It's been my complaint from the beginning. You gotta learn to take the dial off 11 sometimes.Attack on Titan - 11
I'm really tired of all the shouting in this series. It's by far the most annoying element of the show.
It's been my complaint from the beginning. You gotta learn to take the dial off 11 sometimes.Attack on Titan - 11
I'm really tired of all the shouting in this series. It's by far the most annoying element of the show.
Those broken font subs.
Did you ever read that P4 Naoto book? lol
Eden of the East 01: I picked up a prince
I just Googled this: "This is a list of episodes for the Toei Animation anime television series, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, a direct sequel to Futari wa Pretty Cure. in 2006, it was replaced by Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star."
If me watching that happens, you get my admin job and the contents of my bank account.
No! It got swept into my backlog once I started reading Zaregoto and now FMP.
Might jump in once I finish FMP though.
No! It got swept into my backlog once I started reading Zaregoto and now FMP.
Might jump in once I finish FMP though.
Since when is Dresden a mod? What else have I missed?
One and the same.just google Happy Science and it comes up as a cult, that can't be the same one right?
EnlightenmentSince when is Dresden a mod? What else have I missed?
Since the GAF upgrade!
One and the same.
Since when is Dresden a mod? What else have I missed?
Since the GAF upgrade!
All these changes man. They both scare and confuse me.
You keep saying
If House AnimeGAF had words, these would be them.
oreimo s2 12
All these changes man. They both scare and confuse me.
Yyyyup, still too fast in here.
All these changes man. They both scare and confuse me.
Yyyyup, still too fast in here.
I never thought I would see someone complaining about pacing in Madoka of all things, but there you have it. I guess everybody is entitled to their opinion.
The best.The cover is totally a DAICON III/IV reference, right?
Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
For Syrinx, every season is backlog season.Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
This spring was backlog season for me and I still posted far too much.Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
For Syrinx, every season is backlog season.
But I'm going up north to visit family in a few days, so it'll be hard to post here often.
Golden Boy - 6: The One about Creating Anime (END)
Amazing episode. You can tell some of the real-life frustration of the studio went into this episode. I'm sure reality was very inspiring towards the subject matter here. Gotta love the obvious author-aggrandizement.
Chie was hnnnnnnnngh. I love it when girls ponytail their hair when they get serious.
I'm sad this series is over though. I want more adventures with Kentarou. Such a likable character. Almost makes we wanna become a "freeder". Certainly gives you the drive to put yourself 100% into your job.
The comedy in this series was top notch. The dub was excellently performed. The girls went from adorably cute (the noodle shop girl) to sizzlingly hot (the biker chich, seriously).
I'm giving this OVA series the coveted rating of 10/10, for succeeding in all fronts at what it tried to be. It is only the third franchise I rate with a 10, after Azumanga Daioh and Cromartie High School, who gained it for a very similar reason.
Life is study, indeed.
Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
I'm being left behind ._. I never got to meet em.
While I'm waiting for yours, the following is of terrible quality but may be a stopgap.I think I'll design a crest.
Madoka Magica 9
While I'm waiting for yours, the following is of terrible quality but may be a stopgap.
Hey peeps how sfw is Garden of Words? Will the feet fetishism give me a bad rep?
Backlog season is nearly upon us. I can't see us making 20k posts over the summer.
Since when is Dresden a mod? What else have I missed?
You never get to meet Syrinx's family?
kenya boySoo uh, anything else to shove down my throat movie wise?
Soo uh, anything else to shove down my throat movie wise?
Black Lion dubbed.
Maybe he was always a mod.
An undercover mod.
The more things change, the more the waifus stay the same.
I was wondering where you ran off to!
Everyone now agrees that Munto is the best KyoAni series.
rip risette
Date A Live 12 end
Was that an orchestrated remix of the OP I heard? Fuckin sweet! Say what you want about everything else, but this show had some damn good music, including that track that sounded suspiciously like Dr. Mario.
Pretty good finale, at least in presentation. Action was solid even if it wasn't the most standard or satisfactory stopping point.
The show as a whole was definitely something. I stand by my statement that it's TWGOK + Infinite Stratos. It definitely had a lot of dumb stuff, but it was at least entertaining. The second Kurumi was introduced, it became more than a simple time waster.
Will definitely watch season 2.
kenya boy
Black Lion dubbed.
I was going to suggest this. Instead I'll say Legend of Sirius.
I will watch Season 2 only for the last arc in S2.