Daily Lives of High School Boys. It is worth your time.
there we go, yes I've seen that. Love it btw
Daily Lives of High School Boys. It is worth your time.
It was 3 seconds more than Attack on Titan was 30 seconds.
Also, just wait until later in the arc when stuff that happens in a fraction of a second takes half the episode. It's gonna be great.
After Story is transcendentally wonderful.
It was 3 seconds more than Attack on Titan was 30 seconds.
Also, just wait until later in the arc when stuff that happens in a fraction of a second takes half the episode. It's gonna be great.
Well now I have to find something that's just "average", and that's going to be impossible.
Gargantia 10
Pinion is basicallyeveryone who argued that the Gargantia crew overreacted to Ledo vaporizing the pirates. Using sudden technological advantages to crush your enemies and deter future attacks sounds like a good idea at first, but trying to tip the balance of power that hard is going to have consequences.
This is fine by me. As we have established, lacrosse is the greatest sport ever, and so since I doubt even Splash Star would have the nerve to make its protagonist a lacrosse player again, any sports episodes after Max Heart would just be a downgrade.
Suisei no Gargantia 10:
The new development is hopefully setting the show up for a strong and satisfying end..What better way culminate Ledo's change in perspective by pitting him against the very thing that he used to be? It looks like Ledo's new opponent either remained unrelentingly militaristic or gave into a desire for power used his contact with humans for personal gain--we see that Kugel has an army of native humans in cult-like attire, implying that he used his technological superiority to set himself up as a god or ruler. The show has handled binary ideological conflicts well thus far, so I'm excited to see where this goes
Pinion is also a fucking meathead.
Interesint lil image.
Not only is this the only fully CG scene in the entire first episode of Kingdom 2 (there's some background stuff with 2D elements in the foreground), but it's actually consistent with the overall look of the show and actually has some good shading.
i can't
I need a good, funny anime. I'm talking a show that will make me laugh. Whats good this season? Maybe I'm missing something.
give me a moment like this
Well, alternatively,Kugel is dead and they've just been worshiping the robot. And you basically have the Earth humans neatly divide into two factions just like the original humans.
SyFy, etc.
Well, alternatively,Kugel is dead and they've just been worshiping the robot. And you basically have the Earth humans neatly divide into two factions just like the original humans.
SyFy, etc.
Urobochi is writing the last episode. Just sayin'If this show goes for a downer end, I blame you.
If this show goes for a downer end, I blame you.
I like that idea, would be more interesting if it was a battle of chambers.
Urobochi is writing the last episode. Just sayin'
I'm hoping for theend myself. I don't know if they have the balls to do it though. lolLedo goes Colonel Kurtz
I like that idea, would be more interesting if it was a battle of chambers.
Urobochi is writing the last episode. Just sayin'
Smile Precure: 47 & 48 (END)
And so ends another season of Pretty Cure. This was my second series, with Heartcatch being my first (I may do a writeup for that after Suite/before Fresh). And what are my thoughts on it? Well...
Of the two, I have to say, I liked this one a little better, but I think Heartcatch was the better series. I enjoyed all five Precure, as well as the vast majority of side characters. Most episodes were solid, with very few episodes sticking out as bad. Plot "twists" weren't exactly unexpected, but they didn't really harm the series in any way.
The Ending...Not too bad. Pierrot was a pretty good villain for the last two episodes, and what went on bordered on disturbingly dark. Those empty eyes... Anyway, the entire "sacrifice" made at the end, of the Precure never being able to see Candy and Pop again was really spoiled by the post ending of them meeting again. Didn't detract terribly from it, but still a little bit of a misstep, to me.
So, with Smile done, I will be continuing onward in my Backwards Pretty Cure watch. Next up will be Suite Precure!
Yuyushiki SP1
dumb cg catgirls doing dumb cg catgirl things
The Clean OP in the first volume was some weird clipshow with some animation inserted in between. Weird.
Clannad: After Story 1
Superior Imouto
TheLedo accidentaly gets Amy killed and goes nuts. No-one believes him when he talks about evolvers. After he slaughters everyone he hides away with chamber as his sole companion and drifts away hearing chamber trying to rationalise the situation in ways he cannot agree with carrying him to greater despair while he is unknowingly carving an ocarina out of Amy's skull.
The problem is that the binaries/dichotomies they've set up aren't particularly interesting, especially when you consider the fact that the end game ofThe way I see it,it makes Ledo's development less meaningful if his final battle is against an AI that's incapable of thinking outside of the logical framework that it was programmed to use. If Kugel is actually alive, it means that Ledo is facing someone who was essentially given the same options as Ledo but chose to overpower rather than assimilate. If Ledo's final obstacle is a faceless representation of authority, he simply has to destroy it in order to gain his freedom because reasoning with a machine is futile. There's really not as much opportunity for a satisfying emotional climax in that scenario because Ledo doesn't really need to sum up everything that he's learned in Gargantia and apply it to how he carries himself in his final confrontation. Ledo already established this episode that he doesn't trust Chamber's opinion anymore because Chamber is a machine--this essentially implies that now only a fellow human soldier can potentially persuade him to continue following his mission.
Karen x Milk is the only pairing i accept Aside from the fihgting part it was like watching a mini marimite.There's also SyrupxUrara, and KarenxMilk. And GoGo! becoming great when Milky Rose came in? Just like Yes! 5.
Smile Precure: 47 & 48 (END)
And so ends another season of Pretty Cure. This was my second series, with Heartcatch being my first (I may do a writeup for that after Suite/before Fresh). And what are my thoughts on it? Well...
Of the two, I have to say, I liked this one a little better, but I think Heartcatch was the better series. I enjoyed all five Precure, as well as the vast majority of side characters. Most episodes were solid, with very few episodes sticking out as bad. Plot "twists" weren't exactly unexpected, but they didn't really harm the series in any way.
The Ending...Not too bad. Pierrot was a pretty good villain for the last two episodes, and what went on bordered on disturbingly dark. Those empty eyes... Anyway, the entire "sacrifice" made at the end, of the Precure never being able to see Candy and Pop again was really spoiled by the post ending of them meeting again. Didn't detract terribly from it, but still a little bit of a misstep, to me.
So, with Smile done, I will be continuing onward in my Backwards Pretty Cure watch. Next up will be Suite Precure!
Karen x Milk is the only pairing i accept Aside from the fihgting part it was like watching a mini marimite.
Smile is not a bad serie , but smile was nothing without cure peace and joker ... those 2 characters really pushed the serie up by themselves.
Reika was a nice character but was totally underutilised ... a total shame.
Date a Live 11
Swimsuits galore! Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori (and Origami) looked so cute with theirs on.
It was nice seeing Tohka's innocence again towards everything and Kotori's shy imouto when she's not wearing the black ribbons too. Sad seeing her in pain during the date, but it did help invigorate Shido's confindence to help his precious little sister.
Cure Peace and Joker where good yes, but I do think other characters have their share of appeal, granted that's my like for Cure Sunny coming out.
Agreed on Reika. I think it was more on how she was effectly the competent one of the group, and therefore didn't have much to poke at her. As a result, she was a Reikabot as I would like to call her. The final spotlight episode was her coming out of her shell though.
She is ready to be the second wife i tell you !
Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0
Episodes 1-13(roughly)
I was planning on taking a look at this show sometime anyway but with Mad Pierrot being a big fan and people, originally anyway, not taking a look at it I thought it would be kind of a surprise for him when I posted impressions after finishing it. I've actually stalled for the moment at about the halfway point for now with trying to keep up with more recent shows or others I'm watching, so I'll just post some comments on the first half.
Personally I can agree with Mad Pierrot that I like the kind of silly almost really serious and over the top nature that the show presents itself with. Yugi is sort of the hero and protects or helps people people but does so by kind of screwing with the mind of the aggressor, haha. I like how most characters don't even think much of the crazy situations they get themselves into when going up against Yami Yugi and just have more of a "sure whatever" or "seems interesting!" kind of attitude. One person finally tries to cheat where Yugi then says "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this is a shadow game that comes with some strict penalties for cheating." I instantly recognized Yami Yugi's voice as Megumi Ogata but not regular Yugi as being her so that was a surprise.
Just things like Yo-Yo's being serious business and there's a gang that beats people up with their Yo-Yo's haha. Kaiba being introduced and just going nuts over losing to Yugi at a card game and then turning into a Saturday morning cartoon villain who will stop and nothing and make it his life's work to see that Yugi loses at said card game, haha.
Some people don't like how the Duel Monsters show would do things like introduce a brand new card that just magically happened to get Yugi out of whatever exact specific problem he was being faced with but I found it kind of funny here as everything is even more made up and completely arbitrary. It's like watching a couple of school kids arguing or something.
"I place my monster on the field space."
"I place mine on the Dark Mountains. It might seem like it loses to yours as it only has 300 points compared to your 500...SHIKASHI! by placing it on the mountains it doubles my attack points to 600 beating your monster."
"No, I still win. Placing my monster on the field space also doubles my power. Now I have 1000 points to your 600 winning the match."
"No, no. I'm telling you I win! My monster is also a dark monster and by placing it on the dark mountains it not only doubles my power by halves yours as well, therefore I still win! Ha!"
That or the one match where the guy just pulls out a monster with like 1600 attack points as his first move despite the fact that you only have 2000 life points. Apparently there's no balance and only honor rules.
"I thought we were supposed to start out with weaker monsters and build up to the powerful ones?"
"Hmm, nah." Haha.
It kind of makes you wonder how a Duel Monsters master can't be aware of all these seemingly basic rules. That, or if the game is so complicated, then how did anybody become a master in the first place?
The capsule monsters episode is even better!
"I just defeated four of your five monsters because mine are all level 4-5 where yours were 1 or 2, give up yet?"
"Nope, because even though my monster is only level 2, check this out! It has a one time special power where I can take out even a level 5 monster and not just in the space beside me but for seven spaces! (Which is about half the entire board) Since I sacrificed my monsters to set yours up in a line, you just got beamed and I win! ;p
I think of Duel Monsters matches like magic tricks. You know they're faked and ultimately bogus but it's still fun to watch them play out anyway.
I guess Miho got a bigger role in the anime as well as I had actually read some of the manga about ten years ago and didn't remember her in many of the different stories. The fact that she's voiced by Yukana as well was really surprising. I'm more used to her voice for characters like Irisu from Hyouka or C.C. from Code Geass. I remembered she did the voice for Honoka in Futari wa Pretty Cure and just did a quick listen to her voice in the first episode and they sounded similar there.
I could write more but it seems like this post is getting kind of long already so I guess it's more to Mad Pierrot that I'm watching it and while I'm not sure if I'm as big a fan of the show as you are, I do enjoy it's kind of twisted, over the top aspects. That and some of the Toei QUALITY makes it come across as even more amusing at times.
Never before have I found a perfect use for this image.
Unless you're saying "Doremi is amazing", of course, then people will largely pick it up for a couple eps then drop it.
Clearly if you don't want people to watch something, don't talk about it!
If you say it's good, people will watch it.
If you say it's bad, people will watch it.
Unless you're saying "Doremi is amazing", of course, then people will largely pick it up for a couple eps then drop it.
daie a live 11
they gonna fuck next eps! fuck fuck fuck fuck.
wait wrong show. kiss kiss kiss kiss.
This sequence was brilliant though. Good way to get someone hot and bothered indeed
And that ending is the most technobabble nonsense i've heard today.
Happenned too late.
I think cure aqua had a similar problem, but she was less perfect and even if she managed to solve them late in Yes! , she had all of Gogo to use that.
Thewhoreshorror, the horror!
The problem is that the binaries/dichotomies they've set up aren't particularly interesting, especially when you consider the fact that the end game of.either side of humanity is ultimately technological improvement, it just becomes a matter of perspective of whether biological augmentation is "better" or "worse" (who cares, is my opinion) than mechanical augmentation. There are interesting concepts to be had here of course, since man IS machine is a very much SyFy concept since Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, but this show doesn't seem to know what it wants to do with it. Or at least, it's setting up a lot of ideas but there doesn't seem willing to reveal its theme because of OMG SYFY PLOT TWEEEEEEEEEEST
So, with Smile done, I will be continuing onward in my Backwards Pretty Cure watch. Next up will be Suite Precure!
No it's not totally a children show .... dog days season 1 will have some nice themes explored that should satisfy anyone in for the "fun" factor and the fantasy setting.Dog Days - 2
Oh if only this show first aired this spring. There would be countless COD dog puns in the OT!
Ugh, it appears I've wandered into yet another children's anime. Oh well, at least this one isn't trying to sell an abundance of merchandise.
I swear, this anime is like casual mode Fire Emblem Awakening. No risk whatsoever. But still, no deaths doesn't mean no conflict, so there's still a chance for that. But I'll be honest.
The only reason I'm still watching this is because I think the relationship between the princess and Sink may turn out to be adorable.
Forget what I said, this is most definetly not a children's show!
date a live 11
they gonna fuck next eps! fuck fuck fuck fuck.
wait wrong show. kiss kiss kiss kiss.
This sequence was brilliant though. Good way to get someone hot and bothered indeed
And that ending is the most technobabble nonsense i've heard today.