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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Kurenai 5

There was another well-animated action scene this episode, but for all of those and the dramatic scenes that happen I think my favorite scenes are the ones where the characters are just bantering with each other. When a cast has as strong a chemistry as this one has, just watching them joke around with each other is enough.
I really don't, just for the fact that my tag will be awful and embarrassing. I am not very active in this board as many of you lot, nor do I possess any apparent skill/talent that could bring me some positive tag.

As I said, Member is good enough for me.

It's generally awful and embarrassing if you cause something like that to happen though. but that second part I can understand though.

I'm merely active. I don't have an apparent skill/talent either. Merely liking Precure more than I should.


Tragic victim of fan death
Everyone dreams of being tagged whether they admit it or they don't. For many, it's the highest possible level any normal user can obtain. Few are capable of becoming Super Saiyans.

That and I'm passed my prime for tagging. So I am doomed there.

I got mine within a few days of joining AnimeGAF. It was funny and I thank duckroll and hito for that. =D


Bubblegum Crisis 05-08 -END-

What is really great about this OVA series is how they managed to combine having a sort of episodic structure to them while keeping them linked together with their events. for example Episode 07
has the girl who dies early on the show as its trigger which at the time seems not as significant. Chechov's corpse if you will.

Another area it excels on is how it manages to characterise its cast without compromising on its narrative or dragging, the cast itself is pretty likeable too.
Some fantastic production values overal as would be expected for a good 80s OVA series the whole thing is basically sakuga.

A complain one could leverage on it though is it was imbalanced with regards to the extent of character focus. Priss pretty much assumes the role of the protagonist and gets a large portion of the focus for example. While the others still get some attention but not nearly as much.

Overall the last episode didn't quite fit in with the others at all. It was different in tone, scope, execution and pretty much everything else. While it was still well made, one can't help but be disappointed by it. With that being said though, this episode did give us plenty of fanservice and moe. And this pretty fantastic cut. Though those don't fully redeem it. Mostly because they didn't quite wrap up everything and the characterisation in it especially for Nene felt quite odd.

Knight Sabers rankings:
Nene>Bandana Girl>Priss>Other Girl


Kurenai 5

There was another well-animated action scene this episode, but for all of those and the dramatic scenes that happen I think my favorite scenes are the ones where the characters are just bantering with each other. When a cast has as strong a chemistry as this one has, just watching them joke around with each other is enough.

Holy shit. Kurenai is one of those Anime where I wished I could have an amnesia and enjoy it again fresh. Such a fantastically well acted Anime with great little intricacies and character interaction.

You will enjoy the hell out of it. I am sure!

It's generally awful and embarrassing if you cause something like that to happen though. but that second part I can understand though.

I'm merely active. I don't have an apparent skill/talent either. Merely liking Precure more than I should.
Precisely. I am generally friendly, sensible guy, so its more likely I won't get any bad tags.... hopefully!
Ojamajo Doremi - 06

I'm having some problems with my DNA today, feels bad. Aiko showing Majo Rika who rules.

Ojamajo Doremi - 07

Doremi is a good sister, and has a good osaka-ben impersonation.
Aiko and Hazuki pass the test and get their fairies, Mimi and Rere, and Doremi is the first to fail the witch exam in a long while.

Ojamajo Doremi - 08

Doremi is the luckiest pretty girl in the whole world,
after all she gets a second chance to do the test, this time she passes and receive the fairy Dodo, now we have the fairies DodoRereMimi
, I got this like I got [Diebuster spoilers]

Ojamajo Doremi - 09

Dodo is the fairy version of Doremi.


The Season is pretty much over... Wasn't the worst, but still wasn't the best. Definitely not looking forward to summer.

What is going on in the summer?

This season we had some fantastic Animes such as Chihayafuru 2, Hatarakou Maou Sama and HunterxHunter

and few disappointing bad such as OreImo 2, Red Data Girl and to certain degree Shingeki no Kyojin.


Kurenai 5

There was another well-animated action scene this episode, but for all of those and the dramatic scenes that happen I think my favorite scenes are the ones where the characters are just bantering with each other. When a cast has as strong a chemistry as this one has, just watching them joke around with each other is enough.

Can't wait to read your thoughts on episode 6.


My forum superpower is being an unremarkable poster, both in a positive and a negative sense. Having a 'rep' is overrated, and can sometimes backfire. I've seen it happen in clan forums.


Maturity, bitches.
Why don't more people watch the Happy Science films? It feels like I was one of the last to have it given as a recommendation and that was yonks ago.
You are forgetting another party there.

You mean Chu-Chu? I knew the little guy was a sick fucker.

Well I suppose Himemiya did it because she was ridden with guilt? She's spent most of this arc torn about what to do, and -almost- confessing to Utena. Culminating in basically telling Utena she's been fucking her over (via poisoned cookie metaphor!) and then attempting suicide. Unless of course -that- was all manipulation to get Utena to feel sorrier for her so that she'd go through the Rose Gate. As was pointed out by Touga and Saionji, she had no reason to go through initially.


The Light of El Cantare
Why don't more people watch the Happy Science films? It feels like I was one of the last to have it given as a recommendation and that was yonks ago.

It's certainly not for lack of trying! At least I have claim to Summer OT2 which will coincide with the release of The Mystical Laws, and I'm going to use that thread to try and push the last year's worth of new members through the Happy Science gauntlet.

Sounds like a challenge. Sounds good to me.

From somewhere in the Eighth Dimension, Edison smiles.


Mad Pierrot, I read your post and value your feedback. I don't really disagree with anything you said and I have nothing to add. I'm glad my post before was able to give you some context and better understanding. I also like cooking.

Eden of the East 01: I picked up a prince

I was recommended this by Aeana after her and Mumei made fun of my list of can'ts and won'ts when it comes to taking anime recommendations. Since it is freely available for streaming and available dubbed and a short series, I am going to make a good faith effort to watch through it. I hope you won't mind if I share my impressions, noting that I definitely approach things from a different perspective than most here. This is the first TV anime episode I've watched in 3 or 4 years.

First and foremost I don't actually like per-episode recaps or criticism, but it's the style in here so I'll do that.

Dub vs Sub
First, I wanted to say why I'm choosing a dubbed version. I am a fluently bilingual person, English-French, and I live in a bilingual country. So I don't view myself as an ignorant "English is the only language on earth" kind of person. And I know French well enough to appreciate that every language has expressive strengths that other languages might lack. So I can appreciate that some Japanese works are probably best enjoyed in Japanese.

I am also aware that a lot of child-focused content that came to the US in the 90s was butchered (both for censorship purposes and just comprehension errors) in the dubbed versions. Finally, I understand that dubs often try to take the product out of its original cultural millieu and that for works set in the real world especially this is unfortunate.

However, I don't know enough about Japan that I'm going to catch that kind of stuff whether it's done through subtitles and editor's notes--which frankly seem to be more like a lesson and an info dump than an organic way of exposing people to something new--and I feel like, given that this is a professional dub, the quality and nuance in the acting is likely to be at least as good as what I'd pick up from hearing Japanese that I don't understand and reading subtitles.


Premise and Opening
The first episode starts with a mysterious voiceover and doesn't do much to establish the scene. The show is set in a sort of current day period. The opening credits have gibberish or decontextualized English over them ("noblesse oblige" "The King has come! With justice till the end" "To save us from the dark Who could ever doubt? We have faith", a rotating crest with "The Abuse of Greatness""). This makes me think it's about someone reluctantly taking a position of authority, assuming a heavy burden. The theme song is by Oasis.

The characters have a wide-eyed but generally well-proportioned style. Fashion seems to be normal. The backgrounds appear to be a mixed of hand drawn and computer graphics in a fairly realistic style. Visually this is appealing to me.

This however is not:

In some anime that I've seen characters have, uh, I don't know what to call it--when they have an emotional reaction, there's like unusual doodles. Like if they get angry, there's squiggly lines floating in the air. Or they blush in a very heavy way. Or their eyes get super screwed up. Floating teardrops. Etc. I'm sure you guys know it. It's incorporated here, sparingly, but I really don't like it as an animation flourish.

Although I like the designs and drawings, the animation is fairly cheap and seems to have relatively few frames. I think my expectations here are probably unfair coming from mostly having seen film anime which have a higher budget. I'd like to open up a random western pre-CG cartoon to see how the frame counts compare. Is there a name for styles that have fewer or more frames? How does this show compare to others?

Even the characters who are apparently white north Americans look Asian in terms of features. The sidewalks and buildings, by comparison, feel very American.

What Happens in the Episode
We open in Washington DC. A young girl is visiting, but is disappointed that everything is not as amazing as in the brochure. Across the street, we see a naked man. Both appear to be Asian. Cut to a man in a car saying that although "Subject 9"--an experiment? A test?--is confounding expectations, it ends now. The naked man is holding a cell phone and a gun. He snaps back out of it and is confused. So we have an amnesia situation. His phone says noblesse oblige--which is basically an expression meaning that nobility carries with it responsibility. The naked man waves at the girl but realizes he probably looks like a weirdo, nude and with a gun. The girl is very uncomfortable because she can see the guy's dong. She gives him some clothing. He runs away in a girl's coat.


The previously naked man looks through the phone he has but finds nothing. He calls his "concierge", but doesn't know who she is. She tips us off that there is memory erasing tech and that he doesn't have a new identity. He's given a location on a map.

The girl realizes her passport was in her coat pocket. Well, that's what you get for giving your clothes to naked strangers, lady. She runs down the road and finds him, after seeing another stranger give him some pants. Chase scene ensues as the man seeks the map location and the girl tries to pursue him. The map location is a very run down building. The man runs into someone in the building and says "My place is on the second floor right?" the stranger says "3B" and exits the building. Then the girl asks the stranger where his apartment is, and the stranger says "3B". Maybe that stretches credulity a bit.

The apartment is a dump but it has a map with some photos. It also has tools which look like bomb or weapon parts, and a massive cache of guns ammo and some passports. So it's pretty clear this guy is some sort of programmable memory-wiped secret agent. He thinks he's a terrorist. *pause* When I think Japan and terrorism, obviously I think the Aum Shinrikyo sarin gas attack. So that's the cultural context I have, that I would bring to the table at this point. I have no idea why someone with no memory would assume that guns and passports mean terrorist rather than spy. I know Japan doesn't have a formal military, I know the Japanese constitution pretty well, but why would the assumption be terrorist?


The girl arrives at the apartment and asks for her passport back. The girl's name is Saki Morimi, born 1989. The date of issue is 2010, so the show is probably set 2010-2011. The guy compares her real Japanese passport to one of his fakes. His name is Akira Takizawa on that passport. He puts the rest of his fake passports in the toaster???


Police arrive at the apartment, suspicious of the naked man and the girl who was at the White House. Akira tries to sneak past the police with Saki, pretending that they are a couple. When the officer confronts him with a picture of him nude, he jokingly drops his pants, showing that he has nothing to hide. This apparently works, and the officer lets them go. I did laugh at Saki going kind of catatonic when he dropped his pants. We see the toaster in the apartment burn the passports.

Akira asks Saki when she's going to Japan. She says today. He says "OK let's go back together". She says she needs her bag which she left near the White House--wait, she doesn't say "Err, no, you pervert, I'm not going with you???". They take a cab together to the police, although we don't know why. We cut to the airport, where we learn they filed a police report for the stolen bags and the Japanese embassy replaced their tickets. We learn this through a weird exposition dump, very cheap.

Finally Saki asks Akira why he was nude at the white house, and he jokingly says he's a terrorist but then says it's an exchange student prank. Saki says she graduated college and was touring NY and only came to DC to see the White House. She thinks it's the center of the world. I know that feeling. I like that Saki has a sort of naive but determined geopolitics that she's describing here. She expresses that Japan is paralyzed politically, unable to help itself. I hope the series proceeds in an explicitly political direction.

We learn Akira was "born" the day after Saki. It's been a strange day. Saki wonders "Could he be the prince I'm looking for?"



Closing credits
Japanese, subtitled in nonsense fate destiny what will be our future nonsense English. Cool sort of paper cutout stop-motion style showing the missile attacks. This was a really cool animation, I wish it didn't have credits over it. I like different styles of animation for sure.


My thoughts
So, I watch a lot of TV and especially a lot of pilots. By definition a pilot needs to tell us what the show is about and set up a degree of intrigue for future episodes. I think this did that. Maybe a little too much time was spent on Akira getting to his apartment and Saki chasing him, I'd have liked to see more time really constructing the world that these characters live in, but the last 3 minutes were great and I am really excited to see the show's arc.

Damn this is a great writeup. why arent you in here more often? Eden of the East is a pretty fascinating show to me, but it does end on a weaker note. Still a fun watch.

I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."

If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.

Max Heart is pretty awful and that says a lot coming from me lol.

Bookmarked this post because it will be usefull ...one day

countdown initiated.

OMG new avatar <3
This I am ok with :D

Don't watch the Eden of the East movies, especially the first one. Pretend they don't exist.

They arent that bad. I thought they added to the overall franchise but I guess I could see why people didnt like them.

That's actually from the show? I had always assumed it was a joke gif. lol

Yes it is. Its not a lengthy part but its noticeable for a few seconds. the gif has been edited though to make it look worse.


Is it me or does her arm look whack in this?

It really looks wrong. Im not sure but its a very uncomfortable shot.

This is the way I've leaned to live. I used to push myself into situations that I hated, made myself care about things that would make me mad, and for what? Probably a few less years on my life due to stress. But, not to sound selfish, I live for myself now. I do what I want to do, not what others want me to do.


HenNeko: 09

So, wow. This show is probably my favorite visually this season, and plot wise it ranks up there, too. It hasn't been a masterpiece by any means, but an Above Average show that deserves a watch.

This show is supremely adorable.
Its also pretty well written all things considered.

wait... eden to the east isn't the show about the woman who fights with a spear?

What was that?

And stump... crap now he's here, there is zero chance of me being unjred for 'good behavior' :(

Moribito you are talking about.

Henneko 11

This was too much for me. Also :cuilan

Attack on Pacing 12
This show feels like plodding through dry cement in terms of pacing. At least it was less ugly this week.

YEah its too adorable for words to describe really.

I miss your Pisu Hame! one.

Hahaha. I remember. and I agree!

luckily cute things are like the only things marketable these days... so there should always be something adorable each season. And butts.

Praise be to almighty Nippon!

High School DxD S2 will hopefully give us more hypnobutt, and Neptunia seemed to have some nice ones too. Nothing as adorable as Henneko though.

Hopefully so. Im all for this.

Date a Live 5 (hey that rhymes)

Okay. So Tohka feels jealous but feels she shouldn't because it's Shido's job and whatnot...yeah, stupid stuff.

His visit to Origami's apartment to fetch Yoshinon was...yeah. Showers, bathtowels and such.

At least there's an apartment complex for former Spirits now. Now they won't all have to live at Shido's place and have those awkward things happen. Though they're probably going to happen anyway.

Apparently the next episode is a hot springs episode. Oh gee, I can only imagine how that's going to work out.

Its so bad but so fun. Would watch again.

Madoka Magica 7

Holy crap. This episode, guys, this episode. Just amazing on so many levels.The animation, the story, the tone. Just completely blown away.

First, let's talk about the animation. This is one of the most beautiful, well animated single episodes I've seen of almost anything in quite some time. Just stunning. There are a few particular moments that just stick out. You have Sayaka and Fang Girl's conversation in the broken down church. The lighting, the design of the stain glass windows, the partially shadowed characters. All of it was just supreme to watch. You then have
fang girl's flashback
all animated in a popsicle puppet style. I've never really seen anything quite like it. FInally, and best of all, you have the witch fight at the end all done in silhouette. So moody and cool. Tons of great fight animations. Just wow.

From the story, the episode of people stone cold telling people what they don't want to hear. From the beginning, there's Catbbit explaining to Syaka what being a magical girl means in no uncertain terms. You've got the great conversation between Homura and Madoka about
Sayaka being a lot cause
. You've got the extremely dark
flashback of fang girl's past
. I can't say it changed my opinion of her much. I mean
It's interesting to see her wish backfire as extremely as it did, and it does justify her attitude quite a bit
. I understand her now, but I still hate her as a character and just find her annoying. Syaka straight up telling her off afterward in an "I understand why you are this way, but I don't feel sympathy for you now" way was just great.

This really was Sayaka's episode and it's dark as hell tone is obviously meant to draw comparisons between her and fang girl. In the episodes perhaps darkest moment we see
Sayka's wish already destroying her life as her friend tells her she's going to steal her man if she doesn't make a move.
. So ice cold. The end of the episode with
Sayaka going full on berserker
I found to be really surprising. It makes narrative sense, but damn. Man, just fantastic stuff all around.

definitely gets even better! Some surprises to come!

R_thanatos, just wanted to say love the avatar. :3

Seconded!! But youre not biased or anything ;)

Bubblegum Crisis 05-08 -END-

What is really great about this OVA series is how they managed to combine having a sort of episodic structure to them while keeping them linked together with their events. for example Episode 07
has the girl who dies early on the show as its trigger which at the time seems not as significant. Chechov's corpse if you will.

Another area it excels on is how it manages to characterise its cast without compromising on its narrative or dragging, the cast itself is pretty likeable too.
Some fantastic production values overal as would be expected for a good 80s OVA series the whole thing is basically sakuga.

A complain one could leverage on it though is it was imbalanced with regards to the extent of character focus. Priss pretty much assumes the role of the protagonist and gets a large portion of the focus for example. While the others still get some attention but not nearly as much.

Overall the last episode didn't quite fit in with the others at all. It was different in tone, scope, execution and pretty much everything else. While it was still well made, one can't help but be disappointed by it. With that being said though, this episode did give us plenty of fanservice and moe. And this pretty fantastic cut. Though those don't fully redeem it. Mostly because they didn't quite wrap up everything and the characterisation in it especially for Nene felt quite odd.

Knight Sabers rankings:
Nene>Bandana Girl>Priss>Other Girl

Priss is too low.

You can have that. Mine was the fastest earned. It also had a funny backstory to it.

I got mine pretty quickly for admitting to liking the dub of Utena. Obviously it was changed again later and is more reflective of my interests.
If I ever get a tag it will either be from the PoetryGAF threads or from here. So that said its probably not happening.

Not sure how tags work but I do know that it makes me curious how somebody got one if it sounds weird or funny. Wish some contained a link to the specific post that got them that tag like some of them do, because when they do contain a link it's usually funny to check it out.
Everyone dreams of being tagged whether they admit it or they don't. For many, it's the highest possible level any normal user can obtain. Few are capable of becoming Super Saiyans.

That and I'm passed my prime for tagging. So I am doomed there.

I never wanted a tag. The vast majority of tags are insulting, which is presumably intentional to discourage people from fishing for them.

GAF is the only forum I know of where you can't set your own tag.


Setec Astronomer
I never wanted a tag. The vast majority of tags are insulting, which is presumably intentional to discourage people from fishing for them.

GAF is the only forum I know of where you can't set your own tag.
I would have changed it to something better but it escaped my attention when it mattered most.
I never wanted a tag. The vast majority of tags are insulting, which is presumably intentional to discourage people from fishing for them.

GAF is the only forum I know of where you can't set your own tag.

Well there are topics that get accused for tag fishing, so that's already in place to prevent tag-fishing.
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