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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Futari wa Precure Splash Star 26

A decidedly...inoffensive episode.

The softball team are staying at school for a training camp, but everyone seems to be hiding something from Saki! Whatever could it be?!

Oh, a surprise birthday party. How original and shocking.

Saki did get an entertaining assortment of presents from the various people attending, though, including a giant alarm clock from the team (so she won't be late for practice in future!), a great big conch shell horn from Naruto Kenta (he found it on a beach nearby), a meteor fragment from Big Bro Kazuya (I think Saki would have been satisfied with anything from him, to be honest), and finally a homemade cushion from Mai (which gets Minori's approval, and thus mine).

All together, now... ZEKKOUCHOU NARI~!


Subete no aware
I'm suddenly feeling really terrible that out of anything that could have been among Stump's first interaction with this thread, we just had to mention...y'know...that series.

And I haven't even seen anything highbrow enough to recommend to him that wasn't already recommended by someone else. Fuck.

So not a Precure series then?


Maturity, bitches.
The last two episodes of Azazel-san were quite good. Just makes me wonder why they had to waste our time with the earlier episodes.


Escaflowne - 19
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Most ridiculous plan ever LMAO


Hahaha, oh man. Those were the things that made me love Escaflowne forever. I think that episode more than anything got me giddy about the entire show.

Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.

I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.
The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.

Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.

Right, but when you go into a show, you don't tend to expect that
Isaac Newton's evil plan will hinge entirely upon getting a little girl to fall in love with the wrong boy.
It makes sense in the narrative, but no one can deny that Escaflowne gets silly by the end.

A-are those sound effects being done by a human being?

The first thing that you need to know about AnimeGAF: sometimes we watch anime because it's bad, just to see how bad it can get. For some of us, Max Heart was unquestionably the worst we'd ever seen.

Just to give you an idea, not even taking the various narrative elements into account, it was probably farmed out to rural North Korea:


If House AnimeGAF had words, these would be them.

Gargantia 12

To be honest, I think the "Moment of Decision" was actually Chamber deciding that Striker wasn't operating within Alliance SOP rather than Ledo making the choice to fight. I mean, what would Ledo do if Chamber concluded that Striker's logic was sound? It would be ironic that, in the end, the AIs are still the only ones making the decisions.

It would also make it even more devastating for the audience if, during the finale, the only character to die is Chamber.

While I agree that Chamber's decision that Striker was outside SOP was critical, and that without it, Ledo could've done nothing, at the same time I think that Ledo's decision to turn against the commander was also critical, since Chamber's loyalties seem to lie largely with Ledo (since his primary directive is to support him.). Chamber would not have acted without Ledo's decision just as surely as Ledo could not have accomplished much without Chamber's. They're a team like that.

The Big O 1-3 Dub

I like what I've seen so far, I kind of wish Roger Smith wasn't so inconsistent in personality though. One moment he's 90's bruce wayne/batman the next he's 60's bruce wayne/batman. One moment he's using his awesome grapple watch to save Dorothy the next he's a louse who lets people constantly sneak up on him while arguing about the color outfit he wears with his android gf.

I also feel like the second half of the episodes don't always feel like a part of the first half, the mystery/noir stuff in the first half of the episode really could carry the series on it's own, but there always seems to be some convenient reason for another giant robot or monster to appear for Big O to show up and fight. These fights are awesome but I can't help but feel they're forcing giant robot fights into a series that didn't really need them.

One thing I will say is that the dub is really good, Steve Blum does a great job as Smith and the supporting cast all really sound the part.

Roger Smith has to be all kinds of Batman. Whether its serious 80s Batman or campy 60s Batman. It only gets weirder from here on out.


Requested? Because there are aspects of this forum he didn't like? Why can't we survive in here just clinging to the things we like about this place, never anything is going to totally go in the way we like it. And what about the people you left here in the process? If people go away like that, then there are less reasons for others to stay as well... think on that before leaving, please. :-(

Come back Aigis/pizzaroll/Risette!

She's still in the animegaf irc :)


I am really hating OreImo at the moment and my brain is comparing it with Clannad. I am considering dropping it....

You know what, consider it dropped. I have dropped Red Data Girl 3 weeks ago, and I am not afraid of doing it again. Good Riddance.

Too bad, I rather liked the first season.


Mr. Nagahama himself commented either Mushishi or Detroit Metal City would be getting a sequel (http://www.koi-nya.net/2012/10/12/m...ity-tendra-una-continuacion-el-ano-que-viene/), but Yoshihiko Umakoshi's involvement on the project hinted at the former being the chosen one. Chihiro Okamoto talked at the time about the work commencing to air on this year's Autumn or Winter seasons (http://www.koi-nya.net/2012/10/14/n...-de-mushishi-tendra-secuela-el-ano-que-viene/), but I haven't seen more related information since then.

Well then, I'll keep cautious optimism simmering on the back burner then. :)


Date a Live 5 (hey that rhymes)

Okay. So Tohka feels jealous but feels she shouldn't because it's Shido's job and whatnot...yeah, stupid stuff.

His visit to Origami's apartment to fetch Yoshinon was...yeah. Showers, bathtowels and such.

At least there's an apartment complex for former Spirits now. Now they won't all have to live at Shido's place and have those awkward things happen. Though they're probably going to happen anyway.

Apparently the next episode is a hot springs episode. Oh gee, I can only imagine how that's going to work out.


AnimeGAF's yandere.

Mad Pierrot seems restless for some new tags.

Maybe he's PMing people as we speak. Maybe he can also convince Stumpokapow to give CorvoSol that "Oranges are Tomatoes" tag with a link back to his impressions just yet! Haha.


The Light of El Cantare
Mad Pierrot seems restless for some new tags.

That "semi-autonomous republic" thing I was talking about the other day was a joke! I wouldn't wish a tag on anyone because 90% of the time, it's something that they don't want.
maybe i should hop on the butt avatar train. It really is quite a thin piece of (butt) floss though between ban and not ban.

Now i know what i'm doing tonight instead of playing citizen kane the game.
That "semi-autonomous republic" thing I was talking about the other day was a joke! I wouldn't wish a tag on anyone because 90% of the time, it's something that they don't want.

I think what you wished on me back then made me sort of want it. You let me taste the chance of tagdom, although you aimed it at an admin that doesn't really post much in here.


Mad Pierrot seems restless for some new tags.

Maybe he's PMing people as we speak. Maybe he can also convince Stumpokapow to give CorvoSol that "Oranges are Tomatoes" tag with a link back to his impressions just yet! Haha.

I'm certain there are people more deserving of a tag than I in this thread.

For instance Chet Rippo.


The Light of El Cantare
If it's what people want, maybe it's time to negotiate with an admin for AnimeGAF self-determination anyway.

We get one tag per month, approved by a two-thirds majority of the top fifty posters in the previous anime thread. We then perform a sacrifice to sate the primal bloodlust of the admins, choosing one of our own for a one-week ban*. Everybody wins.

read: kayos probably gets banned for one week every month


That "semi-autonomous republic" thing I was talking about the other day was a joke! I wouldn't wish a tag on anyone because 90% of the time, it's something that they don't want.

Haha, I knew you were only joking around or trying to have fun.

Also, I see the quote highlighting thing is now finally operational! The green colour will take some getting used to.

I'm certain there are people more deserving of a tag than I in this thread.

I'm not even sure how it all works. Who knows, one day I could come back to the forum and find out I really have been labelled as "AnimeGaf's yandere".


Haha, I knew you were only joking around or trying to have fun.

Also, I see the quote highlighting thing is now finally operational! The green colour will take some getting used to.

I'm not even sure how it all works. Who knows, one day I could come back to the forum and find out I really have been labelled as "AnimeGaf's yandere".

Pretty sure choosing who gets a tag is by going into the darkest corner of EviLore's basement, casting sheep guts against a picture of BlameSpace on the wall, and then letting them spell out the user's name for you.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
We lost most of the anime-gaf tagging when Hito renounced his Admin power to live the simple life of a mere member.


Apparently the next episode is a hot springs episode. Oh gee, I can only imagine how that's going to work out.

I think I can safely say that no...no, you can't imagine how that will work out.

Futari wa Precure Splash Star 27

Summer festival episode! In which Mizu Shitarare continues to be a complete joke of a villain. It just occurred to me that her name contains the word "shit", which seems oddly appropriate.

Her plan this time? Since the Cures aren't talking, let's capture Moop and Foop, and get them to spill the beans on the location of the Fountain of Sun! Which sounds like an okay plan except the part where I don't think those two even know where that Fountain is. And she attempts to accomplish this goal by...playing lots of festival games in the hope of winning Moop and Foop as a prize. No, really, that's what she does. She's quite good at the games, but seriously what kind of a plan is that.

ln the end, by pure fluke, she does end up capturing one of the little mascot creatures, and tries to use it as a hostage to get Saki and Mai to give her the information she wants. Getting strong flashbacks to Moerumba's incredibly successful mascot hostage gambles right about now. And this one is defeated in a similarly lulsworthy fashion: through a bit of cute ventriloquy, Saki actually manages to convince the idiot villain that the mascot she's captured is just a toy, and the conveniently-identical stuffed toy Saki's holding is the real Moop. Naturally, Mizu My-Brain-Is-Full-Of-Shitatare tosses the real mascot aside immediately, and is even confused when it promptly runs away and starts talking again. You know, like it had been doing just a few moments earlier.

And to think this is one of the minions Akudaikaan seemed most confident in. It's no wonder Dark Fall never succeed at anything. Frankly, I'm not sure how they ever managed to capture all those fountains in the first place.
Haha, I knew you were only joking around or trying to have fun.

Also, I see the quote highlighting thing is now finally operational! The green colour will take some getting used to.

I'm not even sure how it all works. Who knows, one day I could come back to the forum and find out I really have been labelled as "AnimeGaf's yandere".

I don't care for the green. Green doesn't even make sense for GAF.

So good.

I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.

Careful. This will be interpreted as a challenge by certain people here.

Hyouka 11

So the actual twist was that
the original story sucked and/or just wouldn't work and the cast was ad-libbing in stuff like the dude dying. So she removed herself from the project by feigning illness (explains why they didn't just go and ask her and why everybody seemed so nonchalant about what sounded like a very serious condition she was in. Chitanda actually beat Oreki to this conclusion) and tricked Oreki into ghost writing the ending for them.

So there are a couple of things we learn about Oreki here. First is that his indifference is beginning to wear down.
He showed visible anger and frustration at what happened (for which I don't blame him. I don't think he cared about not being credited or anything, just that he was manipulated into doing other people's work for them). I don't even think he hated doing the work either; he seemed interested in what was happening. He was beating himself up at his house for not being able to figure it out. He just didn't like being used.

Second is that his deduction skills are at their best when working with the others and not by himself. It took everybody elses input for him to see what was really going on.
And I think Irisu figured this out, which is why she isolated him; she knew the others would reject his conclusion because they were thinking about the girl, when she just wanted a good ending to the story. She's sly, that one. I wonder if she'll continue to be an important character going forward.

This episode was just so good. I love the way that it was framed, and how
Oreki slowly peels back the layers of everything going on, as everyone raises their own objections. I think Episodes 10 and 11 do a great job of building up Oreki's opinion of himself, and then bringing everything crashing down when he realizes that he got everything wrong and that he was just being used. It's a masterful turn by the show, and there's some fantastic moments for all of the characters. The final conversation between Oreki and Irisu was especially great in that regard.


Madoka Magica 7

Holy crap. This episode, guys, this episode. Just amazing on so many levels.The animation, the story, the tone. Just completely blown away.

First, let's talk about the animation. This is one of the most beautiful, well animated single episodes I've seen of almost anything in quite some time. Just stunning. There are a few particular moments that just stick out. You have Sayaka and Fang Girl's conversation in the broken down church. The lighting, the design of the stain glass windows, the partially shadowed characters. All of it was just supreme to watch. You then have
fang girl's flashback
all animated in a popsicle puppet style. I've never really seen anything quite like it. FInally, and best of all, you have the witch fight at the end all done in silhouette. So moody and cool. Tons of great fight animations. Just wow.

From the story, the episode of people stone cold telling people what they don't want to hear. From the beginning, there's Catbbit explaining to Syaka what being a magical girl means in no uncertain terms. You've got the great conversation between Homura and Madoka about
Sayaka being a lot cause
. You've got the extremely dark
flashback of fang girl's past
. I can't say it changed my opinion of her much. I mean
It's interesting to see her wish backfire as extremely as it did, and it does justify her attitude quite a bit
. I understand her now, but I still hate her as a character and just find her annoying. Syaka straight up telling her off afterward in an "I understand why you are this way, but I don't feel sympathy for you now" way was just great.

This really was Sayaka's episode and it's dark as hell tone is obviously meant to draw comparisons between her and fang girl. In the episodes perhaps darkest moment we see
Sayka's wish already destroying her life as her friend tells her she's going to steal her man if she doesn't make a move.
. So ice cold. The end of the episode with
Sayaka going full on berserker
I found to be really surprising. It makes narrative sense, but damn. Man, just fantastic stuff all around.
I see you are trying to justify your cravings for tagging.
Don't worry, even drug users thinks they have a justified reason in taking it

Everyone dreams of being tagged whether they admit it or they don't. For many, it's the highest possible level any normal user can obtain. Few are capable of becoming Super Saiyans.

That and I'm passed my prime for tagging. So I am doomed there.


Everyone dreams of being tagged whether they admit it or they don't. For many, it's the highest possible level any normal user can obtain. Few are capable of becoming Super Saiyans.

That and I'm passed my prime for tagging. So I am doomed there.

I really don't, just for the fact that my tag will be awful and embarrassing. I am not very active in this board as many of you lot, nor do I possess any apparent skill/talent that could bring me some positive tag.

As I said, Member is good enough for me.
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