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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Because Eas X Love unfunfunf

This gave me good material to read.

Although it is sad to see how everyone else is lackluster in the bust. And then you have doujin artists trying to make up for it. Some of it is fine (Hatopuni did well), others just kinda makes you shake your head (Smile Punicure)


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Because Eas X Love unfunfunf


The OTP of Precure.


Subete no aware
Parents are responsible for the moe takeover!

I admit, if I was a Japanese parent that was being lazy and letting TV raise my child, Precure is probably much more palatable a banal franchise (complete with special lessons learned in each episode) than Sailor Moon's special brand of surrealism.
Even the Precure villains are safe and uninteresting in comparison.


Setec Astronomer
I admit, if I was a Japanese parent that was being lazy and letting TV raise my child, Precure is probably much more palatable a banal franchise (complete with special lessons learned in each episode) than Sailor Moon's special brand of surrealism.
Even the Precure villains are safe and uninteresting in comparison.
I hope you never breed.
Shinka can't be cool when she spouts garbage like this.
Chuu2 would be better off if it had more hilarious garbage like that. The comedy was at its best when the show went stupidly serious, much like AnoHana.

The fact that swiftkey knows how to autocorrect Chuu2 and AnoHana scares me.


The Light of El Cantare
Seriously, it has to be parents. lol

Maybe merch sales dropped or something.

From what I've seen, I get the impression that the Sailor Moon marketing machine was even an order of magnitude more massive than Precure's with a tenth of the grotesque product placement.

Sometimes, people don't need to be manipulated into purchasing products if they enjoy a show because the show is actually good. Imagine that!
Kuttsukiboshi 2

Wait, so Aaya's brother dies off screen... okay. And then Aaya proceeds to trap and rape her ex-girlfriend... Uh... I don't think that's “Making it up to her” Aaya. That's just making it worse! … And yet she enjoys it. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is sick and depraved. Can I even call this Stockholm Syndrome?

“Do you hate me for just that?” Um... I wouldn't call screwing your brother a “just that” kind of thing Aaya. It's kind of creepy. VERY CREEPY. And yet... Kawakami is okay with looking past that. Uh huh.

… Is it me or is Aaya kind of like an abusive boyfriend? … ON THE DAMN TRAIN? GODDAMIT AAYA. And it even shows the sleeping passengers, as if to mock me. GAAAAAAAAAAAH.

“I'm leaving Japan tomorrow.” Good riddance? So she wants to fuck like rabbits all night until she has to leave... I don't get why Kawakami is even letting her do this.

“I want to make love to you before I die.” OH JOY. She's entirely stupid for going along with this stupidity. I get your brother is about to die from a tumor, but there are things you SHOULD NOT DO.


“It'd be great if you would lock up before you leave.” Aaya REALLY treated that like a typical one-night stand.

… SHE CAN TELEPORT NOW? Oh that's just lovely. I suppose now they'll have a happily ever aft- Okay, she's using HER powers to be obsessive....

WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? So now they're just going to screw for all eternity on a distant alien world? How... Why.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


From what I've seen, I get the impression that the Sailor Moon marketing machine was even an order of magnitude more massive than Precure's with a tenth of the grotesque product placement.

Sometimes, people don't need to be manipulated into purchasing products if they enjoy a show because the show is actually good. Imagine that!

Well, that's not to say they still can't be manipulated into buying obscene amounts of shit even if they do like the show.


The Light of El Cantare
Random thought: maybe the censorship of Sailor Moon in western countries had something to do with Toei neutering future mahou shoujo shows. Wouldn't be surprised if they decided to go squeaky clean, never actually released anything else here because nothing focus tested as well as Sailor Moon, but kept the policy intact because it was working out domestically anyway.

If this sounds stupid, it's because it is. Just throwing out a hypothetical.

Well, that's not to say they still can't be manipulated into buying obscene amounts of shit even if they do like the show.

Of course, they're not mutually exclusive. Still, the difference in blatant product placement between Sailor Moon and Precure is fairly stark, so I'd (baselessly) like to think that this is at least some small indication that the average viewer genuinely liked the material better.


Setec Astronomer
From what I've seen, I get the impression that the Sailor Moon marketing machine was even an order of magnitude more massive than Precure's with a tenth of the grotesque product placement.

Sometimes, people don't need to be manipulated into purchasing products if they enjoy a show because the show is actually good. Imagine that!
It was also a massively popular manga at the time too, but yeah the money machine surrounding it was absolutely huge.


Sword Art Online, 25

I have to tell you all, that without a doubt, Sword Art Online is my favorite anime ever. It is absolutely the best piece of animated fiction I have ever seen. Allow me, if you will, to detail to you all exactly why this touching story of love, adventure, and heroism should be the first anime each and every one of you watches.

The Animation is top notch. Truly, a dazzling display of colors and fluid motion which requires a better term than mere sakuga. Each and every motion properly emulates the human form, and is not just easy for the eye to follow, but pleasing to it as well. The monsters are brought to life in a way previously impossible to anime through the latest, state of the art computer animation, and the action sequences are so heart-poundingly well choreographed they'll have you on the edge of your seat for the entire series, begging for more. It can be subtle, too, though! From the way Asuna gently strokes Kirito's cheek to the way this is meticulously subverted with the villainous character of Sugou, you're in for quite a ride.

The Music is truly the best thing ever composed for an anime. Just when you thought that the OP and ED could not possibly better evoke the sense of wonder and adventure this show so truly captures, the second half of it kicks in, and the new OP and new ED, as the forum vernacular says, truly deliver. The duel themes are enough to make anyone giddy, and Kirito and Asuna's own personal themes being woven into various parts of episodes as musical leitmotifs was a stroke of utter genius never before seen in the realm of Japanese Animation. The soundtrack alone will make you cry.

The Premise is undoubtedly the single most unique thing anime has ever blessed the world with. It is an astounding, scathing, yet just look at the world of MMOs, video games, and dare I say the world at large? The manner in which the taking of life in and out of a virtual reality is discussed with such maturity and thoughtfulness that it can only be compared to the greatest treatises on the subjects of murder and war I have ever studied. Kirito struggling to handle a world in which he is neither powerful nor known in the second half, after his meteoric rise to prominence in the first act, is a brilliant examination of the male power fantasy and its stark contrast with the world in which we truly live.

The Villains are the most terrifying forces you will ever behold in your life. Their motivations are clear and well defined, and the sympathetic air that surrounds them makes one ponder the true nature of evil while simultaneously feeling for these tragic characters. Their every move is serious, well performed, and the absolute strength of the performances in the show. By the end they are the most misunderstood characters, and any viewer with a heart is sure to feel the same! Kayaba's scheme is daring, well organized, well thought out, and performed with such competence that even brilliant master tacticians like Lelouch Britannia, Alexander the Great, and Napoleon Bonaparte are put to shame. And Sugou's machinations are of such a moving, charismatic, carnal, seductive nature that villains like the Phantom of the Opera and the Grendel could never hope to measure up.

The Cast is the most diverse, loveable sort that you will ever meet. With the exception of Klein and Egil, who are admittedly the weak links meant to pander to lesser sorts, there isn't a blemish among them. We have deep characters like Alicia and Recon, whose importance to the plot is in no way diminished by their being side members. Indeed, their contributions to the show's comedy and poignance cannot be measured in one viewing, yet their true strength lies in these same features being readily appreciable from the get-go. No cast has ever interacted so well, been so well developed, nor so utterly human as the likes of them.

The Romance is more relevant than anything in any novel or life experience I have ever had. I'm going to level and tell you now that Suguha should have won. Her deep love for Kirito was touching and handled in a way that pandering bullshit like Koi Kaze could never expect to understand. Suguha's love for Kirito made me cry. I cried so much because she loved him but the bindings of this corrupt society prevented her pure, immaculate love from being righteously expressed. Asuna shouldn't have won, but even so her romance with Kirito was expounded upon in a terrific manner. Seeing Kirito struggle with her sudden loss and the loss of his daughter and home as well was an emotional moment the likes of which I have never, ever experienced before. If only Kirito had opened his heart and let Suguha heal his wounds! Even the undoubted Worst Girl Lizbeth had a surprisingly real and understandable romantic interaction with the Lonely Beater.

Ultimately Sword Art Online is simply the most superlative, sublime, endearing animated masterpiece which I have ever had the inestimable pleasure of experiencing. Nothing will ever come close to being as special, as wondrously captivating as this show. I pray every night to God that there will be a second season so that I can continue to journey with Kirito, Suguha, and Asuna in the world they loved. The ending to this show had me crying into my pillow, so awe-struck was I by its simplistic, intrinsic, masterful beauty.

There will never, ever be a show quite like Sword Art Online again.
Zettai bouei leviathan - 11


Lol can't believe it .

Just when the 3 main girls are now powerfull enough to defeat the foes attacking the ruins .., they use the 3 jor sisters just to have a quota of sillyness and misdirection. Impressive idea !.

Syrop continues to impress with her " just go , it's doesn't matter " attitude even she didn't have much lines for this episode.

Anyway if there is one thing that is obvious is that we should had more jor sisters adventures or scenes in this anime.


I think I'm gonna stick with To Love-ru Avatars for a while. Just hope I don't push the line a bit too far in the future...

Also, I still need to start Motto To Love-ru. Eventually....
Hunter x Hunter 85

And BAM. There it is, the first true "wham" moment of the arc! I imagine people that haven't read the manga had the same reaction as the people that watched Attack on Titan episode 5 with no knowledge of the source.

The moment of hope and optimism quickly snatched away was PERFECTLY portrayed, right down to the audio and direction. Goddamn do Madhouse know what they're doing with this arc.


Setec Astronomer
Random thought: maybe the censorship of Sailor Moon in western countries had something to do with Toei neutering future mahou shoujo shows. Wouldn't be surprised if they decided to go squeaky clean, never actually released anything else here because nothing focus tested as well as Sailor Moon, but kept the policy intact because it was working out domestically anyway.

If this sounds stupid, it's because it is. Just throwing out a hypothetical.
This line of thought holds DiC responsible. I'm OK with this.

Of course, they're not mutually exclusive. Still, the difference in blatant product placement between Sailor Moon and Precure is fairly stark, so I'd (baselessly) like to think that this is at least some small indication that the average viewer genuinely liked the material better.
You get a glimpse of what Toei always wanted with the mess behind Supers. With Sailor Moon they depended on an ever growing audience and fanbase, but Toei got skittish about viewers growing up and moving on(Supers is meta like that). On the other hand, the Precure model in unburdened by the status of its audience as they are all disposable. With Precure Toei can constantly tap a new audience, milk it dry, then discard them after a year.

It all neatly explains the soulless and unambitious nature of Precure shows. If you treat the audience as disposable, why go out of your way to impress them? Just peddle the toys and move on.


After your previous posts... I wasn't ready for this and just burst out laughing. XD

I forgot the background music.

Don't tempt fate Corvo.

I have nothing in my heart but love for this series.

Overall: A+

Quite possibly the greatest experience of my life.

Takane x Azusa deserve to be around at least for more than a matter of hours.

The Grey Lady requires your devotion.

I'm crying, Corvo.

I know, I know. I just . . . it was such a beautiful ending, wasn't it?


Sword Art Online, 25

I have to tell you all, that without a doubt, Sword Art Online is my favorite anime ever. It is absolutely the best piece of animated fiction I have ever seen. Allow me, if you will, to detail to you all exactly why this touching story of love, adventure, and heroism should be the first anime each and every one of you watches.
PM me your "extended" review.


The Light of El Cantare
There's sadly not enough of Momoka in the actual show for it to work except in fan circles. :(

After my 450-episode ascent to the mountaintop, the truth that I learned there is that it's actually the output of the fan community that sustains my enjoyment of the franchise and that the shows themselves are only occasionally good for something other than fueling new fan creations, so I'm okay with this.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
After my 450-episode ascent to the mountaintop, the truth that I learned there is that it's actually the output of the fan community that sustains my like of the franchise and that the shows themselves are only occasionally good for something other than fueling new fan creations, so I'm okay with this.
You sound like a victim of Stockholm's Syndrome.
After my 450-episode ascent to the mountaintop, the truth that I learned there is that it's actually the output of the fan community that sustains my enjoyment of the franchise and that the shows themselves are only occasionally good for something other than fueling new fan creations, so I'm okay with this.

Pretty much sums up my feelings after dealing with this. Although I probably enjoyed this ascent more than most.

The fanbase is great. I literally think one of the reasons why I started watching Precure was because someone said it had the Best doujins. So I watched all of this just so I can enjoy them more.
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