I found a a top 25 list of English OP/ED >here
- Samurai Champloo's Rap Opening
- Michiko to Hatchin's Brazilian(?) OP
- Samurai Champloo's Rap Opening
- Michiko to Hatchin's Brazilian(?) OP
seems out of character.Lewd(ish) picture from the official Yuyushiki Twitter is lewd.
Part 1U: I got a pocket English conversation guide and studied it before coming here.
2RASH: In that book, there was a chapter on “Relationship Trouble”, and the [coffee pick-up line] came from there.
U: That’s right. Asking a girl out for a coffee. There are few pick up lines that we practiced, too.
2RASH: He used it on an Asuka cosplayer at Fanime and she replied “Anta Baka?” She was a little embarrassed, I think.
(all laugh)
U: That was fun. Very good memory of Fanime.
That's cool! But I can't even keep up with the conversations here so I don't see myself joining the frantic IRC. Someone should post a 'Risette Says' section on particular topics as they are being talked about at this place. For example...She's still in the animegaf irc![]()
... at least to keep some kind of indirect contact with the people here!Risette said:
That's true. First thing I imagined for this 'sound FX' technique when announced was a choir doing the work... maybe there was not enough budget!It might actually work if it was a choir and not one dude feeding his baby with the airplane spoon.
Does this means Ben is coming back to writing articles and Lupin the Third: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine didn't actually kill him?Impressively, Colony Drop has finally produced a second fanzine issue.
Man, is that one of the reasons you don't post here anymore?Yyyyup, still too fast in here.
baked or what?
In case someone is crazy enough to have an Xbox Live Gold Japan account, some game called "Joyride Turbo" is their free game for that PS+ like thingy they're doing.
In case someone is crazy enough to have an Xbox Live Gold Japan account, some game called "Joyride Turbo" is their free game for that PS+ like thingy they're doing.
In case someone is crazy enough to have an Xbox Live Gold Japan account, some game called "Joyride Turbo" is their free game for that PS+ like thingy they're doing.
Pay2PlayFree2Play Gaming folks.
broiled cock? Eh?
Who wants to bet that it's just the Japanese version of Yaris?
Isn't Joyride Turbo like, some android/iOS game?
Also what's on PS+ JP anyway?
洋ゲー厨 / yougee chuuI wonder if any Japanolinguists here know if there's some kind of term for Japanese who disproportionately play Western games.
Isn't Joyride Turbo like, some android/iOS game?
Also what's on PS+ JP anyway?
Never mind I don't want to know
Never mind I don't want to know
洋ゲー厨 / yougee chuu
yougee = Western games
chuu = slang for "kid" that's used as a generic derogatory add-on the way "f*g" is on 4chan
Isn't Joyride Turbo like, some android/iOS game?
Also what's on PS+ JP anyway?
Never mind I don't want to know
Right, yeah, I mean, functionality-wise, the way it's used on the end of things.chuu is a loooooong way away from f*g but I get what you're trying to say.
what if instead of magic skirts they got magic speedos or cups under their pants instead?
The Count of Monte Cristo's OP and ED.
The ED to Le Chaviler D'Eon (I think)
I wish I had never asked.
Is this the one where the guy is fighting like zombies and is a member of a French order of secret knights and turns into his sister and stuff?
I saw one episode of this with my dad and thought it was the weirdest of things.
The Count of Monte Cristo's OP and ED.
The ED to Le Chaviler D'Eon (I think)
Yes I'm rewatching it right now cause i never got the chance to finish it and forgot where i was. There's more to it as it goes on though.
I wasn't hip to its jive, I guess.
So I realized at last that Gaming Side does have an odd dislike for anime for some reason, considering its gaming side by reading this thread: here.
But then again someone did bring up Sword Art Online.
But then again I cannot believe some of the things I've seen posted in that thread.
That's sung by Aya (probably my favorite female rock singer from Japan) and it's the only reason I bought the OST for the show (it was the only way to get it).
I'd love to know what happened to her and why she disappeared.
I wasn't hip to its jive, I guess.
So I realized at last that Gaming Side does have an odd dislike for anime for some reason, considering its gaming side by reading this thread: here.
But then again someone did bring up Sword Art Online.
But then again I cannot believe some of the things I've seen posted in that thread.
*1, 32,385 32,385 Girls und Panzer vol.6
*2, 15,378 15,378 Oreimo S2 vol.1
*3, 14,601 14,601 Love Live! vol.4
*4, 12,037 12,037 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! vol.7
*5, 10,166 10,166 The Garden of Words BD+CD Soundtrack Bundle
*6, *8,752 *8,752 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remaster Blu-ray Box 1
*7, *7,174 *7,174 Macross Plus Complete Blu-ray Box
*8, *5,430 *5,430 Berserk Ougon Jidai-Hen III: Kourin
*9, *4,891 *4,891 Psycho-Pass vol.7
10, *2,845 *2,845 Tamako Market vol.4
11, *2,615 *2,615 Majestic Prince vol.1
*3, 2,562 **2,562 Oreimo 2 vol.1
*6, 1,957 **1,957 Animation Film The Garden of Words
*7, 1,933 **1,933 Devil Survivor 2 The Animation vol.1
*8, 1,766 **1,766 Girls und Panzer vol.6
*9, 1,716 **1,716 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! vol.7
10, 1,557 **1,557 Kamisama Kiss vol.7
11, 1,377 **1,377 Karneval vol.2
12, 1,292 167,445 Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo.
13, 1,260 **8,258 Initial D Fifth Stage vol.6
14, 1,240 **1,240 Psycho-Pass vol.7
15, 1,120 **1,120 Berserk Ougon Jidai-Hen III: Kourin
19, *,614 ***,614 Hiiro no Kakera S2 vol.6
21, *,540 ***,540 Majestic Prince vol.1
23, *,516 ***,516 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East vol.4
28, *,434 ***,434 Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker Hen vol.1
29, *,433 ***,433 Tamako Market vol.4 (DVD)
They should make an ROTK anime. That would be awesome.
(No, this is not an invitation to turn Liu Bu into a girl)
But Aragorn and Legolas don't need another reason to attract yaoi fangirls.
Cao Cao the tsundere girl.=/ The Chinese ROTK.
If that was the case we should have made an 'AnimeGAF Sings' for it already... we can still beat /a/ on this as they couldn't complete a decent mix for their submissions of it!
Those are the chosen ones that overcame the endemic motion sickness that plagues their countrymen. I salute them!It's becoming increasingly untrue that no Western games sell in Japan anyway. There's a relatively substantial Call of Duty fanbase there.
The Legend Of Black Heaven opening 'Cautionary Warning' by John Sykes, Tetsuya Nishio approved:So uh, I find that I really really like OPs that are played by bands from foreign countries (specifically english speaking?)
I really really liked Oasis' Falling Down in Eden of the East, and The Light Before We Land by the Delgados in Gunslinger Girl. What are some other examples? (to add to my backlog lol)
=/ The Chinese ROTK.
They should make an ROTK anime. That would be awesome.
(No, this is not an invitation to turn Liu Bu into a girl)
Here I'm not sure if you meant Liu Bei or Lu Bu, but either way, they're both better as girls. Tee hee.
Both Ikki Tousen and Koihime Musou feature loli versions of Zhuge Liang. I'm not precisely sure why he's is always a loli, but I still find it entertaining.
Danganronpa Prologue - Chapter 1
Not the most creative of stories (reminds me of the little I've played of Corpse Party, though not really frightening) but it was certainly thrilling to actually feel like you're solving a mystery and getting an incredibly satisfying yet completely horrific reward for doing so. That being said, I have no clue how well if at all this will transition into a 13 episode TV series since the first case took me like an hour to go through. There'll certainly be pacing issues but I hope they can nail the tenseness of the trials.
Real talk, the best parts of 999 areJune's elevator conversation, finding the Zero Watch, the Axe Ending and of course the for reelz ending.
I don't know, I'm pretty partial to the Safe Ending myself.