyway I'm going hold off ranking the episodes till I get around to 6.

I enjoyed the characters and story in ep5 more. Jigen is god-tier. But I might be selling ep1 short. I haven't seen it in a while, and ep5 was enjoyable because it came after ep3-4, so it's about lowered expectations I guess...
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