I'm sitting here at work wondering if I've torpedoed my productivity by making a GAF account. I'm glad most video sites are blocked and Youtube is heavily throttled, I don't think anyone here would get anything done otherwise.
Nozoki Ana OVA (Sexy Extended Version)
Skimmed through this version and it's exactly the same except they added thestuff and not the amazingteacher:/NTR BONER.
Speaking of people's time at work... I'm at work now... watching ep. 5 of Attack on Titan...
If you like light-hearted slice of life, very yay. A couple of episodes don't quite work but overall the series is very :cajun. Yurie's blush faces are a miracle of the universe.Kamichu, yay or nay? Also what's it most similar to?
Futari wa Precure 1-11
Hi, PrecureGAF. I have succumbed to your promises of cute and happiness and OH GOD OVER 450 EPISODES AND COUNTING. You'll probably tell me that I should start with Heartcatch or Smile. To that I say: HAH! When I start a series, I start from the beginning, damn it. I don't CARE if there's no continuity. I don't CARE if Max Heart is the most terrible creation known to man. I don't CARE if the chances that I'll actually find enough time to get as far as Heartcatch or Smile in my lifetime are depressingly low. I'M STARTING AT THE BEGINNING AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
...Honestly, if I get through Futari wa to Max Heart and it successfully breaks my spirit, I might at that point consider skipping to some of the later series. But if I do, that will mean I have LOST. This is not what I desire. I'm going to do my damnedest to do this the way my heart tells me I should do it, and that means I start here, where it all began.
Lol .it's too late ! It's no use !For fuck's sake people...
Enough people have suffered. Don't add yourself to the body count.
Because I haven't posted it in ages...Heartocatchi Precure - Starting with the best according to y'all. 10 episodes~ here, too. Too fun, I can't help but simultaneously fall off the couch laughing and die a little inside every time one of the mascots shits out a heart seed or whatever. I mean really, wtf lol
The Freudcatch Formula:
1. Person feels constrained by their ego/superego
2. Bad guy shows up, extracts heart flower
3. Monster made from extracted heart, goes on rampage
4. Monster discovered, Precures transform
5. Small exchange of attacks
6. Monster then starts yelling out as the expression of the victim's id
7. Bad guy mocks the victim's problems
8. Precure (usually Blossom) rebuts mocking, shouts "I've had enough"
9. Finishing attack
10. Heart returned to victim's body
11. Mascot shits out a coin
12. Shot of coin going into container
Time to return to Date a Live.
Because I haven't posted it in ages...
The Freudcatch Formula
Episode 9 looks like it's going to be Super Interesting.
The rigidity bothered me for the majority of the show. Like, any variation of that formula or antics inserted between steps are rare. I would say it's worth sticking with, though, because there are non-formula episodes and those are pretty cool.Sounds about right so far. I'm ok with that, though. Kumojacky is a boss.
What kind of crazy grocery do you work at? I'm both intrigued and wary of a grocery that is so...chill.
I know all about how full time work can destroy free time and motivation to watch anime. It zaps your energy for one.
. The reason why I believe the store allows it is the costumer-first policy, and the location being in Florida. Old people simply don't give a damn at that point. I saw one man only buttoning the first two-lower button on his button up shirts. I seldom see people dress like that, but holy hell when it does occur.
I'm hoping once I can finally stabilize my work situation that I'll be able to watch anime. But as of now, all I'm doing is working and kind of hanging with friends (and even that is rare). :-(
I wish I had money for things like this. But then, of course, my bedroom would be full of these kind of things.
I'm hoping to have Smile Precure finished by the second week of June at the latest. Then, I shall continue onwards in my Backwards Precure watch!
Because I haven't posted it in ages...
Gaint Robo is far more family friendly than Redline.
Is Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still safe for family watching? Or am I being too daring by showing it to my family?
Otherwise I might just go with Nobita's Dinosaur Movie (2006). Or Redline.
I don't follow.Have 14 point in repeated formula sound pretty good if you ask me.
Oh I know ALL about this believe me. One of my friends I can only hang out with maybe once every two weeks because our schedules dont line up at all. It really kind of sucks.
Especially working a bunch of extra days. Its like man, give me a damned break so I can enjoy my anime! Right now Im watching Date a Live and life is pretty good. Episode 4 has turned into a full on harem at MC's home sort of situation but those are fun sometimes, even if its an old and tired idea.
Having been watching Snafu... I'm feeling really insecure about my masculinity right now. I'm feeling really attached to Saika Chan. I... I think I'm still straight. I think.
Going into this, I just want to say that the way R2 ACTUALLY ended was Suzaku killing Lelouch at the Kurugi Shrine, then keeping his promise to shield Nunally from The Emperor. Since the Emperor's scheme pertains only to the fever dream of insanity that these last 5 episodes have been, I'm assuming that after doing this and exposing Geass and clearing Euphemia's name, Suzaku destroyed all things related to Geass to avert future hazards. He became the Knight of One and freed Japan and over a long period of years the UFN caused the Empire's power to dwindle. THE END.
Then, the next year after, Sunrise released a movie sequel and it's just an hour and a half of Nina being savagely beaten to death.
We now return to your regularly programmed lapse of sanity.
Nunally throwing that crane and making the rainbow in the OP never ceases to be corny to me. As a teenager, I would have loved the HELL out of this show and rooted for Lelouch to the BITTER end.
You know Suzaku, you're gonna have to run it by me again, what Prince Sneasel has done, because I can't think of a damn thing. Aside from implying for the sake of yaoi fangirls andTL that he and Canon were gay, I haven't learned a SINGLE thing about Sneasel this entire time. It's funny that while Odysseus was probably meant to be the milque toast character, Sneasel's the one who wound up that way. He's like an empty jack in the box. I keep cranking expecting something, and when the box opens . . . ta da, nothing.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have someto bask in. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of Lelouch pretending to be some comic book villain to hide the truth that isn't actually the truth. No better way to get people to believe you're a scumbag than to tell them you are one, I guess.Nunally tearing Lelouch a new one
Princess Cornelia is the Best Girl in the show. Possibly the best character. She also had one of the best mecha, because it had a frickin' cape.
If this speech passes for character development for Prince Sneasel, consider me underwhelmed.
Is Sayoko's Maid thing stuck to her head? If not, why is she still wearing it in a hospital bed?
HEY. HEY WRITERS. HEY. You know who DOESN'T understand why Lelouch is doing this? ME. THE AUDIENCE. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Why is Suzaku working with Lelouch now? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE SUCH AN ENORMOUS CHANGE AND THEN NOT EXPLAIN IT FOR OVER AN EPISODE? Please stop making cryptic allusions to the Zero Requiem! I didn't skip an episode, so you can't pretend like I did!
Gee, Lelouch, tell me again, why did all those people die? It couldn't be the numerous times you ordered people against their will to kill themselves en masse, could it? Or the multitude of people you murdered through subterfuge? Or the time youforced your sister to murder innocent people before you murdered her yourself, you slimy, craven scumbag piece of dirt.
Like, am I supposed to feel sorry for Lelouch? Am I meant to sympathize with him or his cause at all? How can I? I don't even know what that cause IS anymore, and every shitty, evil, petty thing he's done so far stands between me and giving him the benefit of the doubt. This barely even seems like the same PLOT anymore.
Hey you know what I like? Nina is working for the shitbag whoand also has betrayed Sneasel, but nobody goes "Oh she makes her way to the top by betraying everyone constantly" like they did with Suzaku, even though you know, it's the same thing. Fuck you, Canon. If Sneasel is a side character trying to be a main character you're an extra from another show entirely.murdered her beloved Euphemia
NO. WAIT. You can't just musically montage over the fact that!! GET BACK HERE WITH THAT.Valetta is pregnant with Ogie's baby.
"I'll make both of you into records on my harddrive." Bwahahahahahaha. That's . . . a line. In this show.
How does Prince Sneasel know Lelouch better than anybody else? Lelouch vanished when he was like, eight. And now suddenly Sneasel is an expert on him? The only one on your side who'd know would be Nunally, bro.
You know, it SOUNDS all exciting as they rearrange for all these different battle formations at once, but basically this would look really dumb to anybody watching it, and be annoying as hell to the soldiers participating. Lelouch's soldiers I can buy, because they're forced into Geass obedience, so they MUST do as he says. But Sneasel's would get fed up or someone (Tamaki) would crack and initiate combat.
Lelouch's plan is to send all his guys to die until his brother's nigh infinite supply of nuclear warheads runs out. Tell me again why anyone thinks Lelouch is smart at all? This is the stupidest plan of the ever.
Nevermind. Lelouch's plan requires he rely on Nina. He's fucked. Even if he succeeds, he'll have to listen to her whine about how successful she was, and well, then he'll wish he'd lost.
You are going to watch the last episode and laugh so hard you'll rupture something.
Having been watching Snafu... I'm feeling really insecure about my masculinity right now. I'm feeling really attached to Saika Chan. I... I think I'm still straight. I think.
Don't worry. We all go through this in SNAFU. Just emphasizes how poor the other girls are.
Have you watched Date a Live?
Not directed at me, I know, but I'm thinking about watching Date a Live myself. And maybe OreImo too, just to see if they actually have the guts to go with that ending.
Have you watched Date a Live?
Not yet, been painting a lot which cuts into anime times. It's on the list.
The kinsey scale goes from 0 to 6. So what if you're not a 0? Just accept it.Having been watching Snafu... I'm feeling really insecure about my masculinity right now. I'm feeling really attached to Saika Chan. I... I think I'm still straight. I think.
You're going to go nuts over yoshino. guaranteed.
It wouldn't be a proper community without its good dose of chit-chat, and knowing about people's vanal thoughts and preferences (for butts or otherwise) also gives necessary character to every further word by each poster, purely informative or not, so I welcome this relaxing ambient... although precisely this definition by Hitokage of 'mono no aware' can resume a problem derived from that:Exactly, which is why I think that it's would be a good thing if the thread slowed down in the next few days. Anyone casually checking into the thread at the moment who isn't used to the kind of content that gets discussed within might just assume that it's all fairly vapid, when in fact that there's plenty of interesting comments and discussions within, as well lots of of enjoyable arguments about favourite characters and so forth. It's just important not to skew too far in a direction where there's far too much 'noise'.
Mono no aware is the appreciation of the flow of time, as seasons, years, and generations pass. Kind of the opposite of nostalgia without looking into the future.
Wait for the more "savisu"! Shin Itagaki demands it...Teekyu
That was awfully tiring for something that took less time than a trip to the bathroom, it was also LEWD. AIM FOR S2.
SO nice! Thank you. I remember seeing his name while searching for Bill Benzon articles on (now defunct) The Valve blog (his dissertations always point out distinctions in the use of sound & music design that I find amazing to discover, I love his take on Walt Disney's Fantasia; http://www.thevalve.org/go/valve/article/episode_order_in_fantasia_revealing_the_human_mind/), but I didn't know he had his personal place to share these analysis. Excellent!
Eight seasons with a bunch of unquiet young writers definitely make for a lot of topics to be explored!The Simpsons continues to go with everything!
'Chinpocalypse_of_Evangelion.jpg'After Free, sharp chins will be a thing again.
That is why Mr. Miyazaki wants it all for himself:Real answer: water animation is hard work.
http://www.ghibliworld.com/suzuki_toshio_interview.htmlGhibliWorld.com - The Ultimate Ghibli Collection Site - SUZUKI TOSHIO INTERVIEW said:Suzuki: The waves are an important theme. He never makes others draw the waves. He draws them all by himself. He is devising to find a better way on how to express waves and sea. He is enjoying it. I don't know if it works well.
jewelpet kira deco - 01
This has to be the ugliest anime bus I've ever seen.
As with most of the other tacky, shiny things in the show though, it's handled wryly enough that I didn't mind. The proliferation of junk in the show is so gauche, but it's amusingly subversive about it.
note: opal-hime is my favorite jewelpetthing
So, I haven't actively watched anime in a good while, though I've dipped in and out over the past year and a half. Still, with me being free for the whole summer, I figured I'd get into it again. I've been hearing interesting things about Attack on Titan, and Devil Survivor 2 looks neat enough, at least, so I hope things go well.
I think it's more that I liked the way the relationship in 5cmI don't really remember 5cm/s, but I want to say it's a lot more subtle rather than less emotional. I can see why the climax wouldn't hit as hard, but I would say that's why it feels more realistic.
I honestly thought you knew what he was saying at the end because your review pretty much was on point on what will happen after the end of the movie. Basically the translations were:You mean the after-credits scene? What was he saying there, actually?
Not directed at me, I know, but I'm thinking about watching Date a Live myself. And maybe OreImo too, just to see if they actually have the guts to go with that ending.
Which ending exactly? Presumably it's going to follow the light novels, which aren't over yet (final one comes out in a week's time, can't wait!) but I don't recall anything happening in them so far that would warrant the kind of controversy you're implying.
Most of the "omg I can't believe OreImo went there" scenarios I've seen people talking about around here either come from the non-canon PSP games (which include routes where Kyousuke marries practically every girl in the series, including an EXTRA-non-canon scenario where), or else from taking illustrations from the LNs out of context (such as novel 9, which contrives to get Kirino and Kyousukeit's revealed that Kirino and Kyousuke aren't actually blood related, so they get together). I can't think of anything that's happened in canon that would prompt the same kind of controversy.dressed up like a bride and groom thanks to some antics involving one of her modelling photo shoots
Futari wa Precure 12
Our third major villain, Poisony (great name you've got there), hits the scene! And turns out to be significantly more competent than the previous two. Instead of facing the Cures head-on, she. Since the Cures are essentially powerless with even one of their mascots missing, you'd think this would be pretty decisive, but unfortunately Poisony isn't quite as clever when it comes to obtaining the second mascot.steals Mepple from Nagisa's pocket while distracting her with chocolate
First mistake: She. Since the two mascots can sense each other, this raises suspicions immediately, plus of course bringing the two mascots in such close proximity vastly increases the chances of the Cures transforming in the end. If Poisony had simply hidden Mepple somewhere, they would have been powerless against her.brings Mepple along with her when she tries to trick Honoka
Even so, she could probably have got away with it if she'd just followed the sameshe employed with Nagisa. Instead, she tries topickpocketing tacticbecause, you know, nothing could possibly go wrong with that.trick Honoka into handing over the mascot of her own accord
In the end, even this gambit almost proved successful, only being thwarted by an. But even now, Poisony had the clear advantage! The Cures were still powerless, and she had an army of zombies AND a hostage mascot on her side! She would still have got away with it if she didn't fail epically atawesome grandmother ex machina. Mepple simplyactually keeping the hostage captive(if I was CorvoSol I would start a conspiracy theory at this point about how she clearly let Mepple escape because she had longer legs and could easily have caught up with him) and once the Cures and mascots are reunited, Poisony really doesn't stand a chance.slips out of her grasp by transforming
That said, I have to give her some credit: she does at least know when to cut her losses, since by the time the Cures transform, she. This way, she can return to scheme another day, instead of, you know, tasting a PRECURE MARBLE SCREW to the face. Not bad, Poisony, not bad.has already left the scene
After some Shinkai discussion going around yesterday, it made me feel pretty curious. Which of his films would you guys recommend? I saw 5 Centimeters Per Second years ago and was left feeling very cold towards it. I can't deny that it looked pretty though! And that's always the one of his body of work that seems to get thrown around a lot when it comes to recommendations. I plan to watch The Garden of Words over the weekend as well. I mean 46 minutes can't hurt, right?
You are so close to the good part, though.Smile Precure 24
Looks like they finally brought out the 5 minutes of stock, though.
Also, I could buy the "they're letting the Precures win because nefarious plan" before, but now it's really dumb.