Mahou Gyoushounin Roma
Magic peddler roma
That's it, thank you.
Mahou Gyoushounin Roma
Magic peddler roma
I hope it doesn't come to that, and thankfully it's not BONES doing the finale.
But compared to Happy that thing is a useless add-on for futur fillers. Almost everytime they fit him outsides of filler content his presence feels weird and out of place.![]()
Yeah, he's really annoying and cannot hold a candle to the 1 true mascot:
I'm really enjoying this show though. It's probably my favorite of the season so far, just because of it's tone alone.
But compared to Happy that thing is a useless add-on for futur fillers. Almost everytime they fit him outsides of filler content his presence feels weird and out of place.
Also yea that thing aside I really enjoy Twin star.
I dont know if I would even put Happy in mascot character territory, its not like he is the only cat on the show and the whole arc and their continued importance to all dragonslayers.
But compared to Happy that thing is a useless add-on for futur fillers. Almost everytime they fit him outsides of filler content his presence feels weird and out of place.
Also yea that thing aside I really enjoy Twin star.
Once again, I only know characters like Yukina from the Dengeki Bunko fighting game so I'm not familiar with where they came from. How is the show up to this point, Kiritobread?
I always equaled Happy to Pikachu. He's very mascot-ish but you have a point.I dont know if I would even put Happy in mascot character territory, its not like he is the only cat on the show and the whole arc and their continued importance to all dragonslayers.
Oh ncie were getting an anime of High School Life of a Fudanshi, it had some funny moments.
Sorry, folks! Much of Haurhi's original popularity seemed to grow solely from a certain segment of the internet that enjoyed silly memes. It never really seemed to penetrate beyond this group of internet denizens into mainstream recognition and as such it is a largely forgotten and unremarked upon relic of the last decade. It is not a work with lasting appeal or popularity.
Once again, I only know characters like Yukina from the Dengeki Bunko fighting game so I'm not familiar with where they came from. How is the show up to this point, Kiritobread?
True, though that doesn't stop plenty of people here from liking the Monogatari series.
So... how did you like 'neo-NeoGAiNAX' take on cosmic phenomena?Wish Upon the Pleiades 12 END
Sweet conclusion. Good show. said: said:
Mawaru Penguindrum 18-20
Hmmm. I'm very confused with the latest few developments.What is that Child Broiler? I thought it was a symbolic place but it seems to actually exist, considering Shouma's father mentioned it. Also, it appears that Shouma and Kanba were aware of their parents' organization and unless they're Yuri tier actors, they had a lengthy flashback of being shocked when they learned the truth about their parents. Everything kind of fits to the motif of real and imaginary that the second OP presents, heh. Also, it's funny that essentially we got an explanation why all the Takakuras look different.
So... how did you like 'neo-NeoGAiNAX' take on cosmic phenomena?
Got my little brother hooked on Haikyuu. At first he was like "volleyball is lame" but then 3 episodes later he activated binge mode.
Rewatched the first season with him and enjoyed it as much as I did the first time. This track here rules too:
What is this from?... well the file says Mononoke so I guess I'll go with that.
Also, puruzi is kill? RIP
That's the whole gimmick of the show: all the characters are based on famous authors. Dazai's suicidal inclinations here are a direct callback to the author, who attempted suicide multiple times (including a lover's suicide that left his partner dead while he was rescued) before ultimately killing himself together with his mistress in 1948. His quasi-autobiographical No Longer Human was adapted in Aoi Bungaku. That series also has a few of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's short stories.
Atsushi Nakajima isn't as legendary a figure, but his most famous work, Sangetsuki, is about a poet who goes mad in his attempt to achieve literary greatness, and turns into a tiger.
Mawaru Penguindrum 18-20
Also, it appears that Shouma and Kanba were aware of their parents' organization and unless they're Yuri tier actors, they had a lengthy flashback of being shocked when they learned the truth about their parents.
Mawaru Penguindrum 18-20
Hmmm. I'm very confused with the latest few developments.What is that Child Broiler? I thought it was a symbolic place but it seems to actually exist, considering Shouma's father mentioned it. Also, it appears that Shouma and Kanba were aware of their parents' organization and unless they're Yuri tier actors, they had a lengthy flashback of being shocked when they learned the truth about their parents. Everything kind of fits to the motif of real and imaginary that the second OP presents, heh. Also, it's funny that essentially we got an explanation why all the Takakuras look different.
Speaking of Haikyuu OST, anyone knows the name of the track that opens up episode S23 ? Spend quite a bit of time searching and still can't find it.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ep. 4-6
I honestly think my brain just died a little bit from ep 5/6. I mean ep. 4 was clearly "filler" material, or just used to point out how "bored" she was so they played baseball... Either way it was funny, but not much substance. Then, ep, 5-6 happened. I guess it is a huge plot jump that describes what is going on with Haruhi, but man is it all over the place from long dialog/monologues about the world and more specific ideas about what is going on. Then you run into the "dream sequence" which bleeds into his consciousness, (as well as hers from the pony tail at the very end of the episode)
I could stop here and put out a ton of ideas man what I think is gong on, but man, this is gong to end up as all one big dream right? There are just waaay to many wholes in the plot to make this a sci-fi SoL and I'm getting lost in the dialog explainations at time, outside of when Kyon is making funny quips... I'll leave it here for now, I need to go to lunch.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ep. 4-6
I honestly think my brain just died a little bit from ep 5/6. I mean ep. 4 was clearly "filler" material, or just used to point out how "bored" she was so they played baseball... Either way it was funny, but not much substance. Then, ep, 5-6 happened. I guess it is a huge plot jump that describes what is going on with Haruhi, but man is it all over the place from long dialog/monologues about the world and more specific ideas about what is going on. Then you run into the "dream sequence" which bleeds into his consciousness, (as well as hers from the pony tail at the very end of the episode) That sequence was pretty good as Kyon finally figured out the hints being passed his way... Haruhi needs to find love to entertain her...
I could stop here and put out a ton of ideas man what I think is gong on, but man, this is gong to end up as all one big dream right? There are just waaay to many wholes in the plot to make this a sci-fi SoL and I'm getting lost in the dialog explainations at time, outside of when Kyon is making funny quips... I'll leave it here for now, I need to go to lunch.
True, though that doesn't stop plenty of people here from liking the Monogatari series.
No thanks I made myself uncomfortable enough with my own 'reasons why terrible element is somehow made less terrible by all the other elements that are really good' list
Edit: I think it's a series I reserve for folks who have already steeled themselves to ignoring the more unpleasant tropes of anime, once you've made that leap it's easier to get over their prominence in this series as the other elements are that good. I just couldn't recommend it as a series to arrive at cold
Ikuhara sets his shows in a world where there is essentially no distinction between symbolism and the thing being symbolized.
Ahh I was waiting for you to get tothe broiler stuff. Unfortunaly me memory is too fuzzy be to be able to answer you on that subject.
But regarding the truth about their parents. Wouldn't it be explained by them just being little kids and thus not paying attention/not remembering much ? I don't remember if the attacks were discussed freely in their presence.
Such a sweet, warm and easygoing take on that... with the way similar media likes to represent trivia of the (deep and cold) outer space it is worth of a special commendation. Yeah.I was a big fan of it. This is a sort of science fiction I can get behind.
I pitty you if you need to justify your hobby.
Not so much the hobby but I wouldn't recommend say Irreversible to someone who casually expressed an interest in French cinema due to it's extreme violence or Indochine with it's weirdly languid pace. There's plenty of other choices that would allow a person to get into it without starting them on the more challenging fare straight away.
The other nice thing about Monogatari other than the infamous toothbrush scene and a few others, it's rather tame, since like 80% of Monogatari is just talking while you watch the crazy backgrounds do their thing. And they also tone down the worst element after the first season, which was Araragi constantly threatening to do terrible things to Hachikuji.The thing with Monogatari is that the non-fanservice aspects of the show more than make up for the fanservice in my opinion, as opposed to series that use fanservice to cover up everything else being either mediocre or downright bad.
OK you've hit the turn in the series, I haven't finished S2 or the film so I can't comment on 'it's all a dream' but my own pet theory is thatHaruhi is an elder god. The show is really a existentialist Lovecraft-ian horror as everyone desperately tries to avoid her collapsing their existence through her getting bored or becoming aware of her true power
I love that baseball episode.
All of the scifi and maybe fantasy elements are something I adored, as I mentioned, it was the first of its kind for me, I liked how imaginative it is.
Just remember the more significant moments of every episode for the movie to make sense which shouldn't be hard.
Also yea, there are multiple fan theories for what's going on, I don't delve into them much but I like it when shows instill such nature of engagement among fans.
The other nice thing about Monogatari other than the infamous toothbrush scene and a few others, it's rather tame, since like 80% of Monogatari is just talking while you watch the crazy backgrounds do their thing. And they also tone down the worst element after the first season, which was Araragi constantly threatening to do terrible things to Hachikuji.
Is moca news' event list still (as of today) the most complete one for Japanese animation related events? Are you people aware of any other more accurate one updated lately?
So... how did you like 'neo-NeoGAiNAX' take on cosmic phenomena?
Seems like the second-to-last studio tradition by now. :-(
It's just a different way of story telling I'm not used to where everyone has their own idea of what is going on surrounded around Haruhi and Kyon. This is Haruhi's "world/dream" and everything else is just revolving around her world. I'm actually really interested in how it all plays out in the end, but I still have half of the first season, then the entire second season to go..
It's just a different way of story telling I'm not used to where everyone has their own idea of what is going on surrounded around Haruhi and Kyon. This is Haruhi's "world/dream" and everything else is just revolving around her world. I'm actually really interested in how it all plays out in the end, but I still have half of the first season, then the entire second season to go..
Absolutely one of the shows strong points, they managed to craft a story with multiple valid interpretations that doesn't feel like you're just making stuff up from whole clothyou'll see why everyone has a theory of their own eventually - Haruhi's setting leaves untied knots at the right places for such 'fan theories' to come up
True, though that doesn't stop plenty of people here from liking the Monogatari series.
To be fair, it doesn't have bestiality.
just need a hachikuji here to complete the trinity of degeneracy
Was all of the Haruhi LN animated?
True, though that doesn't stop plenty of people here from liking the Monogatari series.
just need a hachikuji here to complete the trinity of degeneracy
Was all of the Haruhi LN animated? Any chance it will if it hasn't? I remember there was that whole drama about Aya Hirano (Haruhi's VA) but never followed up what happened after