In other words, not Kuroneko.
Now, if kayos could just learn to use a dictionary... But I guess that would take the fun out of things.
Bad thing you still have to pay for a feature you won't use after fifteen minutes.
Ordered this recently pretty much on a whim and it just came today. Hoping to start it tonight.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who uses 3d all the time on my 3DS...
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who uses 3d all the time on my 3DS...
I love the MGS games and Solid/Naked snake are great characters but it sure as hell isn't because of his strikingly unique visual design. In an avatar without the iconic sneaking suit, bandana or mullet you're left with a scarred dude with an eyepatch. To someone who didn't see the trailer or just not familiar with snake then that pic could've looked like the Punisher or Nick Fury.
While technically possible, actually understanding it would certainly make the fetish much less likely, and that was my point.not sure how reducing it down to 'japan has no kids lol' is an explanation, but okay. Having siblings doesn't mean they'll "understand how utterly delusional the entire concept is," it just means the object of their fetishistic desires may just be the concept of siblings detached from their actual blood relations,
Only a tiny fraction of a single percentage point of people would ever think this.or they might actually just want to fuck their own sisters.
The "ambivalence" was there to draw in people like you or cosmic who were willing to fool yourselves into thinking that the show might be something it wasn't... but no, the series always was there to be about incest. Season two may have made that more overt, but that was the main theme of the series from the beginning.The ambivalence was definitely intentional in the first series of the anime. "We'll write the sibling dynamic just close enough to 'romantic' anime tropes to confuse the viewer about whether we're seriously doing the incest angle or just writing a show about awkward teenage nerds who model their behavior unconsciously on the nerd culture they absorb," basically. I don't know if that was accurate to the source material or not (and nor do I really care), but it sounds like they've given up the pretense now. Too bad.
Those hard-coded mental blocks exist for lots of very good reasons, of course.I can confirm that brother-sister incest is totally a legitimate fetish! I love that stuff. (Two brothers, no sisters here, so I guess I fit into the "can't properly understand how delusional the entire concept is" category.) Not that I was hoping for an incest end in this particular franchise, but that's more due to the fact that Kuroneko and Kyousuke make such a cute couple than anything else.
That sounds about right. The forbidden-fruit angle is definitely a part of it as well, but I think the biggest draw of the fetish is the idea of automatically having such an close relationship with a girl. Living under the same roof, the unparalleled intimacy of spending your whole lives together, inevitably getting to see each other in states of undress that would be scandalous in any other's a pretty unique situation, really. Like osananajimi taken up to eleven. If it weren't for the biologically hard-coded mental blocks that stop it from happening in real life, it would be hard to imagine such a setup not escalating into something more.
Oh, and I second the Koi Kaze recommendation. Anyone who's not fundamentally opposed to incest shouldn't miss that series. It's absolutely beautiful.
Katanagatari is a very good series, one of my favorites of that year. If you haven't watched it before though, I'll be interested to see what you think of the last episode and a half...Katanagatari 9
On the sword side of things, a fairly plain episode. One of the more reasonable opponents Shichika has faced (possibly the most reasonable of all), but unfortunately so set in her ways that she refuses to fight an unarmed man. Since Shichika's fighting style relies on being unarmed, he was decisively handicapped for most of the episode, and in fact was only able to win the battle at all due to. It was nice to see that Shichika at leastTogame distracting his opponent with a game of to show her his strength after the fact, defeating her conclusively once the sword and protective gear were out of the picture
The sword itself, too, was by far the most plain we have seen so far, to the point where the characters considered that its ordinariness could actually be its defining feature. An interesting paradox, to be sure, but again, not one that made for an awfully interesting episode in terms of action.
The lacklustre action in the episode was, however, made up for by Togame's growing paranoia that Shichika was spending "quality time" of a different sort with his latest enemy. Her rising jealousy through the episode was entertaining to watch, and culminated ina passionate kiss that made even Shichika blush bright red. And that's no mean feat.
Oh, and the Maniwa finally tracked down one of the swords for themselves (took them long enough), but then promptly went on tolose another of their number at the hands of Emonzaemon, who made some rather unsubtle but effective usage of another of the three remaining blades, this one in the shape of a pair of handguns. These Maniwa really do just keep dropping like flies.
At any rate, within the hands of the quickly dwindling Maniwa, andthe Poison Bladein the hands of Emonzaemon and his mistress, that just leaves one remaining blade unaccounted for. The end of the journey draws ever closer...the Flame Blade
I stopped even reading the anime threads for like a season and a half in part because of how annoying it was to have to read through (or try to skip over) all of the people talking about that disaster of a series... that wasn't the only reason, but it was one of them. So yeah, I at least hate it in concept, and the writing and story are atrocious as well, going by people who have watched more of it (it starts out as people-dying drama, but eventually turns into harem antics...).Is Sword Art Online so bad its funny? Like could it work for a hatewatch or is it completely irredeemable?
Ugh, don't remind me.It's the most-discussed anime of 2012 in AnimeGAF for a reason.
No, watch the first season first, then watch the movies. The first movie in particular would make very little sense if you don't watch the show first; it was a decently good movie, but it didn't do a great job of explaining itself to people who haven't watched the show. Plus the first season was pretty good!Just watch the two films, especially in lieu of the first season.
I really liked the first couple of episodes of season two, but then the next couple weren't that great and I stopped watching... I wonder if it gets better again or not.You know what we need is more Dog Days. That show was okay and watchable.
Hah, don't expect THAT to ever go anywhere. In terms of romance, Slayers is shonen through and through.Slayers NEXT 13
So, out of curiosity, which is the more powerful spell in Slayers? Giga Slave, or Ragna Blade? Either way Lina is ridiculously OP at this point, and everyone seems to overlook that Shabranigdo got nixed by her. I mean, why would a Demon Dragon King be desperately trying to kill a girl who, you know, KILLED someone as powerful as his boss? Lina apparently has spells that summon the power of some kind of High Old God or something, so gee guys, can't you spell this out?
Also in this episode: Gourry asks Lina to consider his feelings! Amelia, voicing the voice of a thousand unheard shippers, is quick to squeal with glee over the entire thing.
Probably gonna sell my 3ds to a friend cheap and pick up 3ds xl
I want to upgrade my 3DS to an XL but I don't like the colors that are out.
Super Robot Wars UX Special Edition!! Who cares if the game is shit, the system looks pretty!
Gundam Seed HD Remaster 41
Easily the best two of the three. In episode, I think Shani is the best of them all, his personality, and voice when he gets all into battle there is really intense and adds a whole additional layer of fun to the fight. I kind of wish them for some success as I do want them to stay around. Otherwise, Im really liking all thats going on and how everything is falling into place to converge at this one colony here. .........
Good. I kind of really want more Seed if this keeps up, I hope Destiny is comparable.
I probably won't buy a 3ds until they find a way to bypass region lock.I want to upgrade my 3DS to an XL but I don't like the colors that are out.
I kind of really want more Seed if this keeps up, I hope Destiny is comparable.
Chuu2 DoF 6
11/10. better than the main series
I consider myself a Gundam fan, Destiny is garbage.
I kind of really want more Seed if this keeps up, I hope Destiny is comparable.
Garbage is being a bit too kind, isn't it?
Garbage is being a bit too kind, isn't it?
Lots of good stuff!
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - 1
Lots of good stuff!
To start, I love the characters their design and their personalities seem very likable. Birdy especially. I started with the dub (given the option, i'll opt to hear my own language if it's good) and I'm liking the casting a lot so far. The production quality seems consistent enough. The animation has a refreshing wealth of energy. Characters are hardly ever moving in a generic and predictable way and that stands out. The action scenes were impressive, and admittedly, were the reason I gave this show a chance in the first place. Not only are they great to look at, but from a standpoint of choreography, they're unconventional, and unique as a result. Some of the backgrounds were a bit harsh on the eyes. Perhaps it was the shading or lack thereof. It didn't bring down the work, but it was jarring at times. The CG in the very beginning, while short, was ugly. Hopefully that's gone.
Not sure what to think of the story so far, but it has potential. Seems a bit like a Men in Black type of scenario. I hope it takes a distinct approach.
It's a good series with great animation that still holds up to this day.Read or Die TV 1-15
THE PAPPUUUH. This show is still good even after all these years.
I consider myself a Gundam fan, Destiny is garbage.
I consider myself a Gundam fan, Destiny is garbage.
Meltdowner hnnnnnnnng!
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - 09
Here's hopingMeltdowner isn't dead when this thing is over. I wanna see her in the next swimsuit episode.
The final battle in Destiny is so lopsided you would think the "good guys" were on the other side.
Lucky Star 18
I like the new characters and another amazing ED.
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - 1
Lots of good stuff!
To start, I love the characters their design and their personalities seem very likable. Birdy especially. I started with the dub (given the option, i'll opt to hear my own language if it's good) and I'm liking the casting a lot so far. The production quality seems consistent enough. The animation has a refreshing wealth of energy. Characters are hardly ever moving in a generic and predictable way and that stands out. The action scenes were impressive, and admittedly, were the reason I gave this show a chance in the first place. Not only are they great to look at, but from a standpoint of choreography, they're unconventional, and unique as a result. Some of the backgrounds were a bit harsh on the eyes. Perhaps it was the shading or lack thereof. It didn't bring down the work, but it was jarring at times. The CG in the very beginning, while short, was ugly. Hopefully that's gone.
Not sure what to think of the story so far, but it has potential. Seems a bit like a Men in Black type of scenario. I hope it takes a distinct approach.
You can't even put it in quotes. Kira is always right. Indisputably. If you have a legitimate point at which Kira was wrong, you're wrong, because Kira is never, ever wrong. He's goddamn Jesus Yamato, and he slept with Lacus for your Mecha sins.
Kira is the Son of the God of Mecha. I saw this in a vision. The God of Mecha also looks like Master Asia, but his right hand is all Gundams, and his left is the entire Macross franchise.
Now join me in saying the Yamato's Prayer:
Our Kira, Who Art in Lacus' Pants,
Hallowed Be Thy Newtype Skills
Oh man it's the Arbalest!!
try the 3DS XL first before giving the other one away to avoid any buyer's remorse
It's a good series with great animation that still holds up to this day.
Read or Die TV 1-15
THE PAPPUUUH. This show is still good even after all these years.
You just reminded me that Kira is also some kind of a Newtype :lolololol
Sunrise basically made Kira the most imbalanced character ever.
Why would I have buyers remorse? Is there something different about 3ds xl?