Has anyone mentioned the passing of Kenji Utsumi? I never knew him by name, but looking at his ANN page, he's done a lot of very notable voices. Some of which I loved greatly. RIP. =(
[Futari wa Precure] 20
RIP another sexy villainess.All my waifus are falling like flies.
I wasn't expecting them to take the "Dotsuku Zone monsters are people too" approach, especially after the wacky hijinx of doppelganger Honokas (of which I hope there are some doujinshi!). And next episode seems to tackle the same issue but with Kiriya. My heart.
To be fair, the best romances in anime are lesbian romances.I remember when 7th and SDburton weren't too different people.
I remember when 7th and SDburton weren't too different people.
Poisony was pretty cool.
First Precure villain that actually gave some effort.
Pretty sure he did. The zombie density in the morning at the temple is higher than usual and Takashi wonders if it is due to the noise from last night.
Shino confirmed to be Batman in the Narutoverse.
This is pretty damn fantastic, the direction, the music, the animation are all pretty great. Being this is a prequel it also has some neat fanservice in it though it seems like something one could enjoy without having watched the original series.![]()
I saw that thread and expect one of us to post one of the anime eyeball licking gifs.
I was disappointed.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S] 120
Core-entry experiments are always accompanied by little children, apparently. No wonder shit goes bad, that's a recipe for drama. You just do not mess with the genes of the gods.
I couldnt find them otherwise I would have.
Theonik got us covered with one.
Binbougami ga! 1
The adventures of Tittyko in COLOR! In where she's super lucky and is also a bitch who will gain a heart of gold and an ojou sama.
Also watching this because someone was harrassing me about it.
REFERENCES AHOY! LOL at Vegeta being misfortune.
Also, Henneko is a pretty fun show. Aside from being heart stoppingly cute at times, it strays from the stupid formula of most harems and has a bit of a quirk to it. Really enjoyable show.
The ED still gives my heart a huge amount of stress.
It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
New Free! stuff.
It's this type of manga: warning, 2pure for AnimeGAF.
New Free! stuff.
I want to see Rin's Upper Body, how tragic it is to be stuck in rival status. Hopefully he doesnt get too stressed out from it or at least they help him to relieve it all.
I want to see Rin's Upper Body, how tragic it is to be stuck in rival status. Hopefully he doesnt get too stressed out from it or at least they help him to relieve it all.
Can Rei without his glasses make up for to you?
This is the worst thing, male or female.
If a character has glasses, they should remain with the glasses.
Whatever you say, Akio Ohtori.Needs glasses.
Whatever you say, Akio Ohtori.
As if I could pull off that kind of swag. Plus I drive a Ford.
Ewwwwwwwww @ eyeball-licking. I'm getting the creeps just thinking about it...
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 42
Christmas Eve, and Nagisa gets to go on adatetrip to the amusement park with Fuji-P! ...and Honoka, and Fuji-P's friend. Ah well, can't have everything.
First they go to the ice-skating rink, except Nagisa can't skate, so she needs Fuji-P to teach her. Cue incredibly intimate holding-hands-skating moments, and Fuji-P telling Nagisa he thinks she's wonderful (because she always tries her best at everything). Then they go on the Ferris wheel, and of course Honoka contrives to get Nagisa and Fuji-P alone together there as well. Nagisa is getting all ready for a proper confession of love, when right on cue, the bad guys show up with a new Zakenna. (Hands up anyone who didn't see that coming! Nobody? I didn't think so.)
Once the bad guys have been dealt with, sadly the moment has passed, and Nagisa has to settle for SHOUTING her confession of love from afar, so loud the whole damn park must have heard it (but of course not quite loud enough for Fuji-P to make out what she was saying). Seriously, that has to be almost as embarrassing as confessing in person. Nagisa, you so crazy.
Meanwhile Hikari and Little Boy of Evil's connection continues to grow stronger, and when Hikari lets out her usual Rainbow Shield of Protection Thingy during this episode's battle, Little Boy of Evil inadvertently lets loose a massive wave of darkness in response, the first sign he's shown of having actual dark powers. The day of reckoning can't be too far away...less than five episodes away, to be precise!
I drive a Ford too. Fords are cool.
The fact that literally every episode you just watched was Nagisa based shows a big problem with Max Heart
they're cool, but motorcycles are cooler
I drive a Ford too. Fords are cool.
What kind of ford? fords are groovy to me.
I have a 2010 Fusion.
What kind of ford? fords are groovy to me.
I have a 2010 Fusion.
Cardcaptor Sakura 8
Who eats fish for breakfast?
So a new rival for Sakura joins the fray. Sucks that the kid is a total prick. He better not ruin the show. I hope Toya or Yukito gives him a wedgie at some point. His weakness seems to be whatever those buns are called. What a shitty weakness.
New best Sakura outfit.
Nagisa is the main character. Honoka is her sidekick. This is the way of the world.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 43
Club handover episode. Nagisa and Honoka have handed over the captain positions of their respective clubs to the second-years in preparation for their imminent graduation, and Nagisa gives the new lacrosse club captain a few words of advice and encouragement.
But their clubs aren't going to let them go without a proper farewell, so Nagisa and Honoka both end up invited to a surprise joint "thank you" party, complete with delicious takoyaki (seriously, how are these girls not sick of takoyaki by now?) and cake courtesy of Akane and Hikari.
However, Hikari's connection to Little Boy of Evil is growing stronger and taking more out of her by the day. This episode, she sees a vision of the DotsukuZone inside a fridge (lol), while the Little Boy of Evil sees a vision of the Garden of Light through his mansion's window. And during this episode's battle, he unleashes another wave of darkness, even stronger than the last.
Four episodes remaining...
Who eats fish for breakfast?