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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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The first half of TTGL is perfect.

Quality dog moe.


My heart is aflutter.

Just wait til you get to the Sweetspets.

I remember reading about them in one of your episode impressions. Looking . . . forward to them.


Ahahahahaha I love thinking about how excited you were when you first watched this show and you were saying how AWESOME it was.

Your feelings pretty much mirror mine for this show.

Gosh I was about to watch Gurren Lagann. I should be more careful with spoilered comments lol

You should definitely still watch Gurren Lagann. What you SHOULD NOT DO is click spoilers in any of my posts moving on. Bad enough you let me spoil Count of Monte Cristo for you, now I have to live knowing I spoiled Gurren Lagann, too.

Attack On Titan 8

I don't know if I'm laughing or crying. That was pretty easy to call, I guess. This show, man. THIS SHOW. HAHAHAHAHA.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 88: On the Outer Fringe

~ You might have killed millions of people, but at the very least, you made me happy. ~

An alternative title for this episode might have been "Thoughts of a young Commander". Pretty much an episode revealing the situation Julian finds himself in, as a flamebearer for republican democracy, with its idol in a grave and on the fringe of not just space, but the entire collective of human society. In a way, I'm once again reminded of Asterix' little Gaul village.
I'm intrigued by his plan to constitutionalize the Empire, but I have no idea how he is going to implement this. I have a feeling this last season will not contain much military campaigns, but will have all the more statesmanship and political intrigue.


Is episode 15 of Gurren Lagann the one
where Yoko is teaching school?
Because if so, I wish to put forward that while I hold
the hot springs episode
in higher regard, I definitely respect your claim.


Is episode 15 of Gurren Lagann the one
where Yoko is teaching school?
Because if so, I wish to put forward that while I hold
the hot springs episode
in higher regard, I definitely respect your claim.

Episode 15 is when
they defeat Lord Genome


Is episode 15 of Gurren Lagann the one
where Yoko is teaching school?
Because if so, I wish to put forward that while I hold
the hot springs episode
in higher regard, I definitely respect your claim.

No, it's
Simon vs Genome


I can't agree with this at all. Gurren Lagann was plenty fun at the beginning, but all the emotional punch of the show, and the significance of the characters continuing to fight and believe in themselves, comes because of
Kamina's death and Simon's ability to move on from it.

I know that some people just want to watch the characters they like succeed and stop all the bad things from happening, but for me, it means much more if they fail sometimes and have to overcome painful setbacks. Fighting on through adversity makes them more human.

Either way, I think your feelings about Titan could change after you see more of it.

Gurren Lagann's character arc in that regard is just, you know, the Heroe's Journey. I don't know why people get quite so worked up about it. It's the same as hundreds of other similar character arcs.


Oh, that's a good episode, although I actually kind of felt that
Simon's showdown against the anti-spiral was better. Unless the part where Simon jumps out of several mecha, through several mecha to deliver the final blow himself happened during the Lord Genome fight and not the Anti-Spiral fight, in the which case I'll give that my vote.

Gurren Lagann's character arc in that regard is just, you know, the Heroe's Journey. I don't know why people get quite so worked up about it. It's the same as hundreds of other similar character arcs.

Because sometimes Obi-Wan Kenobi and Merlin and Gandalf are cooler than Luke Skywalker, King Arthur and Frodo Baggins.


If Kyojin is the word for Titan, why do the fansubbers keep putting Eotena? Is Eotena a word for Titan, or something?

I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as a Titan, is in fact "Eoten", or as I have recently taken to calling it, "Attack plus Eoten".


they like to be fancy when they're just making it worse, I suggest picking a different sub group

It happens every other episode, though. Like, in odd numbers they're Eotena, but in even they're Titans.

I don't know if he's a Titan Burt Reynolds or a Burt Reynolds Eotena in this episode, but either way, how do you suppose he managed to shave his mustache into place?


Because sometimes Obi-Wan Kenobi and Merlin and Gandalf are cooler than Luke Skywalker, King Arthur and Frodo Baggins.
Sometimes there's nowhere for the 'old master/mentor' to go, character wise. They've reached the end of their character arc before the story has even taken place. These stories are about the hero's rise, how he develops from nothing and turns into heroic figure by the end. That's, apparently, what we want to see. That's why you see a bunch of really competent side characters (Kamina, Roy/Max, Mikasa, Char) who aren't the actual protagonists because the characters need to grow and develop competencies.


Sometimes there's nowhere for the 'old master/mentor' to go, character wise. They've reached the end of their character arc before the story has even taken place. These stories are about the hero's rise, how he develops from nothing and turns into heroic figure by the end. That's, apparently, what we want to see. That's why you see a bunch of really competent side characters (Kamina, Roy/Max, Mikasa, Char) who aren't the actual protagonists because the characters need to grow and develop competencies.

Char can't possibly count because they dragged his goddamn carcass through an extra 50 episodes after MSG.

Also, I get that
Kamina dies so Simon can grow and blah blah, but I still don't agree with the decision to off Kamina.


It happens every other episode, though. Like, in odd numbers they're Eotena, but in even they're Titans.

I don't know if he's a Titan Burt Reynolds or a Burt Reynolds Eotena in this episode, but either way, how do you suppose he managed to shave his mustache into place?

lol I stopped trying to make sense of this whole series, it just hurts my brain


Might as well start with this (NSFW, lewd, etc.)
so disappointing that the show is bombing on sales and that we'll not get another season.

Aria The Animation 1
I really like the setting and soundtrack, but I guess my tastes still won't allow me to enjoy something this uneventful. Thought it would be good to compliment my hype for Animal Crossing, but I guess not.
It's probably not for everyone but from my own experience the first few episodes weren't particularly compelling to start with. At the very least, you should pick up the delicious Choro Club soundtrack.


Macross can use giant barrier, we see it couple of time, but especially when they cause giant explosion and expelled to space.

They can't move or attacking while using it, I'll assume that sliding thing just a little solution for that.
I don't mean the in story reason for such a thing existing, I mean the realistic reason for such a thing. I mean, obviously none of us have experience developing force fields, warp drives and other stock sci-fi technology but, oddly enough a round shield sort of makes sense. I don't know the science behind any of the shit I'm talking about but one would assume that with any kind of warp drive, folding system, or any other faster than light system you need to create a barrier around the entire ship or object. So it stands to reason then that both the ship and its design take that into account and that they influenced each other. It'd be rather silly if say a ship activated a force field of some sort and it severed a section of the ship, or when going to warp or folding space or whatever the show decides to call it it left a piece behind. So really, these things need to be taken into account from the start, it's not something you can "find."

And again, coming from a position of ignorance here, in fiction I'm really only aware of two, make it three, ways of having a shield. The first would be the shield being something inside the ship that's somehow generated outward, as silly as it sounds but I look at it like emitting shit, you know, like a signal just for some reason it's a signal that stops lasers and shit. I guess you could alter the shape of that type of shield by changing the shape of the emitter(or whatever we want to call it) inside much like how the shape of an antenna can change the transmission of radio waves but that's something that'd need to be built into the device. Then there's, I don't know if this counts as a shield or not but hardening, where the shield's like built into the hull somewhat as a reinforcement rather than an external shield. I guess you could design it in a way where you just provide power to the wanted areas but why? Then there's the idea of having external emitters outside the hull that make the shield. I guess this one would be the easiest sci-fi type shield to manipulate in such a crazy way as you could, I guess, just not turn on those areas you don't want to shield to conserve power.

However, whatever crazy fictional shield we're discussing here, there's one problem: At least in Macross they had a room seemingly dedicated to it, complete with a method of controlling it! That wasn't just found! Wasn't just some "oops we took out a large part of Canada so lets build this," it must have always existed. The idea of a shield is rather straightforward, though if it ever becomes reality I'm sure the science behind it will be rather complicated, but regardless, the idea's simple, put the shield up and give it power to stay up. That doesn't require a crazy interface for a human to control, everything can be displayed and manipulated simply by a human crew member. Now a movable shield on the other hand becomes rather crazy. Not only is the idea already silly by expecting humans to have to manually intercept attacks, which frankly always struck me as downright retarded in shows that feature systems able to discern incoming missiles, lasers and ships, I mean, why ask the humans to control that at all if your computer's already tracking all of it but what of the logistics behind controlling such a thing? Assuming you had a crew member good enough to play a fully realized 3d pong or missile command how would you display that information and devise an interface so that crewmember, or crewmembers, could realistically manipulate the shield by hand?

This is one of the stupidest things I'll ever say but I think it'd be infinitely more believable, and probably more realistic amusingly enough, to plug a human into the machine to control such a shield than have them doing it with fucking trackballs and shit, assuming they're not, for some crazy reason, not just going to shield everything or have the computer itself control it.
Its not so much the pretty color I dont like. More like Im terrified of handling them and setting them up or even be outside when they go off. I was nearly hit by a wayward rocket as a kid and it probably traumatized me more than I think.
Im a huge wuss.

Everyone's got their own issues, ain't nothing wussy about that. Can't argue with trauma when someone doesn't like something, hope dealing with them gets easier for you someday though.

SS+ failed because otaku have the same attitude toward romance that they have toward high school life: it's all downhill after you actually achieve your goal. More courtships arcs for everyone!

Then how do you explain the popularity of Love Plus or Clannad: After Story? I think focusing on the courtship instead of the resulting relationships is a problem in lots of media and shouldn't be blamed on Otaku. Just look at the majority of dramas and sitcoms, the only exception I can think of is Mad About You and that ended way back in '99. Shame too because it would be a nice change of pace, who isn't sick of some of the romcom cliches by now?

Gurren Lagann became less enjoyable to me for two reasons following
Kamina's death
: first and foremost was the introduction of Nia. Nia's awful and I don't feel the need to explain that in any way. The second reason was the show suddenly tried to get all serious, and being serious was not Gurren Lagann's strong suit.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great show, and there was plenty of fun to be had after that point, but I dunno.
Killing Kamina so soon in the show has never sat with me.
Which I think is another thing:
it's one thing to do the heroic sacrifice at the end, people move on from that because whatever. But discarding a character early in a show isn't a choice I agree with.

It seems you have a problem with the execution of the tonal shift and the surrounding circumstances though so I don't think it's fair
to dislike the idea of an early heroic death outright. The novelty and potential usage as a plot device doesn't hold any appeal to you? I think having it at the end cheapens their death, it's okay for them to die there because it doesn't matter that they died there.
You're entitled to feel the way you do about it but I think it was one of the more interesting parts of the show.


Majestic Prince - Episode 10


If only the entire show is like this. :(

Boring exposition. Really ugly visuals for the most part. Tamaki is getting dumber and dumber. The hope of the series actually taking off as a successful action comedy seems fading week by week. But! Suddenly! More Wulgaru scenes! It feels like a totally different show when they involve the Wulgaru in the story. The art direction, the characters, the animation, the script, everything somehow feels more interesting, more exciting, and it just flows better. They should have made a show featuring the Wulgaru instead. :(

Next week looks like we're back for another major action packed mission. Should be good stuff... while it lasts.


Yuyushiki - Episode 9



Wow. Great episode. Probably my favorite one in weeks. There were so many different varied situations and jokes, there are some deadpan ones, there are some character development gags, and there's awesome subtle yuri. Seeing the characters from the other side's perspective worked really well, and gave the series much more depth than before. It shows that the minor developments they've been doing throughout the series is really paying off. Visually the episode looked better than the last few weeks too.

All that build up to the Yui x Aikawa scene... omg.... squuuuuuuuel. :sdburton
Soon even Duckroll is going to abandon Majestic Prince and I'll be the sole remaining person to like it. Tamaki is incredibly annoying though.


Zeta Gundam is a different show to Mobile Suit Gundam!

And they dragged Char Aznable's rotting corpse the whole way through it.

It seems you have a problem with the execution of the tonal shift and the surrounding circumstances though so I don't think it's fair
to dislike the idea of an early heroic death outright. The novelty and potential usage as a plot device doesn't hold any appeal to you? I think having it at the end cheapens their death, it's okay for them to die there because it doesn't matter that they died there.
You're entitled to feel the way you do about it but I think it was one of the more interesting parts of the show.

I think it really depends. I grant that not everything can be like in Lord of the Rings where,
Gandalf dies and comes back
, however it just doesn't sit with me to
kill off a major character so early into a story.
It's always come off as something to shock an audience more than a means to make a character grow, to me.

Attack on Titan 9

Oh, fine, I'll keep watching.


Soon even Duckroll is going to abandon Majestic Prince and I'll be the sole remaining person to like it. Tamaki is incredibly annoying though.

Unless they actually wipe out the Wulgaru and the show still continues, I'm never dropping MJP. So, for all our sakes, I hope the humans continue to lose! :p


Soon even Duckroll is going to abandon Majestic Prince and I'll be the sole remaining person to like it. Tamaki is incredibly annoying though.

Of the four shows I picked up for this season, it's hands down the worst one. The mecha are a disastrous mess, the action subpar, the faces hirai, the comedy flatter than a ten month old cup of soda in the back of a hoarder's car, and the main five are in desperate need of developing away from one another.


You should, but I'm pretty sure I had that revelation spoiled for me as well before I watched it, and I still really loved the show. Don't let it stop you.

I guess I was lucky. I watched TTGL 100% blind and on a whim of a recommendation of a friend at his place. What was one episode became watching the whole show in one sitting. I was on anime hiatus for a few years and it was the show to finally rope me back into it all.

It was the best thing i've ever seen. I don't think the impact would've been the same for me had I not seen it that way or had any of the show spoiled for me.
DFC, etc.

I'll just say keep watching, as it gives them an out for the season finale.


So another ANNCast with Funimation that I half listened to. Some interesting sales facts:

Mass Effect did "well" for them, but that somehow means meeting "80-90% of expectations"... so it's successful but not as successful as they thought it would be? :p
Blood-C is also one of their higher selling series. lol

Older releases that seem to be doing well for them include Tenchi Muyo Geminar War, One Piece, Black Lagoon, Dragon Ball GT and Trigun.

Funico is pretty much dead, but they "don't know". lol

I hope they tackle some other property to give the anime treatment too, uncharted,infamous, must be considered or even novels, animu harry potter or Artemis fowl.


Hataraku Maou-sama 10

Useless meat.

I think they've run out of people to introduce, so I guess things are going to continue in this gear until they use up all their episodes. Which isn't so bad, because this show's still a lot of fun, besides Japanese boob humor, which I always find weird. There are great intense reaction images here.

I feel bad for Ashiya. I can tell you from experience that having stomach troubles on squat toilets is really exhausting.


So no recommendations for where to import anime from the US to the UK. :(

Oh, I didn't see you ask, sorry!

I always use DVD Pacific (I'm typing this on my scrappy mobile so excuse the lack of a link). They've been my go to anime import website for over a decade now - the prices are decent even with the inevitable customs charges and the shipping is cheap and fast.


One thing I'd like to see Hataraku Maou-sama do, even if as a joke, is take Chiho or the manager to Enta Isle and see if a person taken there may find that they are in fact a demon or angel as a joke fanservice episode. Little Chiho with a devil's tail, that's awesome, that needs to be done.


Maturity, bitches.
Oh, I didn't see you ask, sorry!

I always use DVD Pacific (I'm typing this on my scrappy mobile so excuse the lack of a link). They've been my go to anime import website for over a decade now - the prices are decent even with the inevitable customs charges and the shipping is cheap and fast.
Thanks. Guess I'll keep an eye out for YuruYuri then.

EDIT: Oh and thanks Jex (even though I did thank you in the IRC, just making it visible for the rest of the board so I don't come off as a rude individual.)


Oh, I didn't see you ask, sorry!

I always use DVD Pacific (I'm typing this on my scrappy mobile so excuse the lack of a link). They've been my go to anime import website for over a decade now - the prices are decent even with the inevitable customs charges and the shipping is cheap and fast.

Blowing my mind with the fact that DVD Pacific still exist!

I have to admit, I usually just use United Publications these days, because whilst they aren't the cheapest, I usually forget to order things in advance, and since they're based in the UK, I usually get anything in stock the next day.

I don't really order much outside the occasional NISA title, though.


*wall of text*

That's very impressive post lol, I agree about its not making sense and all but I won't complaining much since those guy making some technology magic in 80's lol

And macross does have some cool technology like video phone, I'm watching a lot of old mecha anime lately and laughing when I found they already showing stuff that look and have function like Ipad long ago.
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