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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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That's quite the title for the Doki Doki Precure commentary. Not even going to quote it.

But I like more Bestgina. She has her own shrine in my basement
and as a villager


OK I looked it up and see that there is a 24 episode Fate/Stay Night anime.

Is it worth watching? I assume it is similar to Fate/Zero which I loved.

I couldn't say. I watched Fate/Stay first and liked it. Then tried Zero and failed to get past episode one. Mostly I think because I just didn't need that prequel story to be told.


Sword Awful Online 20

This is the worst anime I've ever watched. It isn't even worth mocking anymore. When every part of an episode is nonsensical bullshit, it doesn't even bear pointing it out anymore.

I so wish that was the worst anime I ever saw. I'd be so much happier.


OreImo S2 - Ep 12

I'm liking Kirino a lot more (though I never really disliked her much, I just preferred the other girls far more), very nice of her to
set it up so her brother could study without distractions and Ayase helping

confession at the end... it made me sad. I'm not sure who I would prefer between Ayase and Kuroneko but at the end, I sort of wish Kyousuke got with Ayase :(. So Kirino/sister's end coming up. I know it won't happen but I wish the extra episodes on Blu-ray would be other girl ends, Ayase, Kuroneko and... Saori or Manami? Oh well.

anyway yeah, good episode in any case.


What it means is that you're intentionally missing my points for the sake of your own argument. I bring up Amuro's killing a man to discuss how a protagonist reacts to killing someone. When Kirito killed Kuradeel under the same circumstances we get no reaction at all. You're ignoring my points for the sake of your argument, and it isn't helping this discussion in the slightest.

I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about Kirito killing people in ALO, not the unrelated Kuradeel scene that happened months earlier and was never mentioned in your post. I'm pretty sure that one did affect Kirito, but it was entirely in self-defence, and the shock of taking a life himself was overcome somewhat at the time by the relief of not dying. Since you know, that almost happened.

Also, (spoilers for the third LN arc)
I don't think that was actually the first time he'd been forced to take a life in SAO.

It isn't the same thing at all. When you move houses you can talk about that with your family, which Kirito isn't allowed to do, apparently, since Suguha doesn't know how he's suddenly so good at swords, which she'd know if he'd been allowed to tell her about the time he spent in SAO. And Asuna wasn't just Kirito's friend, she was his wife in that place and suddenly she was gone. When you move houses you can still talk to your friends from your old house. Yeah, Kirito can see Egil, but he can't talk to Asuna at all. He couldn't talk to anyone about Yui, either.

I find it hard to believe that Kirito hasn't told Suguha even the most basic things about SAO because he's "forbidden". He could almost certainly have told her the basics - enough to explain his newfound sword skills at least - if he wanted to. Fact is, the relationship between the two of them was in an awkward place after Kirito came back (and indeed even before he left) so it seems to me more like the two of them just hadn't really talked at all. Indeed, in the first scene they have together, Sugu is secretly pleased that their relationship has recovered to the point that they're able to exchange small talk.

A teenager doesn't just shrug off losing a wife and child. No one does that. All of that was supposed to be real to him. Everything in that game was supposed to be real to him, because Asuna and him spent several scenes making this point. And now, at the slightest drop of a hat it all isn't? That's bad writing.

Boy I wish the anime showed that, then. Because it doesn't. What it DOES show, is how Kirito is willing to completely waste the seven days he has to save this girl doing other things. He does not act like someone with a schedule to keep at all.

Personally I think the fact that his mind is full of Asuna is established pretty effectively before he even goes into ALO, by the fact that he's been spending all his time visiting her in the hospital. And the fact that he's massively reinvigorated the moment he finds out from Egil that Asuna could still be out there somewhere. And the fact that he then dives straight into ALO and sets out on a journey to find her. But what do I know.

I think that you're not listening to me. I'm not dismissing his motive as bullshit. I'm calling the claim that he had one bullshit. Because he did not have one. He did not provide one. He quite literally says "I do not have one." You can insist until you're blue in the face he did, but all you are doing is directly contradicting what happened in the show. Where he said "I have no motive for doing what I did."

Because of course everything is meant to be taken completely at face value. And since you're throwing about the word "literally", I guess I should point out that, no, he did not literally say that he doesn't have a motive. The exact line you're presumably thinking of is "Why, you ask? For a long time, even I had forgotten that. Why, indeed...?" Which is clearly an expression of the fact that he has become so consumed by this goal for so long that he's stopped thinking about the reasons why, not an indication that he didn't have any motivation at all. Especially since immediately after that line, he goes into an explanation of his motivations.

This, on the other hand, is bullshit. He didn't bother doing so many things that could have enhanced the realism of this world he was endeavoring to build. There's no blood, and supposedly you don't even feel pain. Cooking and forging required no effort. Realism was not emulated.

The vast majority of the "non-realistic" elements of the world can be explained by system limitations. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to exactly replicate the experiences of cooking and forging as they would be in the real world? The system isn't perfect. When you look closely at an object it takes a moment to render it in detail. The water physics are noticeably simplified compared to real life. Even the sensation of eating is described as not feeling entirely realistic, and relying on a separately-developed "flavour simulation" engine that was licensed by Argus for use in their game. I don't doubt that Kayaba would have made all these things more realistic if he could, but it wasn't feasible.

The pain aspect is a whole different story, since I'm sure Kayaba could have just turned off the Pain Absorber if he so desired. I think the explanation for that one is that he's simply not that sadistic. He accepted that this world he has created takes the form of an RPG, and not including pain seemed like an acceptable break from reality to prevent his "perfect world" from becoming too much of a living hell.

I think I'm done doing reaction posts. Kinda tired of the complaint's I'm getting. If its bugging people I'd rather just not.

Hey, for all that I get pretty heated and aggressive in these arguments, I quite enjoy them. I don't have any problems with you expressing your opinions on this show, even if I don't agree with them. Hell, I know I'm in the minority here thinking that SAO is actually good. But it makes for interesting discussion.


I don't know, I think the argument that "well there's worse stuff out there" is probably one of the most damning statements about anime ever made.
Yeah, but that saying's true for literally everything. There's worse movies, tv, music, art, food, women, men, clothing, countries, homes, jobs, everything. I don't really know what the last of anything is except for food, cause tomatos really suck.


Cardcaptor Sakura 18

Yukito is soooooooooo dreamy. No wonder both Sakura and Li have crushes on him. I have to figure at this point that he and Toya are indeed an item. You don't jokingly call somebody "Onii-chan" unless you're very, very close to them. And they just seem too different to be just friends, if that makes sense.

Scene with Li competing with Toya on the ring toss for the giant stuffed bunny was funny as hell.



I'm going to miss this show when the season is over. I think this, Yuyushiki and Part timer stand out in a bad spring.


I do want to go on record and say that while I still like SAO, in retrospect I agree that overall Fairy Dance is a step down in quality from Aincrad

I absolutely love SAO and even I can agree that the Fairy Dance arc is a step down from the first arc.

I do want a S2 though. People who have read the LNs say the later stuff after the Fairy Dance arc is much better than it.


One excalamation mark vs two isn't that bad all things considered. There is worse out there like in the case of Working!! where season 2 got a ' thrown in.

Well given the type of show do you really need to ask? Of course she gets better to the point of being able to use the latest toy you have to buy.

Pretty much most old Super Robot anime fits the bill for that.

We are trying to get them to watch more. Not blind them.

Steins;Gate is NOT that bad artistically. Its different from most anime styles but not ugly or anything!

Then I'll just pick the usuals:

Hidamari Sketch
Sora no Woto
Haibane Renmei

This is a damned fine list and I envy anyone seeing these for the first time.

Oreimo s2 12

Most harem episode yet. I think we all see where this is going.

I never realized it before, but this has a track that sounds like it should be in Animal Crossing.

Ayase is officially second best girl on my list at this point. The allure of Kuroneko is just too great (I have three figures of her) but that wonderful full scale yandere insanity is SO ENDEARING.


I do want a S2 though. People who have read the LNs say the later stuff after the Fairy Dance arc is much better than it.

I can't wait to see the reaction here more than actually seeing it. Given the upset at how a MMO is depicted, the reaction to the depiction of a shooter should be glorious.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 93: With Pride at Stake

~ Otherwise, it would be a discourtesy to the Kaiser! ~


And so, both von Mariendorf's and von Oberstein's fears come true: having to choose between loyalty to an administration that wants him gone or preserving his pride through sacrificing his friendship with his lord and Kaiser, von Reuental chooses the latter. And man, von Reuental really has a messed up perspective of love, happiness and life in general.
I really wonder what Mittermeyer's gonna do. I don't think he'll let go of his friend that easily.
And I knew the Terraists were behind this. Don't do drugs, kids.


I just don't want to ruin other people's fun. I enjoy Anime-GAF and don't want to stop others from doing the same.

I'm not a fan of them myself but there's no sense in stopping. If you're having fun and so are others, have at it. It's not hard to scroll past a post.
Been playing Final Fantasy 14 Online, I cannot believe the number of players with the names Kirito or Asuna
outnumbers actual Final Fantasy ripoff names at least 5 to 1(over Clouds, Squalls, Aeriths etc .)
People have argued that firehawk's rage is inappropriate because it's really not the worst anime at all. Which, if you think about it, is really just an argument for banning all anime.
Well i agree but my problem is that 2 big problems people have on the second part of sao arent problems at all and comes from a misconception of some simple events.
Sword Art Online - Final Thoughts

I started watching this show because of various reasons. When I first heard of it, I thought it sounded like .hack// but I didn't bother watching as it aired because I had other things to watch at the time, but it's always been on my radar. Then I heard about it being somewhat divisive and terrible. So, being the masochist I am, and already having an interest in the show already, I decided to dive head first into the show.

And then the second arc came in the form of ALO. And it was terrible. Because when the second arc hit, it felt like we jumped off the rails and went into an entirely different genre and turned into a different show altogether. It also didn't help that it introduced Suguha's incestuous desires for her brother/cousin Kirito. Like, the stark contrast between SAO and ALO's arcs are just amazing.

In SAO, PKs were considered murderers. Kirito lived in a world where the virtual world WAS the real world, for the better part of 2 years. He was traumatized by the deaths of his party members in the first guild he was part of, and he only killed when he absolutely had to (Heathcliff didn't really give him much choice on the matter)... and then ALO happens. ALO, which runs on the EXACT SAME ENGINE as SAO did. It seems sort of hypocritical for Kirito to vow never to let his party die while also being okay with killing others.

What really pulled me out of the story for ALO? It... seems like a downgrade in terms of scale. SAO had ten-thousand lives on the line and the players were trapped in the game for a solid two years before clearing the game (and that was a fluke!). However, for the second arc, it's mostly only Kirito's problem. Granted, the villain's motivation for ALO was much better (mind control research is a great research), if not a bit creepy (oh god episode 24 was terrifyingly close to jumping into a straight porno at times). I just didn't feel it. I enjoyed the fights yes (aerial combat is almost always amazing).

tl;dr First half was decent, second half was awful.


I think those are odd criticisms for the second half.
Mixing real world stuff with in game stuff served as a good balance from keeping the show from feeling too monotonous, if they had kept the game the exact same rules as SAO did. How would they have made SAO last as there is no real sources of drama there as, its not like Kirito could ever die or whatnot. Sure having him die then narrowly escape it once or twice was alright but still, how many times could they do that? At least without it being present in ALO the story felt fresh, more suspense, and actually felt like things and progression, teamwork and other characters abilities actually matter, instead of people being in fear, hiding, or staying at x level for their lives. Additionally, going in and out of the world to explore both family relations and friends and getting back to managing the demands of the game with the demands of the real world made it feel easily relatable and compelling. Imouto wasnt that bad and I dont understand with her having affectionate feelings for the hero in her life. IT was kind of touching of sorts , if anything people should be complaining about Weaksuna and getting in the way, wasnt she strong in SAO but now super weak and what not, baffling...


It's crazy how popular SAO got. Its success seems so... random to me. Nothing about the show seemed special to me when it was airing. Yet it grew and it grew and it grew.

EDIT: That's some magic right there, wonzo.

This was so random

Photo Kano 12

Decent. The way they managed to incorporate the other girls from the previous episodes was pretty good.

Conflicted about the little sister getting an episode to herself. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about her, but I'd perfer if it was the Teacher instead.


It's crazy how popular SAO got. Its success seems so... random to me. Nothing about the show seemed special to me when it was airing. Yet it grew and it grew and it grew.

I watched it after reading up quickly before the show started, was interested in the MMO aspect and watched it. No idea why it got popular but I'm okay with it since it ensures a season 2 at least :)


It's crazy how popular SAO got. Its success seems so... random to me. Nothing about the show seemed special to me when it was airing. Yet it grew and it grew and it grew.

Whilst the scale maybe, but overall I'm not really surprised that it was a success. A story about being trapped in fantasy MMO, with teen romance as well seems pretty prime for success. Especially one as nice looking as it is.

I'm probably more surprised by the emotional level of the backlash. The rage level in some people to it I find surprising.
Bleach 17 - 20 (engDub via NeonAlley (5th rewatch))

Somehow thanks to the newest chapters I have a whole new perspective on the scenes involving Ichigo and
the Old Man Zangetsu as he first meets him in this place, pulls out the sword and whatnot and tries to hear his name
. Final Arc needs to be animated now. Also ten weeks and theyve finally covered all of my boxset 1, next week, off to Soul Society cant wait to reencounter all my favorites there, Hitsugaya for example, and hearing Gin again in ep 20 was pleasing. Miss him so much.
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