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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Has it really wandered into that kinda territory? Crap. I started it on the hilarious premise of a bunch of internet weirdos being idiots to each other as they go to live in the middle of nowhere, but if stuff like that's happening I don't think I want to continue it either.

Well they're all running away from society with a bunch of other strangers for a reason.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"



I was thinking about Slam dunk and sports shows in general, how sparse would their scripts be if they weren't allowed to say things like "He's a monster" or "100 years too early" or "Damn This guy". Man sports show have so many silly stock phrases.

Kare Kano 9-11

Asada with the original NUDIST BEACHHHH! Can Gainax just show Totoro? That was weird.
I was worried that side characters would bog this show down and detract from the main couple but jeez they are so much fun. The girls day out was hilarious. Sakura already the best for fulfilling the girl prince role.

I know Anno leaves directing soonish because of creative conflict, isn't it because the mangaka thought it was too comedic? I can respect the author sticking up for her work but imo the comedy helps to enhance the romantic moments so much, since they are so few and far between it helps make each big romantic moment more vivid and memorable. Or at least that's what i think so far.


Big Order #4
The show calls Hoshimiya Eiji out every other scene, it's almost funny... anyway, this week's episode wasn't nearly as absurd as last week's (not continuing the five-minute pregancy plot line was a real letdown), and the nuke disintegration part was lame as hell with the rock god having a second form and everyone using their powers to withstand the second nuke. Then there was some random girl who has the power to neuter nukes for some random reason, so yeah...

Things have gotten almost normal and shonen tropey here, which is a shame since I liked the ridiculous over-the-top badness that were eps 1-3.

Ace Attorney #6
Better than I expected, but still kind of meh. Having played through these cases already, I don't really feel any excitement from seeing them in animated form because of how little things changed compared to the source material so far. Later cases will probably need more than three episodes to cover everything without turning into cramped messes, so I think they might end up doing a 4 or 5 episode final case after this one, possibly spending that extra remaining episode to do the flashback or something.

I will say that Maiyoga might have the record for fastest flanderization. I swear that 80% of lovepons lines in episode 6 were execute or execution.

What Basileus777 said. You need to start with a decently nuanced character that's turned into a caricature of itself over time to fit the definition of flanderization, and most of Mayoiga's cast never had any nuance to them besides the one quip they'd chip into conversations with all the freaking time, be it "I'm hungry", "Yeah, what P-tan said" or "EXECUTE".
I was thinking about Slam dunk and sports shows in general, how sparse would their scripts be if they weren't allowed to say things like "He's a monster" or "100 years too early" or "Damn This guy". Man sports show have so many silly stock phrases.

Kare Kano 9-11

Asada with the original NUDIST BEACHHHH! Can Gainax just show Totoro? That was weird.
I was worried that side characters would bog this show down and detract from the main couple but jeez they are so much fun. The girls day out was hilarious. Sakura already the best for fulfilling the girl prince role.

I know Anno leaves directing soonish because of creative conflict, isn't it because the mangaka thought it was too comedic? I can respect the author sticking up for her work but imo the comedy helps to enhance the romantic moments so much, since they are so few and far between it helps make each big romantic moment more vivid and memorable. Or at least that's what i think so far.

You still got some to go I think but yeh, towards the last 4th or so production goes to shit. There'll also be recap episode D:

And yeh, supposedly the author felt there was too much of a focus on comedy but...I'm reading the manga, which continues to be great from where the show leaves off (in the middle of nowhere), and I think the anime captured the atmosphere perfectly. The anime juggles comedy and serious stuff exceptionally well, anyways.


Mayoiga #6
I honestly think the paranoia side of things worked better when we didn't actually see their personal fears given physical shape. Then they even went the route of the generic prophetic song and added a "she was dead all along" twist while they were at it, which was boring as hell.

While this show hasn't gone Another mode with executions, the psychological thriller aspects are absurdly underwhelming compared to the first couple episodes of the latter. I think the oversized cast's partially to blame for that, since there're so many characters that the show can't focus on fleshing any of them out decently at all. The ones we've seen so far were so scarred by a certain event in their lives that it's like their whole personality became warped around that one point, resulting in characters that are neither believable in a realistic nor stylized way.

Then there's also the issue that the show still hasn't revealed where it's going with all this stuff, all while the show's trying to make us care for its cast by throwing sob stories our way and hoping we buy into that, which is a pretty lame way of handling things IMO.

I mean, even if I didn't like the Final Destination part of Another (which was 99% of it), at least it had a selling point and kept pushing it for better or worse, while Mayoiga itself appears to have lost its way.


JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable - 5

I did not expect him to become so badass so quickly. Was pretty cool how Josuke took care of the villain in the first half before punching things until they reliant proved a suitable solution too.

Toradora - END

It was okay, I had fun but it had plenty of moments that didn't gel with me.

Kabaneri - 4

The usual paranoid people get their just deserts and everyone sees how awesome the protagonists are routine. Was hoping for more of a fight between Ikoma and the strong Kabane but an enjoyable episode overall.


Getter Robo Armageddon 02

There might already be like, 5-6 factions fighting each other in this.

Armageddon was definitely made for people already familiar with the original material. It gets easier to follow later once you get to the episodes after Imagawa left the project, even if it's not quite as interesting.

After you're done with Armageddon you should check out Shin Getter vs Neo Getter and New Getter if you haven't already. Both of those are much easier to follow, since one is mostly just a simple super robot story and the other starts fresh from the beginning.


Kiznaiver 5

Nico is going to carry this team. And she's probably a lot sharper than she acts, even accounting for her ditzy personality. Maki and Yuta are definitely going to be a thing, though not necessarily a healthy thing. Chidori herself wasn't all that great, but her speech about how the bullying affected her as well was good. Show continues to deliver, as Okada always does.

Haifuri 5

Even the navy needs a beach episode. Did no one interview Mi about what happened to her ship? Yeesh, the Musashi kicks a lot of ass. That's a lot of instructor ships going down. That's going to be one heck of a second to last or final boss battle. Weird that Moka is apparently still sane. With no obvious group being behind these incidents, I'm almost starting to actually believe that this is just a bunch of rats that want to take over the world.


Well, if you read the original and G manga you'd know more about at least three of those factions. :p

Armageddon was definitely made for people already familiar with the original material. It gets easier to follow later once you get to the episodes after Imagawa left the project, even if it's not quite as interesting.

After you're done with Armageddon you should check out Shin Getter vs Neo Getter and New Getter if you haven't already. Both of those are much easier to follow, since one is mostly just a simple super robot story and the other starts fresh from the beginning.

More of an observation than criticism really. At least for now. I still hold out hope that things will clear up later. 3rd ep already came long way towards clearing up the picture. for me.

Getter Robo Armageddon 03 END

Well that was quick. RIP everyone. Imagawa sure left with a bang.

On to Kino.

Joe Molotov

Haifuri 05

I was hoping the mouse plotline would start being resolved, but if anything, it looks like they're going HAM on it. I guess that's just the show now. Nanomicehines, son.


You still got some to go I think but yeh, towards the last 4th or so production goes to shit. There'll also be recap episode D:

And yeh, supposedly the author felt there was too much of a focus on comedy but...I'm reading the manga, which continues to be great from where the show leaves off (in the middle of nowhere), and I think the anime captured the atmosphere perfectly. The anime juggles comedy and serious stuff exceptionally well, anyways.

Yeah the balance is perfect so far. Dunno its just probably one of those things that youll never know the full truth of.

Also, Don't mind a recap episode (jeez i think Nana had like 5 recap episodes) if its done in a fun way, like Dennou Coil had one narrated by Fumie's little brother which was really fun.


Hyouka 9-11

Don't ever let this person write a script for a movie.
I was about to post how unsatisfying the conclusion to the mystery behind the movie's ending was and how Oreki continues to be perfect and solving mysteries on his own, but episode 11 was a pleasant surprise that made me appreciate the show and the its characters even more. Touche.

Chitanda getting drunk because of liquor chocolates was adorable.


Wait, they actually went through with that nuke thing. And not just Japan but the entire world went six feet under ?

I guess I know what the Armageddon stands for in the title.


Hyouka 9-11

I was about to post how unsatisfying the conclusion to the mystery behind the movie's ending was and how Oreki continues to be perfect and solving mysteries on his own, but episode 11 was a pleasant surprise that made me appreciate the show and the its characters even more. Touche.

Chitanda getting drunk because of liquor chocolates was adorable.

There is an 11.5 episode.

Recommend watching it.
Mayoiga 6

Alright, I'm starting to enjoy this now even if people still aren't dying. Of course if they go through everyone's trauma, we're going to be here a while.


Ace Attorney 06
I'm just so meh on this one unfortunately, although I should have seen that coming seeing as how playing through the games late last year and reliving the story there wasn't enjoyable for me and now doing it again in animated form is still not. Oh well. At least I know Fransizka will eventually show up and make this all worth while.


Kiznaiver - 5
Continues to be awesome. The monster guys are so funny to watch. And I think the characters have a surprising amount of depth to them, and its handled reasonably well.

Except Chidori, of course, who has been handled with the nuance and subtley of a sledgehammer. Her speech at the end was eye-roll inducing.

Also, the OP is amazing. Both the song, and the visuals.


Kiznaiver - 05

Chidori is so good holy shit! Her outfit was super cute too, and even Tenga is totally on board. The whole ending and how she really
yelled out her feelings about the bullying and staying by her childhood friend through all that horrible shit
, just so good. And the VA performance there was so good too. I really felt it! Even got me a little misty too ;_;

Also Honoka reminds me of a girl I dated in college that my friends and I later nicknamed Knife-girl.


Kyousougiga 6

The first half was powerful stuff, especially the long wordless montage with its heartbreaking ending. It narrowed in on the characters and really got into what makes them tick, presented in an organic fashion. The conversation between Myoue and "Koto Jrs. in the present had a nice use of silence as well.

The second half was

Kiznaiver 5

So...this episode was pretty great.

Kiznaiver is a good example of how a work can follow a lot of tropes, but still be meaningful.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haifuri getting exciting again.

I think next episode they take over the Musashi but have to deal with the now infected Toumai ships.

Just T

Kiznaiver: 5

Entertaining episode, probably would have had more of an impact if I liked Chidori but I don't, at all. Annoying ass character can fuck right off.

Yeesh. Other people weren't kidding. This was a bad episode.

I mean, we can talk about how the human power struggle isn't interesting, but more important than that is how lame the monster was this week.

It's a giant fat snake that can freeze people with his eyes. WHOOO TOO FUCKING SPOOKY GUIZ! It also moves slow as hell, and makes a generic monster noise.

I'll stick around, because I wanna see if they can right this ship, but damn what a downer this is turning out to be.
Quick hits:

Shounen Maid 05

Still the most heartwarming show of the season. Learning more about Madoka was a treat.

Anime Lost 05

Stop trying to make me like Execute-chan.

Haifuri 05

Capt. is a dumbass and is going to get someone fucking killed holy shit.

Asterisk 05

Not a lot to say here other than they did what I expected and didn't give this fight the attention like others got since there were other pressing matters. Bit disappointed.

Kiznaiver 05

I like aggressive girls but Honoka might have been a bit too aggressive when she came onto Yuta.


Welcome to the NHK - 1

It's funny when you go mostly blindly into a show, you're filled with all sorts of presumptions, like this show. For whatever reason I was half expecting this to be like Shirobako, only based on a guy who works for NHK, dealing with the crazy hectic schedule of news delivery, instead within the first 5 minutes my mind was full of what as I tried to comprehand Satou's surrealistic visions.

Now that my illusion of what the show is has been shattered, I enjoyed that first episode, very different from anything I've decided to watch before and interested to see where Satou's mental issues take him from here and how he deals trying to readjust himself into society.
Welcome to the NHK - 1

It's funny when you go mostly blindly into a show, you're filled with all sorts of presumptions, like this show. For whatever reason I was half expecting this to be like Shirobako, only based on a guy who works for NHK, dealing with the crazy hectic schedule of news delivery, instead within the first 5 minutes my mind was full of what as I tried to comprehand Satou's surrealistic visions.

Now that my illusion of what the show is has been shattered, I enjoyed that first episode, very different from anything I've decided to watch before and interested to see where Satou's mental issues take him from here and how he deals trying to readjust himself into society.
Great anime! I went in blind also and really enjoyed it.
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