GAH sorry for the double post again.
You need to take a rest. Marathoning School Days is not good for ones psyche.
GAH sorry for the double post again.
Can we stop using citizen kane as a reference ??School Days is the Citizen Kane of anime.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 21
Well, Michiru and Kaoru ran out of other villains to do their dirty work for them, so they've got to get out there and do active villaining now. Or they could join the Cures and friends for a stargazing party. That also works.
Kaoru seems extra dismissive of the funtime antics today. Her response to pretty much everything is like, "what's the point?" or "I don't care." At a glance, you'd think she was actually getting into her villainous role and looking down on the meaningless interests of mere human scum. But I know the real reason. She's just bitter that Minori wasn't invited to the party. I can understand this. Really, what is the point in anything without Minori?
Michiru seems a little more into it, but that's pretty understandable too, because she's crazy for Saki, not Minori. Can I just say "best sisters ever x most tsundere villains ever" is, like, the official pairing of this show at this point? Also Michiru is the moon villain and this is a stargazing party. You go figure.
But eventually, the Almighty Precure Law of One Monster Per Episode gets the better of our two tsundere villains, and they kind of float up to stand in front of the moon, where Michiru summons an Uzaina from a piece of space rock. The Precure are all like "oh no you didn't" (at no-one in particular because they haven't spotted who summoned the Uzaina) and then proceed to deliver a beatdown on grounds that DUDE WE'RE NOT LETTING YOU NEAR OUR FRIENDS. THAT MEANS MICHIRU AND KAORU. MICHIRU AND KAORU ARE OUR FRIENDS. HAVE WE TUGGED AT THE VILLAINS' HEARTSTRINGS ENOUGH TODAY YET?
So Michiru and Kaoru are all like omg they're fighting for us *SWOON* before reverting to i-it's not like we don't want to kill you or anything! baka!
And then at the end of the episode Mai spots a few key details, puts two and two and two together, and is all like "ohmygod I think Michiru and Kaoru might be the bad guys o.o" Man, on their first proper mission too. These villain girls just can't catch a break, can they?
This is the Citizen Kane of suggestions.Can we stop using citizen kane as a reference ??
Worse than Sword Art Online's writer?You are the worst kind of person, Makoto.
- The Soylent Green of Anime? 11
You are the worst kind of person, Makoto. THE WORST. You are the amalgamation of all the perverse, twisted people I have met in my life.
Don't spoil it for me, since I've got 2 episodes to go, but this is feeling like a VN with EVERY bad selection chosen. And now finally its crumbling on the evil player.
I watched it knowing what the ending was like, and like I said before, it's not the end result. It's getting there.You know, I've never actually seen School Days (except a YouTube clip of the ending once), but it feels kind of pointless to watch it at this point since I feel like I know the series intimately from all the impressions I've read of it here.
I still probably should watch it at some point though.
From what I've seen, I get the impression that the Sailor Moon marketing machine was even an order of magnitude more massive than Precure's with a tenth of the grotesque product placement.
Enough to consolidate BANDAI's big ascension, and make Ms. Takeuchi the envy of the profession:It was also a massively popular manga at the time too, but yeah the money machine surrounding it was absolutely huge. POLLACK said:The most highly anticipated of the new programs is "Sailor Moon," a cartoon series about a long-legged, clumsy, blond junior high school girl who transforms into a heroine with super powers. A big hit in Japan for two years, the Sailor Moon program has also done well in France, Spain and Hong Kong.
Thanks to Sailor Moon, Nakayoshi's circulation began soaring, so Toei Animation decided to make it into a television cartoon program. The comic and the television show are big hits among young girls (and also, it is said, among computer nerds and some other men).
Bandai, which expects to sell about $220 million worth of Sailor Moon toys, clothing and other goods in the fiscal year that ends this month, pays a 3 percent royalty that is split among Toei Animation, the broadcasting station, Nakayoshi and Ms. Takeuchi. As a result of her success, Ms. Takeuchi, now 27, tools around Tokyo in a Porsche and is about to buy a Ferrari.
I've always seen mentioned that Ms. Takeuchi relationship with Toei Animation's main staff went awry because of the meddling in the creative process she apparently suffered from the studio (same reason Kunihiko Ikuhara parted ways with her from the production of the series, but this time it was Ms. Takeuchi who directly 'took the ball home').Why did it end after only five seasons, then? Did Takeuchi have some kind of say in this?
I think that it is rather unjust and simple to shift all the blame, looking at broader examples of why it wasn't that clear cut of a situation at first. As I've seen explained, the very same resultant successor organization of it all as is the EIRIN ( still argues a heavy censorship was in place even before, and the 'Hays Code' counterpart imposed by the American administration (that it seems just wanted policies in line with what they had at home... no more, no less) was only part of a prevalent attitude for a law abiding portrayal that was present on various public estates since the mid-19th century, up until the draconian 1939 'Film Law' supported by the very same and supposedly neglected filmmakers that continued to have a say in the film industry during the occupation period.While Japan is, indeed, very conservative that particular convention came about as a result of laws laid down by Americans to censor pornographic works.
I watched it knowing what the ending was like, and like I said before, it's not the end result. It's getting there.
In fact, it probably made it more fun for me because when the storm clouds start building you see them as such.
Well, you spoiling yourself is on you.No need to tell me that, I've read the "it's all about the journey" line about a thousand times in AnimeGAF already! Problem is, after all the School Days impressions I've read here, I feel like I know most of the journey as well =p
This is the Citizen Kane of suggestions.
K-ON! - 1
Well, I went into this looking for fun, and I got fun! Well sort of. This is only the beginning after all. Characters are pretty likeable so far. EspeciallyHomura AkemiMio Akiyama.
And that's pretty much it! I enjoyed the little humour bits they threw in there, so that's a bonus. What I didn't like was that one scene where Mio and Ritsu were waiting and nothing was happening. I felt like they could have done a SpongeBob-esque time card thing, so that was a missed humour opportunity.
But it's not bad so far. Let's see how the rest of this goes.
K, thanks. I've been putting that show on hold for way too long, guess tomorrow's a better time then ever to start on it.
Speaking of which, Yayoi, Erika, and Regina all get homes in my town. yaaaay
AU license update: Madman has Vividred (format unknown) and Bakuman (DVD), along with the same Garden of Sinners DVD boxset that AoA released late last year.
Shit's not Art Online 22
Why don't they just fly directly to the tree from the highest permissible point, climb above the barrier and then just keep flying?
Because fuck this show and four more episodes, that's why. More shitty CG monsters to show off how Kirito is forbidden from losing is definitely what this show needed. Oh wow, he did lose. I'd care except Kirito doesn't learn and the writers don't give a fuck about cause and effect so why should I care?
Kirito makes it most of the way up and what does this bitch do? Drags him back out.
Fuck this show. Especially the last two minutes of this episode. Oh my gosh just fuck this awful, awful show. It's the most amazingly cringe worthy thing I've ever seen. I am sorry, Gundam SEED Destiny, I am sorry, Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory, I am sorry Gundam AGE and yes, I am sorry Gundam 00 for ever daring to think your romances were bad.
I did not know.
It's just so, fucking, bad.
Incest Is What the Cool Kids Do 23
"Hey in spite of our biological relationship and having been raised as siblings, I am in love with you."
"Yeah whatever. Let's play some more fucking video games."
Look Recon, she's not into you because you're not biologically related to her. You cannot get with the brotherfucking Bitch King of Angmar. Look at them flying in circles in the sky with each other like this is Final Fantasy or something. Baby Terra gonna be inbred instead of hybrid this time around.
Really? That you even consider her as something other than your little sister is just disgusting. This is like if in ZZ Gundam Judau had suddenly said "You know, maybe I should fuck Puru. I mean, we're not ACTUALLY brother and sister, after all."
Where the fuck is Klein? Where is Egil? Where is Lizbest? Why am I watching the worst characters? Hell even the good character in this group got sidelined for Incestmouto.
The one thing I enjoy more about SAO's second half is that the villain actually has a motive instead of "idk lol castle in the sky was a good movie, bra"
Shinka can't be cool when she spouts garbage like this.
Muromi 12
Geez, mermaids sure do love their thick and juicy uh, cucumbers and the mounds of USELESS MEAT on that one mermaids chest is far more grotesque than any guro manga I've read.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - 06&07
Holy shit Fate,you're in some deep shit with your mom. Whipping you like you stole something! ;_;
And of course, some little runt guy comes out of nowhere to interrupt the battle between Fate and Nanoha. Greeeeeat.![]()
That's because she isn't. Everyone in Fresh is olderby a paltry one year :/
Well it's true. It's the only cast that actually has breast on everyone.
I mean fuck
Fuck the world. I knew this was gonna happen but still man ;_;
Cutting some of the novel sucked too. There should've been another whole episode with Ayase.
;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;
;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;
I long for the day when we can stop pretending school days is worth watching, and can move past the idea that incoherent gibbering about bad shows is what animeGAF should be all about.
Chibi Arts Sunshine can wait. I need this.
You're right. AnimeGAF should be more about worshiping the holy trinity of Dezaki, Satou, and Ikuhara.I long for the day when we can stop pretending school days is worth watching, and can move past the idea that incoherent gibbering about bad shows is what animeGAF should be all about.
We at least need to find new shows, the 3000th School Days testimonial is just not interesting anymore. Or maybe all this exposure to Corvo has just made me numb to these things.
Ok, now you're just ignoring 90% of the posts in this thread and cherry picking evidence so you can bitch.There's plenty of good shows that get recommended to people, but apparently it's more important to pass some initiation rite by watching the dregs of anime coupled with EXXXTR3ME posts.
NICE. I dont know who she is though.
School Days was fine.
I gave it a 1 on MAL
But really though, I don't see *why* it's that big of a deal. Time's better spent watching good anime. Madoka is the same length, for crying out loud.
It's really just a matter of shock value. Don't listen to people telling you it's important or some kind of meaningful subversion of anything. It's entertaining in some ways, but Envelope is right in that it isn't really something worth pushing on people.
Ok, now you're just ignoring 90% of the posts in this thread and cherry picking evidence so you can bitch.
Sounds like you need to start reading the thread again.No? It's died down a bit recently, in some regards, but I doubt you've forgotten the days when anyone who popped in asking for recommendations would just receive a wall of "SCHOOL DAYS LOL" drowning out the few good suggestions.
None of my posts about School Days were trumped up or embellished to "ensnare" people. The show worked for me as a tragedy, and I liked it for that and I made myself clear about it. Others may not agree with me, and that's fine too.
Yeah, it's not a happy ending, but it is an appropriate ending, at least. Endings which aren't are much harder to take.In my own personal opinion, I didn't like School Days, but that's just because I'm kinda a sucker for happy ending light-hearted stuff.
From a critical standpoint, I enjoyed School Days as a tragedy, too. I think it worked pretty well and played it straight.
None of my posts about School Days were trumped up or embellished to "ensnare" people. The show worked for me as a tragedy, and I liked it for that and I made myself clear about it. Others may not agree with me, and that's fine too.
Sounds like you need to start reading the thread again.
CorvoSol is a one-man show fueled by warnings to avoid something. Nobody wants anyone to watch SAO. Rapeman was a one-off.In the past few months we've had EXTREME series of posts about Gundam Age (a bad show), SAO (a bad show), School Days (a bad show)*, RAPEMAN....
CorvoSol is a one-man show fueled by warnings to avoid something. Nobody wants anyone to watch SAO. Rapeman was a one-off.
And I ingore all Gundam stuff so I can't really say whether it happened or not.
CorvoSol is a one-man show fueled by warnings to avoid something. Nobody wants anyone to watch SAO. Rapeman was a one-off.
And I ignore almost all Gundam stuff so I can't really say whether it happened or not.
This is the place where I tell you to get back in there and watch till at least episode 2 because episode 1 is not that good for that show and the scene in question has been improved for the BDs.I tried once; I made it all of about a minute into the first episode when it turned into a first person view of awful cg tanks and I started to feel sick.
It does seem to have a ridiculous amount of praise but I feel I'll need to be slightly drunk to get past that.
But School Days is actually good at parts.I long for the day when we can stop pretending school days is worth watching, and can move past the idea that incoherent gibbering about bad shows is what animeGAF should be all about.
But Madoka is not even that good...School Days was fine.
I gave it a 6 on MAL
But really though, I don't see *why* it's that big of a deal. Time's better spent watching good anime. Madoka is the same length, for crying out loud.
But Madoka is not even that good...
But that isn't a fault of the show, so why take it into account when talking about its merits?I think Eva is in fact great, but the meta ends up far outstripping the basic quality of the show. Also, the fanbase over analyzing the plot and acting like it's way more amazing and has far more depth than it does is annoying and plays right into Anno's point. That's not saying a straight, non-meta reading of Eva doesn't have thematic depth. It certainly does. It just doesn't have the depth most super fans who take it straight like to claim it does.
EVAs may be biological and mechanical hybrids, and (leaving aside the whole matter of the 'S² Engine') was speculated that could be powered by electro-mechanical pieces of armor that could regulate and even generate the whole body movements under some conditions while they are unconscious/semi-conscious, and some moments could even hint at that (EVA-01 totally freezing in position when running out of power, heart-beatings that signal awakenings), but after all...Mechs are machines, not organisms.
For the purposes of the role they play in the narrative, the EVAs are mecha.
... I find these as the essential answer to the question. They are after all just a vehicle for expressing fascinations of the author in very different purposes.Evangelion is Ultraman.
But that isn't a fault of the show, so why take it into account when talking about its merits?
Which reminds me I sorta had to neglect my Aim for the Ace impressions because of work I had to do at the time and am at episode 13 of that.You're right. AnimeGAF should be more about worshiping the holy trinity of Dezaki, Satou, and Ikuhara.
If that's supposed to mean I have great test that's fine!Having taste is suffering?
Because that is a good deterrent or at least it's thought to be for fans not to be stupid. It doesn't work that way for anime.Why do football clubs get penalized for their fans' actions?
In the past few months we've had EXTREME series of posts by multiple people about Gundam Age (a bad show), SAO (a bad show), School Days (a bad show)*, RAPEMAN....
Why do football clubs get penalized for their fans' actions?
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai -NOVEL 12- Page 187
Fuck you, Kyousuke.
I haven't finished the novel yet, this isn't even the end of a numbered chapter, but I just felt the overwhelming need to post that.
You made Kuroneko cry. You made her tear apart her hopes and dreams and happy memories. You failed to choose the right girl. I hope that final curse she laid on you results in you being run over by a truck.
The smallest signature now legible in both themes!![]()
Because that is a good deterrent or at least it's thought to be for fans not to be stupid. It doesn't work that way for anime.
Well, they can influence a game as it happens. But, we could say a similar thing actually happened here as Mr. Anno & Co. also felt the pressure of the fandom and the popularity the series garnered when still dealing with the work, so... you are making me reconsider this, certainly...Why do football clubs get penalized for their fans' actions?
That's a pretty bad example since football clubs have SOME control over how their fans will behave whether it be through increased security, awareness campaigns or by not sucking as much.
Anime fandom has no such analogue.