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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Mars of Destruction

Okay in all honesty that wasn't as bad as I was hoping it would be. I mean, I know the intent of the creators was *not* to suck, but for my own personal enjoyment I was hoping to be going WHAT the entire time. I guess what I'm saying is I was hoping it was going to be so bad it was good.

That being said, the sound design was definitely the most horrendous thing about this. This incredible clusterfuck of a soundtrack was mostly misplaced classical music at exactly the wrong times. When the protag comes out in his suit, I was expecting some deep pitched dude, but NO it's some high-pitched kid who sounds younger than Ash Ketchum. WHAT. The bad guys sound more bored than wanting to kill someone heh

I know someone made that GIF of the girl's head being shot off. That was the highlight.

I love how the protag was completely and utterly powerless. Even the girls were more useful than him. I'm glad I've at least seen 2 episodes of Evangelion so I know that this is a shameless rip off of the concept, with the dad forcing him to wear the suit and everything.
For a minute the scene made me think his dad raped him

I had a feeling the ending was going to be a "No John, you are the demons." and I was right

Majikoi's first episode still was more offensive.

Mars of Destruction receives a score of
1.2 Majikoi Episode 1s
0.3 Sword Art Onlines


I tried... and I failed. This weekend, I was planning on watching two Doraemon movies recommended in this thread - Nobita's Dinosaur 2006 and New Steel Troops 2011. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. I made it through about 20 minutes of Nobita's Dinosaur before I just lost interest and turned it off. Before that, I actually tried to watch the original 1980 Nobita's Dinosaur too, but I only lasted 10 minutes.

My conclusion is... I just don't enjoy watching Doraemon. Something about the entire setup is unappealing to me. The characters are too much like actual dumb kids, and the sort of slapstick comedy it uses doesn't work for me at all. Additionally, the premise feels very predictably like the sort of kids show where the protagonist consecutively does dumb shit which he will regret later, and the entire process is a build up to a "lesson" of sorts on the consequences of doing such dumb shit. I really find that sort of stuff boring, even when I was a kid.

So yeah, not for me. RIP. :(
I haven't watched many Doraemon movies myself, but if I were to recommend one, it would definitely be Genesis Diary. The plot premise is much more interesting (the crew does a summer research project using a "DYI Earth set"), the storyline and twists aren't unbelievable, and the tools that Doraemon produces in it do not take the spotlight away from the characters. Nobita's role in the movie is not a dunce (Gian and Suneo being minor characters are not involved much aside from the first half), the slapstick is fairly minimal, and it's just a fun movie without it being built on having life lessons as the point of the movie. But being Doraemon in nature, if you generally don't have the patience for mild children's stories, enjoyment can't really be forced.


Thoughtful post. I'd like to comment on a few aspects of it.


Besides everything you point out, I think the most salient feature of Nakamura's direction is angular editing - sudden jump cuts where the logical spatial/temporal progression between each is not always clear, creating a disorienting and unsettling feeling. I have to wonder if working at Toei influenced the development of this trait, as it's a way to use limited animation for artistic effect.
I was going to bring up this point, but I see that you've already got it covered. I find it quite difficult to even imagine separating a director from the aspect of the show that they traditionally have the most control over in anime e.g. 'direction' and storyboarding. Once you get outside that and start talking about animation, character design or art design or colour design I find that I have to pull back a bit to try and find out how far the director was involved in those specific aspects of the show.

As the overall director Nakamura certainly has a large influence on many areas of production but ultimately there are a variety of other people involved in those areas too, which is one of the reasons why the 'traditional' auteur model is so difficult to swallow. Unless you have literally one or two guys making the entire anime then you can't, with complete confidence, say that this is all part of one person's vision.


railgun s -

ep 7 - zzz

ep 8 -





Misaka just looks better with the ponytail + cap, it needs to be a permanent look for her.

ep 9 -




I'm surprised that they were able to sustain that level of animation for the entire episode, and it looks like episode ten will continue the fight. Lots of good cuts, lots of good effects, this shit is like manna.
sasami @ unmotivated - 07

This little two-episode arc has turned around my opinion of the show. Still not great, but there's some real heart to it and what was once thought to be pandering has now, well, taken on some extra dimensions.

Also features one of my favorite pieces of bullshittery about teleportation--it's based around omnipresence and cognition and it's totally rad.
This is a dark path to tread.


Suisei no Gargantia 10

Goddammit, Pinion. Any semblance of respect I may have had for you is now gone.
Even a child could tell you that not sharing is a bad thing. While his desire to keep the spoils to himself is perfectly understandable - he did work hard to make this expedition a reality and a success, after all, so you could say he's earned it - there clearly has to be some degree of compromise here. Instead, he's practically begging the rest of the fleet to come and attack him. He's actively seeking conflict. Nothing good can possibly come of this.

Chamber, on the other hand, makes a scarily reasonable argument.
It's true that whilst the Hideauze were once human, it's difficult to say whether they can be called human now. If Chamber is right and they no longer even retain proper human intelligence, that rules out any hope of negotiation, so it's difficult to see how the war can be ended peacefully. On one level, I hope Chamber's wrong and they are still human enough that communication is at least possible, because otherwise the Hideauze really are, for all intents and purposes, just monsters. But on another level, I feel like it makes the situation, and the moral implications, more twisted and compelling if the enemy is both human and yet not human at all.

And now we have
another soldier from the Galactic Federation on Earth
to make things even more complicated. I really have no idea how this series is going to tie things up in the little time it's got left.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I see people keep on watching Max Heart despite the constant warnings, but nobody has dared to touch Yes Precure yet for whatever reason. Besides Kirbyguy, that madman.


Maturity, bitches.
Is this like a "choose your own adventure" book?
Do you know what was better than those. Those puzzle adventure books where you had to pay attention to each page cos later on they'd refer to something that was on a previous page and if you weren't taking notes you'd get stuck. For the real intellectuals.

Why would you even need to give Yeti a gender?
Well I need to know whether to pull my trousers up or not.


[Gargantia 10+General Spoilers]

Regarding Pinion, at this stage
I'm just going to have to accept that he exists to essentially move the plot along. Pinion didn't lose have a brother that fell at the hands of the Hideazure because that's really important for his development as a person, it's part of this character simply because it motivates him to get other's to attack the hideazure. His motivations and actions seem extremely manufactured but broadcasting out his raid of the ocean treasure trove just beggars belief.


I see people keep on watching Max Heart despite the constant warnings, but nobody has dared to touch Yes Precure yet for whatever reason. Besides Kirbyguy, that madman.

Give me a month or two and I'll probably be up to Yes Precure. Gotta watch Suite and Fresh first, though.


And now we have
another soldier from the Galactic Federation on Earth
to make things even more complicated. I really have no idea how this series is going to tie things up in the little time it's got left.
With lots of
** 1 of 1 in / ** ★ (* 12,070 pt) 13/06/19 Oreimo S2 BD
** 2 of 2 in / ** ★ (* 34,501 pt) 13/07/17 Attack on Titan BD
** 3 of 3 in / ** ★ (* 13,982 pt) 13/06/21 Garden of Words BD


Basically, Oreimo shot up the rankings and passed Titan after the light novel spoilers came out. LOL

Goddammit Japan. This is the wrong message to send.
So yeah, in other words, Flowers of Evil is one of the best shows I've seen in years. Truly outstanding. If, for some reason, you aren't currently watching it at the moment I implore you to go and experience the first three episodes of the series at least. Just...outstanding:

Yep cements Nagahama as one of the all time greats in my book.


I see people keep on watching Max Heart despite the constant warnings, but nobody has dared to touch Yes Precure yet for whatever reason. Besides Kirbyguy, that madman.

Well, it probably helps that Max Heart is the second entry in the series and the sequel to the series that started it all. So it comes around pretty quickly for people who want to take the chronological route (that's me!), and makes a natural follow-up for people who decided to watch the legitimately good first series.

I'm sure I'll get to Yes! Precure 5 eventually. (On a random note, it kind of bothers me that that series has "Precure 5" in the name yet it's the fourth entry in the franchise. I'm sure it's just referring to the number of girls in the team, but still.)

Hunter x Hunter 83

More delicious battles. That said, it kind of feels like we're in the quiet before the storm right now. I don't recall the exact chronology or details of what happens from the manga, but I think we might start getting into the real good stuff next week. <3

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I'm sure I'll get to Yes! Precure 5 eventually. (On a random note, it kind of bothers me that that series has "Precure 5" in the name yet it's the fourth entry in the franchise. I'm sure it's just referring to the number of girls in the team, but still.)
I don't get why Mario Kart 7 came out after Mario Kart 64, either.
I'm sure I'll get to Yes! Precure 5 eventually. (On a random note, it kind of bothers me that that series has "Precure 5" in the name yet it's the fourth entry in the franchise. I'm sure it's just referring to the number of girls in the team, but still.)

Does it help that it's sequel series, Yes! Precure 5 Go Go is the fifth installment?


Not necessarily!
Ruka from Steins;Gate is adorable and....

b-b-but on the contrary

I guess the incest fetishists are happy that there's finally a series that doesn't pull the not-blood-related card.

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