Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
Oh I forgot to mention she's a fan of NeoGAINAX too. Hinamaru Kindergarten and Dantalian primarily. I feel like I've failed as a brother.
She must have been digging through your files.
Oh I forgot to mention she's a fan of NeoGAINAX too. Hinamaru Kindergarten and Dantalian primarily. I feel like I've failed as a brother.
Get her to watch Garzey's Wing and/or MAD BULL 34 and set things right.Oh I forgot to mention she's a fan of NeoGAINAX too. Hinamaru Kindergarten and Dantalian primarily. I feel like I've failed as a brother.
My sister once recommended me Sekirei while she was browsing Netflix because I guess she knew I like anime. And what a recommendation it was.
I think I've mentioned the fact that she won't touch anything pre-digital?Get her to watch Garzey's Wing and/or MAD BULL 34 and set things right.
I'm gonna test her. I'll see if she gets into FLCL or Medaka Box. Whatever the result it's gonna shape our relationship forever.Those are both good shows though. Dantalion primarily for Dalian.
Speaking of which, is Sekirei worth watching?
Oh I forgot to mention she's a fan of NeoGAINAX too. Hinamaru Kindergarten and Dantalian primarily. I feel like I've failed as a brother.
Speaking of which, is Sekirei worth watching?
Gross.I think I've mentioned the fact that she won't touch anything pre-digital?
I think I've mentioned the fact that she won't touch anything pre-digital?
Do you like big boobs and girls fighting each other with super powers? Then yes, it certainly is. Also:
Tsukiumi >>>> *
It's Pokemon with tits.
If that sounds appealing to you, go for it.
I think I've mentioned the fact that she won't touch anything pre-digital?
Chet, need you input here.
Make her watch Ten Tokyo Warriors and end her interest in anime altogether.
It's definitely a great combination, though I can't think of any others at the moment.
that's sooo adorable
The aforementioned Ice Witch from Ben-to and Shiroyasha.
Everyone looks like a five-year-old.
Oh I forgot to mention she's a fan of NeoGAINAX too. Hinamaru Kindergarten and Dantalian primarily. I feel like I've failed as a brother.
Get her to watch Garzey's Wing and/or MAD BULL 34 and set things right.
Everyone looks like a five-year-old.
You gotta see it in action
Attack on Titan 1
Damn, what a killer opening!.
Dead eye moe is the best eye moe.
That opening was so awesome it practically became a meme for parodies.
I swear type in Shingeki no (anime of choice here) on youtube and there's a 90% chance an anime you like parodies the opening there.
You gotta see it in action
That's barely #deathfromcurly. As much as I hate to admit it... is #deathfrommoe
(also #deathfromlaughingmyassoffatseeingmyownwritingliterallytranslatedintospanish)
you could do that, or I could link you to the only one that isn't terrible. (nsfw?)I swear type in Shingeki no (anime of choice here) on youtube and there's a 90% chance an anime you like parodies the opening there.
you could do that, or I could link you to the only one that isn't terrible. (nsfw?)
Now and Then, Here and There 1
This was quite the opening episode. We have our genki as fuck protag, some adorable soulless girl and some kind of future (other dimension?) organization that's pursuing her. I really dig the soundtrack for this, and the battle scene was nice to look at. I think I remember seeing something about this show being depressing as fuck, but we'll just see how depressing it is!
So is Garzey's Wing a terrible anime that the English dub even furthers into the shit department, or is it a competent show butchered by the abysmal/amazing dub?
So is Garzey's Wing a terrible anime that the English dub even furthers into the shit department, or is it a competent show butchered by the abysmal/amazing dub?
So is Garzey's Wing a terrible anime that the English dub even furthers into the shit department, or is it a competent show butchered by the abysmal/amazing dub?
There are days where I hope a terrible apocalypse strikes and the only record of human history that survives is the English dub of Garzey's Wing.
Attack on Titan 1
Damn, what a killer opening! The music is nice, the style is interesting, if a bit too Next Gen Brown. And man, I haven't felt this afraid of a giant naked human being since End of Evangelion. I mean WOW. Definitely vying with Gargantia for my show of the season.
look to that bitch
When you thought its over
Uchoten Kazoku key visual: