You can just do Aku no Hana if you'd like!Well shit... That's a lot of anime for me to catch up on.
You can just do Aku no Hana if you'd like!Well shit... That's a lot of anime for me to catch up on.
It is 100% open racism. The guy would just write it off as being "ironic" though, which is apparently the kind of humor that flies now.
Maybe someone should actually bring it up in there.
The dumbest part is how Ico, the universally praised game from japan about protecting a girl, will inevitably get a lttp thread with all the praise and none of the snark.
Whoa, that's actually really awesome. All gamers deserve the opportunity to play international games without having to master a second language.
Whoa, that's actually really awesome. All gamers deserve the opportunity to play international games without having to master a second language.
Stop sexualising Ellen Page.
I've been keeping up with that too just because Kuuko is so cute. And is it just me or is Nyarko extra annoying this season?The only airing anime I've consistently been watching this season was Haiyore! Nyarko-san W (and that's a sequel series). Still, it's super fun and filled to the brim with anime and toku references, so it made me giddy. Kind of sad to see it end. T_T
You can just do Aku no Hana if you'd like!
Frankly it's part of the reason why I'm not quite as bothered about region locking as some people are. I can't fucking read it, no point in me caring about region locking. Rather get it here in a language that I understand without the need of taking courses.
You can just do Aku no Hana if you'd like!
Region locking hurts English-speaking people in Europe and Australia who want to import English-language games from America that aren't available in their own territories.
e: and occasionally fucks Americans too! see: why everyone hates Nintendo of America
LOL this still going on and actually more longer than what happened in that thread, I actually more offended with this, Will get back when this thread actually talk about anime.
LOL this still going on and actually more longer than what happened in that thread, I actually more offended with this, Will get back when this thread actually talk about anime.
When this thread hits 20k posts and is locked of course.
The talk had died, good job getting it started again.
When this thread hits 20k posts and is locked of course.
Best girl.
Well there's that. Although I think the only title in mind that I would care to play is The Last Window.
When this thread hits 20k posts and is locked of course.
I'm more offended by the way that such flagrant misuse of what 'ironic' means flies these days.
Please the correct term is Westaboo.
Might as well kill it off tonight then. Lets hope aboard yo!
Ooooh, kind of like Festival.
Anyway, right now, 3DS related, there are title's I'd like to play, but they're in japanese, so it won't do me any good. I'm rather pissed that none of the DQ games are coming out here.
As an aside, I never bought a US copy of Xenoblade because I imported a PAL copy when it was released in Europe. Fuck.
Kenya Boy
I don't even.
I'm seriously pissed about Rocket Slime 3. There's barely even any fucking text to localize, Squeenix! At least I still have my PS1 copy of Dragon Warrior VII.
The 3DS non-localization that bothers me the most at this point is probably Time Travelers or Beyond the Labyrinth; maybe EX-Troopers too but I hate Capcpom's guts so much that I never even bothered to learn much about.
And this is why publishers want region locks.
Kenya Boy
I don't even.
I'm seriously pissed about Rocket Slime 3. There's barely even any fucking text to localize, Squeenix! At least I still have my PS1 copy of Dragon Warrior VII.
The 3DS non-localization that bothers me the most at this point is probably Time Travelers or Beyond the Labyrinth; maybe EX-Troopers too but I hate Capcpom's guts so much that I never even bothered to learn much about.
Seriously why are we not getting DQ7 or RS3It makes me incredibly sad especially in a world of e-shop digital releases for things like Ace Attorney 5 which have far more text
Seriously why are we not getting DQ7 or RS3It makes me incredibly sad especially in a world of e-shop digital releases for things like Ace Attorney 5 which have far more text
Spring OT is (nearly) dead, long live Summer OT!
I don't think I'm going to make the Wall of Shame at the rate this thread is going ):
Spring OT is (nearly) dead, long live Summer OT!
I don't think I'm going to make the Wall of Shame at the rate this thread is going ):
Seriously why are we not getting DQ7 or RS3It makes me incredibly sad especially in a world of e-shop digital releases for things like Ace Attorney 5 which have far more text
Spring OT is (nearly) dead, long live Summer OT!
I don't think I'm going to make the Wall of Shame at the rate this thread is going ):
Saw it with friends. Laughed hard.Did you find it funny at least? The...troublesome depictions of race aside, I was able to laugh at much of it.
You'll be in the above 100 posts wall of shame at least.
Alright, time to talk about food and their sex appeal
what would you give oral to?
I just realized that the post counts in Mandoric's banner gif are going to be wrong now.
I could be way off base here, but it feels like those Eidos dollars make the profits from niche Japanese game localizations seem so small in comparison as to not even be worth the effort. Hell, we wouldn't be getting Bravely Default if Nintendo hadn't stepped in.
The only thing daring about Capcpom making a text-heavy game exclusive to the eshop is their belief that everyone who was interested in the game beforehand will still buy it.yeah, I'm severely bitter over this
Ugh, who's the jerk who decides the commercial placement on hulu? They've all been at terrible stopping points during this movie :/
Edits can be made.
Ugh, who's the jerk who decides the commercial placement on hulu? They've all been at terrible stopping points during this movie :/
That doesn't necessarily mean they will be!
It really depends on how they say it and in what context. I mean, the fact is that Japan does have a disproportionately large market for creepy goods- I can't personally think of another 1st-world country where porn depicting underaged fictional children is openly sold. That's certainly not a justification for racism or painting everyone in Japan, or everyone who watches anime, as a creep, but the unfortunate fact is that Japan's reputation as haven for creepy consumerism is not unearned.
This would be similar to if some Japanese otaku said that Americans are all bloodthirsty rednecks based off the games that are popular there.