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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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sealed with a kiss
Medaka Box is Nisio's failed attempt at writing a highschool comedy. It's best avoided.

Also, Mai Waifu:

Envelope is destined to marry Hideyoshi Kinoshita on February 12, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

Hell Yeah!
I don't see what's so awkward about pointing out that a production was created for television or movie theaters. The creative processes behind both formats are quite different, so I think it's more than justifiable to acknowledge that difference, even with anime. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, though you are not exactly explaining why you feel that way.


Koikelupin 1

Holy shit. Outside of the rather inconsistent use of the shadow effect this was everything I expected and more. I can't wait for the next episode!

Everyone except for a handful of people seems to dislike the source material.
I don't think enough people have seen it for there to be a consensus. The negativity stems from the manga.
Medaka Box is Nisio's failed attempt at writing a highschool comedy. It's best avoided.
hmm, this sounds pretty bad. i guess i'll wait for more impressions.
I think I'm going to break my policy of not watching shows that are still airing for Lupin, at least the first episode. I actually want to talk about something relevant, for the first time in quite a while. Will watch later, for now sleep. *stumbles to bed*


Medaka Box
Haven't seen the first episode yet. But this is my expectation based on the manga and impressions so far.
oh boy I can't wait. This is going to be good. Its like rereading it for the first time all over. I'm all giddy.


sealed with a kiss
Medaka Box
Haven't seen the first episode yet. But this is my expectation based on the manga and impressions so far.
oh boy I can't wait. This is going to be good. Its like rereading it for the first time all over. I'm all giddy.

It's sterile, garish, and uninspired. And add the shitty characters on top, and it's not a very good episode.


Well there's nothing to prevent editing in impressions later, though I wasn't planning on making the thread any time in the immediate future. I mean it doesn't even air until the 22nd.
I meant not making the thread till a day or two after it airs, not on the day it airs! also for the record as I said on IRC before; if Tsuritama is any good I'll probably make a |OT| for it!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
EDIT: My waifu is Ami Kawashima, except I'm apparently already married to her and didn't realize it. Go figure.


That too. lol
AnoHana is how you fuck up a television show.

I actually think that's a very neat example of why writing matters in anime.

Neither Ano Hana or Ano Natsu are seriously high-brow works. They're both works that are targeting a certain teenage demographic who would enjoy this kind of relationship/romance drama a long with some silly stuff. In other words, they aren't Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Both of these works was created by the same director and both works are created by a fairly talented animation studio. Yet Ano Natsu is clearly the better work due to the strength of the writing. The way the story progresses and the manner in which the characters and their relationships develop is what makes the work succeed.

I think this neatly demonstrates how good writing can improve any work, regardless of the genre.


I always miss out on the good stuff :(

Kobato is very pleasant to watch. I would call it joyous.

So joyous I fell asleep. I'm sorry but Kobato is really boring. There's Aria 'good' boring and there's Kobato 'bad' boring. I think something like Hidamari Sketch straddles the line between being tranquil and boring well enough to motivate the watcher but Kobato just falls in the snore zone, no matter how good the CLAMP designs are.

8. Angel Beats!
13. To Aru Majutsu no Index
17. Guilty Crown
21. Ore no Imouto
23. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
24. Hidan no Aria

wut? Japan is giving me an aneurysm. Especially these ones. How the freak does Guilty Crown even get a spot??? Shit taste. SMH.

I know, I shouldn't get worked up by some random poll by a small subsection of the Japanese population, but still, grrrrr

Kara no Kyoukai

Yay or nay?

Kinda want to know this as well.

I don't understand how people can have these opinions!

But Ano Hana was a bad show.

It's like you were waiting all this time ready to pounce on any sign of Ano Hana :p

Mai Waifu:

Page cannot be found

forever alone :(
F5 and changing browser didn't work, it's like I'm really forever alone ;_;

and regarding K-ON girl rankings:


We can love them equally too, you know :(


So your position is that Aria's writing is good because it's utopian? Well, OK then.

It's interesting how I had the opposite reaction from you. The more I watched it, the more I grew annoyed with how obnoxious its optimism and naivety was. Its brand of escapism is so obviously fake. When I took too large a dose of it, I actually grew angry at how aggressively contra-reality it was.

Natsume acknowledges the bittersweet nature of life.

I largely agree with all of this (I need to stop writing observations like this because I hear that being controversial attracts more attention) including what you're written about Natsume. However, even with Natsume there is a tendency to shy away from bleak conclusions where ever possible. On the other hand, a show like Mushi-Shi runs the gamut from extremely positive stories to extremely bleak ones.
Sket Dance 52

Well Saaya is an interesting character, thats what tsundere means? Hoosuke parts was my favorite part and a nice looking ED fitting for Spring.
wow shocked she is agata's sister


LUPIN the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine 1

I wish this show had a nicer acronym, since I refuse to use Koikelupin. Anyway...

Loving the style they've got going for this. Good mixing of action and humor, and the voices are a good fit too. Again, since most of my previous Lupin experience was Cagliostro and a few episodes from series 2, seeing everything through this perspective should be fun. The level of T&A during the episode and ending is fine, though the opening is maybe a little too gratuitous.
I'm looking forward to the episodic nature of the show, since it hopefully means a ton of variety in settings and themes. Let's see what's next!


Ano Natsu's writing is just as nonsensical as Ano Hana's.

No, Ano Natsu actually goes places, ties it all together and cuts through the bs that's plagued many an anime of past.

Now if we're talking about Magical boob alien falling from the sky vs loli ghost alien that came from nowhere, then I agree.


sealed with a kiss
LUPIN the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine 1

I wish this show had a nicer acronym, since I refuse to use Koikelupin. Anyway...

Loving the style they've got going for this. Good mixing of action and humor, and the voices are a good fit too. Again, since most of my previous Lupin experience was Cagliostro and a few episodes from series 2, seeing everything through this perspective should be fun. The level of T&A during the episode and ending is fine, though the opening is maybe a little too gratuitous.
I'm looking forward to the episodic nature of the show, since it hopefully means a ton of variety in settings and themes. Let's see what's next!

You can always pull a duckroll and call it Fujikoike!


belladonna of sadness -

Figured I should knock this off my backlog, after seeing it mentioned a couple of times in relation to the new Lupin's visual style.

Enjoyed it a lot - the muted, watercolour-splotch illustrations coupled with the imaginative animation (in brief, opportune spurts) is evocative, striking, and creepily erotic. The retro as hell music fits oddly well with the magical, medieval setting of the movie. The fantastic visuals are complemented by the tragedy of the story, set up and played out rather deftly by the director.

I don't think I'll be watching it again anytime soon, though.


Having not seen Lupin yet, I was making the comparisons based on the small amount of visuals out prior to airing. I really want to look at it again after watching Lupin to see if maybe some influences were taken.

Now that you have ventured into the world of Animerama you have to continue down this path. That means it's time for green Caesar.

PS: Love the gif


Kara no Kyoukai

Yay or nay?

I don't think I got past the third episode. My friend who is way into Nasu stuff really likes it, and it apparently has some awesome stuff later on, but it felt to me kind of like that first episode of Fate Zero happening over and over. The second episode particularly annoyed me with huge amounts of talking about bloodline bullshit and nonsensical split personalities. And Shiki's power (her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception) is ridiculous silliness. The third episode is concluded when she
cures someone's appendicitis by "cutting" it without actually harming the afflicted person at all
, and with that vanished all desire I had to see where things went.

It's a pretty good looking show (ufotable, after all), and the fighting that did happen was well done. It was just way too Nasu for me. Fate/Zero does a much better job of keeping the focus on interesting characters and their interactions, and avoiding the mountains of backstory lore shit that makes me hate myself.
Kara no Kyoukai is super slow paced and full of Nasu's faux-deep philosophizing and metaphysics. And it can be tough to care about some of the characters because they are so stoic. But it has some nice visuals and an amazing OST. I enjoyed most of the movies, but it's something that won't appeal to a lot of people.


Saint Seiya Omega 01
Got around to watching this while playing Mario Party 9. So, it's ok. Not bad, I guess. I would like more magical boy action going on than the talking for my sorts of complaints I guess.

You would've liked it more had Luigi not jacked that Star from you!

Finally saw the Fujiko thing. I had no clue what was going on but it had style and boobies. BOOBIES!!!

All you need to know!
Medaka Box 1
It's an introduction episode, but this did not impress. It's not visually appealing, the premise is not particularly interesting, and Medaka is annoying in a Haruhi sort of way.

Save me from boring monologues...

Fujiko's boobs will save anime. Its true.

I need to rewatch it to cleanse myself from Medaka and her bouncing assets.


sealed with a kiss
Medaka Box 1
It was an introduction episode, but this did not impress. It's not visually appealing, the premise is not particularly interesting, and Medaka is annoying in a Haruhi sort of way.

I need to rewatch it to cleanse myself from Medaka and her bouncing assets.

I warned everyone. :(

I have never watched Lupin, I just know that it's popular. Is the new series good for someone like me?

The new series will be an excellent place to start. Lupin is entirely episodic, and so there isn't tons of backstory you need to know to enjoy it.
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