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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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I have been wondering that upon thinking about it and depending on how things proceed then it could be a bit of subtle brilliance
as it would establish a good reason WHY there needs to be a Hero Academy.

For some reason they didn't show it in the anime well/at all perhaps it'll appear next episode just in case I'll spoiler it

the childhood friend rival got the highest battle score with 0 rescue points to contrast to deku geting the highest rescue score with 0 battle points.


For some reason they didn't show it in the anime well/at all perhaps it'll appear next episode just in case I'll spoiler it

the childhood friend rival got the highest battle score with 0 rescue points to contrast to deku geting the highest rescue score with 0 battle points.



I'm not sure if it was people being burned out really. Different teams/studios made each show. It probably looked like hot garbage because every good animator at Sunrise at the time was working on Escaflowne instead. :p

It's not just the key animators but stuff like the design work, which is really derivative. I also imagine Takamatsu was strained a bit.


For some reason they didn't show it in the anime well/at all perhaps it'll appear next episode just in case I'll spoiler it

the childhood friend rival got the highest battle score with 0 rescue points to contrast to deku geting the highest rescue score with 0 battle points.

That is probably coming next episode I would wager.
Future Boy Conan 2



The parental figure passes away to let the young child embark on their adventure. But here this framework is given added meaning by the grandfather's hopes that Conan, Lana, and their generation can build a new, better world in place of the one his generation ruined.

Conan's mourning was raw and felt realistic for what a boy in his situation would do, venting his anger and sadness through the brutal destruction of increasingly larger rocks. But you can see he's been raised right by the fact that he doesn't stop there, but he passes through his mourning into constructive, forward-looking actions.

I think G Gundam holds up pretty well for a show produced in the 90s.

These kinds of statements make me want to pull my hair out. Future Boy Conan is a TV show that came out in 1978, and it has excellent production values.






G-Gundam probably has the best animation out of any TV Gundam series in the 90s.

So you are telling me that the other 90s Gundam series look like hot poop then?
Duly noted.

Because G Gundam looked bad. Not to mention they were reusing footage even in the first few episodes!
I don't know if I like Kiznaiver so far. The designs look really nice though and I dig the OP. I'll give it a couple more episodes at least.


Lost Village 4


a giant mitsumune lmao WHAT

that is absolutely not the direction i was expecting

Someone previously mentioned that people might be experiencing different things, such as Jack seeing the other jack when nobody else did, the bus driver seeing his dead daughter and the girl seeing Mitsumune, as well as with how each of them said they heard something different when we heard the monster's cry, and I think that's a pretty sound theory.


Kiznaiver 02

These introductions are brutal. Nico is... actually not annoying. I thought she would be like Nui, but that's not the case.

You shouldn't continuously slap him if you're going to get the same pain too, y'know?

Russ T

Someone previously mentioned that people might be experiencing different things, such as Jack seeing the other jack when nobody else did, the bus driver seeing his dead daughter and the girl seeing Mitsumune, as well as with how each of them said they heard something different when we heard the monster's cry, and I think that's a pretty sound theory.

Yeah, I just found it amusing that it was a giant Mitsumune, rather than a normal one. It added a note of... absurdity to it.

Not that the show's not already super ridiculous, but!


Laputa: Castle in the Sky

I can't watch a ghibli film anymore without looking for the "Miyazaki-isms" in them. Almost spoils the movie for myself at times but i can't help it.
The movie itself was good maybe just lacks that little "oomph" to put it up their with the likes of Kiki, Nausicaa or Mononoke etc. Pretty simple adventure/journey story with pretty simplistic characters to go with it . The only thing that irked me was the third act is so excessive and just drags on and on, i got a bit sick of it towards the end.


My Hero Academia ep.4
Ok, I'm still liking this. I have to agree they are taking their time with the narrative and really playing up the drama, but I like a good underdog story, so I'll keep watching and enjoy it.


Because, unlike bad adaptations, this show isn't rushing to get to the really awesome parts (and there are some really freaking awesome parts later on).

That's a perfectly fine approach to take, until the point it never actually gets to adapt said awesome parts because it was taking so long with the early parts.

Not that I would know where the awesome parts of MHA are. What I read of the manga (first 10 chapters or so) did absolutely nothing for me, and I'm under the impression MHA doesn't really have a specific, critical plot point or reveal or whatever it needs to get to. But I just don't agree with the adapting more = bad mentality in general.
Thought the same. Those chara designs could easily pass as 20 something year olds.

Right? I guess that's the defensible reason though I still felt silly for the assumption because anime.

I 100% thought this, too. Was honestly pretty disappointed when it turned out not the be the case. It's always refreshing when an anime doesn't take place in a high school. Fortunately, the school stuff takes a backseat to the rest-of-life stuff.

Yeah exactly. I'm surprised the episode ended up leaving a positive impression on me after the initial disappointment. Nice to hear the school takes a backseat.


The Lost Village 1-4

This is played weirdly straight most of the time despite elements that feel parodic (g-d Lovepon). It's mostly the ethos of a January release teen horror movie with a touch of Sharknado et al and the end result is kind of inert. I remember somebody in this thread (BluWacky?) saying that Blood-C was enjoyable without taking it as a full on dark comedy which a) I agree with and b) is exactly what feels missing here.

Kiznaiver best Okada.
what the fuck g gundam looked great when it aired you peasants don't deserve the blu rays

bokuhero 04

deku's mom is such a mom.

I like the effect that was used for Deku activating his quirk. I'm not sure if its needed but it looks cool.

I think I'm starting to come around on this adaptation taking too much of its sweet time but maybe the beginning chapters were never that good to begin with but spending 10 minutes on "Will he pass when we have 9 episodes left???" is boring, stop that. He was falling in the air for like 2 and a half minutes thats some Noragami shit

Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou 03

this show makes me hungry.


Tonkatsu DJ 2-3

Holy shit i think i near cracked a rib from laughing too hard.

Rainbow Days 15

Surprised Mattsun didn't explode after seeing his Nozimi and Keichi together. Their relationship will be...interesting to say the leas.


Re:Zero #4

The chemistry between those two is through the roof.

The role of the insignia was finally revealed, and it's an important one! Also more general informations about the world and its current situation. And more characters. Set-up basically.
But what made it really enjoyable were the dialogue, the character interactions. Just a ton of fun.
Of course, then the end happened...
Waking up and noticing you were killed in your sleep without noticing, with no idea what happened and who did it must be terrifying.
Can't wait for next week.
Kiznaiver 03

Predictable episode in my opinion. Even though this show seems to be going seemingly nowhere, I'm still strangely drawn to it. Best opening of the season.

I think MHA is just okay.

It's enjoyable for what it is. It's not gonna be the next Naruto or One Piece, but it's still enjoyable in a dumb schlocky shonen kind of way. It's like a nice hamburger. Not memorable, but enjoyable.

Yeah, I think its too by the the books. I hope there are some good fights in the future for Bones to animate.
Re Zero - 04

Satomi and Takehito has blessed me with their presence. Found the episode pretty funny in certain bits, and I'm looking forward to how the next episode will turn out with the whodunnit aspect.


These kinds of statements make me want to pull my hair out. Future Boy Conan is a TV show that came out in 1978, and it has excellent production values.
I kind of agree with your basic sentiment. People need to be more objective and consider shows on an individual basis rather than dismissing shows as 'It's OK old shows look bad' however, there is some truth in that each era, had its own look, and production standards in some ways have risen over the years, different shortcuts were also chosen between each era.
*People shitting on G Gundam's animation:

My Hero Academia - 4


The OST for this show has been on point.

Perhaps the pacing might speed up a bit from this point onwards, but the early chapters of this manga have only been made better by it.

This show just fills me with that special kind of joy I get from watching Super Robot shows being awesome.

It's just great.


My Hero Academia 4
The animation for the arm was grotesque, I loved it. This anime just gets me in a fundamental level, even if a) I already read the manga and b) It loves to use tropes and play with them. The OST continues to be amazing and used properly, and the sound design for the SMASH gave an OOMPHT to the One Punch.

The main cast of characters is going to be introduced next episode, they are the meat and bones (heh) of the show so I am certainly excited for that.



Concrete Revolutio - Ep. 1
For some reason the anime never looked very appealing, so I never started watching it until now.
Turns out the show is actually pretty good. I'm really digging the art style.


Aikatsu Stars 3

Surprising development from Tsubasa already. Looks like she decided she'd prefer being top dog in a lesser class than being second to Hime. Hard to see a drama about a flight attendant being compelling, but what do I know? It would've been interesting to see Yume go for the Theater class, but alas, that is not to be. Her singing did feel a bit off compared to before, which is the point I suppose. Heh, the guys have counterparts to S4.

Russ T

Dragon Ball Super 40

omfg monaka ahahahahaha

Jesus Christ this tournament has been amazing from day one. Dragon Ball is real.
Re: Zero 4


A good light hearted episode after three action heavy ones. But I'm curious what this means in the scope of the show. Kind of a shame too, since every development he makes with Emilia or with other characters
is ruined now? Is he in a groundhog day sort of situation or was he killed peacefully in his sleep? I doubt he was poisoned as they were discussing the possibility of using him as a spy or some shit

Weird. Hopefully the show doesn't devolve into a
groundhog day
scenario as the banter and chemistry of Subaru and Emilia is fantastic as she reacts to his charm and humor exactly as people in reality would.
These kinds of statements make me want to pull my hair out. Future Boy Conan is a TV show that came out in 1978, and it has excellent production values.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a visual tour de force.

G Gundam doesn't have amazing animation, but what it does have is attractive art. Character artistry in particular. I think generally speaking, the art of the show has held up pretty well, even if the animation hasn't.
And when the artistry fails, because G Gundam has a base that is generally attractive, it still looks enjoyable in its goofiness.

In contrast, while Gundam Reconguista in G is a much better produced show, it has fuck all in the way of memorable art.

Look at this giant fucking nerd.


Some catching up.

Kiznavier #3

"Just Kidding" Oh screw you, through I guess she has a point about taking things seriously, cause I kind of feel that way with this show.:p

Oh man this is so fun, and Nico and Tenga are just stealing the spotlight lol. Then comes in the new guy who is hilarious in his own way. So they have to get through the summer huh? Well this will look to be one heck of a summer for them lol. Hope this continues to keep up.

Also this expression was priceless, oh Nico.XD

Flying Witch #3

Got to see her sister, some magic, and some amusing pheasant chasing. Good stuff here. And Chinatsu continues to bring some adorable reactions.:p

Saturday has been pretty good for me with these two shows.
There are a lot of Shonen adaptations running this season and I'm finding myself thinking MHA is at the bottom of them all, which I didn't really expect. I'm liking JoJo, Ushio and Tora and Dragon Ball Super more and AssClass also seems to be better. Throw in Kabaneri and its kind of a slaughter. MHA is fine but it is lagging against the competition (so kind of like the manga)

In contrast, while Gundam Reconguista in G is a much better produced show, it has fuck all in the way of memorable art.

ur so wrong. Yoshida is based and there are a ton of good MS designs in G Reco


Flying Witch 3

i was apprehensive to watch this because i didnt quite enjoy the last episode and its "relaxing sol" atmosphere

this episode was really good


Re Zero - 04

I really didn't think I'd like this show as I've kind of grown to hate almost all Anime cliches and at first glance I thought this was just something that would be going through the motions, but the MC is so likable and genre savvy that I can't help but enjoy it.

Re: Zero 4


A good light hearted episode after three action heavy ones. But I'm curious what this means in the scope of the show. Kind of a shame too, since every development he makes with Emilia or with other characters
is ruined now? Is he in a groundhog day sort of situation or was he killed peacefully in his sleep? I doubt he was poisoned as they were discussing the possibility of using him as a spy or some shit

Well, it seems as though
he only goes back to the morning before he died
, so
Subaru and Emilia's relationship
should still get some lasting development.

As far as what happened, I think the Lord guy killed him in his sleep because it seemed like he was getting too close to Emilia, which is why he said he should interfere or something like that. I'm guessing he wants to marry her himself to become King.


And when the artistry fails, because G Gundam has a base that is generally attractive, it still looks enjoyable in its goofiness.

In contrast, while Gundam Reconguista in G is a much better produced show, it has fuck all in the way of memorable art.

Wait what. As bad as G-reco was, its hard to fault its designs or art direction. They'd be well remembered if they were attached to a competent story.


Are we really throwing Kenichi Yoshida under a bus now? Dude still puts in good work. I mean yes Domon is hard to beat in the swag factor but character designs were probably one of G-Reco's few strong points.

Also I've been rewatching G Gundam recently. The show holds up. Maybe there is a strech of episodes in the center that look rough or something but right now the show is looking aces. Nowhere near as good as those Blu-Ray shots (PLZ come stateside) but great nonetheless. I'm guess if the Blu-Ray masters come stateside, they won't have the dub on them? Can that be overlayed on the Blu-Ray masters?
I kind of agree with your basic sentiment. People need to be more objective and consider shows on an individual basis rather than dismissing shows as 'It's OK old shows look bad' however, there is some truth in that each era, had its own look, and production standards in some ways have risen over the years, different shortcuts were also chosen between each era.

Every era has different approaches to art, but it's a fallacy to think that art makes steady progress towards higher quality over time. Can you imagine taking this approach in other arts? "Leonardo da Vinci was good... for the 15th century." No.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a visual tour de force.

G Gundam doesn't have amazing animation, but what it does have is attractive art. Character artistry in particular. I think generally speaking, the art of the show has held up pretty well, even if the animation hasn't.
And when the artistry fails, because G Gundam has a base that is generally attractive, it still looks enjoyable in its goofiness.

In contrast, while Gundam Reconguista in G is a much better produced show, it has fuck all in the way of memorable art.

You're really going to put down Kenichi Yoshida's character designs? You're just digging a bigger hole for yourself.
Re Zero - 04

I really didn't think I'd like this show as I've kind of grown to hate almost all Anime cliches and at first glance I thought this was just something that would be going through the motions, but the MC is so likable and genre savvy that I can't help but enjoy it.

Well, it seems as though
he only goes back to the morning before he died
, so
Subaru and Emilia's relationship
should still get some lasting development.

As far as what happened, I think the Lord guy killed him in his sleep because it seemed like he was getting too close to Emilia, which is why he said he should interfere or something like that. I'm guessing he wants to marry her himself to become King.

still, seems annoying if they're gonna use the 'gimmick' of the show this much. Will straight up kick back most character development if so.

I think its been kind of messy,it would have benefited from more episodes.

It's already getting 2 full-cours, I don't know how much more you wanted lol.


Sankarea 03

A plethora of interesting scenes to choose from but good God, this show is weird. And the mood whiplash is strong in it. And I didn't expect see actual guts spilling out, Shigurui/10
Sankarea 03

A plethora of interesting scenes to choose from but good God, this show is weird. And the mood whiplash is strong in it. And I didn't expect see actual guts spilling out, Shigurui/10

Be warned of Sankarea, don't read the manga. The show was interesting so i wanted to watch more and read the manga. Only for the manga to shit the bed with an annoying arc that was the latest at the moment and made me lose all interest.
I'll put it this way. Ushio and Tora's anime makes me want to go read the manga, even though its 2 decades old and 39 volumes.

If I wasn't already reading mha i dont think the anime thus far would have made me want to. Its perfunctory.
There are a lot of Shonen adaptations running this season and I'm finding myself thinking MHA is at the bottom of them all, which I didn't really expect. I'm liking JoJo, Ushio and Tora and Dragon Ball Super more and AssClass also seems to be better. Throw in Kabaneri and its kind of a slaughter. MHA is fine but it is lagging against the competition (so kind of like the manga)

Careful, if you criticize My Hero Academia "you've watched too much anime to appreciate solid storytelling and character arcs. That's pretty much a fact."

Are we really throwing Kenichi Yoshida under a bus now? Dude still puts in good work. I mean yes Domon is hard to beat in the swag factor but character designs were probably one of G-Reco's few strong points.

Also I've been rewatching G Gundam recently. The show holds up. Maybe there is a strech of episodes in the center that look rough or something but right now the show is looking aces. Nowhere near as good as those Blu-Ray shots (PLZ come stateside) but great nonetheless. I'm guess if the Blu-Ray masters come stateside, they won't have the dub on them? Can that be overlayed on the Blu-Ray masters?

The Gundam BDs Rightstuf/Sunrise have been publishing include both English and Japanese voice tracks, so it's safe to say any G Gundam BD they bring over will have both as well.


Kuma Miko 4
This onee-chan was certainly not like the one in Flying Witch. So much bullying. At least the episode ended on a more happy note.

Also, Machi playing Dragon Quest was me when I first played Dark Souls.
Compare what we've got in 4 episodes of Diamond is Unbreakable vs 4 episodes of MHA.

I don't even understand what this means...like I said, even compared to its own season and not stuff that just finished airing like OPM or Haikyuu its still kind of middling? This is like saying that I dislike Assassin's Creed because I've played too many video games to appreciate a soulless AAA open world game.

edit: ok MHA is better then assassin's creed at least. that's unfair.


Be warned of Sankarea, don't read the manga. The show was interesting so i wanted to watch more and read the manga. Only for the manga to shit the bed with an annoying arc that was the latest at the moment and made me lose all interest.

I've been warned so much about the quality dip after ep 03 that I'm not sure I'll even watch the anime to completion. lol
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