chickdigger. Asking all the tough questions.
i'm loading up for war.

chickdigger. Asking all the tough questions.
if korea goes to war... will anime pretty much be canceled?
i'm loading up for war.
Date A Live - 01
The whole premise is absolutely ridiculous, but here I am willing to watch another episode of it. Any reason why "clockface" girl is popular? Not familiar with this series at all so I wanted to know what she brings to the table before I possibly deem Tobiichi best girl.
Now I just wanna watch it again.
Shit I looked away and it was already over.
But the girls are so hnnnnnngtastimo.
Think Kotoura's time is up for now ; ___ ;
its from the movie!
Date A Live - 01
before I possibly deem Tobiichi best girl.
She pokes LCD screens with her finger though. Unforgivable!
I thought I was going to be the only one! ;_;
You guys already have nick names for those girls...
That's the last thing you should be worrying about if Korea goes to war.if korea goes to war... will anime pretty much be canceled?
That's the last thing you should be worrying about if Korea goes to war.
No videogames either?
Fuck yeah, this is as good as I remember. It's been a while since I last watched it, so I forgot some details to be honest.
It wouldn't be Aim For The Top! without delicious throwbacks to Aim For The Ace!, and obviously that means copious amounts of Dezaki. From Noriko's budding admiration/love for her onee-sama, the NTR shenanigans, to Coachi being Coachi, this is some real melodramatic stuff. And I love it! It obviously takes a lot of shortcuts considering the short running-time, but the archetypes and how Anno lovingly brings them to life here are really fun.
It even does technobabble right! Take that, Urobuchi!
You guys already have nick names for those girls...
I can't remember anyone's name but Peterhausen's in Demon King Daimao.
Green > Yellow > Blue > Purple > Red
I think videogames will be okay, since they're released in stores. TV anime will probably be totally fucked because all the late night stuff will be preempted for ongoing news reports instead about the regional situation.
Problem is that the 'training arc' was like 1min long lol. Biggest problems iwth the movies is that Nanoha isn't really developed into anything.
Still fun stuff.
Next up on the Studio Ghibli Blu-ray list: a July 17 solicitation for Porco Rosso has been spotted.
Nicknames are way easier to remember than actual names
I think the most characterization Nanoha really got was in StrikerS of all things; more ironically, via flashbacks.
And StrikerS probably isn't going to be adapted into a movie(we know movie 3 will be original material)... which is also probably a good thing, because I really can't see how a movie-condensed StrikerS would be any good beyond watching explosions.
(Maybe if they decided to overwrite canon like they did with the Zeta movies? I enjoyed a lot of StrikerS, but there's also a lot of it I would love to see rewritten, or erased...)
What they should do is abandon StrikerS, Vivid, and Force, (ESPECIALLY THAT LAST ONE!!), and instead write a new series which doesn't ruin Nanoha by making her get injured before it starts and is unable to use her awesome powers much anymore. Make something actually great instead, like both of the movies are! That would be fantastic. I doubt they'll do it... but they should.
As much as I love Porco Rosso, my first thought was "well, one more step towards Totoro and Mononoke blu-rays".Next up on the Studio Ghibli Blu-ray list for Japan: a July 17 solicitation for Porco Rosso has been spotted.
Movie 3 is original storyline, it could still happen!
What they should do is abandon StrikerS, Vivid, and Force, (ESPECIALLY THAT LAST ONE!!), and instead write a new series which doesn't ruin Nanoha by making her get injured before it starts and is unable to use her awesome powers much anymore. Make something actually great instead, like both of the movies are! That would be fantastic. I doubt they'll do it... but they should.
Alternate older Nanoha who isn't injured and weak (most of the time) would be fantastic. They should make that.
welpNo videogames either?
Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova 10
Ash is never allowed to win.
Hidamari 365 11
Almost done. Miyako is still amazing xD
So chill. Best show to watch before sleep.
Is that a crystal Lucario? What kind of hijinks are those?
Totoro has been out on BD everywhere but the US for a while, and it's coming here at the end of May. Everyone's still waiting on Princess Mononoke though.As much as I love Porco Rosso, my first thought was "well, one more step towards Totoro and Mononoke blu-rays".
The twins were my least favorite part of the show. So boring.Ben-to - 08
Ice witch is a sore loser.
The hentai is a true bro.
The twins join the fray.
Totoro has been out on BD everywhere but the US for a while, and it's coming here at the end of May. Everyone's still waiting on Princess Mononoke though.
Dammit, I forgot how the US gets treated like shit when it comes to timely Ghibli BDs thanks to Disney.