The Empire of Corpses
Bad. Horrible. Terrible. Abysmal. Its rare to find a movie that fails on so many levels. It fails as a story driven narrative, because its a sloppily written and directed mess. It fails as a character piece, because they're so underdeveloped and boring. And most shocking it fails as a thematic exploration, fucking crazy considering its a mix of Shelly's Frankenstein and sci-fi, to have a story with that mix be bereft of any insightful themes or concepts is mind blowinly bad writing.
Like many modern takes on the Frankenstein story it only explores the popular/less interesting ideas of the original book. I would believe it if someone told me that the people working on this movie never read the original text, because they miss the point so hard. Jeez the pacing and layout of scene in this movie, especially the first hour, is so bad. Scenes just lurch from location to location with the loosest of narratives connecting them. When the bad guy revealed his Eva/James Bond level plan at the end, I actively started to despise this movie. The script is so full of pointless, meandering scenes and unresolved secondary plots. You couldn't find a show less engaging. And then when it runs out of ideas it devolves into mindless action scholk.
Thats enough because im tired just thinking about it. There are movies that i hate more because they pissed me off more but this was a colossal waste of 2 hours. Avoid at all costs.
My hopes for the other Itoh movies is rock bottom now.