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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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I'm not completely sure myself, but I'll try to break it down based on what I think I know. I'm sorry if it turns out to be wrong, since it's still a bit early to speculate on certain things imo.

Scub Burst is that they call an event where a piece of Scub Coral appears out of nowhere and causes great destruction to the environment. Whenever this occurs, a G-Monster (called Secrets by Generation Bleu) usually follows. There's a connection, almost like the G-Monster is attracted to the Scub Coral in some way.

Beyond that I don't really think we know exactly what happens if a G-Monster is left to its own devices. In ep1-2 it didn't seem like it was going after anything in particular, and just causing tons of random destruction. In fact, after the first Scub Burst, it blew up a bunch of stuff and then just disappeared later, along with the Scub Coral, only for another Burst to happen again the next day.

Seems like there's some sort of unstable dimensional shifting going on if you ask me...

That's fine except for the part where Fleur states that the G-Monster getting to the Scub Coral will cause a huge Scub Burst. So I guess G-Monsters can cause Scub Bursts as well.


Well, you're talking to somebody who has dedicated themself to watching every single episode of DB and DBZ. I'm probably crazy and should be tuned out!

Well, that's your choice. It sounds like a painful one, so good luck.
Inclined to agree. Though I don't always skip episodes I know I'm better off without. I could hardly say someone else need to follow the rule of "Watch all episodes, even the useless and boring"

I did something exceptional last season and even skipped an episode of Natsume. Sure, it's a pretty short show so I could sit through it, but like many episodic shows it has a habit of repeating stories that it has already told with a thin coat of paint. I don't need to see it all.


That's fine except for the part where Fleur states that the G-Monster getting to the Scub Coral will cause a huge Scub Burst. So I guess G-Monsters can cause Scub Bursts as well.

Yeah but the monster did get to the Scub Coral, and nothing happened. I dunno either. Maybe it's the general Evangelion/Argent Soma plot point, where the "alien invaders" who appear generally mindlessly try to get to a certain "spot" and if they do the world ends or something. Beats me!


there's been alotta time travelers itt recently. el psy congroo

Aoi Hana manga

They do, but even that relationship has moved at a snail's pace for a while. It's only recently that they even had Akira actually deal with the "mechanics" of it all and whether or not she's actually interested in having sex with another woman
. I guess I should be happy that it's at least back on track after all that time.
Ahh, ok. Looks like I should catch back up to the latest chapter then!



it's gonna suck big time having to wait and see how Nintendo's gonna fuck over the PAL regions this time ;___;




Cajun is the target audience for almost everything.

It's why the industry loves the man!
(buying anime also doesn't hurt)



I do like a wide variety of things but I do have standards. I put them standards in a box somewhere. Ill have to dig around for it.

Ahoy, mateys!
Finally got ahold of Bodacious Space Pirates.
Well, vol. 1 anyway. Vol. 2 is sold out again. But that's one down, at least.


Bonus stuff is
  • 35-minute video of the pre-broadcast event with Marika and Chiaki's VAs and the director (also Momoiro Clover Z)


  • Textless OP & ED
  • CD with sondtrack, mini-drama, and an ending song for the mini-drama sung by Marika's VA
It's somewhat lacking in extras compared to the other BDs I picked up this month (AnoNatsu and Haganai), but those also cost almost double the price per episode.

Misc unrelated stuff I got in the same order:
(NSFWish maybe)

Oh damn. So nice. I hope it gets a decent release here. Buying it regardless.

I've never seen a soundtrack in any of the DVD/BDs I've looked at or purchased.

Aniplex sets come with soundtracks. I think something else i have did as well, but I cant remember.

The Madoka LEs are part of Aniplex USA's attempt to introduce Japanese-style releases to the American market, and aren't representative of what the majority of releases here have been like. Most publishers, Funimation and Sentai for example, usually just release the show in simple packaging with a clean OP/ED, though certain companies such as NISA and Nozomi will have more elaborate packaging and include an art/interview book.

In order of preference i would rank the companies:
Sentai Filmworks

Yami To Boushi 9

The ninjas are easily defeated in a slidshow of blue swirls that would make Shaft proud. And then there was some actual fighting animation.

then Deen decides to tell us what the show is about,
it's about Garguanta and Lilith doing stuffs
but I wasn't about to guess that anytime soon. Apparently the bookworlds are all just the figments of people's imaginations.

So this was a pretty standard episode of Yami, really. The editing and animation (and everything else, really) of all the ninja scenes was especially bad, even by Yami standards.

I gotta catch up with you guys! Had to help my dad move a heavy metal lathe out of his shop yesterday.

This show is 100x than the premise should allow it to be.
Eureka Seven Ep. 1 & 2

Damn, the animation is even better than I remember, minus some iffy digital techniques. However, the script is the opposite. The writer really beats the audience over the head with the whole "follow your dreams" theme. I don't think I'll ever get used to Renton's Japanese voice actor. If only the English dub were better directed. :\
oh god flashbacks to pocketful of rainbows

make it stop
What movie?


Subete no aware
Now that you mention it, it does feel like the closest thing to this in the Japanese side of things is Fullmetal Alchemist.
Yep, those battle scenes were pretty evocative of that type of fighting. I suppose thematically, they might be considered similar as well.

Ahh, ok. Looks like I should catch back up to the latest chapter then!
Yeah, I suppose so. :p
Wandering Son has finally gotten back on topic recently as well... which probably means another long diversion is coming up!

What. God damn it, Shimura.
Yeah. The flip side is, of course, there's also nothing like this that's out there at the moment, so beggars cannot be choosers. I suppose it's still better than the soapy-stuff that a lot of yuri authors rely on.


HxH 2011 28

Beginning the Nen training's nice and all but I still can't get over the OP or just how derpy Chrollo looks in it (Thankfully he looks perfectly fine in the ED but still...). Unfortunately,
Hisoka camping the hallway on the 200th floor wasn't anywhere near as unnerving
as it was in the original but that seems to be par the course for this series. :(

I'm not really a fan of the SD Hunterpedia short at the end either but at least Master Wing owns just as much as I remembered.


HxH 2011 28

Beginning the Nen training's nice and all but I still can't get over the OP or just how derpy Chrollo looks in it (Thankfully he looks perfectly fine in the ED but still...). Unfortunately,
Hisoka camping the hallway on the 200th floor wasn't anywhere near as unnerving
as it was in the original but that seems to be par the course for this series. :(

I'm not really a fan of the SD Hunterpedia short at the end either but at least Master Wing owns just as much as I remembered.

Chrollo always looked derpy.


[Korra - 3]

You know, shitty CG backgrounds and vehicles are a plague on animation.

Also, this show seriously misrepresents how easy it is to fall of a a motorcycle.


Also, why is BONES so concerned with characters that are mistreated by the community based on their origin, ethnic or otherwise? Is it just to make us root for them because they've had a tough time?


Subete no aware
[Korra - 3]

You know, shitty CG backgrounds and vehicles are a plague on animation.

Also, this show seriously misrepresents how easy it is to fall of a a motorcycle.
But Korra x Mako, amirite?

Space Brothers 4: Nothing much to say other than the fact that I'll probably have to turn off my brain when everyone at NASA speaks Japanese instead of English. I mean, I guess there really isn't an easy solution for that... and certainly they're not going to hire English actors and subtitle entire episodes in Japanese anyway.


Also, why is BONES so concerned with characters that are mistreated by the community based on their origin, ethnic or otherwise? Is it just to make us root for them because they've had a tough time?

Not always the case. Takuto was well liked and Renton was technically a celebrity. Anyway underdogs are always good.
Space Brothers 4: Nothing much to say other than the fact that I'll probably have to turn off my brain when everyone at NASA speaks Japanese instead of English. I mean, I guess there really isn't an easy solution for that... and certainly they're not going to hire English actors and subtitle entire episodes in Japanese anyway.

Given anime's track record with English, they made the right choice.


Upotte!! 2

This show will probably end up being a guilty pleasure of mine. The Military Channel should consider airing this (lol). Are thighs representative of a gun part or something? Because the thighs of the characters in this show seem thicker proportionally. Oh why am I even asking this question?!

It's always interesting to watch a soul get corrupted in real time.


Korra no Densetsu 3

You're a raging weeaboo if you're not watching this!

Show continues to have some really fluid fight choreography. Every impact feels like it has some weight to it and it shows.

So far, Amon doesn't really strike me as a really serious threat to the larger population of benders out there but we'll see how things progress from here. At least he does have the villanous look down. When he and his crew were
emerging from the stage it totally looked like they were gonna break into a sweet dance number

One thing that stood out to me, tho. Wasn't
something that required arduous training and concentration to pull off and only very few firebenders could accomplish? Seems like now it's something everyone and their mothers can use fairly easily.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Korra no Densetsu 3

One thing that stood out to me, tho. Wasn't
something that required arduous training and concentration to pull off and only very few firebenders could accomplish? Seems like now it's something everyone and their mothers can use fairly easily.
This is all the fault of the printing press. We were doing alright before the massive spread of information to the plebes!


Subete no aware
Given anime's track record with English, they made the right choice.
Spend the money to get Steve Blum or Nolan North!

OTP, duh.
Simoun isn't really a classical yuri show because everyone is born a girl and only later on do thy get the option to grow a penis.
OTP FTW. And Simoun is yuri by virtue of them all being girls!

Fuck that, Korra is mai waifu. Stop soiling her with your impure thoughts.
You're not 2d, so you can't have her!
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