Darker Than Black OVA Part 2
Take note, anime: if you're going to have a one dimensional villain-of-the-episode with no discernible personality,
this is the way to do it. (probably NSFW)
Maybe I'm just a big wuss, but I felt really bad for the teal Ying Yang dude. Even though they were cursed with being contractors, I bet the three of them managed to live a happy, satisfying life together until Hei and co. came in with their bullshit non-offer and murderous syndicate drama.
I probably should have rewatched at least the last couple episodes of the first season before watching this, because I have no idea what the hell the deal is with Yin's split personality. For some reason I had it in my head that the other half was Hei's sister, but
then I was forced to reconsider that. Then again, this is Japan so it may very well still be her.