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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Gargantia 10

Finally she's back!
This is developing exactly as predicted though pinion's stupidity is now bordering on ends of believability. Also yay we get more of awesome engineering girl! The cult super dictatorship stuff is also a bit silly.


The Light of El Cantare
I see people keep on watching Max Heart despite the constant warnings, but nobody has dared to touch Yes Precure yet for whatever reason. Besides Kirbyguy, that madman.

I've seen all of Yes 5 and I'm halfway through GoGo. Allow me to dissuade everyone from watching either of the Yes! seasons FOREVER:


Visually, it makes Max Heart look competent in comparison.

edit: v too slow!


This reminds me! Nerawareta Gakuen came out on disc this week! The film is just as beautiful as I remember it being in the cinema - unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the plot is still just as much of a mess at the end, but I still think everything else in the film is so good that I'm still willing to let that slide.
I'm really looking forward to more people seeing this. I'd like to say that it's so more people can enjoy it but realistically, it's more so that more people can watch the ending and try and help formulate an explanation as to what the fuck happens in the last half an hour.

It sure is a beautiful film though for all that it adds a lens flare for just about everything.

Most adorable gender ambiguous character ever.
The little fox girl boy from Natsume Yuujinchou would like a word. That character creates all kinds of the wrong impressions.

Well I guess I have no right to be saying anything bad about other peoples' culinary tastes -- I am Filipino after all.
This has probably been brought up before elsewhere and no doubt many people have heard this but back when I watched Mardock Scramble 1+2 at SLA, Jonathan Clements made mention of the sheer number of egg based names in the series and made particular mention of the female leads name; Balut. Just to add an additional unsavory twist to a not particularly nice series.

So many Jeffs here in AnimeGAF. If I was a gambling man I'd have put my money on Kevin or Eric being a common anime fan's name, luckily I'm not.
Is it at this point I admit defeat and tell everyone my name isn't Jeff?
I've seen all of Yes 5 and I'm halfway through GoGo. Allow me to dissuade everyone from watching either of the Yes! seasons FOREVER:


Visually, it makes Max Heart look competent in comparison.

edit: v too slow!

Opposite effect..
Yes Precure is a steep montain to climb for any fan of precure.

But even if AnimeGaffer do watch this season , they won't be able to prevent boredom from being there.


Glass Fleet 6

"Brother. Is that you brother? Brother?" Maybe you would actually get somewhere with this guy if you actually called him by his name. Anybody wanna try that? Anyone?

Well, you're probably not for the moment, because, you see, it seems that this man has *duh duh ddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh* Amneeeeeeeeeeeeeesia. What a twist! This has to be the first time I've ever seen this brilliant plot device used before. My goodness, this show just jizzes originality.

"Yeah, it's probably packed with stuff." Brilliant deduction there, glasses wiener.

Was Vetti playing that damn harpsichord that whole time while Ralph was delivering his letter and bringing back the reply? What a dweeb. Oh, speaking of that reply, who the hell writes like that? That's a lot of words and prose to call the guy a clown and tell him to fuck off. It appears whatever "exceptional" education she received didn't teach her the wonders of brevity. Still, can't disagree with her ultimate message.

Vetti sounded like he was taking a giant dump when he had that attack.

"If he were my brother, he surely would have defended himself." Uhh...how? He doesn't have a sword or...anything really. What did he expect him to do? Catch his sword and ruin his hand? Hell if anything, I'd say the fact that he didn't even flinch when he pulled his sword out on him is a pretty good indication that he's Michel's brother. If he was just some normal guy, then he would have at least blinked. Oh, and I would like to know his name, if you wouldn't mind.


"You seem to be in a bit of a rush. Going somewhere? I'm not expecting an answer, but I am expecting a fight." Dude....just...stop, please. You don't sound cool. You sound like an idiot. That wouldn't have even been all that terrible a line (though it certainly is bad) if the timing wasn't so fucking bad. He just rolls through those sentences.

How did Michel's butler get that suit of armor on so quickly? And how come his maid isn't going in with any armor protection, just her maid outfit? Wait...why am I even asking, I know the answer to that.

I'm still waiting on that name.

"The crest of the Royal Family has been stamped onto our ship." C'mon buddy, doesn't that alarm you just a little? That doesn't exactly happen every day. At least pretend that you give a shit.

...So let me get this straight, you have an episode where you have this whole deal with Michel's brother, and whether or not this guy on the freighter was him. Then he double crosses them and shows that he almost certainly is his brother and then he dies emotionally when Michel chooses to save Cleo instead of him...and not once did you ever think it was necessary or even appropriate to tell us his fucking name?! What the fuck is up with this piece of shit show?!

And I watched the ED for the first time, and saw that none other than Laura Bailey is voicing Michel. I don't know why they got her to do it, unless they really intend to go with the whole "Michel is a chick!" twist, in which case that would be the most hilariously obvious plot twist ever. Either that or they couldn't get anyone else even remotely competent on the show so they begged her to voice him.


Poet Centuriate
Clannad 22

Poor little Nagisa, she's so precious.
"I did the same thing to you." Wait, so you made Tomoya give up on his dreams? What dreams, he's a delinquent remember? That was his dad's fault, not yours. You're making no sense. Unless you meant the whole suspension thing?


Come on, Nagisa ;_; you can do...act...come on...

Ah yeah, Akio, coming through in the clutch, just showing off how he's the best character in this once again.

YESSS there you go Tomoya, you wimp, about fucking time.


Smells a little Shinkai in here

One more (and a bonus ep) to go.


Here is the latest with Time of Eve Kickstarter

The distributor of the Japanese bluray is allowing them to include the bonus video features and booklet from the Japanese bluray release

We will also be including subtitles in Russian, Portuguese, and Chinese (including the special features). Also, we have received incredibly generous offers for fansubs in various languages, and will be adding to the list of languages in the next few days.
We will also include subtitles in Japanese for the movie, for fans who want to get closer to the original dialogue
Character designer Ryusuke Chayama will be doing a brand-new illustration for the cover of the Blu-ray.
Package design by Tsuyoshi Kusano, who has handled the design for all of the Time of EVE releases to date
We have allocated additional budget for the English dub, to make sure the studio (to be announced soon -- really!!) has the resources to do a stellar production.

The new stretch goal is Time of Eve official fan book ($126,000. They need $16,000 more). They are going to make a new tier between $55-$100 for the fan book. People who pledged $100 or more will get the fan book.

Kotobukiya is allowing them to publish Time of Eve official fan book in English

Contents of the fan book

Characters (1 to 2 pages on each and every character that appears in the 6 episodes and movie, with comments by Yoshiura)
Story (5 to 6 pages on each episode, with storyboard highlights, with comments by Yoshiura)
Background art
Yoshiura's works (1 to 2 pages on his previous creations)
Interviews with Yoshiura, producer Tom Nagae, and the main voice actors
Behind the scenes (2 pages on creating the 2D/3D animation)
Five essays by experts in robotics, SF aesthetics, visuals, and Asimov
Short story about Sammy by Hiromi Asano


Tragic victim of fan death
Clannad 22

Poor little Nagisa, she's so precious.
"I did the same thing to you." Wait, so you made Tomoya give up on his dreams? What dreams, he's a delinquent remember? That was his dad's fault, not yours. You're making no sense. Unless you meant the whole suspension thing?


Come on, Nagisa ;_; you can do...act...come on...

Ah yeah, Akio, coming through in the clutch, just showing off how he's the best character in this once again.

YESSS there you go Tomoya, you wimp, about fucking time.

One more (and a bonus ep) to go.

Go watch After Story NOW!


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 29

I still think Rurun is annoying and notcute, but she does at least seem to serve one useful purpose: she increases Porun's opportunities to have screentime and be cute. I approve of this.

Also, in this episode there was a little human imouto character for the sake of LOOK GUYS, PARALLELS. The parallels weren't entirely successful though, since unlike Rurun, this girl was actually cute. All my "awwwww"s.

Oh and Rurun has the power to make Shiny Luminous more...shiny. Or luminous. Or something.


edit: I don't want to suck up anyone's bandwidth come to think of it.

I got plenty of bandwidth. whats this about?

I've seen all of Yes 5 and I'm halfway through GoGo. Allow me to dissuade everyone from watching either of the Yes! seasons FOREVER:


Visually, it makes Max Heart look competent in comparison.

edit: v too slow!

I am not yet dissuaded. Take on the challenge of dissuading me!


Gargantia 10

I usually roll my eyes when a show does the vomiting thing. But here I felt it was justified as I felt pretty sick myself. Pinion is a dumbass and I hate him now. I knew the commander guy would come back into this.


Clannad 6

dat ending
Poor Fuko :( I mean it was predictable what was gonna happen, but still the reveal was good.
I don't why, but Fuko is seriously the best girl. Everytime she talks, I experience some weird feelings in my heart. Oh and these episode previews either blow or they are just misleading. Half of the shit they are showing for the next episode doesn't match up with the tone of the reveal at the end of this one.
Detective Conan 212-213:
The tragic love story of a hunter and a bear.

I love this case, and I think it's a great example of the variety that the series has. Both the setup and the ending are very different compared to what Conan usually does, and the atmosphere is a lot more intense. We also get to see some resourcefulness on the parts of Haibara and Mitsuhiko, and a budding crush. It's hilariously awkward because Haibara is more than twice his age, so everything is completely obvious to her, but she still manages to reassure Mitsuhiko.


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 30

Hm, that was actually a pretty decent battle.

Also Luminous got some kind of upgrade I guess.


The Light of El Cantare
guys, if I post some sakuga, will you stop believing that this is a nefarious reverse psychology plot? :(


There you go. It's not a "special" show.
LOL Gargantia. I did love seeing Ridget with her hair down and seeing Ledo go through a life crisis was awesome.

Looking forward to the next episode with another mech now on planet.


Poet Centuriate
The extra episode is canon while the bonus episode is just an alternate universe OVA. I'd finish the main story first before getting into any alternate universes.

Ah ok. I was about to watch the OVA, but I'll wait then.

Clannad 23 END

Cute little couple, their innocence is really enduring.

Get out of here Mae...

Oh lord
was not expecting some fake OreImo and some :DTL at the same time in my Clannad. Well, based on what they've pulled in the past I should've expected it I guess...


Now that was a cute end.

Now that's a happy heartache right there.


I enjoyed the series, really did. Most of the voice actors nailed their parts and the music was killer. Akio was still the best character, no one can top him. The pacing was slow at times and it was odd they gave more screen time to Fuko and Kotomi than the other rivals, but it still worked. The show was funny when it needed to be funny (though I think some of the humor got lost in the English translation at times) and it was sad when it needed to be and absolutely adorable overall. The art and animation was just stellar (though the bug-eyed character designs were still bad). Not enough heartache for me though (I mean outside of
Fuko, Kotomi and Nagisa, there wasn't that much sad/emotional shit.
) so After story better step its game up, son. I was also expecting
Fuko to somehow show up in the ending? Did the writers forget about her when writing these last two episodes?

Oh yeah and rankings:

come at me

Overall though, great series. Very entertaining for outwardly cynical, inwardly soft person like me.

After Story better be everything you guys promise it to be. (I'll probably give myself a break and wait till after E3 happens to start on it. Cause I need to post!)


Subete no aware
Gargantia 10


I honestly have no idea what this show is going for now.
With the ending, whoever predicted that the commander guy also went back in time with him was right and now we have a stupid Apocalypse Now-ish conflict between two ideological forces. I guess if this is their way of not bringing back the stupid space conflict, I could be okay with this, but it's so strange.

I feel like the one way I could be okay with this is if the twist is that Ledo is the one who goes insane because of what he knows and the commander, or people representing the commander, have to basically kill him... and basically Gargantia becomes Twilight Zone.

Aku no Hana 10


Like all emo kids,
the show reveals its hand and Kasuga shows that he isn't some edgy loner reading dark books. He's just a sad loner. It's funny, SNAFU did something similar, but obviously not to the same effect as this.

Funny enough, I liked this episode much better than the manga depiction itself, precisely because it feels so real. The fact that they basically went no-OP, no-ED, and early commercial break, shows that they tried the best to put everything on the text itself without any external distraction helps a lot. I know that if this was a "real" tv show made in America, this is one of those episodes that the producers would have fought to have no or limited commercial interruption - similar to the school shooting episode if 19-2 that happened here in Canada.

Nyaruko 9

I assume this is a reference?

Dokidoki 19

Old hag moe, etc.


Glass Fleet 6

I'm shocked you said nothing about the show suddenly remembering that space is a vacuum right in time to be narratively convenient after spending the entire rest of the show with characters casually walking and talking outside spaceships and the like

After Story better be everything you guys promise it to be. (I'll probably give myself a break and wait till after E3 happens to start on it. Cause I need to post!)

As someone who is both (still) a prominent KEYshit hater and one who didn't really like Nagisa at all, I can vouch that After Story is good, borderline great stuff.
I see people keep on watching Max Heart despite the constant warnings, but nobody has dared to touch Yes Precure yet for whatever reason. Besides Kirbyguy, that madman.

I've seen all of Yes 5 and I'm halfway through GoGo. Allow me to dissuade everyone from watching either of the Yes! seasons FOREVER:


Visually, it makes Max Heart look competent in comparison.

edit: v too slow!

I MEAN YES, it broke one of my pairs of Yuri goggles, and then threw it to the ground, and forced me to wear the bestiality goggles (because that's the major theme of Yes Pretty Cure 5! Bestiality) but jeez. It's like.... I'm not even sure who watched it besides me and Madp, and I haven't finished GoGo considering it's impossible at this moment, but I think GoGo still has potentially... the greatest episode in the franchise, and it requires buildup for it to be the best.

Still watch Yes 5! It is the creepiest Precure series in the entire franchise, and is probably more sexualized than Fresh Precure if you're into that thing. Do IT! If you watched Max Heart, you can watch anything!


Smile Precure: 44

Miyuki's finale was interesting with
her imaginary friend helping her overcome her shyness and mold her into the happy-go-lucky person she is now

Looks like things are getting real next episode.
Smile Precure: 44

Miyuki's finale was interesting with
her imaginary friend helping her overcome her shyness and mold her into the happy-go-lucky person she is now

Looks like things are getting real next episode.

Before you see Smile's endgame, I must ask the following: have you seen Yes 5's movie or the DX3 crossover? This is important.


Yeah until the ending...

Well I avoided saying anything about it but since you brought it up...

(major spoilers obviously)
that stupid nonsensical lights/Ushio+doll/power of the dragonballz meta-plot overarching the whole thing was so dumb it almost ruined the entire story for me. Cause KEY just can't leave well enough alone I guess.

And this is from the perspective of someone playing the VN, where all that nonsense actually sorta made sense, as opposed to the anime where they just tack that stuff on at the last minute to the confusion of everyone watching.


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