I may or may not have Rule 63'd myself in 3DCG several years back...just for fun, y'know. >>
I learned a new rule today.
It's a pretty awesome rule.
I may or may not have Rule 63'd myself in 3DCG several years back...just for fun, y'know. >>
Did DTL just declare a girl the best character in a show where also boys are present?
Nanoha As - 13 END
So that was Nanoha As. My final thoughts:
Pretty much that. What a wonderful, heartwarming show. It had a brilliant final act.
First off, at:Reinforce
I don't know how they did it, but they were able to give a BOOK character. The conflict that was going on throughout the entire show was very well done and had me on the edge of my seat. I really liked the fact that there was no real villain in the show. Almost every other anime I watched had some other asshole who was responsible for the shit the characters went through. Here however, the characters have very good reasonable motivations that actually makes them HUMAN. The whole scenario where these Guardians desperately try to save Hayate's life is very saddening and actually sort of puts our heroes in a negative light of some sorts, but that's because they didn't actually talk it out instead of fight.
The climax is wonderful seeing all these characters go for one massive rush against the program that was the source of it all.
I really don't know what else to say, I just loved it. Time to give this franchise a break though before I go on to StrikerS. Cause I have some other anime to watch.
First one is more or less an apology to those who were offended when I said I didn't like the show because of the 4kids DUB:
All right folks. I'll give the subbed version a shot and see how it goes. But alternatively:
When I saw the plot description for this, I thought to myself; "Wow this looks hilarious." It was apparently good enough to warrant a crossover with DBZ and One Piece, but I just want to hear AnimeGAF's consensus on it.
All in all, thanks to those who told me to keep going with Nanoha, cause I didn't leave disappointed. See ya next time.
Did DTL just declare a girl the best character in a show where also boys are present?
Did DTL just declare a girl the best character in a show where also boys are present?
So how many more episodes before he transforms into Super Perfect DTL?Absorbing 7th has changed him.
So how many more episodes before he transforms into Super Perfect DTL?
It would be even more awesome if cajunator and rurouni actually did rule 63 interpretations of the pairings in order to complement SDBurton's masterpiece.I learned a new rule today.
It's a pretty awesome rule.
15MBs of gis in that post? isnt that a but much...
It would be even more awesome if cajunator and rurouni actually did rule 63 interpretations of the pairings in order to complement SDBurton's masterpiece.
So I wasn't imagining how lewd the transformation sequence was for the first Nanoha movie.
Anyway, would it be recommended to watch Nanoha A's movie or watch Nanoha As and then its movie?
Flowers of Evil Episode 6 Flowers of Evil 6 of 13
Kind of unappealing episode all around.Kasuga just has nothing going for him and hes kind of bad for a character anyway, so I can never get attached, Saeki is apparently dying to sex (not what I signed up for). and is not innocent so thats not good either, and Nakamura is just way too into things, forward, and just ruining things. At this rate the best character in the cast is easily the girl who handed him the handout to give to Saeki...I dont know, I wasnt looking or wanting to view a romance such as this that would go all the way.
A's and then the movie. Both movies leave out a ton of Nanoha and Fate's character development.
That would be awesome, wouldn't it?
It'd be such a shame to let such a good idea go to waste, wouldn't it?
Wouldn't it?
Oh, the possibilities. Mad Pierrot-chan~
I really don't know what else to say, I just loved it. Time to give this franchise a break though before I go on to StrikerS. Cause I have some other anime to watch.
Well it didn't leave out how much they love each other at least.
It would be even more awesome if cajunator and rurouni actually did rule 63 interpretations of the pairings in order to complement SDBurton's masterpiece.
Oh, the possibilities. Mad Pierrot-chan~
Oh, the possibilities. Mad Pierrot-chan~
So selfish , so cute !
Doki doki precure - 15
Again , new lovees ??
How many toys do they wish to sell for this season , lol ?
With this , i can already see it . 1 bow , several arrows , each sold sperately !
And we're not at mid season yet.!!!
Anyway , this open a large problem if regina doesn't EVEN need a selfish thought to corrupt!!
The rules have changed and .. Regina rocks in a good way.
You better stay a long time regina !
That's sooo adorable!
Regina is best girl
I'm so hyped for next episode !
Regina is on the attack and this change of events is Sooo welcomed.
They need 5 stones , each girl so far found one , and mana won't be different so i guess the final stone will be found in regina ??
Strangely enough, I'm fearing when/if she becomes. They might do something unspeakable.Cure Ace
She really is the show's best aspect right now, though.
It's anime telling you to stop getting distracted!Random Sailor Moon reference just as I am marathoning the show is just creepy.
Gun x Sword 2
It really is like the spiritual successor to Big O. Van is the same cool customer, Dan's head kinda reminds me of Big O a bit, and he even has the put upon side-kick. It's so worth it. HIS GIANT ROBOT FALLS OUT OF A CRUCIFIX SATELLITE. Then there are the mustachios of power in this episode upon which nobody comments. They're just there to be awesome.
Absorbing 7th has changed him.
It would be even more awesome if cajunator and rurouni actually did rule 63 interpretations of the pairings in order to complement SDBurton's masterpiece.
Oh, the possibilities. Mad Pierrot-chan~
I wonder if the temperature of the snow would end up popping the balloon.
I wonder if the temperature of the snow would end up popping the balloon.
I wonder if the temperature of the snow would end up popping the balloon.
Seems like a pretty insightful kid to me. Now I'm curious too.
Obviously, the weight of the snow would have to equal the buoyancy of the helium. So as the balloon floats upward, it encounters more and more snow until it's weighed back down. But since the surface is round, once the balloon reaches the ground it will tip over and dump some of its snow, and if it dumps enough it'll fly back up again. Kind of like those bamboo things in Japanese gardens except it's a single red balloon on a cold overcast snowy day.
She actually mentioned they kept on disappearing every time so that's most likely the case.I didn't even consider that! Depending on how filled it was before this is very much a possibility.
I think you could deflate the balloon by getting it cold, not pop it.I didn't even consider that! Depending on how filled it was before this is very much a possibility.
I didn't even consider that! Depending on how filled it was before this is very much a possibility.
Cropping the image with just Mako left would lead to a pretty awesome 'Ican'tdealwiththis.jpg' wink wink nudge nudge
I think you could deflate the balloon by getting it cold, not pop it.
I think you could deflate the balloon by getting it cold, not pop it.
They have a good chance of doing things well if they take this occasion to properly make her change. Not a 180° ( she better keep a part of that personality ) or just do better ( assuming they have enough time to devellop her character ).
But it's without a doubt a tricky spot for them to manage ..but if they do well dokidoki will be in my TOP 3 for sure.
What's sadder, a popped balloon or a deflated one just sitting there and remembering it's former glory days until a bird mistakes it for food and eats it?