Habitual ways, huh? But yeah, isn't that kind of thing, a manga artist doing H-doujins of his own characters, somewhat uncommon?Oh yes those are! You could even say that Rufuira!! is an exception to his... habitual ways.
I was the only normal poster in that thread, with the rest of animegaf cartwheeling around like a bunch of fools.
Th-they weren't?C) Most people from this thread weren't being serious, but that might not be apparent to anyone outside this thread.
I was the only normal poster in that thread, with the rest of animegaf cartwheeling around like a bunch of fools.
I wouldn't say it did anyone's reputation any good. Not that it was great to begin with.
I was the only normal poster in that thread, with the rest of animegaf cartwheeling around like a bunch of fools.
Only because I hadn't finished voting!
Not really but
A) That thread was a trap for everyone involved
B) Some people where posting the kind of comments that many people would find odd/play into their preconceptions and
C) Most people from this thread weren't being serious, but that might not be apparent to anyone outside this thread or to people who lurk Animugaf.
ISML, voting, whatever. Too busy finishing E7 to talk further.
why do you ignore me cajun
I didn't feel like the scenes with Natsuki in the end flowed that well in the end.
It's like all the instances were disjointed or something.
I also have to take a moment to compliment some really incredible animation in this episode. I know that it could all just be rotoscoped like the drum scenes, but during the big scene at the end, there were various quick cuts to students all over the school that had fantastic and lifelike motion to them, like this:
Just great. The energized motion was absolutely vital to conveying the atmosphere of the scene, so I really appreciate touches like these.
That's the episode the bahi jd dude worked on too, I wonder if he'll post the layout and stuff of the scene he did on his tumblr. Hope he does. And I need to catch up on this show.
Yes! I hadn't started on Kids on the Slope yet, so lasts weeks reception left me a little worried, glad its redeemed.
What a difference a week makes!
Dude broke their concentration, yo. Poor kids are trying to be artsy and he just storms all up into their business.why do they seem so scared when someone beckons them
I lack your .gif powers.Kids on the Slope 07:
Just great. The energized motion was absolutely vital to conveying the atmosphere of the scene, so I really appreciate touches like these.
Kids on the Slope 07:
Yes, Datfang was still in the episode, but he received much less screen time, was never a source of conflict, and the events of the episode actually managed to make him slightly sympathetic before summarily giving him the boot from the plot.
artsy, but also cool and distant, which is why he's looking at art over his shoulder instead of facing it like a normal person. he's not some art nerd, he's a cultured man who nonetheless has an image to maintain and other priorities in his life.Dude broke their concentration, yo. Poor kids are trying to be artsy and he just storms all up into their business.
That's the episode the bahi jd dude worked on too, I wonder if he'll post the layout and stuff of the scene he did on his tumblr. Hope he does. And I need to catch up on this show.
Yay, I got confirmation from BahiJD. That is indeed his work as I suspected. Also, he has this to say: "I also drew all the layouts for the whole scene, 9 cuts / 9 layouts, and animated 3 of them."
No, just no. Arata is nothing. He gets to be some mythical fantasy Chihaya builds up while Taichi is knee deep in it.Chihayafuru 9
Arata is the man.He is so far away and hasn't been in contact with Chihaya for a long time but he made her so happy with his message on her birthday. While Taichi is just a loser that tried to kiss Chihaya and failed
I really have to thank Mad Pierrot for the gif. I was trying to make one and GIMP crashed on me. >_<
These are the correct opinions.Chihayafuru 9
Arata is the man.While Taichi is just a loser
Chihayafuru 9
Arata is the man.He is so far away and hasn't been in contact with Chihaya for a long time but he made her so happy with his message on her birthday. While Taichi is just a loser that tried to kiss Chihaya and failed
No, just no. Arata is nothing. He gets to be some mythical fantasy Chihaya builds up while Taichi is knee deep in it.
Was there ever word on whether some of the animation in Apollon is rotoscoped? I remember some people mentioning it a while ago.
Arata is essentially the otaku dream. Be super obsessed with something obscure, show it to a pretty girl, she falls head over heels for you and your dumb hobby.Never saw eye to eye with Arata fans. They're basically the scientologists of anime fandom. Arata is Xenu.
Chihayafuru 9
Arata is the man.He is so far away and hasn't been in contact with Chihaya for a long time but he made her so happy with his message on her birthday. While Taichi is just a loser that tried to kiss Chihaya and failed