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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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For those of you who were upset about the lack of dub for Jojo's season 1, a RightStuf representative on Fandom Post has confirmed that Warner will be creating a dub for it. Makes it more strange that it lacks a BD.

Edit: Beaten by a minute!

I think JoJo would count as healing anime for Toonami fans given the current shit they're watching.

edit: oh and just tweeted

At this time, we haven't received a Blu-ray solicitation for JoJo's, so we can't confirm one way or the other if it'll get a BD release.

so maybe one is coming?



For those of you who were upset about the lack of dub for Jojo's season 1, a RightStuf representative on Fandom Post has confirmed that Warner will be creating a dub for it. Makes it more strange that it lacks a BD.

Edit: Beaten by a minute!

Who knows maybe we'll still get a blu ray release and its just not announced yet

I think JoJo would count as healing anime for Toonami fans given the current shit they're watching.

Kill La Kill is doing extremely well on Toonami and has received generally positive reception from that audience


People actually take notice of anime reviewers and bloggers in a serious light? Ha.

SOme do but there are pretty good anime bloggers out there.

JOKER - 19

Haha, what. A twist that was foreshadowed 15 episodes ago.

What show is this? I dont recognize it.

Well, I mean, you kind of have to if you ever want to know what anime to watch. How else are you supposed to find out that information?

Used to be I would read Newtype descriptions and friends opinions. Nowadays I just decide for myself.

I also enjoy reading https://camonte.wordpress.com/ for short pieces on individual artists.

I follow @br1anwuzhere for cinematography analysis.

I listen to http://www.awopodcast.com/ primarily for their discussion or older titles and broad knowledge.

Etc etc.

I would also recommend http://randomc.net/
RandomCuriosity is one of the most enjoyable anime blogs.

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here?

Are you arguing for some kind of broad, 'taste relativism' where nothing is truly good or bad because everyone has different opinions? Because that sounds a lot like horeshit.

There are clearly good and bad books, videogames, films and so on. We all have a limited number of hours in our lives that we can dedicate to consuming these things and so to ensure we don't waste our time with bad stuff we look to criticism. Whether it be a review in a magazine or some kid on YouTube, the principle is the same.

Therefore when someone says something like "Happy now, AnimeGAF?", it would seem fitting that, in the context of a forum based around discussion, I could voice by disagreement.

I never called people out for watching it because, clearly, people are free to do what they want with their time. Just as I am free to say that such a choice is a poor one.

I dont disagree with making good use of free time and ot wasting it on unenjoyable things, but heres the catch. WHy do you reommend things on The List? We all know those shows contain terrible things, bad writing, deplorable characters, awful production, terrible layouts, and bad music. Yet we watch them. why? Because they are entertaining to a ridiculous degree. A show does not have to meet some invisible standard of excellence in order to be fun to someone. People genuinely are moved by Clannad and Kanon. Thats not delusion, thats real human emotion. Who is anyone to tell someone that their emotional state is unwarranted? Its elitist and unjustified.

Kino's Journey 02

Another great episode. On her journey to another country, Kino encounters a group of travelers stranded in a blizzard. Making the decision to help them through the storm, Kino hunts for wild hare for nourishment. Hermes becomes philosophical as Kino prepares the meal, asking Kino if the life of a hare is a worthy sacrifice for saving the stranded. It is a bit hamfisted in its presentation with Kino praying over the hare's corpse but the message is conveyed clearly.

This episode has some fantastic direction. It has been previously established that Kino only stays in one place for a three day period and the hares lined up on the tree help represent the time she has spent with the stranded. The foreshadowing was also well done when Hermes asked "What is it you sell? Food?" and the stranded's reply "Err, something like that". The confrontation sequence has the sun beaming down on the snow creating an extremely harsh contrast of light. It can be somewhat blinding but I think that is the intended effect as it represents the shift within the stranded.

What affected me the most was how the stranded talked emphatically of their home town festivals and culture. It's clear they were speaking the truth as he stumbled on his words when asked about the nature of his cargo. The stark contrast of such a happy homely life they live with
their job of human trafficking and the resulting cannibalism
leaves me speechless.

Dont mess with Kino.
There are many more lessons to learn young grasshopper.
This show will occasionally leave you speechless.
Oh to see it again for the first time!

Oh I recall you. Hmm.

Anyway, I think I might start making more time for anime for a bit and see where the Twin Princesses shows goes to reinstate Magical Hell Fever in me

Fushigiboshi no futago hime is pure unfiltered MAGICAL GIRL.
JoJo and HxH would be great on Toonami but were always kind of thought as an impossible get because of the copyright issues with JoJo and the fact no one knows who owns the rights to HxH in the West

But if it could happen that'd be great, people who gotta watch the Big 3 because that's what they got deserve better!


JoJo and HxH would be great on Toonami but were always kind of thought as an impossible get because of the copyright issues with JoJo and the fact no one knows who owns the rights to HxH in the West

But if it could happen that'd be great

If they did ever get HxH I'd hope they'd show two eps a week to ease that inveitable Chimera Ant frustration.
speaking of anime reviews

my favourite part about MAL is when people give series reviews part way through them

also, you lose your "privilege" to write reviews if you call patema inverted shit with a predictable twist and a 1 dimensional villain.

I'd say that there are exceptions. Like, super long running shonen series like One Piece or Naruto. Unless you'd want those split up into chunks (perhaps an arc by arc basis) and only review the finished chunks, but even that isn't perfect.

PK Gaming

Maria†Holic - 03 & 04

I really appreciate creative and clever inputs in shows to keep it vibrant and not feel so monotone. For example the scene between Kanako and Nanami;

There are plenty of other things, Kanako's nosebleed gradually transforming into rose petals, pattern on clothes "etched in the background", character stills, second fast shots, use of strong colors etc.

All these little things makes the watching experience much more enjoyable and engaging.

Word. Shaft really elevated the source material. Be sure to check out the second season, which is even better.

Speaking about anime reviewers, I often like what I've heard from Nick Creamer. He writes for ANN but also has his own blog (linked) and twitter.

I follow him too. He's a great reviewer; perhaps a bit too optimistic at times, but a very knowledgeable overall.
That's certainly a very interesting defence of Rebuild of Evangelion and specifically of 3.33. I must say, he makes a fairly compelling argument which I will have to consider if I ever re-watch that film again. It would certainly alter my view of the film, if I believed it.

However, as you hinted, such an interpretation of Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33 is charitable in the extreme because it glosses over the fact that it's a terribly constructed movie. Say what you will about the theme or message (and one could certainly argue that Anno has basically already made all of these points with Evangelion/End of Evangelion before), none of that really matters when you're putting out such a shoddy movie. This wasn't true of the Evangelion TV Series or End of Evangelion which were extremely well directed and put together (budget problems aside). The End of Evangelion may be weird and experimental but it's a beautiful piece of film making. I can't say that for anything in Rebuild.

Yeh that's pretty much my sentiment. But it was simply nice to discover this perspective I hadn't considered yet.

His SAO episode reviews really soured my opinion of him. While his ANN reviews were often very mild and generous, he would simultaneously tear the show apart on his blog and twitter.
That's why I pretty much ignore his ANN stuff and only read his blog.

It just kinda sucks. While I was thinking that it's nice he got a job offer, especially one where he can continue doing what he loves, the formatting on that website is awful and I'm not sure whether he's supposed to or not, but appeasing the reader-base like that is a nono for me. I'd like to read his uncensored opinion, that's why I was reading his blog after all.

I was really enjoying his episode writeup on the first season of SAO because it's just fun seeing someone suffer through it but also analyze what goes right/wrong. He wasn't even purposely negative on it, if anything he was rather tame and eager to point out the little good there was..., really very little though.

So then he goes to ANN and SAO S2 starts and I'm watching the episodes thinking to myself "holy shit, this is actually so fucking bad once more" and then read his suddenly vastly differentiating view on the episodes, where I feel he left out important aspects on top of downplaying severe issues and generally having less good arguments. It was just strange how, suddenly, his viewpoint seemed to branch of from mine that drastically.

I don't know whether he was told to do so (kinda can't believe that) or just decided to do it himself, but it's clear he became very lenient to not enrage the ANN user-base too much. I mean enraging everyone as a new guy and looking overly snobby was probably something he was wary of. It's even somewhat understandable as those users were furious over even the remaining issues he took with the show (which were still a bunch at times).

But yeh, when he doesn't write what's on his mind there's no point to it. And as you say, it became downright strange how he'd then start to do partial episode writeups on his blog and twitter again, where he ended up being harsher on the show as well. Even going as far as downright admitting that he tones it down for ANN... It's clear he'd rather continue his blog as a job...if he'd get more money for it. Maybe with more Patreon users or so one day.

Oh well, while that was rather disappointing I'll still appreciate the articles that I think are well thought out and written.


Lol, was actually thinking that I haven't read much of that blog lately and visited its homepage, just to find an article that talks about the ANN audience in some sarcastic snark in the first couple paragraphs already haha. Well, I should probably read through it all though. http://wrongeverytime.com/2015/05/11/youre-watching-it-wrong/

@ Mature

Kinda random, but I wanted to ask whether you finished Hyouka yet. I really enjoyed the impressions you posted but, unless I'm mistaken, those stopped about halfway through? Maybe I just missed it but wanted to ask for clarification.


I liked Eva 3.33, better then the first two but to be honest, as sad it it may be to admit, Eva isn't my darling anymore.
The only real anime reviewers that I pay a lot of attention to are many of the posters here. I've really enjoyed Corvo's reviews (yes, even his reviews where he's not howling like crazy). Jexhius also provides some really good insight on many of the shows he's watched. I don't think I'd ever hear of a show called Tommorow's Joe without his impressions.

It's why I enjoy this community so much and why I would be very upset if it got closed down. There's just so much variety when it comes to people's opinions and tastes that I enjoy reading about them and looking up the show for myself to see if I would like it. I don't know if I'd ever give Kino's Journey a try if I spent my time discussing anime on forums like AnimeSuki and MAL.

When it comes to shows I enjoy, I have a firm threshold on what I think is a genuinely great show and what's a show I happen to personally enjoy. I honestly tend to enjoy the majority of the shows I watch, but that doesn't mean I think that others will feel the same way all the time.

Case in point: Fairy Tail. I love that show. I love it so much. The characters, the music, etc. Everything about it I just enjoy. Do I think it's a good show and would I recommend it as such? Well, not really. The whole thing can be easily summed up as standard Shounen garbage with nothing really special to it. I just happen to enjoy it because I just found it to be a really fun show despite that. That doesn't mean you'll think the same of it.

That seems to be the problem some people have with anime reviews. People are confusing the shows they happen to really enjoy and think it deserves to be considered good among others. In some cases that's true. In other cases, people may not agree and point out some flaws you didn't notice about the show.

So honestly, when it comes to writing reviews, that's basically what it all boils down to. When you finish a show, think to yourself. Do you honestly, truly think that show was good? Or did you just happen to really enjoy it? If you did enjoy it, great! List the things you enjoyed about it. But also be aware of the things about the show you may not have paid attention to. Others, when watching, may pay more attention to them than you did and may find it to be a problem. Others may see the things you liked about the show as bad things.

It's all subjective. Just don't be pretentious, that's the key.


If you dislike Nostalgia Critic stuff I heavily apologize for linking that but in this case I simply found it unavoidable to not include in this.
I would also recommend http://randomc.net/
RandomCuriosity is one of the most enjoyable anime blogs.

RandomC does a shockingly poor job of researching shows for their seasonal preview posts and has reviewers on staff who choose to ignore flaws in certain shows/productions that they point out exceedingly so in other ones they dislike for no reason other than a severe bias. At one time RandomC was a good review site, but the current iteration does not deserve any recommendation. The reviewers on staff should be replaced before anyone recommends them again.

(You have no idea how incorrect the Euphonium preview was. It was basically "this looks like K-On! with Jazz!" When I've seen how many times the staff has not researched a KyoAni show, it makes me trust them less for other shows despite not knowing as much about them.)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oregairu/SNAFU Season 1

I'm not sure whether Hachiman counts as an annoying wish-fulfillment fantasy character (he has a fairly large harem despite being a cynical douchebag) or whether he's just a complicated character. In either case, he does bounce enjoyably off of the other characters so I'm solidly in to continue on to Season 2.
Oregairu/SNAFU Season 1

I'm not sure whether Hachiman counts as an annoying wish-fulfillment fantasy character (he has a fairly large harem despite being a cynical douchebag) or whether he's just a complicated character. In either case, he does bounce enjoyably off of the other characters so I'm solidly in to continue on to Season 2.
Continue onwards! The more I see of this show, the better it gets.

Andrew J.

Huh. Was there just a debate on AnimeGAF about objective vs. subjective quality where nobody posted those Hyouka screenshots? It's a miracle!


I'm not going to post 'reviews' for things I watch from here on out, can't be a hypocrite now can I? I doubt anybody cares if I think City Hunter is a 10/10 or a 5/10, and they shouldn't! Just watch it if you want, and don't if you don't, I don't know.
Kino's Journey 02

Another great episode. On her journey to another country, Kino encounters a group of travelers stranded in a blizzard. Making the decision to help them through the storm, Kino hunts for wild hare for nourishment. Hermes becomes philosophical as Kino prepares the meal, asking Kino if the life of a hare is a worthy sacrifice for saving the stranded. It is a bit hamfisted in its presentation with Kino praying over the hare's corpse but the message is conveyed clearly.

This episode has some fantastic direction. It has been previously established that Kino only stays in one place for a three day period and the hares lined up on the tree help represent the time she has spent with the stranded. The foreshadowing was also well done when Hermes asked "What is it you sell? Food?" and the stranded's reply "Err, something like that". The confrontation sequence has the sun beaming down on the snow creating an extremely harsh contrast of light. It can be somewhat blinding but I think that is the intended effect as it represents the shift within the stranded.

What affected me the most was how the stranded talked emphatically of their home town festivals and culture. It's clear they were speaking the truth as he stumbled on his words when asked about the nature of his cargo. The stark contrast of such a happy homely life they live with
their job of human trafficking and the resulting cannibalism
leaves me speechless.

This was the first episode where I really found myself pretty shocked at this show. I thought the first episode was good, but episode 2 really showed me that this show wasn't gonna pull its punches.


@ Mature

Kinda random, but I wanted to ask whether you finished Hyouka yet. I really enjoyed the impressions you posted but, unless I'm mistaken, those stopped about halfway through? Maybe I just missed it but wanted to ask for clarification.
Yeah, I finished a little less than a month ago. I was having a really good time with the show and kind of just wanted to shoot through it, so I stopped doing the impressions. I don't usually stop like that, but my time was limited— thanks though.


Still....I'm a little disappointed that Origination seems more grounded (so far) than the other two series. Season 1 had the time travel episode and the Undelieverable Letter. Then they went all in during Season 2, with the Fox Wedding, the Cait Sith episodes, the alternate gender-swap dimension, etc. I enjoyed the bit of whimsy those episodes added.
Since The Origination is meant to bring the show to a conclusion and wrap the series up, it's only to be expected that the series becomes more grounded and levelheaded. It's the final stage of the trio's growth.
That said however, there were a few things cut from the last series which were slightly disappointing although one of them revolving around Cait Sith would meant a complete rewrite of the show but that's by the by.
If you're only halfway through however, I'd be interested to see what you make of the series after the last 3 episodes.

Incidentally, the two episodes you mention from season 1 were entirely new! Which goes to show you how well they work in context (although I feel the Letter episode is pretty overdone)


Slayer of Combofiends
Kill La Kill was awesome. How can someone hate something so hype?! The story was hilariously hardcore and the fights were cool as fuck. Plus the fanservice was somehow meshed in with the story. I had a great time, Narag needs to learn to appreciate quality anime. TUSR can join that list too.
I'm just conflicted whether I want Hachiman to fail or succeed. You know, just like Shinji Matou.
I think season 2 is doing a great job at showing us more of his character. I obviously won't spoil anything, I don't even know whether or not he will "succeed" or not, but season 2 shows character progression, and it shows that 8-man's lack of self-worth is affecting others too. It's really well done how they flesh these characters out with simple dialogue.
Kill La Kill was awesome. How can someone hate something so hype?! The story was hilariously hardcore and the fights were cool as fuck. Plus the fanservice was somehow meshed in with the story. I had a great time, Narag needs to learn to appreciate quality anime. TUSR can join that list too.

Because the tournament arc was boring as fuck and anti-hype and most of the fights were a bunch of asspull one shot victories

And Kenzen Robo Daimidler meshed fanservice with action and the story too
That show was also terrible.


oh I've watched it. It's a good pick.

I just don't have Cajun's favorite gif on my phone, lol. I need to watch a happy show like this at some point..

I'm just conflicted whether I want Hachiman to fail or succeed. You know, just like Shinji Matou.

Well, those lines keep getting more and more blurred as the series goes for Hachi. At times the utter self-deprication he shows is unnerving.
Kill La Kill was awesome. How can someone hate something so hype?! The story was hilariously hardcore and the fights were cool as fuck. Plus the fanservice was somehow meshed in with the story. I had a great time, Narag needs to learn to appreciate quality anime. TUSR can join that list too.

I thought Kill la Kill was fun, but when compared to Gurren Lagann, it's kind of a big step down in every regard. Animation-wise, story-wise, character-wise, etc.
Anything decent this season? I'm already watching SNAFU and Souma.

I would also add Blood Blockade Battlefront (although opinions seem to be divided on that one), DanMachi and Arslan to the list.

EDIT: Grisaia is on its second season, if you enjoyed the first one, this one is shaping up to be better.
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