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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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lol Asuka's Finishing Function was ridiculous. Shit like shooting 4 tiny missiles at the beginning of the first season to that.


Looks like I'm missing out on a lot by not watching Luluco. I'd pick it but I'm either too tired or too busy ~_~

Same goes for Kiznaiver.


Now finish the latest season and then debate whether or not to pick up where it left off with the manga because who even knows if it'll get finished.

I did. This is hell. It's so good and it's ending ;_;

Easily the best thing about the movie is you can tell they put their all into making it thinking it'd be the last they'd get to make of Gintama.

In some ways it was the last of Gintama by the original anime team. The new season had staff changes in most positions, and the few remaining ones moved to different positions (the original director, Shinji Takamatsu, had been a general supervisor for episodes 106+, but was sound director for the recent season. The 2nd director became the new supervisor, while a new director took over).
Mayoiga 7

"I'll tell you the truth..."

Yes! Finally!

Episode Ends



Now finish the latest season and then debate whether or not to pick up where it left off with the manga because who even knows if it'll get finished.

I did. This is hell. It's so good and it's ending ;_;

Easily the best thing about the movie is you can tell they put their all into making it thinking it'd be the last they'd get to make of Gintama.

It's gonna be a dark day for me when there's no more Gintama to experience. Followed this chronologically so I watched the film after episode 265. I guess I'm almost caught up now, and that kinda sucks. Thankfully, because of how this show's structured, I'll easily be able to go back and see select episodes without the negative of knowing "what happens next" burdening it too much.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 4 [Watchbet]

Well, glad that is done with for now.

I mean, I understand this was a necessary episode for Shinji's character and to develop him a bit more, and while there were some good scenes (
like the one where the two guys meet up with Shinji to apologize
), this episode didn't do a whole lot for me to get more attached to Shinji. Oh well. At least we won't have to do that again...hopefully.

Hopefully we are out of the mopey Shinji stage and maybe see him become a little more assertive in future episodes.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 3

Oh, Lelouch. You were so close. See what happens when you get ahead of yourself and think you have the upper hand. Now you put yourself into a corner. I am interested to see how he ends up handling this situation. This is getting pretty interesting now.


Mayoiga 7

Yeah, this show is dumb. And Mitsumune's story wasn't black comedy, just tragic. Lovepon's logic continues to amaze me though.


Maoiga 7
I had hearty belly laughs for the entire episode, it perfectly encapsulates the best quality of goodbad media in being impossible to predict where it will go next, it's just that nonsensical.


Anime Lost - Episode 7

This was a tragic episode with a dark backstory. I cried fur real when I realized what Mitsumune went through and it makes his character more interesting. It was pretty funny when they were all preparing for the WITCH HUNT, and that's just the over the top shit the show is good at. The cliffhanger was evil though. I want to know the truth right meow!


Neon Genesis Evangelion 4 [Watchbet]

Well, glad that is done with for now.

Hopefully we are out of the mopey Shinji stage and maybe see him become a little more assertive in future episodes.

Good ... good luck with that ...

Mayoiga 07

The storyboarding is so bad at time. It adds to the comedy somewhat but still...

Also, these people have now turned a blind eye to 2/3 murder attempts, one kidnapping with intent to torture and are now all openly torturing another member of their group. What a wonderful new society they have created.
Lulucop S3 - 01: Don't Lose Your Way

LOL it straight up IS life fibers. Turns out the Life Fibers were just normal space villains after all.

SAWANO RETURNS!! I've got to find out who killed my dad.

My body is so dry right now.

Also, this episode was surprisingly dark. RIP Guts.

Hopefully we are out of the mopey Shinji stage and maybe see him become a little more assertive in future episodes.

The meme isn't "Shinji get in the robot" for no reason


I missed a whole week's worth of anime, so just slowly catching up...

Space PatrOL LULUco 06 S2 END

A crime for a crime equals JUSTICE! Sound reasoning there, lmao.

God dayum, Lalaco's pirate theme is just epic. It's one of those great orchestra of Big Bads.


Space Pirate Empress Godspeed, the very incarnation of true, unfettered freedom, don't give a fuck about your normal lives. I'mma sell this piece of land whether you like it or not!

Space PatrOL LULUco 07

I bet people rated that Pile of poo a combined 3.5 instead of 3.0 like it should be.

Midori's 3rd eye is a thing of wonder, lol

That's right, Imaishi. Burn this fucking fraud of the overhyped SCAM of the decade. Burn it all, OHOHOHO~


Concrete Revolutio - Episode 19

This was fantastic. I kinda want to watch it again later since I watched it late last night after a long day and my brain wasn't fully functioning. I really like how episodes of ConRevo can feel like totally different shows, but with the same characters and in the same continuity. Not quite the same as the way a show like Space Dandy would do it either. It's hard to express the exact feeling, but there's something exciting about not knowing what to expect from a ConRevo story, and how it fits into the larger scheme of things, but satisfying when it comes to a close and everything connects.

What I really appreciated in this episode was how in the end it definitely suggests that the riff between Jiro's vigilantes and the "official" Superhuman Bureau isn't one that cannot be healed. They're all still on the same side in the end, only separated by the complexities of society.

The storyboarding and layouts in this episode were really sharp. There are some really nice scenes which made great use of space and dynamic motion with lots of close-ups to exaggerate the intensity. Really fun action too.


Attack on Train - Episode 5

This was a bad episode with bad writing and bad character development. There's very little good to say here, and even the action was pretty boring. It's starting to feel like Mumei only has a fixed set of attacks, like a combo-driven action game, and once the player figures out what the best sequences of moves are, every fight becomes dial-a-combo. It's monotonous and mundane.

On the character side, it's baffling how nonsensical their logic is throughout the episode. We've seen these characters presented as intelligent, motivated, and well trained people in the past. Yet it seems all it takes is some remarks from a Mysterious New Friend to trigger some previously unexplored insecurity in Mumei to make her say and do inane stuff. But nevermind that, even if we assume she does have some hangups, the actions of Ikumo later on are just as bad. It seems that for people who are so committed to planning stuff out in advance, they really suck at having the discipline to stick to their own plans. Every minor distraction causes an overreaction. This is just bad dramatic writing.

The cliffhanger would be more interesting if the episode made us give a shit about what's going on. Also, I've seen this shit, and it was done better in World War Z. Lolz.


Kuromukuro - Episode 6

On the other hand, this was fantastic. I was going to complain about how the first 2 minutes plus of the episode was basically a recap of the end of the previous episode, but it quickly became clear why they were padding the front. Having an entire episode revolve around a single fight is usually tricky because it can end up feeling too drawn out. What they did here with the choreography and pace was pretty smart, and the civilian perspective was a good reminder that while we have seen a fight mecha fights in the show up until now, this is essentially the first battle the entire world will be seeing on camera.

I really liked how the direction chose to slow things down in terms of pace in many parts of the fight, because it gave the battle a sense of weight and reminded me a lot of classic samurai battles. They tend to be slower because people would be positioning themselves and planning their moves before executing them. There were a number of clever strategic elements in the fight which I really enjoyed, but the way it ended was just... so good. A reminder that Kennosuke is a brilliant swordsmen, and the best of them know how to fight in a situation where they don't have a sword.

Not sure what to think of the big "twist" at the end. But I think we probably saw it coming in one form or another.


Luluco S3 Episode 01

An apt metaphor for this episode.
I'm glad this show remains good after the hiatus. Imaishi handles the season transition like a nimble sperm whale moving between hoops.

The lack of Space Pirate Empress Lalaco was dully noted however while I can still appreciate Imaishi being himself. Never lose your way Imaishi.

In all seriousness this was the best apology we could hope for KLK.


Corpse People on Iron Fortress 04



God, this Maxwell Powers is amazing with this engineer, and he's just as amazing in every episode preview. I want this character to survive at the end.

Corpse People on Iron Fortress 05

The one thing I always want more of in these zombie stories that there is hardly in any is stupid people who act irrationally out of fear get their noses broken and beaten into a pulp. I'm reminded of those soldiers and regular dudes with weapons in earlier episodes just seemingly accusing sound minded people of being Kabane and not following the rules that they set up themselves and I think that the best way to quell their fear is to knock 'em out hard and bash their faces in. It was somewhat refreshing to see Mumei show those two imbeciles fighting over food not to be stupid and actually beat them up real bad.

We're now at this point where an explanation is really needed now on who this "Young Master" is. Surely he's gotta be so good, that he rivals Levi Ackerman, right? The only information we have is that this guy is Mumei's older brother and that she is The Claw.
(Cue Vega's Theme :lol)


I'm gonna put a stop to this. I'll kill them all. Every LAST ONE OF THEM!!

OK, this Black Smoke is 60 meters tall, right? This special one had to have come from somewhere to become that monstrosity, and by the looks of
next week's preview, it seems to run like a giant spider or something.


We're now at this point where an explanation is really needed now on who this "Young Master" is. Surely he's gotta be so good, that he rivals Levi Ackerman, right? The only information we have is that this guy is Mumei's older brother and that she is The Claw.

From the sounds of it, I think he's probably either the prince or the emperor? Remember that when Mumei first arrived, she was an honored guest, and even though it seems people in the know are aware she's "different", who she is seems to have enough sway to make them overlook that. Definitely royalty.
Cardfifgt!! Vanguard G:GIRS Crisis Episode 32 (engDub)

Yes Toshiki Kai brought back some of the best card for Kagerou Lizard Hero, Undeux,Emperor Dragon Knight, Nehalem while also introducing Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Vortex Desire and Transcendence Divine Dragon, Nouvelle Vague L'Express.

Guess I was wrong about thesefights.


Kino's Journey 05

I'm not quite sure what to make of the first part of the episode. Work is pointless ? But even so necessary ? Even if we're not aware of its purpose or aim ?

2nd part sported some harrowing imagery depicting a rule of majority gone wrong. (Though I imagine Lovepon would disagree.)

I think the problem I've with this show sometimes, not so much in this episode as I more or less ate both scenarios up, is that these various parables, to present their sociological problems effectively withing 20 minutes or less, require taking certain behaviors to their (dumb) extremes. The result is a very otherworldly feel of the world presented where people act less like people and more like ciphers for any given idea the show is trying to present to the viewer at that point in time. And sometimes this bothers me a lot and sometimes it doesn't. Oh well.


Ushio to Tora #33

I have no idea how they could ever defeat Hakumen no Mono. This is the 'evil incarnate' archetype executed in utter perfection.

Big Order #5

I'm not sure if it was because I was tired, but this episode was.... weak?
And I will never understand how Eiji continues to let himself be pushed around by Hiiragi and get blackmailed. Dude, you have the power to control everything and everyone, you could just order him to do what you want instead of getting blackmailed into whatever the fuck he wants you to do. This is driving me insane.
I can look past this as long as the show upholds a certain level of undistilled dumbness, but I feel like this episode played itself too serious.


Gyakuten Saiban 7

Despite the cracks justifiably made about the first Steel Samurai ep, second two have been surprisingly competent. Show's continued this slow upward trend into being this enjoyable if relatively unambitious watch. The show has also proven to benefit massively when the source material is strong so cautiously excited for the next case.
Rinne Episode 31

Shouma is a good cast addition. I hope he stays around. I loved how he wasnt paying attention to the story.

Ace Attorney EPisode 7

Can Mitsurugi and Naruhodo work together please, they are incredible tag teaming.

Kyuta needs to stay around too.


The Lost Village ep.7

Escalation escalation, lol. Obviously, she not a ghost, so, what the hell is going on? Lovepon is pure love, so much sutra love it makes her vomit, lol.

I can't help but think that if they really slimmed down the roster and only focused on a few, this could have been much better, but as a crazy, dark, comedy, it's doing its job.
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 5

Shiraishi is such a relatable character. I've been in similar situations, in particular seeing someone I want to get close to talking with someone else and so running away. I'm glad it worked out for her. Mostly.


Ace Attorney Episode 7:

So the takeaway I always got from this case is that in all honesty Miles Edgeworth is kind of a shitty prosecutor and this investigative team needs a serious overhaul given how much evidence was missed. Also, this appears to be a legal system where the prosecution can't just go and drop charges. Also noteworthy is this case actually more complicated then how real life goes since Mr Wright would have satisfied the statues of burden of proof for his client.

Just T

Ushio and Tora: 33

What an episode, Hakumen got everybody shook. With Ushio having his breakdown and losing the spear, wonder how they will win this.

Assassination Classroom 2nd Season Episode 18

Just like the last episode I thought the action came out pretty well

Big Order: 5

Yikes to this whole episode.

Concrete Revolutio: 19

Nice episode, Jiro and the Bureau continue to get closer. It had some pretty nice action in there too. Almost forgot what Emi did the Kikko in the first season, so I wonder how this will go for her, will she become a candidate again or continue as is.
Ushio to Tora #33

I have no idea how they could ever defeat Hakumen no Mono. This is the 'evil incarnate' archetype executed in utter perfection.

Big Order #5

I'm not sure if it was because I was tired, but this episode was.... weak?
And I will never understand how Eiji continues to let himself be pushed around by Hiiragi and get blackmailed. Dude, you have the power to control everything and everyone, you could just order him to do what you want instead of getting blackmailed into whatever the fuck he wants you to do. This is driving me insane.
I can look past this as long as the show upholds a certain level of undistilled dumbness, but I feel like this episode played itself too serious.
Isn't the other guys power to cancel out reality?


Isn't the other guys power to cancel out reality?

But didn't he place all of them under his dominion in episode 2? And even if Hiiragi cancelled that reality, after blackmailing Eiji again and again, you'd think he would realize something was off and order him to not disobey him or not do anything that could bring him harm, or whatever. Just... anything.
I guess I just have a problem with the fact that his power is absolute control over everything and yet it seems he never has any situation under control and gets constantly pushed around like a scrub.



I am floored. This will probably remain the most unpleasant and discomforting film I watch this year unless something else catches me by surprise in the remaining months. And I'm not saying this in any negative way whatsoever. I think this is an amazing film with some top-tier direction. It's a work of art, both in the written narrative and the visual direction. I expected a strange film, but certainly not to the extent here.

As a general comparison, I would say this falls under the category of films like Paradox Spiral and Ghost in the Shell Innocence, in the sense that there's something interesting about how each shot is constructed, and the visual direction aims to invoke a state of mind in the viewer rather than merely communicating a narrative point. In this case, the state of mind is a constant sense of unease and discomfort that makes everything, seem a little off, and sets the viewer on edge.

The production values were pretty outstanding too, and I think both the visuals and sound did a solid job of conveying the intent of each scene. There are some really awkward looking CG sequences throughout, but viewed in context, it makes sense. While I wouldn't say it excuses some of the ugly modeling, the lack of detailed textures or artistic beauty in make of the CG backdrops are clearly intentional as they match the thematic point of the environments they depict. When the film moves to other locales which call for more natural or imperfect environments, the hand drawn backgrounds are breathtaking and really nicely painted. I think Studio 4C knocked this one out of the park.

I would recommend this film to anyone who has the stomach for some really intense graphic violence, a high tolerance level for philosophical science fiction stories with heavy exposition rather than cool-things-happening, and a willingness to endure a thematic story which much unsettle how you view the value of life and death. Much like later Philip K Dick stories, and many David Fincher films, there's a thick amount of cynicism about societal norms and humanity in general, and this isn't a story that is content with providing a satisfying and uplifting ending.

Now if you excuse me I need to book some therapy sessions.
Sailor Moon Crystal III 1

God bless Chiaki Kon for saving 2D animation. Those transformations and attacks looked great.

The worst part about this is actually Usagi's voice acting. This is another case where they brought back the original VA for a nostalgic property, but she's too old now to give a convincing performance of the character. Haruka's sexy voice helps make up for that though.





Good to hear harmony's getting some good reviews. After the train-wreck of Empire of Corpses can't say i was really looking forward to the other Itoh movies.

Speaking of things that make you sad, though in an intended way

Grave of the Fireflies

Holy shit, i needed a smoke after this. That last 20 minutes is non-stop misery and heartbreak.

The relationship between Seita and Setsuko was brilliantly captured in all the little details, the way only Ghibli can do. Their happiness and optimism and how they relied on each other really pulls through the gauntlet of emotions that are thrown at you.

I was surprised how anti-nationalist it was. Like overly so. They don't even mention who's bombing Japan, by the movies logic its just a faceless threat. And the Japanese people are portrayed in a very negative light. Obviously the aunt is the focal point but near every character is so callous or indifferent to the suffering around them and are all self-serving. The line that broke me was
Seita going to get cremation supplies for Setsuko and the guy gives them to him and says "Thats a shame, but its a lovey day isn't it?"

Not a movie ill forget anytime soon.
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