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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Guys I just watched GoT's latest episode. I am still stunned, good lord. Fuck anime.

I mean maybe it's the exception as I've seen a reddit thread praising it too, but after seeing the 4th episode of this season I called it quits. Having finished the 5th book recently and enjoying the book series quite a bit despite it shortcomings, I'd rather drop the TV series off entirely if that means I don't get the books spoiled, even if it may take a long time before we get the next book and let's not talk about the last one.

Why? Because fucking hell has the TV series gone to shit. Maybe I just wasn't as critical back then, especially since I hadn't read the books yet, but I thoroughly enjoyed the first season and the following 2 weren't bad either. The 4th one was already sorely disappointing and this new one, just what the fuck.

Too many flaws to mention even, but among my 'favorites' is the ludicrous amount of 'sexposition'.


GoT seems too smutty for my tastes. So much nudity. Is it really necessary to the story or is it just pandering like anime does to otaku?
Punch Line 1-3

This show is so stupid, and so overly fanservicey, and really is pretty bad... but amusingly so. I'll watch more.

In ep. 3,
I was surprised that one of the girls is a robot.
Probably shouldn't have been, considering how crazy everything else is about this show. :p

Nanoha ViVid 7

... I should have known the good part would end so soon after it began. I wonder, will episode 6 be the best episode? Will we see the older characters, Nanoha and co. especially, fight much, after this? Because I care a whole lot more about them than the kids. First though, the episode. We are reminded yet again the Einheart and Vivio are the focus in this episode, because the match that began in ep. 6 concludes...
with the two of them facing eachother, as the last ones standing on their teams. Teana somehow koed Nanoha with her beamspam; impressive, though Nanoha surely had her limiter turned up higher (and Nanoha took out Teana with her beam at the same time, of course). Stupid limiters, that's maybe the worst thing about Strikers! But anyway.
So yeah, the great fight from ep. 6 ends fairly early in this episode and in quite unsatisfying fashion. The rest of the episode is generic setup, ending the trip, introducing the next arc (a kids' battle tournament they are going to join), stuff. Nothing especially interesting. Einhart is convinced to participate.

As for the four girls the show focuses on, the two friends are alright but there isn't much to them, very straightforward characters so far. Vivio and Einhart are the focus, as I said above. That makes sense, but just like StrikerS, Nanoha should be the main character in more Nanoha shows, StrikerS made this mistake as well! At least Vivio is generic enough to be tolerable, even if she's not as interesting as Nanoha or Fate are or were. But Einhart... in this episode the others try once again to show her that she doesn't have to be insane and totally obsessed with violent ancient Belkan ways, but she's still badly messed up and rude. I don't like her much at all... Yes, I know she has that Belkan leader guy's memories and they end tragically, but she IS NOT HIM! She doesn't seem to have figured this out yet, exactly.

Of course, the show continues to constantly bringing back, like, villains or whoever from StrikerS, none of whom I remember, and of course never with any explanations about who anyone is. I really don't understand why they think that whoever's watching this just watched StrikerS yesterday, but we didn't all do that. Nanoha, Fate, Vivio, Teana, Subaru, Cario, and Erio; characters who haven't appeared such as Nanoha and Fate's animal/human companions or the library guy from S1 of the anime; Hayate's A's group, who have a cameo in this episode... sure, I remember those characters. But the Numbers (I presume a lot of these characters I don't recognize are from that group?), whoever this pink-haired girl and her mother are, etc? Sorry, none of them left any impression. StrikerS wasn't exactly great. And nor is this, sadly, though I wasn't expecting it to be -- the Vivid manga didn't held my interest, so I haven't read much of it.

So yeah, average episode for this show, which means it's okay but not all that good. Why did this franchise go off the rails after A's? But it clearly did.

Soul Eater Not! 11-12

I finally got around to watching the last two episodes of this. I'd liked it all along, so there's no good reason I stopped, but I did... but yeah, the ending was good. The main reason I stopped is because the show gets serious near the end and I'd liked it more for the fun parts earlier in the show, but these last two episodes were good despite that. It had a pretty solid ending, or at least as good a one as it was going to have, and the villain was defeated. :)
And the MC has two Meisters now, too. Hmm, I don't know if that is going to work well, even if it did in the fight against the witch...

The dumbest thing about this show is, of course, the setting, though. Right from the beginning, it's kind of funny and kind of sad, how ridiculously far off this series is from its supposed "Death City, Nevada, USA" setting... here are some examples of dumb stuff. I know, they probably didn't think about this stuff at all, but I can't help but notice.

- What language are they speaking, anyway? Do they all know perfect English, including the Japanese characters like Maka or the main character of this show, or is it Japanese despite the setting in the US? They never mention language. I know animes are often like this, but still. On a related note, I know they have a lot of foreigners, but there are a lot more Japanese signs and such than is likely.

-Japanese-style light switches in buildings. American light switches do not look like the ones you see in this series. They are switches, not flat buttons.

- Why do some cars seem to be parked on the wrong side of the road in the OP? We don't drive on the left. (They at least do manage to remember to put the cars on the right side in the last two episodes, when cars are shown driving around.)

- So it's hot out, so... you open the window to your room? Uh, thanks to central air conditioning, which all buildings in Nevada would surely have, that'd be a pretty foolish thing to do, and would have the opposite of the desired effect. This isn't Japan. :p (The part where she was splashing water on the ground and some others questioned whether it'd do anything and yeah, it really didn't was amusing, though.)

- Death City (in Nevada) looks like something straight out of a European-themed fantasy anime. It's seriously out of place for its supposed location.

- This city is in the middle of the desert. Nevada is pretty much all desert. I know there is surely some agriculture, but... is there anywhere in the middle of the desert with grassy fields, trees, and the like? And I don't mean farm fields or front yards. I highly doubt it. I know they have magic, but this is ridiculous, and where would the water to maintain such stuff come from anyway? In the last two episodes they do some flying in the air and there IS desert around, but not in the city or environs. The images below shows what I mean. :lol:


Oh, there's the desert! But even magic would have trouble finding enough water nearby to keep that green half alive...

... If you're going to make a European-style town and a magic academy, why plop it in the desert and use lots of magic or something to get water from who-knows-where to keep this looking like this?

Ah well, the show's good, well worth watching. :)


GoT seems too smutty for my tastes. So much nudity. Is it really necessary to the story or is it just pandering like anime does to otaku?

Eh, yes and no. It's a dark fantasy world, and rampant sex/violence is the norm. The show does lay it on a little heavier than the books, but the books were far from saintly.
GoT seems too smutty for my tastes. So much nudity. Is it really necessary to the story or is it just pandering like anime does to otaku?

What the TV series does half of the time can only be described as pandering by now. It's downright laughable how often they pack poorly disguised exposition into these smutty scenes, hence 'sexposition'.
Who died this time? (I'm a few episodes behind)
The right question should be "Who is alive" rather than who died :p

I mean maybe it's the exception as I've seen a reddit thread praising it too, but after seeing the 4th episode of this season I called it quits. Having finished the 5th book recently and enjoying the book series quite a bit despite it shortcomings, I'd rather drop the TV series off entirely if that means I don't get the books spoiled, even if it may take a long time before we get the next book and let's not talk about the last one.

I like it a lot idk. Maybe it's because I don't take it as seriously, it's just entertainment. I watch it to kill time and have a story be told to me. If it's interesting enough to keep me watching, I will do it. This episode in particular had it all, from the quiet moments to action packed ones. I can't really say why I enjoyed it so much because I would be delving into heavy spoiler territory
So I'm pretty certain that the Shokugeki no Soma ending Spice is going to go down as one of my favorite ED's of all time.

I've had the full version on constant repeat for the past 2-3 days and even been humming the tune while making breakfast and during my spare time at work.

It's just so damn comfy.
So I'm pretty certain that the Shokugeki no Soma ending Spice is going to go down as one of my favorite ED's of all time.

I've had the full version on constant repeat for the past 2-3 days and even been humming the tune while making breakfast and during my spare time at work.

It's just so damn comfy.

I really like it too, can't decide between the Blood Blockade Battlefront ED and the Soma one as my favorite for this season


So I'm pretty certain that the Shokugeki no Soma ending Spice is going to go down as one of my favorite ED's of all time.

I've had the full version on constant repeat for the past 2-3 days and even been humming the tune while making breakfast and during my spare time at work.

It's just so damn comfy.

S\oma has a pretty good ED. I like when they are all dancing around the table. So cute!
And why SHAFT was wrong in making this movie. :p

Expelled from Paradise is also up there. I've heard mixed things about it. Anyone here seen it?

It's ok. Full CG was not actually not absolutely terrible, but nothing particularly remarkable about it either. Story and characters were alright, but nothing groundbreaking. It was enjoyable at least.
Uh, I didn't read impressions but it seemed like a low point for the TV series. Utterly senseless action sequences that are completely removed from what ASoIaF is about. Save me anime.

Sounds like Game of Thrones in a nutshell! (So glad I stopped watching that show after last year)
I don't know why you guys are watching Game of Thrones when you can watch a superior show called Person of Interest. It's such a underrated show that's really good.

I really need a anime Person of Interest.


I don't know why you guys are watching Game of Thrones when can watch a superior show called Person of Interest. It's such a underrated show that's really good.

Yeah, I can't believe something that good is on CBS. Season 5 is so far away though!
I watched the first season of Game of Thrones and liked it fine but never pursued further, was going to read the books but I never read for fun anymore (outside of manga and other short stuff like that) because University readings


Etotama 05-08

Well all caught up and... man this series is just too much fun. I love all the meta humor and jabs at the anime culture and industry they do. Kinda sucks
Shar-tan gave up her thing so easily... I wanted to see her cute pretty mode and be all badass like the others. I do like her design though
. So
Uri-tan is the Kenny (South Park) of this show huh? Her deaths have been hilarious. Watch her be like the most powerful of the Eto-shin aside from Chu-tan
Yeah, I can't believe something that good is on CBS. Season 5 is so far away though!

At first I thought it would be your everyday mediocre American TV show, oh boy was I so terribly wrong. The beginning is a bit slow but holy shit does it get really good once it starts to hit off.


I never thought a day would come where someone would recommend Person of Interest here. I'm so happy right now.
Now I wait for a mention of Fringe
Person of Interest grew on me because Jesus is a god damn murderer. Also everybody is made of sandbags.

Also best character

It's always the dogs with you huh.

I never thought a day would come where someone would recommend Person of Interest here. I'm so happy right now.
Now I wait for a mention of Fringe

I've enjoyed Fringe from the little I've watched but I think I need to watch more.

John Blade

Still watching Gasaraki as I manage to get to Episode 11 right now. I can start to see why people don't like the show as the pacing is very slow. Still pushing forward as I don't mind the slow pace show. Love the mecha scene as they try to make it look realistic which look fine.

Also, wondering if it's worth it to buy Ghost Stories DVD. Saw a sample clips on it and kinda want to take a bite of it.


Etotama 05-08

Well all caught up and... man this series is just too much fun. I love all the meta humor and jabs at the anime culture and industry they do. Kinda sucks
Shar-tan gave up her thing so easily... I wanted to see her cute pretty mode and be all badass like the others. I do like her design though
. So
Uri-tan is the Kenny (South Park) of this show huh? Her deaths have been hilarious. Watch her be like the most powerful of the Eto-shin aside from Chu-tan

Yeah, the show is a constant joy to watch and has a ton of good humor. Recently, Mei-tan's infatuation and love sickness with Takeru has been hilarious to watch. Add in the awesome CG battles and it super fun to watch each week.


Thanks guys for saying that Netflix has the Madoka movies available. Should I just watch Rebellion if I've already seen the series?


At first I thought it would be your everyday mediocre American TV show, oh boy was I so terribly wrong. The beginning is a bit slow but holy shit does it get really good once it starts to hit off.

Yup, thought the same thing. Same CBS procedural crap. But turns out Jonathan Nolan was behind it so I stuck out and man am I glad I stuck with it. Of course, it helped that John Reese was just the coolest character ever.
Still watching Gasaraki as I manage to get to Episode 11 right now. I can start to see why people don't like the show as the pacing is very slow. Still pushing forward as I don't mind the slow pace show. Love the mecha scene as they try to make it look realistic which look fine.

Also, wondering if it's worth it to buy Ghost Stories DVD. Saw a sample clips on it and kinda want to take a bite of it.

The guy who created Gasaraki also did VOTOMs and Blue Gender. Check em out, they're good for shading towards the more realistic portrayal of Mechs.
Guys I just watched GoT's latest episode. I am still stunned, good lord. Fuck anime.
Its entertaining, enjoy the action scenes and of course the writing will go down hill this season. Due to being pass the books already. Rather take pointless action, violence, and overly smut content then embarrassment over holding hands. Of course each their own and I still enjoy watching anime here and there.


Still watching Gasaraki as I manage to get to Episode 11 right now. I can start to see why people don't like the show as the pacing is very slow. Still pushing forward as I don't mind the slow pace show. Love the mecha scene as they try to make it look realistic which look fine.

Also, wondering if it's worth it to buy Ghost Stories DVD. Saw a sample clips on it and kinda want to take a bite of it.

I'm planning to watch Gasaraki soon myself, I liked Flag quite a bit, and although it is flawed, I really liked the change of pace and interesting visuals. Also, while I'm here, Ghost Stories has the greatest dub of all time.

John Blade

I'm planning to watch Gasaraki soon myself, I liked Flag quite a bit, and although it is flawed, I really liked the change of pace and interesting visuals. Also, while I'm here, Ghost Stories has the greatest dub of all time.

I will say from where I am right now is give yourself a lot of time watching Gasaraki. The slow pacing, politics talk, and history stuff might turn off quite a bit of people. If you don't mind the very slow pacing quite a bit, then the show start to be interesting to watch. Also, the mecha battle is great to watching. Nothing crazy like you see in most Mecha anime. More into realistic tone which you don't see too often now. This was in my collection DVD to watch for a while and interested to watch it now than latter on.

For Ghost Stories, I am consider buying it so I can watch it. Don't know if it's worth $33 dollars for the entire DVD collection.
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