Loves Necrophilia
(Today, 09:46 AM)
i won't lie, it wouldn't be as inaccurate as my current tag
Loves Necrophilia
(Today, 09:46 AM)
So you are asking for it to be changed?!i won't lie, it wouldn't be as inaccurate as my current tag
Loves Necrophilia
(Today, 09:46 AM)
Does stuff like that event footage usually make it into U.S. releases or does that typically go missing? I haven't really paid a lot of attention to those.Nice mouretsu pirates set, too bad us one wont be as ornate and have features.
It's not necrophilia if they're still warm!
Holy shit, I totally forgot about this show - mostly because it came out right after Aoi Hana and was "inferior".Sasameki Koto 13 [FINAL]
Not bad. The characters were likeable and the humor was pretty decent. The only thing that bugged me wasthere was never a confession or a kiss between Ushio and Sumika (besides that half-ass one where Ushio wore the mask for practice). I mean what the hell? How can you build something up like that and fail to nail something so crucial in the final episode?
Regardless of that "minor" setback, I would recommend it for anyone wanting to add another GL show on their backlog.
Fate/Zero 16
... Lancer is always stuck with the worst master ): So much happened, but I feel it was done right. So much potential for deleted scenes...But what really took the cake was whenMy heart pretty much dropped when Sola's arm got cut off, the contract explanation started, and when Sola/Kayneth both got shot down by that one bitch.Overall, it was a good episode but now I'm sad and extremely worried about what's next. ):Lancer was forced to kill himself. Him being my favorite servant below Iskander and Gil, I was pretty devastated.
Emiya Kiritsugu vi Brittania commands you!
Fate/Zero 16:
Wow, soKayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-
Cool! We finally get to seeSaber and Lancer's final showdSONOFABITCH WHAT YEARHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFF
Gen Urobuchi, healing type writer!
He's gonna heal the fuck out of us all by the time the series ends.
Ah you captured the image I wanted!Lancer didnt deserve to die, was too happy and excited, just like Ryuunosuke
Uh... yup, captured it perfectly, I would say.Fate/Zero 16:
Wow, soKayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-
Cool! We finally get to seeSaber and Lancer's final showdSONOFABITCH WHAT YEARHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFF
I felt more violated by the things that happened in this episode than in all of Madoka.
It was more effective than all of Madonka.
Does stuff like that event footage usually make it into U.S. releases or does that typically go missing? I haven't really paid a lot of attention to those.
The mini-drama and its vocal song will probably not make it.
I'd assume the textless OP/ED will (hopefully all versions of them), and maybe the soundtrack. Soundtracks seem to be reasonably common pack-ins in N.A. releases.
I felt more violated by the things that happened in this episode than in all of Madoka.
I've never seen a soundtrack in any of the DVD/BDs I've looked at or purchased.
Fate/Zero 16:
Wow, soKayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-
Cool! We finally get to seeSaber and Lancer's final showdSONOFABITCH WHAT YEARHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFF
Fate/Zero 14:
The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.
Fate/Zero 14:
The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.
Fate/Zero 14:
The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.
Oh hmm. Well maybe not then.I've never seen a soundtrack in any of the DVD/BDs I've looked at or purchased.
He has an ability that fogs him up and hides his identity. I assume the CG is because of that.
His aura makes it so that it has to be CG.
Something something otherworldly presence
He has an ability that fogs him up and hides his identity. I assume the CG is because of that.
... now I feel kinda dumb for not thinking of that. ;_;
Oh hmm. Well maybe not then.
Was thinking it was more common than that.
Or well, amongst shows in which the Japanese release comes with a soundtrack, anyway.
I know the Madoka LEs have them.
Life lesson: Tip in your maid cafes.
Maid hawaii desu-ne~
Just a good reaction face, especially one right before a grenade goes off on your foot.
Fate/Zero 14:
The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.
Sankarea 3
That whole opening sequence was rather creative. Some interesting scenes like the one above, demonstrating the father's dominance over his daughter, and there was also that cut when he slapped her that rips the scene horizontally to open to the next scene. I liked it a lot. Actually I liked the whole episode a lot, the director is doing a really good job on this series I hope he continues to handle the story boarding.
Hey I thought you weren't a fan of the show!
Decided to give it another chance?
Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...
Naw, he decided to give it another chance.
Which is awesome, there can never be enough Fap/Zero watchan up in hurr!
Hey I thought you weren't a fan of the show!
Decided to give it another chance?
Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...
Agreed. I also was impressed by how beautiful the episode was in total juxtaposition to the ugliness that's happening between Rea and her father and especially during the last 5 minutes of the show. It was a little bit shocking and hard to watch and yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. The visual direction is fantastic.
Sankarea 3
Despite the variety of scenes and moods on display, this was mostly good. I've seen complaints about Rea's father being too exaggerated, but I imagine his portrayal is fairly close to the subjective experience of someone in a similar position as her. Now that the setup is through, next week will be the real test to see if the director can keep up this quality over the long term.
Fate/stay night
Wait a second, my brother just blew my mind out of this universe.HOLY FUCKING SHITARCHER IS SHIROU
I'm so freaking dumb for not noticing that. What. The. Hell.
which is awesome. Yall should seriously consider chatting in the F/Z OT.
Fate/Zero 16
This episode was putting me to sleep. Too much exposition and not enoughLancer vs Saber.