Black Rock Shooter-8 [fin]
You know what, I was willing to roll with the show. Despite the earlier episodes smelling as rancid as roadkill left in the Georgia heat, that doesn't preclude the show from finishing strong. Episode 7 had given me hope that the show might just go full on action, leaving me somewhat satisfied.
It's only fitting then that the finale was so fucking dull as a final "fuck you" to me. The action was pretty limp-dicked and the suffering wasn't delicious enough for me to go all Cartman on the tears. Where do I begin? The episode starts off with Yuu beating IBRS's ass, forcing Strength to commit suicide. Or at least try to.
This somehow knocks Mato out of Black Rock Shooter and into a separate form of herself. Ok. Whatever. At least I get my Black Rock Shooter vs. Black Rock Shooter fight that I didn't really want but am willing to accept anyway. Wait...
Oh for fuck's sake. She isn't even going to fight? Imaishi you really gonna halfjob me here? Mato then has some stupid epiphany moment about blue skies. If I was actually trying to analyze the work, I would say that Mato has decided to take on the emotions of other people and instead of drowning in them, will instead use them to lift her to new heights. Okada is using colors as a symbolic way of representing relationships and the burdens both parties carry. Too bad Mato needed to get the everlasting shit beat out of her in order to realize this hamfisted metaphor derived in this contrived scenario. I suppose the notion of moderation is a hard concept to grasp.
So Mato decides that she doesn't want to be more pasty than she already is and does a
spirit bomb rainbow cannon. Well this bit should be cool right? I mean Yoshinari already did a similar showstopper for the Lagann-hen movies.
Oh boy time to get hype. All that suffering is about to pay off. The girls are praying to their god
Meduka Mato to save them from the evil of BRS.
Wait that's it? What? I waited X amount of minutes for
this? There's no long fight sequence afterwards or cool animation bit (even in CGI)? I didn't even get an epic music piece. Some girl chanting doesn't automatically make good hype music. I would say that I expected more out of Mori, but that would be lying. Come on!
*deep breath*
Ok, whatever. Strength is dying from Okada-itis and despite the alter-egos being able to revive, it's being painted as some truly tragic moment. Strength gives a
final speech almost worthy of Trinity's in Matrix Revolution.
Now see this is some bullshit. This doesn't make a lick of fucking sense in the context of the narrative nor of the actions on the part of the alter-egos. The only one who demonstrated anything resembling a personality was Strength and BRS. The rest looked about as self-aware as my socks. Not to mention Black Rock Shooter loved you so much Mato that she was willing to beat you to damn near death. You heard it here first! True love isn't eating someone else's shit, it's making you eat your own shit. Thank you Okada for these words of wisdom. This highlights one of the flaws of the series in that many of the fights were boring because the participants in them were so dull. It's like watching a silent film filled with puppets slamming into each other for however amount of minutes. The most intriguing fight in the TV series was when the two participants actually had emotion. When both parties are engaging each other emotionally, it helps give a fight weight and contextuality. Anyway Real Yuu gets punted back into the normal world like the unwanted child that she is.
Huh? How is she the same age as Mato? lol wut? I think we discovered immortality here. All you need to do is switch sides with your alter-ego for X number of years. Kyubey was right, we need to start harvesting teenage girls and milking their tears. Mato makes up with Yomi as if their relationship was an afterthought, despite you know the show wasting the first four episodes on it. Happy endings all around blah blah blah. There's some trite garbage at the end about BRS continuing to fight, I guess as a way for someone to milk this cow down the road. Of course it raises the question about why these girls have to fight in the first place, but I don't think Okada gave enough of a shit to figure that out.
So here comes the big question, would I recommend this to my friends and you my fellow readers?
Yes. Absolutely yes. Why? Because friends that bleed together, proceed together. Besides the Trigger stans should watch this for the Imaishi storyboarding anyway. It's not on sakugabooru so no out for you there.
oh and