Concrete Revolutio - Episode 19
This was fantastic. I kinda want to watch it again later since I watched it late last night after a long day and my brain wasn't fully functioning. I really like how episodes of ConRevo can feel like totally different shows, but with the same characters and in the same continuity. Not quite the same as the way a show like Space Dandy would do it either. It's hard to express the exact feeling, but there's something exciting about not knowing what to expect from a ConRevo story, and how it fits into the larger scheme of things, but satisfying when it comes to a close and everything connects.
What I really appreciated in this episode was how in the end it definitely suggests that the riff between Jiro's vigilantes and the "official" Superhuman Bureau isn't one that cannot be healed. They're all still on the same side in the end, only separated by the complexities of society.
The storyboarding and layouts in this episode were really sharp. There are some really nice scenes which made great use of space and dynamic motion with lots of close-ups to exaggerate the intensity. Really fun action too.
Attack on Train - Episode 5
This was a bad episode with bad writing and bad character development. There's very little good to say here, and even the action was pretty boring. It's starting to feel like Mumei only has a fixed set of attacks, like a combo-driven action game, and once the player figures out what the best sequences of moves are, every fight becomes dial-a-combo. It's monotonous and mundane.
On the character side, it's baffling how nonsensical their logic is throughout the episode. We've seen these characters presented as intelligent, motivated, and well trained people in the past. Yet it seems all it takes is some remarks from a Mysterious New Friend to trigger some previously unexplored insecurity in Mumei to make her say and do inane stuff. But nevermind that, even if we assume she does have some hangups, the actions of Ikumo later on are just as bad. It seems that for people who are so committed to planning stuff out in advance, they really suck at having the discipline to stick to their own plans. Every minor distraction causes an overreaction. This is just bad dramatic writing.
The cliffhanger would be more interesting if the episode made us give a shit about what's going on. Also, I've seen this shit, and it was done better in World War Z. Lolz.
Kuromukuro - Episode 6
On the other hand, this was fantastic. I was going to complain about how the first 2 minutes plus of the episode was basically a recap of the end of the previous episode, but it quickly became clear why they were padding the front. Having an entire episode revolve around a single fight is usually tricky because it can end up feeling too drawn out. What they did here with the choreography and pace was pretty smart, and the civilian perspective was a good reminder that while we have seen a fight mecha fights in the show up until now, this is essentially the first battle the entire world will be seeing on camera.
I really liked how the direction chose to slow things down in terms of pace in many parts of the fight, because it gave the battle a sense of weight and reminded me a lot of classic samurai battles. They tend to be slower because people would be positioning themselves and planning their moves before executing them. There were a number of clever strategic elements in the fight which I really enjoyed, but the way it ended was just... so good. A reminder that Kennosuke is a brilliant swordsmen, and the best of them know how to fight in a situation where they don't have a sword.
Not sure what to think of the big "twist" at the end. But I think we probably saw it coming in one form or another.