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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Korra no Densetsu 3

So far, Amon doesn't really strike me as a really serious threat to the larger population of benders out there but we'll see how things progres from here. At least he does have the villanous look down. .

It's pretty hard to be a serious thread when you have about 15 dudes with you. Not a very scary force, especially when he has to take out each bender by hand.

Maybe if he invented guns he'd have a better chance.


Korra no Densetsu 3

The CG was pretty bad and the kids are still really annoying but I'm starting to warm up to this. The animation for the fighting scenes were very nicely handled and I didn't find the writing to be anywhere near as awkward as it felt at times in the first two episodes.
Amon owns and if the writers had any guts he'll end up on the winning side of history once this is all said and done.

Chrollo always looked derpy.
yeah but he looks even more derpy than usual in the new op.

you really shouldn't
that only makes my urges even stronger!






Sankarea 03:
It's something about the dark atmosphere, the careful detail in Rea's expressions, the sense of death and suffocation that envelop the town, and her sorrowful desire to die and be reborn that flavor the serious scenes with an authentic sadness for me.
We've already had that with Shiki and it never ends well.
I have really high hopes for the next episode, as the setup is now complete. Please stay classy, show.

Classy like upskirt shots and boobs pressed into the camera inside a tunnel?


Korra no Densetsu 3

One thing that stood out to me, tho. Wasn't
something that required arduous training and concentration to pull off and only very few firebenders could accomplish? Seems like now it's something everyone and their mothers can use fairly easily.

metal bending was also unheard of originally...


Fate/Zero 16


Truly the expression of an elated man.

Well, that was a lot better than the last episode.

Kiritsugu is truly ruthless. Obviously they had depicted his willingness to go to extreme measures before, but even his demolition escapade had nothing on this.

It's pretty impressive how it managed to make me feel sorry for a guy who had just shot an old man in cold blood. And Lancer... not even in death can he find peace from the incredibly suckiness of his life.

Saber got told again, but it was nice to see her fire back with her own insight this time. She's learning... maybe.

I did think the scene was pretty silly where
Sola Ui lost her arm. For one thing, you're not going to be able to hack someone's arm off with one swing with a blade like that, especially when you have no leverage. Plus she somehow lost a comical amount of blood in few seconds, enough that she would obviously be dead.


Korra no Densetsu 3

Korra x Mako :3 :3

The one big fight was interesting because it evoked a typical Fullmetal Alchemist battle, with Ed and Al typically relying on
making a wall out of the dirt as some kind of shield
. I suppose when your characters can make things appear out of thin air, the fighting can be a lot more dynamic and interesting.
Of course, there's like none of the heroic bloodshed manliness that comes with some of the best FMA:B fights, but I suppose those will come later. Or, at least, I assume so.

It does a pretty reasonable job of using the attributes of the characters to make the action more dynamic and interesting, although it doesn't go quite as far as Birdy or Jo Jo's. Of course, no-one is making any manly speeches during their battles.


Fate/Zero 16

Truly the expression of an elated man.

According to interviews, the art team have specific instructions to draw Kirei with as little emotion as possible, except in very rare cases, to illustrate the sort of conflicted but emotionless character he is. The animation directors apparently make corrections to remove lines whenever they see too much emotion expressed on his face. Lol.


Subete no aware
The whole point of the Turing Test is that if an AI can pass it then it's a conscious AI :|
You're taking this too seriously!

It does a pretty reasonable job of using the attributes of the characters to make the action more dynamic and interesting, although it doesn't go quite as far as Birdy or Jo Jo's. Of course, no-one is making any manly speeches during their battles.
It's more interesting than just guys throwing punches at each other anyway. Korra just needs to watch someone die honorably and then power up though. That's the secret to manly fighting.

That's what I mean, it's super localised.
Yep. It's hard to care about what amounts to
a crazy guy with a knife.

Is nothing sacred to these people?


Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.

The animators are too lazy.


I decided I need to stop getting so emotionally attached to fictional characters and just watch the story and pretty animation. I miss out on tons of good fiction because I can't stand the characters or hate them as if they were real people. I get to strung up too much.

Sounds like you're ready to watch Shiguri: Death Frenzy!


Yami to Boushi to Hon to Tabibito 09:

NO WAY. Yami actually revisited something that happened in a past episode? That.........explained some stuff?
At some point in the past, Lillith was really horny for Gargantua for whatever reason, so as an expression of her dickthirst she sucks him into a blank book and performs DEEN Instrumentality, giving him his own world to create as he pleases.

In his infinite imagination, he makes a castle.
Oh and something something unlocking memories something. I still have no idea how any of this ties into anything.

Oh yeah, there was a conclusion to the ninja shit. Something about a magical comb.

To think that people claim that Yami is jumbled meaningless mess.
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