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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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The main themes are family, love and bonds but the main lesson of the show at the end that I don't think many have caught on to was...

It is better to have love and lost than to have not loved at all.

It's such a simple lesson but one that really drives home at the end.

Exactly, it's like those that think they can't deal with all the feels from this show. The ebbs and flows of life, it's like an RPG, we all must build exp points somehow, right?

Kanon ep.18:
Holy crap at all the feels from this one. Frickin' Shiori, did you have to do that? Seriously, what the heck. So many feels from happy to sad in this one.


Re-kan 06
Aww. I thought Inoue and Hibiki were gonna go on a Christmas date. Glad they didn't go the boyfriend route although Inoue losing her shit over that was cute to see. And that ending song is so fun/catchy... reminds me of the Saki and Koihime musou songs. It's not something I will loop on the regular though. It's just fun to listen to.

Nanoha ViVid 06
Enjoyed it a little more than the other episodes. The cast is a little too bloated. While I am glad that Nanoha is as badass as ever, I'm not too happy to see how Fate is being treated. Feito has had pathetic screen time so far (nowhere as bad as the Hayate family but...) and was made to seem kind of weak. Oh Feito. You're using Bardiche in its basic form and you say you're giving your all? That she has no scenes that show off her strength is my biggest complaint for this episode. Not to mention episode 4 showing that Fate can't keep up with Nanoha for training as a gag. Having seen a bit of the manga,
I know I won't be happy with how the fight ends and hope they change it somewhat

I know ViVid is the passing of the baton from Nanoha to Vivio but I still prefer our original leads and am admittedly somewhat bitter. Movie 3rd when?
Clannad After Story 16


I can't even deal right now. Why am I watching this, WHY.
Had no reaction nor did it affect any emotion changes in myself.
You must be made of steel /:

Clannad After Story 18
I don't usually cry with shows, I'm always able to hold it in. All it took in this episode:
"First thing from daddy".


CONCLUSION: Fucking feels ran waaaaaay too strong in this episode. Holyyyy.


You must be made of steel /:

Clannad After Story 18
I don't usually cry with shows, I'm always able to hold it in. All it took in this episode:
"First thing from daddy".


The single most touching moment in the show. I lost it there as well.
Sanae told me I can only cray in two places (the bathroom and on daddy's shoulder) Holy shit, it almost makes me cry just remembering that part. Plus, I have three daughters....

Keep going, you can do it, it's not always the destination that that matters but the journey you took to get there; you got this.

Had no reaction nor did it affect any emotion changes in myself.

You are obviously not human, or your just a bot posting.

Kanon ep.20
Fuck, Yuuichi is just damn, how does he wake up?
Ayu as well was a ghost/fox as well. I fucking knew it, dammit, who is left for him other than cuz, he needs to honor that and momma knew it
Damn.. she is sooo cute.


You must be made of steel /:

Clannad After Story 18
I don't usually cry with shows, I'm always able to hold it in. All it took in this episode:
"First thing from daddy".


CONCLUSION: Fucking feels ran waaaaaay too strong in this episode. Holyyyy.



Okay, fine. I'll be watching Clannad some time in the near future as well. Happy now, AnimeGAF?

Not really. I mean, you could watch something good instead...

It's almost as if the definition of 'good' was somehow malleable and, the spaghetti monster forbid, subjective. Like, I could, maybe, like something that someone else doesn't. Terrible idea, I know.
You must be made of steel /:

Clannad After Story 18
I don't usually cry with shows, I'm always able to hold it in. All it took in this episode:
"First thing from daddy".


CONCLUSION: Fucking feels ran waaaaaay too strong in this episode. Holyyyy.

You are obviously not human, or your just a bot posting.
hehe sorry. I do understand why its an touching and emotional situation. However, its mainly my own personally view of things that prevents me from being emotional. Still enjoyed Clannad in the end however :)
The single most touching moment in the show. I lost it there as well.
Sanae told me I can only cray in two places (the bathroom and on daddy's shoulder) Holy shit, it almost makes me cry just remembering that part. Plus, I have three daughters....
Keep going, you can do it, it's not always the destination that that matters but the journey you took to get there; you got this.

Just finished episode 19, and this one touched me on a more personal level, I'll share it with you here without going too in depth. It made me really sad. The episode was great but damn, I wasn't expecting to see what I saw. Made me see a lot of things about my own relationship that I had with my father, that I haven't seen for a long time. I've always felt like Tomoya, seeing this episode made me really sad and think of the days that I spent with him before he was gone. Fuck Anime. I think I need to step away for a few minutes.

Joe Molotov

Finished Aira the Natural, and watched about half of Origination.

so gud

Still....I'm a little disappointed that Origination seems more grounded (so far) than the other two series. Season 1 had the time travel episode and the Undelieverable Letter. Then they went all in during Season 2, with the Fox Wedding, the Cait Sith episodes, the alternate gender-swap dimension, etc. I enjoyed the bit of whimsy those episodes added.


Haha :) Not seen the show myself, but it doesn't look like my type of show, but a lot of people really like it so it must be doing something right!

It's a deeply emotional slice of life, romantic series about, friends, family, life and the love for them all. It crafts a story around these masterfully, but makes you take the take all the happiness and sorrow that life throws at you. Everyone might not agree with how it ends, but it has an ending that was extremely thoughtful.
It's a deeply emotional slice of life, romantic series about, friends, family, life and the love for them all. It crafts a story around these masterfully, but makes you take the take all the happiness and sorrow that life throws at you. Everyone might not agree with how it ends, but it has an ending that was extremely thoughtful.


Or some nice Corvo rant.

Don't wanna be a party pooper to all that Clannad hype currently, but it's getting a bit much. Also party pooping is allowed here ~~
Man, this thread has been absolutely swamped with Key stuff for the last couple of weeks. It's not like the current season is so bad that people need to resort to that.


It's a deeply emotional slice of life, romantic series about, friends, family, life and the love for them all. It crafts a story around these masterfully, but makes you take the take all the happiness and sorrow that life throws at you. Everyone might not agree with how it ends, but it has an ending that was extremely thoughtful.

Right, I love dem emotions, but Clannad seems way too entrenched in it, an easy pass for me. My younger brother loves it, and that's fine. I guess the art style has always put me off it, because in general I do like slice of life, and after I finish City Hunter I'm going to watch Romeo's Blue Skies, which I'd assume some people have seen here? Looks amazing, really excited to watch it.

Should have finished City hunter by now, but I've been having massive head aches and I'd rather watch it when I feel a bit better. Its getting hotter these days and I think the heat is getting to me. Hate spring/summer :(



Or some nice Corvo rant.

Don't wanna be a party pooper to all that Clannad hype currently, but it's getting a bit much. Also party pooping is allowed here ~~

It's ok, I like SAO as well, so I have a different opinion of things. Like I said, there is an argument for the ending wether or not was appropriate, however, it fit with everything very well.
I don't need everything realistic, I just need something that works and keeps up with the story


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Attractive? He looks like he's on a comedown from adderall/coke all that time and his hair looks like dyed kelp.

Also he's a worthless little bitch too!


He's attractive, he has a wonderful addicting laugh, and hes funny, and you just want to see him succeed. What is there not to like?

The only though I've ever had on Shinji has been that he needs to DIAF, preferably before having a second time on screen. And this was before I read up
on Sakuras backstory
after seeing the first FSN anime.


Maria†Holic - 01 & 02

Oh my. This is yuritastic, step aside Eruna. Kanako's inner thoughts is fun to witness, and the style is a treat.
May the nonbelievers be struck down by the pureness. Amen.
While Kanako is more yuritastic Eruna is still a better MC. Sidestepping not required.
I like the ending when the man and Kino have a wordless conversation and
the wife listens to the song.
I'm not sure what to make of the main point of the episode though. I guess one of the recurring patterns of the series is that "the world is imperfect, which lends it a kind of beauty" (twisting a little the original Japanese title which is more tautological), and I see this episode as
a strawman as to why imperfect communication is necessary/beautiful, presenting a specifically flawed improvement of communication -- who said telepathy had to be uncontrollable and impossible to turn off?
I think that dystopian settings are interesting when their origins are clever or relatable, and I thought that this episode's premises were neither clever nor relatable. Any viewpoint that can help me "get" it?
After rewatching the episode I can understand where you're coming from. I believe the country's predicament was a means to explain that they have advanced technologically far enough that humans are no longer required to maintain the city. It reminds me an episode of Ergo Proxy. The main theme of the episode was that a machine's only purpose is to serve mankind. Yet when mankind vanishes and the machines continue to do what they have been programmed for, what purpose do they really serve?

I agree that the presented communication flaw is a strawman but I also see it as an issue of trust with authority. It's clear that scientists hold plenty of power in a city where machines can maintain a city and people are no longer required. When these authorities come up with a brand new technology that will improve their lives the people blindly followed without researching the implications or side effects it would have. In the age of the internet where critical thinking is key and everything is questioned I believe this could be lost on us. It appears that the people of this country skipped straight from speech and letter writing to telepathic communication, skipping steps like the telephone and internet (at least that is my impression). In this way I believe this episode's themes are more than just exploring our flawed methods of communication but also how we're advancing so fast it could lead to our detriment.


Poet Centuriate
Is this a cry for help? I think it is guys.

but she is still a cutie.


Also NO but yes

Well... Since a few people have been watching Clannad here lately...

I've visited some locations seen in the anime in the last few days:

You...you son of a bitch. I need to go there some time.


Or some nice Corvo rant.

Don't wanna be a party pooper to all that Clannad hype currently, but it's getting a bit much. Also party pooping is allowed here ~~

I disagree with both of those assessments.
It's ok, I like SAO as well, so I have a different opinion of things. Like I said, there is an argument for the ending wether or not was appropriate, however, it fit with everything very well.
I don't need everything realistic, I just need something that works and keeps up with the story

It's fine to like what you like but understanding the problems and flaws of a work can help you reach a better understanding of why you like the things you like. It's a good idea to read why others dislike a work as it helps form your own opinions and counter-arguments that you can articulate in a more meaningful manner.


Kanon ep. 21:
What the mother of %^#$^ just what the hell man.... so wrong.... WTF. That image....

Is this the episode where
the mom gets hit by the car?
Yeah, that really came out of nowhere. I was pretty shocked back then, but I can't help but laugh now looking back. Was showing that even necessary?


Is this the episode where
the mom gets hit by the car?
Yeah, that really came out of nowhere. I was pretty shocked back then, but I can't help but laugh now looking back. Was showing that even necessary?

Exactly, I was like WTF, that image...


What's there not to like?
Well, all the rape stuff.
I'm not sure why you want to see him succeed so badly given that.

Is spoiler, needs tags. They skimmed the subject slightly in the UWB movie, but there has been nothing on
what he has been up to at home
in any of the animated works.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You must be made of steel /:

Clannad After Story 18
I don't usually cry with shows, I'm always able to hold it in. All it took in this episode:
"First thing from daddy".


CONCLUSION: Fucking feels ran waaaaaay too strong in this episode. Holyyyy.

Called it.


It's almost as if the definition of 'good' was somehow malleable and, the spaghetti monster forbid, subjective. Like, I could, maybe, like something that someone else doesn't. Terrible idea, I know.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here?

Are you arguing for some kind of broad, 'taste relativism' where nothing is truly good or bad because everyone has different opinions? Because that sounds a lot like horeshit.

There are clearly good and bad books, videogames, films and so on. We all have a limited number of hours in our lives that we can dedicate to consuming these things and so to ensure we don't waste our time with bad stuff we look to criticism. Whether it be a review in a magazine or some kid on YouTube, the principle is the same.

Therefore when someone says something like "Happy now, AnimeGAF?", it would seem fitting that, in the context of a forum based around discussion, I could voice by disagreement.

I never called people out for watching it because, clearly, people are free to do what they want with their time. Just as I am free to say that such a choice is a poor one.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
He's attractive, he has a wonderful addicting laugh, and hes funny, and you just want to see him succeed. What is there not to like?

I mean, other than the fact that (Fate, UBW and Heaven's Feel spoilers)
he's a psychotic rapist and murderer?
I don't know. I mean, its not even a spoiler that he's explicitly attempted to murder several people even in UBW so far.

This is some serious Draco in Leather Pants shit right here. Its actually super unhealthy.


Is spoiler, needs tags. They skimmed the subject slightly in the UWB movie, but there has been nothing on
what he has been up to at home
in any of the animated works.

Well, apart from
what he's doing at home
, his intentions towards Rin in the latest episode of UBW seem pretty clear.


Haha :) Not seen the show myself, but it doesn't look like my type of show, but a lot of people really like it so it must be doing something right!

That sounds very political of you!

With regards to the bolded, I'm sure you realise such an argument is fallacious. No matter how many people watch and enjoy Transformers 2 the movie doesn't get any less shitty.
That sounds very political of you!

With regards to the bolded, I'm sure you realise such an argument is fallacious. No matter how many people watch and enjoy Transformers 2 the movie doesn't get any less shitty.

I could almost call the comparison between Key and Transformers a compliment!
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