I can't believe how good the show is. At the risk of repeating myself, the mystery is excellent and keeps me hooked every time. For example, the hot springs episode had a very good structure and a ton of clues. It wasn't really hard to guess what exactly the shadow was, but they presented everything in such a way that it wasn't too obvious or out of place. Really perfect execution. The same can be said about every mystery in the show, all of them have been handled greatly. I really want to see how they'll continue with this story about the movie, as it's seems that it's the second mystery that takes more than one episode. And finally more students appeared, that should be fun.
I only watched Hyouka because I also got somebody to watch Jojo as well.
I do this with almost every show I don't usually watch.
Want me to watch Rakugo? Watch Giant Robo, Kino's Journey, or something.
That is correct, in fact nukes are supposed to below up in midair.Big Order 4
Booo, they didn't resolve last weeks pregnancy situation. They UN tried nukes against the MC in this episode and still managed to fail, don't think those nukes need to hit the ground at all to detonate, but best not to think logically about anything at all in this show.
Probably because it sucks so much that it goes beyond "so bad it's good" and moves on to "It's so bad, it's art."Big Order 04
Holy shit why am I still watching this. The rock girl didn't even eat any rocks in this episode. Props to the anime team for even trying to include her in a dramatic scene because her design is just doujin cover material.
Gotta laugh at the end, they secured a girl whos power is to de materialize nukes???? How would you even get that power? Why would you wish for that? How would try to see if it even works? How extremely convenient is that? Why only nukes? So many questions.
There's only one instance of "hentai" that I can think of in the show so far, that being when Kennosuke was breaking out of prison (again) in episode 3 and accidentally groped a female soldier after she took him down in the hallway. Not that I'm a particular fan of that moment, but it's not like groping breasts is some obsession of the show. Also, Kennosuke's reaction was pretty amusing there.
I haven't seen Kuromukuro and I don't mean to be offensive when I say this, but NDMGGs criticisms particularly grate on me because they generally don't make sense half the time and are often very generalizing and demeaning of a medium, mecha in particular.
Hyouka 6-8
I can't believe how good the show is. At the risk of repeating myself, the mystery is excellent and keeps me hooked every time. For example, the hot springs episode had a very good structure and a ton of clues. It wasn't really hard to guess what exactly the shadow was, but they presented everything in such a way that it wasn't too obvious or out of place. Really perfect execution. The same can be said about every mystery in the show, all of them have been handled greatly. I really want to see how they'll continue with this story about the movie, as it's seems that it's the second mystery that takes more than one episode. And finally more students appeared, that should be fun.
Another strong point of the show are the dialogues, they're just perfect. Even when the conversations don't have any story relevance, they're very interesting and not tiring at all. The talk about the 7 sins or the tarot cards were very entertaining and Oreki's inner monologues made them even better. Moreover, I love the chemistry between Oreki and Fukube. Fukube's playfulness completes Oreki's character and I really like how close they are. Also, I guess that I should mention that I don't really expect any other shipping than Oreki and Chitanda. Those two are just perfect for each other. I mean, wow, it couldn't be any better.
I don't think I have more to add. The fact I didn't start it sooner was a serious mistake.
What else outside of Kino's Journey I'd have to watch to make you watchTexhnolyzeMawaru Penguindrum ?
Glad to see a first-timer enjoying Hyouka. I just finished a rewatch of the series last week and it stands as my favorite anime of all -- I'm having a hard time picking my next watch. Pay attention to the early conversations, even the ones in one-off episodes, as many of them foreshadow future character developments.
Sitting there at the bottom of the ocean, all alone, not a single sound, Hakumens eye in front and dust all over. Especially the dust. That probably gave me the final blow. Damn.
What else outside of Kino's Journey I'd have to check out to make you watchTexhnolyzeMawaru Penguindrum ?
You can do yourself a favor and put me on the ignore list. We've rarely ever shared the same viewpoint and I never regarded your arguments/comments compelling either. However, you were generally pretty friendly so that I didn't mind. That's until lately where you've been weirdly aggressive and even obviously sardonic remarks triggered that mecha persecution complex of yours, making you proclaiming that people are shitposting and shouldn't be allowed to do so.
Now that is pretty stupid and I'll do myself the favor and ignore you since its only getting worse.
Hakumen's voice was very disappointing. Actually the whole thing was disappointing. I dont understand why the series couldnt be a grounded exorcist series like BLue Exorcist or Owari no Serafu. A massive nine tailed demon fox size Hakumen able to thrust multiple nuclear powered submarines into the air was very unrealistic.
Concrete Revolutio 18
The scene with the anti-superhuman flu shots kinda took me out of the moment, a bit too edgy for my tastes, just give her a giant fake mustache and a top hat at that point!
Kikko's character seems to be going places. it feels like they're setting her up for a giant breakdown scene or something, wonder how that's going to play out.
It is a series from a different age.
My Bride is a Mermaid ep.23
So Masa is the older brotherIt's nice to get a little backstory on Masa even though we are closing in on the end. The Masa confession scene was hilarious, as well as the explanation scene with San at the end. The show is so fun!of Akane (the inspector.)
Concrete Revolutio - Episode 18
After next week, in spite of some elements (the otherworldly imagery, angelical appearance of Devila, nipples), I wasn't sure if the whole Devil Race scenario was supposed to be a Devilman homage rather than some obscure series I never heard about. However, with the half-devil guy quickly thrown in the beginning of this episode, especifically connected to last week's race, I'm now left thinking that Aikawa had planned last week's scenario to be a Devilman homage, but the guest writer deviated too much in some aspects, and so he threw a quick Devilman stand-in here to make the connection clear.
Danball Senki 1-44 END
It was awesome and kind of goofy, and it made me want to continue my game.
I think I enjoyed that the main characters were rather competent, especially Ami.
You aren't there yet, but my only disappointment with that show was the final OVA. The two post-series OVAs are decent, but they somehow manage to end with less of an ending than the tv show. They really didn't choose a good "final" story (even though the credits make it obvious they knew it'd be the ending).
cant breathe. send help.
Kagewani S2 6
I think I'm just going to drop this here. There were a couple good moments in this episode (particularly the treatment of the two cell phone recording victims), but overall it's clear that the show isn't going to go back to what I loved about the first season. Such a cruel disappointment.
Yeah I don't like the human on human element of Kagewani s2. that shit should take a back seat and just give me more anime twilight zone
I think if the dude wanted to do some sort of action/spy/intrigue short anime, I'd be down for that but it keeps interrupting what made S1 so good.
Yes, and if he wants to make something more action-oriented he'll need to use a style of animation that isn't so limited. It makes all the fast-paced moments look bad.