Blazing through One Piece Enies Lobby Arc
That death of
might be the saddest thing ever. Teared up during manga... and again during anime T___T.
That death of
Go Merry
Oh yeah, that episode.. great stuff. :lolMilky Holmes S1 02:
Much better than the first episode. I was really worried that something horrible was going to happen, but thankfully the humor never veered in a dark the cat
Poor Cordelia, even when she wins she loses. Her martyrdom fantasy was all that she had left after taking the fall for, but now that she'sKamabokoshe just gets to live out the same second-class student life. Watching herfreewas pretty disgusting.etch drawings into the stone wall with her fingernail
The show hasn't really excelled visually yet, but it shows promise. The characters have a great variety of reaction faces, and if more of that bold, dynamic style can be incorporated into actual scenes, the show will have great personality.
Same second and fourth ones then, but the other two are reversed.Sweet. I think mine is probably Nero, Sherlock, Hercule, Cordelia.
Yeah, theyIt was a nice touch.even increase it in the Special episode after the season.
Yeah, it wasjust Resplendence gone mad.
I can agree with that, yeah, except I'd note that Chibiusa goes in last place, Uranus and Neptune down there too (they're just such fools...), and Saturn and Pluto high on the list.I don't think I've ever taken part in Sailor rankings yet, so here goes:
Makoto > Rei > Minako > Ami > Usagi.
From what I've heard though, it's not just the visuals that got a significant downgrade, it's also the story, episodes, plot, and everything else...If you can get past the admittedly moe exterior, there is still some Gunslinger Girl goodness to be had. Unfortunately, nowhere close to how good the first season was.
Yeah, it was neat to see.
And yeah, how the heck are they related?! They should get possessed more often, maybe something will stick!
Oh, right. Yeah, not the best episode, I only faintly remember it.The girls are suppose to study for an exam, but keep procrastinating which leads them to fail their exam.
Seriously, with all Milky Holmes put her through, it's a wonder that Arsene even manages to contain herself as much as she does...Naw, I suppose I can't.
It really is the comedy that makes it the show that it is. But yes, for those who like action, ep. 11 of season 2 is as good as this show will ever get.Yeah, it definitely wouldn't set it apart much. (Alas, why I was being selfish and not thinking about the show's quality when stating that)
:lol Indeed.A terrible way to treat such a masterful mind!
No, quite the opposite, it's pretty boring when there's no one willing to discuss much... hasn't been enough of that since macodin stopped posting in the anime threads.Thanks for spending your posting time to discuss it with me, Falcon. Much obliged.
Most of what I said there came from what I remember from anthropology 101, but I think I remembered many of the more important points...I think I've hit the limits of my pop-cultural anthropology at this point. It seems to be much more complicated that simple socialization though, since it's so far reaching.
Anime is just one outlet for this weirdness.
What, as if the girls who are in love with the guy because he was nice to them once when they were five have such a better reason for loving him? Hah!Tsunderes are a weird form of wishfulfillment, especially in magical girlfriend land, because it's like they're aware that they have no reason to like the guy but DESPITE that, they still somehow fall in love with him. It's just strange is all.
True, but don't they have pants on under the... dress coats?Still have the dress uniforms!
That certainly is what it should have said, yes. What happened to that show... so sad.You mean Nichijou.![]()
Nice, a trailer! (Oh, and yeah, this was mentioned, but I think only as a rumor, not as a reality, and certainly not with a trailer link, so I'd call that new, yeah.)
Fate/Stay Night 4:
It's surprisingly different how the same things sound and are explained when you compare F/Z, which originated as an LN written by Gen Urobuchi, and F/SN, which originated as a VN written by Nasu. The expository dialogue in this show is insufferably banal and generically shounen (mainly due to Shirou's perspective as the main character, he annoys the shit out of me and so does his internal monologue) compared to how it went in F/Z. I'm still waiting for Nasu's trademark fake deep philosophy to show up and save me from boredom every time somebody opens their mouths because right now this whole thing is dumber than a bag of rocks. This might be because the Masters are all bunch of kids in F/SN whereas they are all adults in F/Z. I'm not sure the high school setting is doing F/SN any favors here.
There's been lots of Rin though, so far this is the show's only saving grace. It's strange that I know why Rin reacts the way she does when she runs into Sakura while walking from Shirou's house, had I watched F/SN before F/Z I wouldn't know precisely why she acts the way she does around Sakura.
Is that Omnimax/Imax Dome? I've been to the Boston Science Museum's Omnimax theater before, and I think a few others as well... really, really cool stuff, the way it takes up your whole vision is amazing.Ceiling wideface:
Wait, so are they going to make a second season of Dog Days? That'd be nice.
Wasn't most of the Oreimo thread icecream trying to convince everyone of how not blatantly otaku pandering the show is?
It was mostly Kirino hate from what I remember.
There were elements of all three of these, I'm pretty sure. I mostly stayed out of that thread, but some of it strayed into the anime thread too... and as some of the replies to that third one show, there are still some crazy people defending their very, very wrong stance on that third point, somehow. How, I have no idea, of course, as I've always said. The number of actual people who have incestuous feelings for their siblings is miniscule.You forgot 'Kirino is totally like a real teenage little sister! (As long as you ignore her entire character)'
I doubt you'll find it quite the match of The Legend of Koizumi's level of awesome, but yes, there are some great mahjong specials in Saki, along with everything else in the series. I like it a lot, and of course the spinoff starts very soon...The Legend of Koizumi (3 OVAS)
*Two thumbs up*
Unknown Soldier and cosmic, you two did not disappoint.
This was a very good kind of crazy.
I might take a peek at the manga now, or take a look at Saki (that has super specials too, right?...RIGHT?!)
As was already said, it's mostly a comedy show, not a detective show, and yes, the four characters are each different. And yeah, the first episode isn't too representative of the show as a whole. I thought it was decently good, but the show as a whole is certainly is better than the first episode.Milky Holmes S1 01:
A lot of the screens of this show that have been posted in the thread lead me to believe that it might have a level of visual creativity, writing, or comedy not immediately apparent from the premise or rather horrendous character design. I can't say that I was impressed by this first episode, but I'm going to give it a few episodes and hope that it finds its spark.
This pilot was pretty expository but didn't do much to individualize any of the loli detectives. The whole thing looks pretty lighthearted so I'm not expecting any serious characterization, but I'd at least like to see the four main characters as more than just palette swaps of each other.I'll laugh if this ends up being a better detective show than other recent shows that I tried and didn't enjoy like Kamisama no Memochou.
I posted my review of this episode recently (yesterday or so), but yeah, I of course agree on the point about why Rias loves him; there is indeed absolutely no reason given, just as, yes, there's no reason why Asia still loves him even after learning what he's really like. The only "reason" is harem anime logic that girls who like the main character always love him forever, period, and most or all major opposite-sex characters are going to love the main character. Besides that, there's nothing here, like usual, but yeah, with even less of an excuse. All I can come up with is that they're impressed by him acting cool and winning or something, but that should not be considered to be enough. That the series thinks it is says something about the level of the writing.Highschool DxD x-12
I don't remember which episode I last commented yesterday, but just finished watching this and I'm actually surprised at how entertaining this show was at the end of it.
Issei is a moron, but they still managed to make him appear cool even in spite of some bullshit he pulled off (like that Dress Break move) and the last episode underlined that well enough.
Even some things like why would Rias be interested in him don't matter much. Yeah, it's usual for these kind of shows to have women fall in love for the idiot and pervert protagonist, but usually there is a far fetched explanation behind that. Like, it's understandable why Asia would be interested in Issei given the way they met, what happened between them etc (naturally it's less understandable why she'd still be interested in him when finding out how big of a pervert he is, but it's anime and so it's OK).
With Rias I don't get such a silly but acceptable explanation though. But that is of little importance when all is said and done.
I'm going to hope for a second season to have a follow up, otherwise it's time to start reading the manga.
It's actually the only Birdy I've seen.
it's monday...
no Gintama!
Blazing through One Piece Enies Lobby Arc
might be the saddest thing ever. Teared up during manga... and again during anime T___T.That death of Go Merry
Fate/Stay Night 16:
Ilya's not nearly as fun when she's not being yandere. She's still obscenely moe though. I love the way she always curtsies when she introduces herself or thanks somebody. She easily exceeds the levels required for the forbidden reaction to extreme moe.
In unrelated news, I guess F/SN actually is a harem story. I was mistaken based on the other Nasuverse stuff I've been exposed to, in reality it's just a harem with a whole lot of other shit going on too. I'm not sure how to express my level of disappointment about this.
Archer specifically tells Rin that he doesn't remember who he is because she summoned him incompletely. However there's still no evidence that he wasn't lying to her, especially since he starts giving Shirou random advice almost from the moment they meet.
Resplendence? What's that a reference to?
That certainly is what it should have said, yes. What happened to that show... so sad.![]()
I doubt you'll find it quite the match of The Legend of Koizumi's level of awesome, but yes, there are some great mahjong specials in Saki, along with everything else in the series. I like it a lot, and of course the spinoff starts very soon...
But yeah, it's too bad The Legend of Koizumi didn't get more than three episodes. It was way too awesome to be restricted to just three!![]()
I don't know who was telling me this yesterday, but the PRISMA☆ILLYA anime actually is real and is going to happen!
I don't know who was telling me this yesterday, but the PRISMA☆ILLYA anime actually is real and is going to happen!
Kaiba 3
;_; This one got me good.
I don't know who was telling me this yesterday, but the PRISMA☆ILLYA anime actually is real and is going to happen!
P.S.: OP...slowly...growing on me!
Rectify this situation.
Steins;Gate 4
Kyouma makes me lol. But some of his interactions with "Christiiiiiina!" are getting way too drawn out.
This thing is starting off on a stretcher and shouldn't fill 8 minutes with bickering. It's humorous for a while, but distracting later on. Specifically in lines with my desire for progression in the overarching narrative.
In other words, GET ON WITH IT!
P.S.: OP...slowly...growing on me!
I don't know who was telling me this yesterday, but the PRISMA☆ILLYA anime actually is real and is going to happen!
Char becomes tsundere-lite at times though. It's like the first all-tsundere harem!What, as if the girls who are in love with the guy because he was nice to them once when they were five have such a better reason for loving him? Hah!
Seriously, they're all various degrees of bad. I don't think tsunderes are too much worse than other types. Oh, and as for being self-aware, that could sometimes be true, but in IS wasn't in Char, the one non-tsundere in the harem, who was probably the most self-aware about it? I don't know if this problem is so much worse with tsunderes, it's really present with all of them.
Well, in the same way that women can wear hose/stockings I suppose.True, but don't they have pants on under the... dress coats?
I was hoping I'd take to this more after a little while, but it's still really underwhelming.It's found it's way to the Internet before the first episode which features it airs:
Kalafina - To The Beginning (Fate/Zero OP2)
Yeah, he bailed a while ago.A Black Falcon's replies feel wrong to me, when there isn't even a mAcOdIn's quote in them. It's like there is something missing. In other words, has mAc deserted the anime threads?!
What's that new show this season by guilty crown duder? Accel something?
A Black Falcon's replies feel wrong to me, when there isn't even a mAcOdIn's quote in them. It's like there is something missing. In other words, has mAc deserted the anime threads?!
Char becomes tsundere-lite at times though. It's like the first all-tsundere harem!
Well, in the same way that women can wear hose/stockings I suppose.
Oh right, that. Now that you mention it I remember the power, but not its name.Arsene's Toy type, able to create illusions and summon massive power. She loses control of it while sleeping in the dream episode, turning her surroundings (and the girls') into a Wonderland.
Nichijou definitely needs a US release, yeah! I'd have to seriously consider getting it too...*sniffle* I'll never forget it, such a freaking great anime. Hoping someone licenses it for U.S. release :/ (I'll be forced to import otherwise)
Do try it, but if it takes a while, byt the time you do there'll be another show to watch too, the soon-to-start Achiga-hen.Yeah, it's still on my list. I might get to it around the time I tackle the Legend of Koizumi's manga.
Yeah, it'd be great to see. It's just such an awesomely over the top anime, I don't think there's anything that matches it really.Yeah, man! I would've loved to see more countries feel the humiliating taste of awesomely stylish mahjong defeat!
It's found it's way to the Internet before the first episode which features it airs:
Kalafina - To The Beginning (Fate/Zero OP2)
Ok but I liked the Oath Sign better.
trust me when i say it'll be worth itMirai Nikki 24
Oh god, the serious plot holes that poke through the entire story just pile up. The show just nonchalantly throws these out left and right in a manner that glosses over any implications they might have on the world, characters, or the previously established workings of the universe.Superman Ninth, seriously? Even when they draw out the timeline visually it's wrong. This show had two separate paces this episode. One involved unnecessary scenes being shoehorned in that went nowhere and covered information we already knew. The other was the show racing through new and potentially complicated information without really covering anything.
This show has been writhing on its death bed for what is beginning to seem like an eternity. Somehow even in its absurdity it feels completely dull, the nonsensical nature seeming to be little more than the uncontrolled slobberings of the writer. I'm not even sure I should sit through the last two episodes of this.
i miss genki saya
Alright Anime-GAF, after Toonami last night I decided that I may actually like Anime more than I thought I did, and that I should check out some more recent shows. To start my friend recommended me Code Geass, and I asked about it in the Toonami thread, and people said it's worth the check out. So I just have a few quick questions:
1. I found this website called Crunchyroll. It seems legit, and I was just wondering what your opinions are about it. Is it a good site, is it worth the subscription, are there better sites available, all that good stuff.
2. Should I watch the dub or sub? I don't mind either way, but I was just wondering where you all are on the subject. I know there are people on both sides of spectrum who refuse to watch shows depending on whether it is dubbed or not, and I trust GAFers when it comes to something like this.
Sorry if these get ask a lot, but my anime knowledge is slim to none. (Really the only anime I have a big appreciation for are Dragon Ball, Cowboy Bebop, and Miyazaki films) I'll probably pop in here for more questions and suggestions as time goes on too. Thanks.
Alright Anime-GAF, after Toonami last night I decided that I may actually like Anime more than I thought I did, and that I should check out some more recent shows. To start my friend recommended me Code Geass, and I asked about it in the Toonami thread, and people said it's worth the check out. So I just have a few quick questions:
1. I found this website called Crunchyroll. It seems legit, and I was just wondering what your opinions are about it. Is it a good site, is it worth the subscription, are there better sites available, all that good stuff.
2. Should I watch the dub or sub? I don't mind either way, but I was just wondering where you all are on the subject. I know there are people on both sides of spectrum who refuse to watch shows depending on whether it is dubbed or not, and I trust GAFers when it comes to something like this.
Sorry if these get ask a lot, but my anime knowledge is slim to none. (Really the only anime I have a big appreciation for are Dragon Ball, Cowboy Bebop, and Miyazaki films) I'll probably pop in here for more questions and suggestions as time goes on too. Thanks.
3. Code Geass is something best enjoyed after you've been deeper down the rabbit hole. It's not a "starter" anime as those sorts of things go.
Accel World. It sucks, you want to avoid it.
She needs more singing.
1. CR is a legit streaming site. They have HD streams of varying quality as well.
2. In the debate of dub vs. sub, the only advice I can give is that anything streamed as it airs will be sub-only, the vast majority of shows are never dubbed for NA/EU release, and the ones that are will require you to wait a long time for the dubbed release. It's easier to learn to love subs if you want to watch anything remotely close to when it airs.
3. Code Geass is something best enjoyed after you've been deeper down the rabbit hole. It's not a "starter" anime as those sorts of things go.
Rectify this situation.