wow lol laying down the law i see
Is he your arch nemesis?
And I'm guessing it was a big deal when Amuro Ray killed a man because the man he killed actually died? Which makes your comparison hilariously invalid.
Oh, good. I don't know how many more of these monster posts I have in me, and I think it's pretty clear at this point that we're never going to agree on anything about this series XD
Easter Space=Middle East?
No, for more practical reasons. Even I'm not stupid enough to abuse power just because someone would disagree with opinions. Though I would like to know how many years of Good Behaviour it would take to get a clean reputation slate here, or if I would need to somehow delete my account and start over fresh anonymously for that to happen.Because you'd ban people for bringing up SAO and its badness?
Gankutsuou #4
Easter Space=Middle East?
I wonder why they went with a sci-fi setting... not that i mind, it's pretty cool.
The fact that is an adaptation of a 1844 book kinda makes hard for me to know what to expect, though.
How many of the fantasy/sci-fi elements are there because they look cool and how many are plot related? (unless the original work had fantasy elements too, but as far i know, it isn't the case)
The atmosphere is pretty good, it has that particular "old-anime" charms like Fantastic Children or Terra E...
it's the prequel to Fate/Stay Night
OK I looked it up and see that there is a 24 episode Fate/Stay Night anime.
Is it worth watching? I assume it is similar to Fate/Zero which I loved.
OK I looked it up and see that there is a 24 episode Fate/Stay Night anime.
Is it worth watching? I assume it is similar to Fate/Zero which I loved.
It's like Fate/Zero without the good animation and with Saber being forced to act like a wife by a moronic excuse for a master. If you are OK with all those then go ahead and watch it.OK I looked it up and see that there is a 24 episode Fate/Stay Night anime.
Is it worth watching? I assume it is similar to Fate/Zero which I loved.
Gankutsuou #4
Easter Space=Middle East?
The fact that is an adaptation of a 1844 book kinda makes hard for me to know what to expect, though.
How many of the fantasy/sci-fi elements are there because they look cool and how many are plot related? (unless the original work had fantasy elements too, but as far i know, it isn't the case)
The atmosphere is pretty good, it has that particular "old-anime" charms like Fantastic Children or Terra E...
Corvo watching Glass Fleet would definitely be amusing.
I think I'm done doing reaction posts. Kinda tired of the complaint's I'm getting. If its bugging people I'd rather just not.
I think I'm done doing reaction posts. Kinda tired of the complaint's I'm getting. If its bugging people I'd rather just not.
OK I looked it up and see that there is a 24 episode Fate/Stay Night anime.
Is it worth watching? I assume it is similar to Fate/Zero which I loved.
Am I to understand they made a mediocre anime (Fate/Stay Night) and then went back and made a great prequel (Fate/Zero)?
Basically. Bad writer makes a VN with sex scenes.Am I to understand they made a mediocre anime (Fate/Stay Night) and then went back and made a great prequel (Fate/Zero)?
The two series, despite belonging to the same franchise, were made by completely different people. Different animation studios with different staff, and different authors of the source material.
Am I to understand they made a mediocre anime (Fate/Stay Night) and then went back and made a great prequel (Fate/Zero)?
Who gives a shit about them?
New Tenkai Knights to air on Cartoon Network
According to the Wanpack leak, this is being handled by BONES.
Ah, well, I'll check on it after I finish Utena. Trying to reduce the number of shows I'm watching atm, and I still have to start Turn A Gundam eventually.
It's not that bad. Basically it's a dumb romance anime like SAO.Hmm, now I am kinda of torn. I was hoping for more Saber action and generally compelling stuff but this doesn't sound too promising.....
Hmm, now I am kinda of torn. I was hoping for more Saber action and generally compelling stuff but this doesn't sound too promising.....
You got to be fucking kidding me. This looks nothing like Fate/Zero.....
Disappointment total.
You got to be fucking kidding me. This looks nothing like Fate/Zero.....
Disappointment total.
Just drop it now. You don't have to suffer any more. You can still say you watched the worst anime of all time. The only way to cure that would be to watch one of the best. Put on Madoka Magica, and enjoy yourself. You've earned it.
Hell, watching Madoka Magica should be a rite of passage for nearly everybody who likes anime. It's that good.
Sword Art Online - Final Thoughts
I started watching this show because of various reasons. When I first heard of it, I thought it sounded like .hack// but I didn't bother watching as it aired because I had other things to watch at the time, but it's always been on my radar. Then I heard about it being somewhat divisive and terrible. So, being the masochist I am, and already having an interest in the show already, I decided to dive head first into the show.
Here's the thing? I enjoyed the show for what it was, but it had it's share of flaws. The first arc, or the first 14 or so epsiodes, were fine and dandy. The world set-up was great, the characters were more of less entertaining (if they weren't Kirito), and it was fun and enjoyable, for the most part.
I find that I actually liked every single character more than Kirito. I don't hate him or anything. It's just I didn't really feel attached to him, at all. Hell, I felt more attached to Suguha, and she stole the MC roll from him for a good while during the second arc. My favorite character had to have been Asuna (Liz being a close second) because of how she was presented. She was strong and mostly independent (unless the writers demanded she wasn't, like during that stupid incident with Kuradeel and forgetting she could pull rank) and I felt more for her more than any other character.
I think if the show had ended at episode 14, then it would have been fine as it was. Heathcliff's motive for making the virtual world wasn't nonexistent I'll admit, but by saying I forgot what it was, then that just feels like a major copout. I realize he wanted to create a new virtual world paradise, and that's fine, but why do it at the expense of 4,000 people's lives? Honestly, if Heathcliff's reason for this was more concrete, the first arc would have been fine. Don't get me wrong, some stupid contrivances were required for the first arc to proceed as it did (like a good number of them in episode 3's party death), but it wasn't all that bad honestly, even if it did feel like .hack//lite sometimes (especially during Yui's introduction.
And then the second arc came in the form of ALO. And it was terrible. Because when the second arc hit, it felt like we jumped off the rails and went into an entirely different genre and turned into a different show altogether. It also didn't help that it introduced Suguha's incestuous desires for her brother/cousin Kirito. Like, the stark contrast between SAO and ALO's arcs are just amazing.
In SAO, PKs were considered murderers. Kirito lived in a world where the virtual world WAS the real world, for the better part of 2 years. He was traumatized by the deaths of his party members in the first guild he was part of, and he only killed when he absolutely had to (Heathcliff didn't really give him much choice on the matter)... and then ALO happens. ALO, which runs on the EXACT SAME ENGINE as SAO did. It seems sort of hypocritical for Kirito to vow never to let his party die while also being okay with killing others.
What really pulled me out of the story for ALO? It... seems like a downgrade in terms of scale. SAO had ten-thousand lives on the line and the players were trapped in the game for a solid two years before clearing the game (and that was a fluke!). However, for the second arc, it's mostly only Kirito's problem. Granted, the villain's motivation for ALO was much better (mind control research is a great research), if not a bit creepy (oh god episode 24 was terrifyingly close to jumping into a straight porno at times). I just didn't feel it. I enjoyed the fights yes (aerial combat is almost always amazing).My thoughts on Suguha/Leafa? I... didn't like her attraction to Kirito. At the very least she had a love interest that wasn't her brother/cousin... if she liked him. And he was cool. I liked Recon, especially since he did that super awesome (if not incredibly in vain) self-destruct attack during the grand quest. Also... oddly? I thought Leafa's design could fit in with Nanoha's aesthetic the entire time I watched. I mostly enjoyed Suguha whenever she was Leafa. I almost never cared for her otherwise. I DID feel sorry for her when she found out Kirito was her brother in the game, but... I couldn't really completely feel for her situation.
tl;dr First half was decent, second half was awful.
If you're looking for more stuff with the production value of Fate/Zero or that more "mature" look, you would do well not to look at anything else in the Fate franchise. Lol.
Have you tried the Garden of Sinners movies?
Yup. I could accept the show (reluctantly) if it was like half the length but then it jumped the shark so hard it became the worst shit ever.
Remind me again, what's most people's main issue with Heroman?
PRECURE IS SAVEDDokidoki Precure - 21 - Aida Mana Dies in Magma!
Tenouttaten, go and watch it immediately, etc. And next episode looks just as great.
This isnt an escuse but given the amount of shitting this serie get (underserved IMO).wow lol laying down the law i see
Tenouttaten, go and watch it immediately, etc. And next episode looks just as great.