I wouldn't really say I didn't enjoy the movie. At the very least, watching Alphonse go ham on the bad guys was pretty awesome.Apparently me missing Conquerer of Shambala was a blessing in disguise.
I wouldn't really say I didn't enjoy the movie. At the very least, watching Alphonse go ham on the bad guys was pretty awesome.Apparently me missing Conquerer of Shambala was a blessing in disguise.
Only if the Naziness is as non-sequitur and unwelcome as that of FMA!
You really should read the manga afterward. If only to appreciate what is source material and what is anime.edit: DAMN YOU IKUHARA
I wouldn't really say I didn't enjoy the movie. At the very least, watching Alphonse go ham on the bad guys was pretty awesome.
It's the Citizen Kane of visual media.
Now I'm confused, because first it was shitting on the movie, and now I'm hearing otherwise.
There are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.Now I'm confused, because first it was shitting on the movie, and now I'm hearing otherwise.
There are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.
One thing the original show has over Brotherhood is the series of episodes where Ed and Al journey to various places and help people out/prepare for the Alchemist Exam and meet the soldiers. The world and character building really contributed to my interest in the narrative, and it's unfortunately absent in Brotherhood in favor of a more quick and concise pace. However, I don't think jumping between the two series is a good idea, primarily because the alchemy behind the Homunculi is fundamentally different in each, and their connection to the greater picture could really confuse people.I'd say if you want the best of both worlds then watch the original up until around the halfway mark or whenever it is thatHughes bites itand then switch over to Brotherhood.
She's a timelord who has access toAre they ever gonna address whyPluto is suddenly able to travel through time? I thought she was trapped by the door or something.
Regulus hasn't seen Sailor Moon before.Spoiler
You went in that thread, didn't you?Well I was thinking of watching another episode of Clannad, but now that I'm buzzed and slightly depressed and thinking about my mediocre high school experience I probably should not watch it right now :lol
No arguments there.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S] 115
Sorry you had to watch Eva and Valvrave, that is too much![Valvrave] 9: Random Thoughts
We all know that anime series love to reference each other. As with a couple of the other big shows this season, Valvrave makes a very overt Evangelion reference this episode, namely that (Evangelion and Valvrave 9 spoilers)that all the pupils in the school were, unwittingly, part of the Valvrave program just like how everyone in Shinji's class is a potential Evangelion pilot.
The other reference this episode made was to The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. This one's a bit more unusual because everyone takes stuff from Evangelion but I haven't a Macross reference this specific in sometime. They students basically use the same pinpoint barrier system that the Macross has:
This system always seemed terribly impractical to me which is probably why I haven't seen it any other show. The idea that the people in control of the shield have to be fast enough to react to enemy attacks and move the shield into place to block them always seemed very silly to me. I assume that it's in this series as some kind of joke, but I can't be sure. It's an absurd enough system to fit into the Valvrave universe.
Yeah, I know, I've seen too much anime.
If only Sega had your flair. All you'd need is a shitty track ball and a few audio clips and you've got your whole game!Sorry you had to watch Eva and Valvrave, that is too much!
Anyways, why didn't Sega ever do an arcade Macross pinpoint barrier arcade game as a troll? Can you imagine, walking by the machine, which would be an enclosed affair, hearing the awesome music blaring(we're assuming they used the awesome Robotech score and not the shitty Macross one naturally) and salivating at the thought of experiencing a modern arcade valkyrie simulator just to put in your one dollar, watch the opening sequence and getting pumped at the awesome graphics and itching for your chance to fly around and blast some zentradi while transforming and shooting barrages of missiles just to watch your onscreen avatar rush to a secluded room and sit at the barrier defense system station and play some shitty minigame. The trolling points would be amazing.
lol just keep at it Corvo, Eren sucks anyways it's all about Mikasa
Well I liked it just as much I think. At least certain arcs.
As for the question I don't think its really a otaku thing. Its primarily a high school romance show with a epilogue to show couples newly married or thereabouts. At least the ones that have such things, like Haruka for instance. And it makes sense given the show setup and the Japanese view of high school.
Still I am kind of curious about why we never got to see an epilogue for all arcs. Or is that meant to infer that they broke up at some point and so showing them not as a happy couple just isn't really useful.
Yoko was amazing, too, butIt's the same way here. What are my choices now?Gurren Lagann wasn't as good without Kamina.Pouty pushover kid turning into a strong guy by the death of his friend and boring ass cold girl who is good at everything? It's like a house of cards. Armin and Mikasa were decent supporting characters, but if Eren is dead, fuck the show because none of these shits are leading character material.
Fuck this show. All it takes is one stupid decision for cheap shock value during one episode and I wasn't expecting it to go down 5 in.
Attack on Titan 5
No, okay, seriouslyis Eren dead for like, realsies? Because if so fuck this show. Bad enough I had to deal with this shit in Gurren Lagann, but not only are decoy protagonists just fucking a bad joke, thank you ever so much for building up a world's worth of mystery around Eren only to not solve any of it and kill him off. Fucking fuck.
Attack on Titan 6
Yup.Fuck this show.Eren's dead.
I don't get this attitude at all. Sounds like something DTL would say.
I thought the same during the episode lol "Its from Macross"[Valvrave] 9: Random Thoughts
We all know that anime series love to reference each other. As with a couple of the other big shows this season, Valvrave makes a very overt Evangelion reference this episode, namely that (Evangelion and Valvrave 9 spoilers)that all the pupils in the school were, unwittingly, part of the Valvrave program just like how everyone in Shinji's class is a potential Evangelion pilot.
The other reference this episode made was to The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. This one's a bit more unusual because everyone takes stuff from Evangelion but I haven't a Macross reference this specific in sometime. They students basically use the same pinpoint barrier system that the Macross has:
This system always seemed terribly impractical to me which is probably why I haven't seen it any other show. The idea that the people in control of the shield have to be fast enough to react to enemy attacks and move the shield into place to block them always seemed very silly to me. I assume that it's in this series as some kind of joke, but I can't be sure. It's an absurd enough system to fit into the Valvrave universe.
Yeah, I know, I've seen too much anime.
- Sapphi instantly climbed to the top of the Jewelpet Bestpet Rankings (tm) when she proclaimed her desire to find the philosopher's stone. Dat thirst for knowledge!
My biggest gripe concerning the usability of such a device, aside from the necessity to actually intercept everything manually is how exactly would you realistically emit such a shield? Wouldn't it require shitloads of stationary emitters all across the ship or mobile ones made for such a thing? And if not, why can't they shape it into ridiculous shit like a giant energy sword and just go to fucking town?Corvo about to go full tomato again.I thought the same during the episode lol "Its from Macross"
Yeah its impractical but the concept about it they found unused energy and they like "we can use this" with modifying it, its not for battle use from the first place.. Valvrave also told the similar thing to us with L-Elf modify thing to use.
Yeah, seriously, it'd be cheap as hell to make.If only Sega had your flair. All you'd need is a shitty track ball and a few audio clips and you've got your whole game!
I can't get enough of these faces!
Labra asking the tough questions.
jewelpet kira deco - 03
- I still find the idea of having jewels for eyes (I just picture the soulless luminosity of a dollfie) or even a forest where jewels and other such doodads grow on trees to be kinda creepy.
While I mostly agree with your feelings about Mikasa and Armin, I'd say the next few episodes are still worth watching.
I don't get this attitude at all. Sounds like something DTL would say.
Stop crying and watch one more episode.
Yoko was amazing, too, butGurren Lagann wasn't as good without Kamina.
My biggest gripe concerning the usability of such a device, aside from the necessity to actually intercept everything manually is how exactly would you realistically emit such a shield? Wouldn't it require shitloads of stationary emitters all across the ship or mobile ones made for such a thing? And if not, why can't they shape it into ridiculous shit like a giant energy sword and just go to fucking town?
I can't agree with this at all. Gurren Lagann was plenty fun at the beginning, but all the emotional punch of the show, and the significance of the characters continuing to fight and believe in themselves, comes because ofKamina's death and Simon's ability to move on from it.
I know that some people just want to watch the characters they like succeed and stop all the bad things from happening, but for me, it means much more if they fail sometimes and have to overcome painful setbacks. Fighting on through adversity makes them more human.
Either way, I think your feelings about Titan could change after you see more of it.
You sucked so bad at analyzing corvo, hahaha.. that's what make your post funny though, I love you man.
Analyzing what? I'm not looking to do an analysis, just stating how I felt.That's all.Kamina's departure, coupled with the arrival of Nia and the attempts at being serious lessened my enjoyment of the show.
Gurren Lagann became less enjoyable to me for two reasons following: first and foremost was the introduction of Nia. Nia's awful and I don't feel the need to explain that in any way. The second reason was the show suddenly tried to get all serious, and being serious was not Gurren Lagann's strong suit.Kamina's death
Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great show, and there was plenty of fun to be had after that point, but I dunno.Which I think is another thing:Killing Kamina so soon in the show has never sat with's one thing to do the heroic sacrifice at the end, people move on from that because whatever. But discarding a character early in a show isn't a choice I agree with.
Attack on Titan 7
Calling it now:Episode 5 more or less torpedoed my opinion of every aspect of this show not related to the action and music.Big ugly elf Titan is Eren reincarnated and people who get eaten as Titans become Titans and that's how they reproduce and part of a larger scheme which will inevitably be some part of some poorly conceived bullshit anime scheme.
One more episode did not favorably alter my feelings toward this show.
Ahahahahaha I love thinking about how excited you were when you first watched this show and you were saying how AWESOME it was.
Your feelings pretty much mirror mine for this show.
Gosh I was about to watch Gurren Lagann. I should be more careful with spoilered comments lol