People would get upset.Sadly, there are ways to generalize Americans over that as well, but lets not get into that.
The comment didn't particularly upset me, but the obsession with creating witty first post latey really is obnoxious. GAF is no better than Reddit in that regard.
People would get upset.
Advice Time:
Do I need to "watch" 999 before proceeding to Virtue's Last Reward or will I manage?
Opposites attract y'know, one of the best pairings to go by!
Advice Time:
Do I need to "watch" 999 before proceeding to Virtue's Last Reward or will I manage?
Well, I didn't expect that.
Fuji TV will once again be simulcasting their noitaminA press event online on July 5. So we can all be disappointed together.
"I'm a Junior Member, NeoGAF. A JUNIOR JUNIOR member"
Advice Time:
Do I need to "watch" 999 before proceeding to Virtue's Last Reward or will I manage?
Yep. if you can. 999 is enjoyable in its own right, so it's worth playing anyway. It certainly enhances VLR as well.
I'm on mobile now; what's the deal with blamey's tag?
Wait. 999 had a sequel? WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS?
... Yet another reason I need a 3DS.
I'm on mobile now; what's the deal with blamey's tag?
Well, the sequel is also on the Vita.
I wish I had gotten 999 during its first run, the new cover looks awful.
Wait. 999 had a sequel? WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS?
... Yet another reason I need a 3DS.
VLR has THAT kind of voice cast? God dammit.[/IG][/QUOTE]
Both the english and japanese voice cast are top notch, but Phi's voice in Japanese was so good I could never switch back.
The sound of her voice is the equivalent of having the insides of my ears stabbed with red hot pikes.
To say something nice, Kuroneko deserves more episodes.
Cardcaptor Sakura 20
Oh man, this Meilin girl is GREAT! She makes Li's life a living hell, which is good enough, but her interactions with Sakura have been hilarious. Those death glares she was giving her in gym class and Sakura going "Uvwwweeee!" (I think the general message was "Why?") were just too great. I can see this girl maybe getting annoying in the future, but for now, she made for a hilarious episode.
Good Smile is cheaping out by including a Nazuna head with the Hiro figma.
Both the english and japanese voice cast are top notch, but Phi's voice in Japanese was so good I could never switch back.
This is game-changing stuff right here.In gif form!
This reminds me. I still haven't "seen" all the endings in 999. I think I saw 5 out of the six possible endings... and this new game has 24 endings... hahahahahaha.
This reminds me. I still haven't "seen" all the endings in 999. I think I saw 5 out of the six possible endings... and this new game has 24 endings... hahahahahaha.
VLR has THAT kind of voice cast? God dammit.
Kyoani will be making Hyouka 2nd Season. No words on when it will be coming out though.
Kyoani will be making Hyouka 2nd Season. No words on when it will be coming out though.
Oh wow. That's cool I guess. Though I should finish the first season before I say that.Kyoani will be making Hyouka 2nd Season. No words on when it will be coming out though.
Whoa. Time to celebrate. I thought there wasn't enough material left for this?Kyoani will be making Hyouka 2nd Season. No words on when it will be coming out though.
Kyoani will be making Hyouka 2nd Season. No words on when it will be coming out though.