Did he ever finish ZnT?
Main story done , some side story novels planned but they couldn't be released / because they were unfinished.
Unless i've missed some releases ( didn't pay attention to them )
Did he ever finish ZnT?
Devil Survivor 2 01
The serious moments in this episode were so ridiculously hokey, from that annoying voice for the AI system to the. The show managed to make adeath scenesJapan look so damn ordinary and ho hum which was just bizarre. It looked pretty decent but everything about it generally felt nonsensical.post apocalyptic getting fucked up by demons
Never played either of the games but yeah if the anime is anything like those then I don't have a whole lot of interest.
Yeah, I've been liking Magi quite a bit. It isn't as great as Soul Eater by a long shot, but it is plenty of fun. I will also say that I enjoyed Sword Art Online. Sure, it peaked in the first few episodes and had a poor second half, but I am not sure why people seem to hate it so much.
I think Anime GAF tends to be a little insular in it's opinions.
Just reinforces my opinion that AnimeGAF is up its own butt.![]()
Speaking of Toonamigaf
Insular butts!
Check the red arrows if you don't see him
Precure antagonist chick drawn by everyone's favorite artist, Yuji Himukai.
He also drew Panty & Stocking back in the days, actually.
Not necessarily, it becomes a problem when you start getting mad and quit the thread/irc over it like in the past.It's forbidden to hate on the haters now?
andrex, a poster so worthless none of the gaf spinoff boards want himSpeaking of Toonamigaf
Insular butts!
What is this ?
Is that a helmet ? Who did this design ? Who the heck is responsible ?
Does he need a light or a head torch built in the cloth ? is this an april fool joke ?
AnimeGAF is a liiiiiitle insular. A little. Admit that much at least!Speaking of Toonamigaf
Insular butts!
AnimeGAF is a liiiiiitle insular. A little. Admit that much at least!
I'm so tempted to make this my avatar, but I already changed it.For 7th:
Precure antagonist chick drawn by everyone's favorite artist, Yuji Himukai.
Wow, Noboru Yamaguchi, Author of Zero no Tsukaima and Green Green has passed away in the hospital. I guess he couldn't beat his illness. =/
He was 41.
First minutes of sain seya omega 52 .....
Cool music ...
Nice of them to focus more on the gold saint and the old heroes..
Nice opening i guess BUT
What is this ?
Is that a helmet ? Who did this design ? Who the heck is responsible ?
Does he need a light or a head torch built in the cloth ? is this an april fool joke ?
Well, I'm still here talking with you, so I don't think that's quite an issue. Any other objections?Not necessarily, it becomes a problem when you start getting mad and quit the thread/irc over it like in the past.
Wow, Noboru Yamaguchi, Author of Zero no Tsukaima and Green Green has passed away in the hospital. I guess he couldn't beat his illness. =/
He was 41.
Wow, Noboru Yamaguchi, Author of Zero no Tsukaima and Green Green has passed away in the hospital. I guess he couldn't beat his illness. =/
He was 41.
When are you gonna make the Brocure thread so that I can finally talk about all the lewd Heartcatch doujinshi I've been reading?We're proudly insular, no outsiders allowed.
AnimeGAF is a liiiiiitle insular. A little. Admit that much at least!
We're proudly insular, no outsiders allowed.
We did fine for years. I place the blame on all the people whining about the MLP thread always being in the first page and them not wanting anything to do with ponies.We're probably one of the reasons they came up with the OT community forums in the first place.
AnimeGAF is a liiiiiitle insular. A little. Admit that much at least!
Oh for fucks sake at the opening song for Gundam ZZ.
I now understand some reactions from duckroll that i remember lightly .. but i hadn't looked at all the stuff they annonced.I guess you haven't followed any previews about Omega Season 2 at all?
The first thing that came to my mind is he looks like a kid version of the dudes from Sky Commanders. Not sure why that is.
Hi My name is saori , also called godess athena i could one shot most of the character in the universe but i'm always nerfed right before the start of an arc. I also make stupid decisions from time to time and rely a lot on luck .
I dropped this at episode twenty-something. I do not regret this decision.in short :
I figured you'd be more into:
I dropped this at episode twenty-something. I do not regret this decision.
Gundam ZZ-1
This was the worst first episode I've seen in my life. No hyperbole or exaggeration.
We have a poorly directed recap with smatterings of new info sprinkled somewhere and a Char's Mobile Suit quiz randomly thrown in that takes up like three minutes.
When are you gonna make the Brocure thread so that I can finally talk about all the lewd Heartcatch doujinshi I've been reading?
Gundam ZZ-1
This was the worst first episode I've seen in my life. No hyperbole or exaggeration.
We have a poorly directed recap with smatterings of new info sprinkled somewhere and a Char's Mobile Suit quiz randomly thrown in that takes up like three minutes.
I figured you'd be more into:
This is hilarious to me, as I finally watched all of Z last year. After finishing I jumped to ZZ, and only made it four episodes before I quit. The tone shift just made me so angry, the opening was awful and the animation/art quality took a nosedive into shit land.
Plus the first episode being a ridiculous recap just infuriated me. Good luck sir. GOOD LUCK.
It's not :sdburton material. You wouldn't like it!Thanks for sharing the wealth, bro.![]()
Gundam ZZ-1
This was the worst first episode I've seen in my life. No hyperbole or exaggeration.
We have a poorly directed recap with smatterings of new info sprinkled somewhere and a Char's Mobile Suit quiz randomly thrown in that takes up like three minutes.
ZZ are right into your alley bro.You mean to tell me there's still one more awful Gundam show for me to survive?
I . . . don't know that I could survive that.
New design of the cloth is good
Burning your cosmo is always the answer
Whoa. Whoa.
I'm fine with hating on ZZ (it deserves much of it), but did you just hate on Anime ja nai?
That I cannot abide.
It's not :sdburton material. You wouldn't like it!
It's not like there that much :sdburton Heartcatch material anyway.You're reading smut that's not :sdburton approved?! Shameful!