Dunno if this was mentionned but Silver Spoon will start on July 11th.
The opening will be performed by miwa and the ending by Sukima Switch.
mmm Sukima Switch ED.
Dunno if this was mentionned but Silver Spoon will start on July 11th.
The opening will be performed by miwa and the ending by Sukima Switch.
I love the design, look frigging elegant.. modern mech not look like that anymore
If Asuna and Lizbeth are the only choices there's something of a sad pool here anyway. But seriously, why are the action sequences not happening in this show? I mean even the fight with the CG dragon was incredibly brief.
Because the show is terrible.
Sakura Trick is real yuri, by the way;not fake fluff like YuruYuri.
Because the show is terrible.
Oh my.It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
Anime of the foreverIt's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
After Free! I don't think people will care about yuri anymore.
It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
You're right. It'll be hard to care about yuri after anime is dead.After Free! I don't think people will care about yuri anymore.
After Free! I don't think people will care about yuri anymore.
Why would anyone with taste even take a look at Free!?
Why would anyone with taste even take a look at Free!?
Why would anyone with taste even take a look at Free!?
KyoAni is dead to me.Because some people belive that Kyoani can make anything good ( or that they can't do no wrong ) ?
I refuse to think people believe this.Because some people belive that Kyoani can make anything good ( or that they can't do no wrong ) ?
KyoAni is dead to me.
I refuse to think people believe this.
The reason I want to Free is for the swimming. We haven't had a sports anime for the past couple of season so I hope they will concentrate on the swimming but it looks like I might be wrong about that.
KyoAni did some serious wrong with Endless Eight. I still haven't really forgiven them
Few things are as bad as s1 Artemis, and none of the main cast applies.
It's a shame that pure kansai is hard to find in anime. Even Akane in Smile Precure is somewhat watered down.
Princess and the Pilot
The princess, well shes adorable. I liked her quite a lot, and she can be a brat sometimes. The protagonist too, being an underling deemed worthless by society but a great enough pilot to have the honor of tranporting a princess. Hes a very honorable person despite his origins.
KyoAni did some serious wrong with Endless Eight. I still haven't really forgiven them
It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
What about her? She's harmless.And what about? :|Chibi Chibi
I refuse to think people believe this.
You don't need to go that far back, they made Nichjou, Chuu2, and Tamako Market. Hyouka is the only thing stopping them from have a long losing streak.
You don't need to go that far back, they made Nichjou, Chuu2, and Tamako Market. Hyouka is the only thing stopping them from have a long losing streak.
Core-entry experiments are always accompanied by little children, apparently. No wonder shit goes bad, that's a recipe for drama. You just do not mess with the genes of the gods.
Death Busters seems to hire all the crazy women. That's hot.
High School of the Never Getting Some 11
Not that I don't dig it, but Rei has a point: there's no real good reason why Saeko is still wearing the Nurse's ripped mini skirt at this point. Other than it completes her Zombie Samurai School Girl look.
Mr. Shido is creepy as hell.
Oh . . . that's not a goodmissile.
The entire presentation was pure speculation at best.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S] 120
Not that I don't believe in Brane Theory, but that speaker sounded like he was scamming everyone in the audience.
Man, i'm reading people reactions to the last Valvrave episode.
Reading peoples reactions to people spoiling what happens during the episode has been rather interesting and entertaining.