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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Pizzaroll is banned, Rzel. :(

Watch it be another piece of concept art preceded by a bunch of hyper active text on-screen.

Come now, that's not nearly pessimistic enough.

You have to predict that it'll be a piece of concept art we've already seen preceded by a bunch of hyperactive text on screen.


Watch it be another piece of concept art preceded by a bunch of hyper active text on-screen.

Yes, please. Absolutely no new art would be the only disappointment for me... and it's sad because it could happen; it's not likely, but it's definitely not impossible.


My school didn't have too many rainy day school days, but when winter came along we'd have to stay in for a good chunk of the time. Fine with me, it would be fucking cold out when we did.
Wait what are we talking about?

My school had plenty of rainy days. Louisiana is a very wet state. Veeeeery wet.

There isn't a "wrong" character in SoreMachi.

...But Hotori is the best.

Yes. she is.

Omigawa <3

Thats one big reason!

Okay, I think that I can address the things that I intended to address now. I'd first like to thank you again for being willing to do this--I know that it would be easy to write us off as a bunch of malcontents, and giving some legitimacy to our concerns is something that I appreciate. Even if you're a representative of the site I hope you don't feel like I or anyone else here blame you or any other staff for the behavior of some members; you've always been nothing but upstanding in your personal conduct and moderation style.

I'll only touch on Tamerlane briefly as I trust your judgment on the acceptability of his behavior. I suppose that this is normal, but because I liked him I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt after looking through his post history in the thread and only wanted to be sure that he hadn't simply become more aggressive in response to getting dogpiled for controversial statements. If this was not the case, then there's no question that he stepped over the line in how he couched some of his statements. It's unfortunate. I think that most of us were bothered more by the then-inconsistency of what hadn't incurred a ban alongside him; all people are more sensitive to injustice when it's a kind that's personally familiar to them, hence, I think, the outrage over that poster not having received a ban when the recipient of his insult was. This has all since been rectified, of course, and whether or not it was a result of the discussion that it sparked here, I'm glad that the staff doesn't tolerate ad hominem insults. I appreciate the insight into moderation habits and will definitely be mindful of the fact that simply because bans have been handed out in a thread, it doesn't indicate that all other posts have already been vetted for acceptability.

About the shift in GAF culture, I understand that many aspects of this are beyond the scope of the staff's ability to control; there's no way to preempt the types of condescension and bullying that come with a prevalent alpha male forum culture, and I suppose that it's not the staff's place to try to intervene in the natural evolution of a forum's culture so long as it's not evolving in a way that is becoming blatantly exclusionary. I am not bothered in the slightest by the fact that OT is now more about lifestyle topics and less about specific interests; it's simply the institution of an accompanying "nerd hierarchy" dictating the inherent value of another poster's opinion based on something as arbitrary as which hobby they choose to express out of the constellation of all of their hobbies that has become stifling and supremely discouraging to my participation outside of this thread.

I could simply take the route of greatest utility and simply not use an anime avatar on GAF (and quite often I actually do disable my avatar when posting in OT to maximize the odds of receiving a response when I pose a question), but I can only wear one hat at a time and this thread is where I spend the majority of my time on GAF (this one thread has higher-quality discussion on the medium than every full-fledged anime forum on the internet) and, moreover, I'm violating my principles if I conform due to external social pressure. I'd be delusional to feel entitled to anything I like being above criticism on GAF, but the sense that a significant percentage of posters happily accept stereotypes that suit their worldview and revile me as a human being over nothing of consequence whatsoever is, well, it's just sad.

I know that "heteronormative" was an iffy word to use to describe the nature of AlphaGAF's attitude toward AnimeGAF because GAF has a track record of punishing intolerance for the LGBT community. I would never, ever, ever, ever try to equate liking Japanese cartoons with the infinitely more profound effect that sexual orientation has on shaping one's identity, and only bring up the issue of heteronormativity because the first recourse of many posters with a violent dislike for anime is to accuse those who like it of being pedophiles; implying that someone is heinously sexually deviant because they engage in a hobby that defies traditional gender roles. Now, I know that part of this is due to the very real issue of lolicon that unfortunately exists in some quarters of the medium, but without even going into the obvious issue of stereotyping and the dumb fallacy of thinking that two things are equivalent because they share an art style, I also think that it makes it much easier for other people to make such an accusation without ever stepping back and considering just how truly abhorrent the accusation is that the people they're accusing are somehow weird, emasculate, or childlike themselves. (Of course, it also doesn't help that there are usually a few people in "anime iz 4 pedos" threads that double down on the stereotyping to spite their opponents, which just creates confirmation bias.)

Just look at the way that Bronies are regularly pilloried on GAF, regardless of whether or not one thinks it's healthy to so closely identify with a single franchise. People openly despise them for liking something "for children" or "for girls", individual examples of genuinely strange or deviant people in the fandom are dredged up to smear everyone by proxy, and every possible insult imaginable is rained down upon them, but most usually in the form of insinuations about social prowess or sexuality in keeping with AlphaGAF's values. There's definitely an in-between space where people reject some gender roles but still accept others where it's still perfectly acceptable on GAF to treat these people poorly for not being "real men" or whatnot.

About Kabouter, the context for his statement was a post in a thread titled to something to the effect of "are you biased against posters with certain types of avatars?". Someone here compiled a list of dozens of posters who responded with "anime avatars", and among them were both Kabouter and EatChildren. Given your description of who he is as a person, I can accept the possibility that he was being facetious. Keep in mind, though, that other people here can attest to the fact that I'm particularly frightened of inconsistent moderation given the fact that I never quite got over being banned as a junior on uncorroborated suspicion of being an alt and so others here are likely not so concerned that a mod's personal tastes may affect who they give and do not give the benefit of the doubt. What I think is most useful in your detailed description of Kabouter is the important reminder that it's impossible to make a judgment of someone's character based on a single thing that they like. Most of us here, not just in this thread but on this forum, are well-rounded people with a diverse set of interests and, most importantly, aren't defined by their interests.

Japanese animation is just something that I like, no more and no less than anything else that I like. I'm an aspiring history professor, I enjoy traveling, cooking, and photography, I adore most premium cable dramas and comedies, I stay informed on politics and current events, I take care of several animals, I game, I'm learning woodcrafting, and I even have several "boring old man" hobbies that I'd probably also be mocked by GAF for like model railroading and antique collecting. Any one of us here has a list this long and longer of things that we enjoy that have nothing to do with a 100x120 image, which is why my skin crawls when it's used to dismiss anyone wholesale for any reason--I'm sure you're more than aware of what happens if you voice a controversial opinion in a Nintendo thread with a Microsoft avatar, for instance. GAF has wonderful ideals and I'd love to see more people actually living up to them.

I've taken everything that you've said to heart and I'll see if I can't get myself to dip a toe into the OT waters if the opportunity arises. You're a massive asset to this place, Stump, and I hope you'll keep dropping in here from time to time, even if what you see might be bewildering!

Mad P the best way to deal with all this is to just ignore people. There will always be haters and detractors who might not agree with your chosen lifestyle but know what? Who gives a shit about them? they arent living your life and they deal with things differently. they might like something else. so what? Let them be them and you only concern yourself with what makes you happy. Fuck what they think. Seriously.

I keep my avatar because honestly how could I ever find a better one than this?

I garden, hike, am studying international politics and relations, speak two languages, and read four.

I'm also woefully unemployed and squandering my summer break thinking about what Utena's bike shorts mean rather than brushing up on classical versus neo liberalism, which I'll need to know in a month or two.

Your avatar is magnificent and stands out Corvy Kun. youre our favorite raven!

I do write myself every now and again when something is on my mind. Analysing things, suggesting ideas (like the half serious there should be more dating sim aspects in games) and other things, although I tend to rush things.

Come to think of it.... I don't have too many hobbies. I don't even read :/

I have several hobbies. I dont read much besides fact books and car magazines, but I like anime, listening to classic rock, reggae, and classical/orchestrated music, studying other cultures and sampling their cuisines, freshwater fishing, origami (not not the bitch from Date a Live the paper folding art), drawing, occasionally videogaming, collecting various things, car culture, nfl football (New Orleans Saints), studying severe weather patterns and tornadoes, and even trying out different kinds of tea at this point lol. And of course collecting cute things to surround myself with. That doesnt even count all my internet activity. I guess I keep rather busy.

Ahh... well, good rule of thumb is to ignore the people who go "lol anime avatar" since their opinions are probably not worth your time anyway. Sucks about Tamerlane getting banned.

The correct answer would have been West Wing over those two anyways.

Pretty much yeah. Fuck those people. With a spoon.

This is gonna be really terrible advice (and is a reason why I never delve into those TEACH ME A LANGUAGE PLEASE threads) but I wanted to address this.

For me, the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. I'm not saying go to Japan and live like a hermit or something but try to listen, really listen, to the anime/media you're watching. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, what's important is you get used to hearing. Listening to songs and basically hypnotizing yourself with the language is a good idea too.

Eventually, when you get to learning some words in class, some of them will just "click" for no reason other than the fact that you're used to hearing them and you feel like you already know the words.

Other than that, its just patience. You'll be watching something someday and you'll just "get it". That's the sign.

Only language I kind of know besides english is French/cajun french. Cant help knowing some from growing up in Louisiana forever.

Madoka Magica 6

Fantastic episode. Much better than 5. A ton of stuff going on here.

First of all, you have new girl being evil. Not so interesting. She's terrible anyway, so the sooner we're done with her the better. Nothing they do with her this episode makes her any more interesting, so the less time they waste on her the better.

You have Madoka's mom actually being a good, attentive parent. That was a really nice character moment. I don't think the advice on how to deal with the situation was particularly good, but it was nice that she tried all the same. Sweet scene.

We got two big moments this episode. First, we have
an alliance between Brown Magic girl and Fang girl
. The exchange that led to that was sort of interesting, but character motivations are too heavily obscured to make a real judgement on it. I assume, given the discussion, it has to do with the
big bad that caused the destruction in Madoka's premonition
Should be interesting to see how it goes.

We also have more rules of being a Magic Girl revealed, and most surprisingly Catbbit actually made some solid points in an argument. First we have,
the fact that magic girl's soul stones get tainted over time. Totally called it. Not hard to call it, but glad to see I was right.
. We also have
the fact that magic girl's souls are carried in soul stones, a fact that should surprise nobody. Why else would they be called Soul Stones?
More importantly, Catbbit actually made a good argument when
the girls freaked out about it. It actually is super useful in the dangerous job of hunting witches. I mean, it sucks he did it without consent, but it isn't that huge a deal.
Still, the way he argued it was super creepy.

One of the things I find most interesting is that this is half way through the show and
the main character still hasn't gotten her transformation yet. As a viewer though, I don't wanter her to as I know whatever Catbbit is pushing can't be worth it. It really shows tremendous strength on the writer's part to push it out this long. Good on them

This show will only get more interesting as time goes by. Hopefully you enjoy the twists and revelations because this show will surprise you. I think you will come to like Kyoko a lo once you find out her story.

It's an orange tomato.

Orange . . . tomato . .



You know what? Suguha was horrible, wretched, and awful, but STILL not as bad as Nina. Nina may well be the most repulsive character in any anime ever.


You poor poor thing. *hugs corvy kun

It happens when the topic is fundamentally flawed and just serves to confront people, I'd prefer that posters with 'Junior Member' status would just avoid those kind of traps until they have sorted out how this place works completely. Anyway, comparisons of different shows like that are unnecessary.

A shame indeed, I liked Tamerlane and his analysis, like the one for Belladonna. :'-) See you on the other side (or at another place), man!

That said, Mad Pierrot, I think you always worry too much about how this forum rolls and how each conflict is resolved, you are going to end up much more afraid over-thinking about this! Best thing is not to be that attentive and trust in the Moderators oversight on that matters... I don't want to see you involved in discussions that could end up gone wrong.

Yea the stigmas of certain things here is really stupid and should stop but the culture involved will never allow it to. Just gotta ignore it and keep rolling. Thats the only way to deal with it. Its not worth acknowledging such hateful judgemental acts. Just associate with the people who care about what you care about and if you venture outside of the comfort zone, make sure you know what you are talking about. and if you dont know, then just be prepared for the good old avatar judgement. It is what it is.

To clarify I wasn't suggesting it was terrible or anything, Escaflowne is a great show. That particular plot device was just a bit a much for me. And now you're reminding me of how great Escaflowne's music is.

Escaflowne will always stay in my heart. Lots of my friend love it and many of them moved on with life and I havent spoken to them in years but we had a lot of fun watching it together.Its one of those shows that has a lot of flaws but you really dont care because its just really special.


And when life gets you down, hug a penguin!


Backlog time! I blame TLoU.

Gargantia 12-

Yep someone called this twist and the show did properly foreshadow it. That said, my main issue with the series is that it's too diluted. The idea of different societies competing against one another was enough. Having organics vs. inorganics is too much as the series doesn't focus enough on it to be crucial driving point for the narrative. It is an earlier theme but instead of focusing on the differences in human societies, it feels like an unnecessary sidetour. If this series was longer, this could have led into an interesting second half focusing on the society in the Galactic Alliance. As it is, it feels rushed. They should have probably cut one of the fanservice episodes and focused on Chamber. That might have helped flesh out this 'third side'.
Backlog time! I blame TLoU.

Gargantia 12-

Yep someone called this twist and the show did properly foreshadow it. That said, my main issue with the series is that it's too diluted. The idea of different societies competing against one another was enough. Having organics vs. inorganics is too much as the series doesn't focus enough on it to be crucial driving point for the narrative. It is an earlier theme but instead of focusing on the differences in human societies, it feels like an unnecessary sidetour. If this series was longer, this could have led into an interesting second half focusing on the society in the Galactic Alliance. As it is, it feels rushed. They should have probably cut one of the fanservice episodes and focused on Chamber. That might have helped flesh out this 'third side'.

All of this show's attempts at social commentary and any sort of meaningful message have been a failure. Their hamfisted attempts at that ruined episode 11 so I'm glad they didn't focus on it here. They should just leave that stuff be, with one episode remaining there really isn't any room for it.


All of this show's attempts at social commentary and any sort of meaningful message have been a failure. Their hamfisted attempts at that ruined episode 11 so I'm glad they didn't focus on it here. They should just leave that stuff be, with one episode remaining there really isn't any room for it.
Urobochi is writing the last episode. RIP


I should also mention that the shading and storyboarding ep.12 for Gargantia were pretty good.

Also I know it's bad form of me but I still kept watching that the mechas were 2D during that sequence.

All of this show's attempts at social commentary and any sort of meaningful message have been a failure. Their hamfisted attempts at that ruined episode 11 so I'm glad they didn't focus on it here. They should just leave that stuff be, with one episode remaining there really isn't any room for it.

I admittedly don't think the social commentary in the show hasn't been that great. That said, the way things are, the 'twist' feels unnecessary and a bit out of left field. Again I might be fine with it if the show ran for a longer time period so it could be discussed just a bit more.

Urobochi is writing the last episode. RIP

RIP indeed for many characters. Watch Gargantia get blown up.
Madoka Magica 6
First of all, you have new girl being evil. Not so interesting. She's terrible anyway, so the sooner we're done with her the better. Nothing they do with her this episode makes her any more interesting, so the less time they waste on her the better.

Kyoko is best Magical Girl. You shall soon see why.


listen to the mad man
Mad Pierrot, I read your post and value your feedback. I don't really disagree with anything you said and I have nothing to add. I'm glad my post before was able to give you some context and better understanding. I also like cooking.

Eden of the East 01: I picked up a prince

I was recommended this by Aeana after her and Mumei made fun of my list of can'ts and won'ts when it comes to taking anime recommendations. Since it is freely available for streaming and available dubbed and a short series, I am going to make a good faith effort to watch through it. I hope you won't mind if I share my impressions, noting that I definitely approach things from a different perspective than most here. This is the first TV anime episode I've watched in 3 or 4 years.

First and foremost I don't actually like per-episode recaps or criticism, but it's the style in here so I'll do that.

Dub vs Sub
First, I wanted to say why I'm choosing a dubbed version. I am a fluently bilingual person, English-French, and I live in a bilingual country. So I don't view myself as an ignorant "English is the only language on earth" kind of person. And I know French well enough to appreciate that every language has expressive strengths that other languages might lack. So I can appreciate that some Japanese works are probably best enjoyed in Japanese.

I am also aware that a lot of child-focused content that came to the US in the 90s was butchered (both for censorship purposes and just comprehension errors) in the dubbed versions. Finally, I understand that dubs often try to take the product out of its original cultural millieu and that for works set in the real world especially this is unfortunate.

However, I don't know enough about Japan that I'm going to catch that kind of stuff whether it's done through subtitles and editor's notes--which frankly seem to be more like a lesson and an info dump than an organic way of exposing people to something new--and I feel like, given that this is a professional dub, the quality and nuance in the acting is likely to be at least as good as what I'd pick up from hearing Japanese that I don't understand and reading subtitles.


Premise and Opening
The first episode starts with a mysterious voiceover and doesn't do much to establish the scene. The show is set in a sort of current day period. The opening credits have gibberish or decontextualized English over them ("noblesse oblige" "The King has come! With justice till the end" "To save us from the dark Who could ever doubt? We have faith", a rotating crest with "The Abuse of Greatness""). This makes me think it's about someone reluctantly taking a position of authority, assuming a heavy burden. The theme song is by Oasis.

The characters have a wide-eyed but generally well-proportioned style. Fashion seems to be normal. The backgrounds appear to be a mixed of hand drawn and computer graphics in a fairly realistic style. Visually this is appealing to me.

This however is not:

In some anime that I've seen characters have, uh, I don't know what to call it--when they have an emotional reaction, there's like unusual doodles. Like if they get angry, there's squiggly lines floating in the air. Or they blush in a very heavy way. Or their eyes get super screwed up. Floating teardrops. Etc. I'm sure you guys know it. It's incorporated here, sparingly, but I really don't like it as an animation flourish.

Although I like the designs and drawings, the animation is fairly cheap and seems to have relatively few frames. I think my expectations here are probably unfair coming from mostly having seen film anime which have a higher budget. I'd like to open up a random western pre-CG cartoon to see how the frame counts compare. Is there a name for styles that have fewer or more frames? How does this show compare to others?

Even the characters who are apparently white north Americans look Asian in terms of features. The sidewalks and buildings, by comparison, feel very American.

What Happens in the Episode
We open in Washington DC. A young girl is visiting, but is disappointed that everything is not as amazing as in the brochure. Across the street, we see a naked man. Both appear to be Asian. Cut to a man in a car saying that although "Subject 9"--an experiment? A test?--is confounding expectations, it ends now. The naked man is holding a cell phone and a gun. He snaps back out of it and is confused. So we have an amnesia situation. His phone says noblesse oblige--which is basically an expression meaning that nobility carries with it responsibility. The naked man waves at the girl but realizes he probably looks like a weirdo, nude and with a gun. The girl is very uncomfortable because she can see the guy's dong. She gives him some clothing. He runs away in a girl's coat.


The previously naked man looks through the phone he has but finds nothing. He calls his "concierge", but doesn't know who she is. She tips us off that there is memory erasing tech and that he doesn't have a new identity. He's given a location on a map.

The girl realizes her passport was in her coat pocket. Well, that's what you get for giving your clothes to naked strangers, lady. She runs down the road and finds him, after seeing another stranger give him some pants. Chase scene ensues as the man seeks the map location and the girl tries to pursue him. The map location is a very run down building. The man runs into someone in the building and says "My place is on the second floor right?" the stranger says "3B" and exits the building. Then the girl asks the stranger where his apartment is, and the stranger says "3B". Maybe that stretches credulity a bit.

The apartment is a dump but it has a map with some photos. It also has tools which look like bomb or weapon parts, and a massive cache of guns ammo and some passports. So it's pretty clear this guy is some sort of programmable memory-wiped secret agent. He thinks he's a terrorist. *pause* When I think Japan and terrorism, obviously I think the Aum Shinrikyo sarin gas attack. So that's the cultural context I have, that I would bring to the table at this point. I have no idea why someone with no memory would assume that guns and passports mean terrorist rather than spy. I know Japan doesn't have a formal military, I know the Japanese constitution pretty well, but why would the assumption be terrorist?


The girl arrives at the apartment and asks for her passport back. The girl's name is Saki Morimi, born 1989. The date of issue is 2010, so the show is probably set 2010-2011. The guy compares her real Japanese passport to one of his fakes. His name is Akira Takizawa on that passport. He puts the rest of his fake passports in the toaster???


Police arrive at the apartment, suspicious of the naked man and the girl who was at the White House. Akira tries to sneak past the police with Saki, pretending that they are a couple. When the officer confronts him with a picture of him nude, he jokingly drops his pants, showing that he has nothing to hide. This apparently works, and the officer lets them go. I did laugh at Saki going kind of catatonic when he dropped his pants. We see the toaster in the apartment burn the passports.

Akira asks Saki when she's going to Japan. She says today. He says "OK let's go back together". She says she needs her bag which she left near the White House--wait, she doesn't say "Err, no, you pervert, I'm not going with you???". They take a cab together to the police, although we don't know why. We cut to the airport, where we learn they filed a police report for the stolen bags and the Japanese embassy replaced their tickets. We learn this through a weird exposition dump, very cheap.

Finally Saki asks Akira why he was nude at the white house, and he jokingly says he's a terrorist but then says it's an exchange student prank. Saki says she graduated college and was touring NY and only came to DC to see the White House. She thinks it's the center of the world. I know that feeling. I like that Saki has a sort of naive but determined geopolitics that she's describing here. She expresses that Japan is paralyzed politically, unable to help itself. I hope the series proceeds in an explicitly political direction.

We learn Akira was "born" the day after Saki. It's been a strange day. Saki wonders "Could he be the prince I'm looking for?"



Closing credits
Japanese, subtitled in nonsense fate destiny what will be our future nonsense English. Cool sort of paper cutout stop-motion style showing the missile attacks. This was a really cool animation, I wish it didn't have credits over it. I like different styles of animation for sure.


My thoughts
So, I watch a lot of TV and especially a lot of pilots. By definition a pilot needs to tell us what the show is about and set up a degree of intrigue for future episodes. I think this did that. Maybe a little too much time was spent on Akira getting to his apartment and Saki chasing him, I'd have liked to see more time really constructing the world that these characters live in, but the last 3 minutes were great and I am really excited to see the show's arc.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Woah man stump watching EotE what.

What is going on maaaaaaaaaaan


listen to the mad man
Sure, you start with Eden of the East and it's cool and stuff. Next thing you know you'll be knee-deep watching Max Heart.

I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


Stump watching Eden of the East? Wow, that's unexpected. Great first episode review, man.

As for EotE itself, it's one of the few shows that I disliked enough to drop halfway through. It'll be interesting to see your reactions as you go on.


If only Eden of the East didn't suffer from terrible writing.

I think it's an amazing premise and world that ends up being ruined by a main plot that makes zero sense and a set of characters who's actions are at times incomprehensible.

Maybe the show will click with Stump, though.


Caught up on some AMVs earlier...holy shit, this was the last song I expected to see paired with Nichijou:



Eden of the East 01: I picked up a prince

My thoughts
So, I watch a lot of TV and especially a lot of pilots. By definition a pilot needs to tell us what the show is about and set up a degree of intrigue for future episodes. I think this did that. Maybe a little too much time was spent on Akira getting to his apartment and Saki chasing him, I'd have liked to see more time really constructing the world that these characters live in, but the last 3 minutes were great and I am really excited to see the show's arc.

Ah, I've been slightly curious about this show for a while. If I recall correctly from past posts, it has some unfortunate slips with how it handles science fiction. But I'm looking forward to more of your impressions! And on the format, you did swell! As stated previously, it's refreshing to have someone share their likes and dislikes of certain anime patterns without being overly simplistic or annoyingly arrogant.


The Light of El Cantare
I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.

The first thing that you need to know about AnimeGAF: sometimes we watch anime because it's bad, just to see how bad it can get. For some of us, Max Heart was unquestionably the worst we'd ever seen.

Just to give you an idea, not even taking the various narrative elements into account, it was probably farmed out to rural North Korea:



I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.

The less emphasis on precure non-stop in this thread, the better
I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.

Bookmarked this post because it will be usefull ...one day

countdown initiated.
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