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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Actually, you know what? Fuck it, I'm starting After Story now.

Clannad: After Story 1

Well that's one way to show that they've gotten a lot more comfortable with each other since the first series I guess.

Damn son, this animation department is working fucking overtime. That "from the baseball point of view" shot? Dear lord that looked good. And that Kotomi pitch analysis? Fuck son.

"How do you like that asshole!" You tell 'em Akio.

Anyways, great episode to reintroduce everyone
except poor little Fuko. Is she coming back or not? The OP would have me believing otherwise.

ED is not as good as the first, not by a long shot.

wait, did you watch the Another World: Tomoyo Chapter, or you're saving that for later?

The lyrics in the opening made me cry the first time, because I watched the movie before ;___;
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 173:
Oh, it's the yearly episode where Takeshi gets to do something other than cook food, serve as a referee for matches or obsess over girls (although he manages to hit all three in this episode, too). That's cool, I guess, even though he was still mostly just serving as an aide for Makina, it was nice to see him actually reacting to things and having some good character moments. Makina is so tsundere, but she was hilarious in all of her antics. Satoshi not knowing what a yankee was and her getting flustered was great.

I think we can definitively say that tsunderes are the one type of girl that Takeshi doesn't go for, though. And he finally had someone willing, too.

Next time, the Grand Festival finally starts. So hyped.


Poet Centuriate
Burning through some of them tonight cause I'm bored and hooked as fuck

Clannad: After Story 3

Okay, I like ya Youhei, but you're denser than a neutron star or even a harem MC for fucks sake.

Pretty cringe-y episode, damn.

:lol Tomoya's totally rocking to the dongo song.

Man what a damn mess, this was a really bad idea.

oh god
once again, you got your oreimo in my clannad


okay so somehow I'm starting to sympathize with Mae, wtf. Her story (a least devoid of her character/personality/voice) is kinda painful to watch.

wait, did you watch the Another World: Tomoyo Chapter, or you're saving that for later?

The lyrics in the opening made me cry the first time, because I watched the movie before ;___;

Yeah, I'm holding off on that, I guess.
Railgun S 9:

This fucking shit is so fuck-awesome in fucking awesome ways that Index so completely failed to be. How does a spinoff manage to be so superior to it's original source material in so many ways?


Hai folks. Haven't watched much anime in the past 2 months, but I thought I'd hop in here to ask a question.

Does anyone else have bad memory?

I was going through my MAL and a few posts on other forums that I used to frequent long ago, and I can't remember so many of the anime series I have watched. Apparently I was a huge fan of Zetsubou Sensei, but I honestly can't remember shit about the series.



Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Love Live 1

So they just decide to become idols to save their school just like that? Okay, that's pretty lame. There's some horrible CG during dance routines. I don't like the main chick much. I usually don't like them energetic stupid girls though. Umi is <3


The Light of El Cantare
Hai folks. Haven't watched much anime in the past 2 months, but I thought I'd hop in here to ask a question.

Does anyone else have bad memory?

I was going through my MAL and a few posts on other forums that I used to frequent long ago, and I can't remember so many of the anime series I have watched. Apparently I was a huge fan of Zetsubou Sensei, but I honestly can't remember shit about the series.


I feel the need to rewatch pretty much everything that I saw before 2008 or so. My appreciation for things was relatively shallow compared to now and I remember almost nothing about the actual content of several shows.

For instance, I think that a year or so ago, I got into a debate with someone here after saying that Wolf's Rain had the worst ending in the history of anime and then, when pressed on my reason for making the statement, suddenly realized that I remembered absolutely nothing about the show itself, only that I had been absolutely infuriated by the ending as a teenager. It's things like this that make me really wish that I had even more time to watch stuff.
Does anyone else have bad memory?

Yeah I don't remember jack about The Big O, but I plan on fixing that soon. I also don't remember Gundam Seed Destiny, but I think all of those fist-shaped holes in my wall tell me that was intentionally forgotten, so I'm going to let sleeping dogs lie.
No it's not totally a children show .... dog days season 1 will have some nice themes explored that should satisfy anyone in for the "fun" factor and the fantasy setting.

Season 2 is 100% fun however.

This was actually a pretty nice episode ..i was concerned that they forgot some events at some points but they just reworked the scenes in order to create that cliffanger.

The military mizugi part was excellent however...

date a live a ln or eroge?
Are there ln's actually worth reading or are they as garbage as their animes?

I tried reading like 2 vol of SAO... they were ok... kinda reminds me of what I invision a WoW novel would be like.


I feel the need to rewatch pretty much everything that I saw before 2008 or so. My appreciation for things was relatively shallow compared to now and I remember almost nothing about the actual content of several shows.

For instance, I think that a year or so ago, I got into a debate with someone here after saying that Wolf's Rain had the worst ending in the history of anime and then, when pressed on my reason for making the statement, suddenly realized that I remembered absolutely nothing about the show itself, only that I had been absolutely infuriated by the ending as a teenager. It's things like this that make me really wish that I had even more time to watch stuff.

You bring up an interesting anecdote. I watched Wolf's Rain when I was fairly young and wasn't particularly fond of the ending either.

I believe the main cast dies at the end? I remember enjoying the TV series overall, but I was totally angry at the ending. However, like you, my sense and appreciation of various things has gone up since then so I wonder how I'd feel about it now.


The Light of El Cantare
You bring up an interesting anecdote. I watched Wolf's Rain when I was fairly young and wasn't particularly fond of the ending either.

I believe the main cast dies at the end? I remember enjoying the TV series overall, but I was totally angry at the ending. However, like you, my sense and appreciation of various things has gone up since then so I wonder how I'd feel about it now.

As far as I remember,
everyone dies without achieving their objective and then they're reincarnated in the future as "normal" humans as some kind of consolation. That's all I remember about the whole series; that and wanting to suplex my television afterward.


Oh man, what have I done?!? I-I mean I appreciate it, but we already established that I'm just really weird for loving this series and it's not actually worth recommending! At least give me a two-cour series to run through in exchange. I insist.

As I had seen a little bit of Duel Monsters and even a few episodes of the next one and the motorcycle one, along with reading some of the manga which the first season was based off of, it was actually something I wanted to try watching one day anyway honestly.

I just thought my happening to watch it would be a nice coincidence for you. :)
If you really insist I'll check your MAL list to see what you have and reference that with my own watch list to see what I can come up with.

Anyway, tying into your remarks on the surprise punishment games, if I had to sum up the series in one word, it would be "trolling". I think that the thing that really draws me to Season 0 is that Yami Yugi is one of the most incredible trolls in all of anime; he's like Aizen and MacGuyver all in one. Yami's entire shtick is to completely ruin anyone who picks a fight with him by setting up shadow games that supposedly give every advantage to opponents who are self-proclaimed masters of their game, exploiting their hubris or overconfidence by feigning imminent defeat while manipulating them into ridiculously specific circumstances that set up their downfall, revealing that it was all according to keikaku and pulling out victories so unlikely that they go past the point of deus ex machina into pure trolling, and then doling out ironic and often horrifying punishment to the loser just to rub salt in the wound. The whole pattern is a mix of unintentional comedy, genuine horror, and gleeful schadenfreude that's pretty singular among anything I've ever watched.

Yeah, that's a really good way of putting it. Exactly, that's why I love his character. I like different ones like that, such as Bernkastel from Umineko where she just kind of messes with things ultimately just so she doesn't get bored. Fans nicknamed her "Trollkanstel" because of her personality and actions.

Duel Monsters games essentially being analogous to kids on a playground making shit up as they go along and trying to out-godmod each other is exactly why I like these episodes. In any other show I'd just find it stupid, but because Season 0 is consistently about watching new ways for Yami Yugi to pull victories out of his ass, it never gets old to me.

If you genuinely find this aspect of the show amusing, you should definitely watch the Duelist Kingdom arc of Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters, preferably dubbed (it's on Hulu, btw.) It takes the concept of cards having incredibly arbitrary properties that come and go as the plot demands to a vastly more entertaining level.

Yeah, it depends on how it's presented. Sometimes the whole "power of friendship" type thing can be kind of inspiring and entertaining. Others times it just feels really cliche, lazy and just a big put off.

I don't live in the United States so unfortunately I can't watch Hulu. I'll maybe see if I can find it somewhere in the future. I have seen a bit of the show before.

I remember the island, then battle city that moved to a blimp and then a tower(or was it an island?), then there was a virtual world where (Story Spoilers!)
I believe the kid was the real Kaiba heir but was sick so his father adopted Seto and Mokuba to run the business in the future and he was upset about them essentially taking his life.
Then it was people from Atlantis upset with current day people and wanting to destroy them with Duel Monsters because why not?

Rich man's game! The strong cards are ridiculously rare (there are only four Blue Eyes White Dragon cards in existence, for instance) and Kaiba, boy magnate that he is, has basically hoarded most of them for himself. (Sadly, you have to invest several hundred dollars in real life to construct a competitive tournament-level Yu-Gi-Oh! deck, so this aspect of the game isn't purely fantasy.)

I never actually played the game or had any cards. Were there only three Blue Eyes White Dragons in reality as well? To keep it authentic and to mess with fans, haha. I remember that Exodia guy. It was probably super rare but collect all the pieces and you win!

There's a particularly infamous episode of Duel Monsters involving a certain "Catapult Turtle" that you'll be sure to love if you found any entertainment in the unbelievably specific chain of events that Yami Yugi orchestrated to win in this episode.

I think I might recall that one. Was that the episode where
there was a castle floating above a monster due to some energy field? Yugi launched a monster, destroyed the energy field, which caused the castle to fall onto the monster defeating it?

As far as I know, Miho was executive meddling. She was only in one chapter of the manga, but Toei wanted her in to balance out the male:female ratio of the cast as well as a love interest for Honda. I actually really enjoy her character, though; if Yugi is the King of Trolls for games, Miho is the Queen of Trolls for romance. Watching her shamelessly give mixed signals to Honda while he falls over himself every episode to impress her never got old for me,
and the NTR despair when Bakura shows up is amazing.

I appreciate the impressions and I hope you really will find something for me to watch in return. Pick anything! Especially if it's a personal wonk series that you've always wanted to force on someone.

Ah, okay. Yeah, I forgot to mention that Miho will comes across as an air head at times but she's really good at messing with and manipulating Honda, haha.

I'll see what I can do about a show.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
The Rapeman - 01&02


I... don't even know what to say. Fuck everything.


Love Live 1

So they just decide to become idols to save their school just like that? Okay, that's pretty lame. There's some horrible CG during dance routines. I don't like the main chick much. I usually don't like them energetic stupid girls though. Umi is <3

Haha, once again we like the same girl the best. I liked her from right near the start of episode 1 as well. :)


Poet Centuriate
I think I'm addicted to Clannad, do I have a problem?

Clannad: After Story 4

Yeah this is getting kinda brutal on the old heart already, and we're only dealing with Youhei and Mae really.

Nagisa's confidence has really grown since the first series


phew that's a relief. I was also kinda worried about Nagisa being out in the rain like that. Doesn't she get sick easy?

Since that ends a little arc, I think I'll call it night here.

The Rapeman - 01&02

I... don't even know what to say. Fuck everything.

it's so bad
Hai folks. Haven't watched much anime in the past 2 months, but I thought I'd hop in here to ask a question.

Does anyone else have bad memory?

I was going through my MAL and a few posts on other forums that I used to frequent long ago, and I can't remember so many of the anime series I have watched. Apparently I was a huge fan of Zetsubou Sensei, but I honestly can't remember shit about the series.


I have this same problem. I watched a ton of anime back then when my sister first introduced it to me. Inukami, Great Teacher Onizuka, They Are My Noble Masters, and Maburaho were the first 4 anime I watched online subbed, and I can't remember a thing from those shows. I can't even remember the endings. I watched a lot more when I first started getting into anime but I can't even remember the names let alone the shows.

Really wish I had better memory.
Hey guys can anyone tell me which is the better anime?

Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince vs Suisei no Gargantia

They are both space mecha and airing at the moment.
Sailor Moon - END

Now I'm ready for Sailor Moon 20132014.
I think I'm going after the manga now.

Smile Precure! - 10

Wait, isn't Akane
a transfer student(my guess is from Osaka, I love me some Osaka-ben)? How come the okonomiyaki shop was named after her name when she was born?
Sailor Moon - END

Now I'm ready for Sailor Moon 20132014.
I think I'm going after the manga now.

Smile Precure! - 10

Wait, isn't Akane
a transfer student(my guess is from Osaka, I love me some Osaka-ben)? How come the okonomiyaki shop was named after her name when she was born?

Smile Precure ain't consistent, but I'm going with store transferring to another place. And yes, she is.
Jewelpet Kira Deco 2- Bling bling makes the world go round


After a while all paperwork looks like cute wingdings really. Note how even their forms require some bling to them.

So the Kiradeco 5 are alien invaders after resources eh? I'd feel bad for Jeweltown if their whole world wasn't steeped in hedonistic decadence! Also love how the mascots now have ownership over their invaders, truly a progressive showing of mascots making it in the world.
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